author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net>
Sat, 13 Apr 2024 23:40:28 +0200
changeset 51592 24844407fa0d
parent 50726 65f949da8469
permissions -rw-r--r--
perf: clear vfs audit_cache before each run When generating a stream clone, we spend a large amount of time auditing path. Before this changes, the first run was warming the vfs cache for the other runs, leading to a large runtime difference and a "faulty" reported timing for the operation. We now clear this important cache between run to get a more realistic timing. Below are some example of median time change when clearing these cases. The maximum time for a run did not changed significantly. ### data-env-vars.name = mozilla-central-2018-08-01-zstd-sparse-revlog # benchmark.name = hg.perf.exchange.stream.generate # bin-env-vars.hg.flavor = default # bin-env-vars.hg.py-re2-module = default # benchmark.variants.version = latest no-clearing: 17.289905 cache-clearing: 21.587965 (+24.86%, +4.30) ## data-env-vars.name = mozilla-central-2024-03-22-zstd-sparse-revlog no-clearing: 32.670748 cache-clearing: 40.467095 (+23.86%, +7.80) ## data-env-vars.name = mozilla-try-2019-02-18-zstd-sparse-revlog no-clearing: 37.838858 cache-clearing: 46.072749 (+21.76%, +8.23) ## data-env-vars.name = mozilla-unified-2024-03-22-zstd-sparse-revlog no-clearing: 32.969395 cache-clearing: 39.646209 (+20.25%, +6.68) In addition, this significantly reduce the timing difference between the performance command, from the perf extensions and a `real `hg bundle` call producing a stream bundle. Some significant differences remain especially on the "mozilla-try" repositories, but they are now smaller. Note that some of that difference will actually not be attributable to the stream generation (like maybe phases or branch map computation). Below are some benchmarks done on a currently draft changeset fixing some unrelated slowness in `hg bundle` (34a78972af409d1ff37c29e60f6ca811ad1a457d) ### data-env-vars.name = mozilla-central-2018-08-01-zstd-sparse-revlog # bin-env-vars.hg.flavor = default # bin-env-vars.hg.py-re2-module = default hg.perf.exchange.stream.generate: 21.587965 hg.command.bundle: 24.301799 (+12.57%, +2.71) ## data-env-vars.name = mozilla-central-2024-03-22-zstd-sparse-revlog hg.perf.exchange.stream.generate: 40.467095 hg.command.bundle: 44.831317 (+10.78%, +4.36) ## data-env-vars.name = mozilla-unified-2024-03-22-zstd-sparse-revlog hg.perf.exchange.stream.generate: 39.646209 hg.command.bundle: 45.395258 (+14.50%, +5.75) ## data-env-vars.name = mozilla-try-2019-02-18-zstd-sparse-revlog hg.perf.exchange.stream.generate: 46.072749 hg.command.bundle: 55.882608 (+21.29%, +9.81) ## data-env-vars.name = mozilla-try-2023-03-22-zlib-general-delta hg.perf.exchange.stream.generate: 334.716708 hg.command.bundle: 377.856767 (+12.89%, +43.14) ## data-env-vars.name = mozilla-try-2023-03-22-zstd-sparse-revlog hg.perf.exchange.stream.generate: 302.972301 hg.command.bundle: 326.098755 (+7.63%, +23.13)

  $ make_changes() {
  >     d=`pwd`
  >     [ ! -z $1 ] && cd $1
  >     echo "test `basename \`pwd\``" >> test
  >     hg commit -Am"${2:-test}"
  >     r=$?
  >     cd $d
  >     return $r
  > }
  $ ls -1a
  $ hg init a
  $ cd a
  $ echo 'test' > test; hg commit -Am'test'
  adding test

clone to b

  $ mkdir ../b
  $ cd ../b
  $ hg clone ../a .
  updating to branch default
  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ echo "[extensions]" >> .hg/hgrc
  $ echo "bookflow=" >> .hg/hgrc
  $ hg branch X
  abort: creating named branches is disabled and you should use bookmarks
  (see 'hg help bookflow')
  $ hg bookmark X
  $ hg bookmarks
  * X                         0:* (glob)
  $ hg bookmark X
  abort: bookmark X already exists, to move use the --rev option
  $ make_changes
  $ hg push ../a -q

  $ hg bookmarks
   \* X                         1:* (glob)

change a
  $ cd ../a
  $ hg up
  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ echo 'test' >> test; hg commit -Am'test'

pull in b
  $ cd ../b
  $ hg pull -u
  pulling from $TESTTMP/a
  searching for changes
  adding changesets
  adding manifests
  adding file changes
  added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
  new changesets * (glob)
  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  (leaving bookmark X)
  $ hg status
  $ hg bookmarks
     X                         1:* (glob)

check protection of @ bookmark
  $ hg bookmark @
  $ hg bookmarks
   \* @                         2:* (glob)
     X                         1:* (glob)
  $ make_changes
  abort: cannot commit, bookmark @ is protected

  $ hg status
  M test
  $ hg bookmarks
   \* @                         2:* (glob)
     X                         1:* (glob)

  $ hg --config bookflow.protect= commit  -Am"Updated test"

  $ hg bookmarks
   \* @                         3:* (glob)
     X                         1:* (glob)

check requirement for an active bookmark
  $ hg bookmark -i
  $ hg bookmarks
     @                         3:* (glob)
     X                         1:* (glob)
  $ make_changes
  abort: cannot commit without an active bookmark
  $ hg revert test
  $ rm test.orig
  $ hg status

make the bookmark move by updating it on a, and then pulling
# add a commit to a
  $ cd ../a
  $ hg bookmark X
  $ hg bookmarks
   \* X                         2:* (glob)
  $ make_changes
  $ hg bookmarks
   * X                         3:81af7977fdb9

# go back to b, and check out X
  $ cd ../b
  $ hg up X
  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  (activating bookmark X)
  $ hg bookmarks
     @                         3:* (glob)
   \* X                         1:* (glob)

# pull, this should move the bookmark forward, because it was changed remotely
  $ hg pull -u | grep "updating to active bookmark X"
  updating to active bookmark X

  $ hg bookmarks
     @                         3:* (glob)
   * X                         4:81af7977fdb9

the bookmark should not move if it diverged from remote
  $ hg -R ../a status
  $ hg -R ../b status
  $ make_changes ../a
  $ make_changes ../b
  $ hg -R ../a status
  $ hg -R ../b status
  $ hg -R ../a bookmarks
   * X                         4:238292f60a57
  $ hg -R ../b bookmarks
     @                         3:* (glob)
   * X                         5:096f7e86892d
  $ cd ../b
  $ # make sure we cannot push after bookmarks diverged
  $ hg push -B X | grep abort
  abort: push creates new remote head * with bookmark 'X' (glob)
  (pull and merge or see 'hg help push' for details about pushing new heads)
  $ hg pull -u | grep divergent
  divergent bookmark X stored as X@default
  1 other divergent bookmarks for "X"
  $ hg bookmarks
     @                         3:* (glob)
   * X                         5:096f7e86892d
     X@default                 6:238292f60a57
  $ hg id -in
  096f7e86892d 5
  $ make_changes
  $ hg status
  $ hg bookmarks
     @                         3:* (glob)
   * X                         7:227f941aeb07
     X@default                 6:238292f60a57

now merge with the remote bookmark
  $ hg merge X@default --tool :local -q
  $ hg status
  M test
  $ hg commit -m"Merged with X@default"
  $ hg bookmarks
     @                         3:* (glob)
   * X                         8:26fed9bb3219
  $ hg push -B X | grep bookmark
  pushing to $TESTTMP/a (?)
  updating bookmark X
  $ cd ../a
  $ hg up -q
  $ hg bookmarks
   * X                         7:26fed9bb3219

test hg pull when there is more than one descendant
  $ cd ../a
  $ hg bookmark Z
  $ hg bookmark Y
  $ make_changes . YY
  $ hg up Z -q
  $ make_changes . ZZ
  created new head
  $ hg bookmarks
     X                         7:26fed9bb3219
     Y                         8:131e663dbd2a
   * Z                         9:b74a4149df25
  $ hg log -r 'p1(Y)' -r 'p1(Z)' -T '{rev}\n' # prove that Y and Z share the same parent
  $ hg log -r 'Y%Z' -T '{rev}\n'  # revs in Y but not in Z
  $ hg log -r 'Z%Y' -T '{rev}\n'  # revs in Z but not in Y
  $ cd ../b
  $ hg pull -uq
  $ hg id
  b74a4149df25 tip Z
  $ hg bookmarks | grep \*  # no active bookmark

test shelving
  $ cd ../a
  $ echo anotherfile > anotherfile # this change should not conflict
  $ hg add anotherfile
  $ hg commit -m"Change in a"
  $ cd ../b
  $ hg up Z | grep Z
  (activating bookmark Z)
  $ hg book | grep \* # make sure active bookmark
   \* Z                         10:* (glob)
  $ echo "test b" >> test
  $ hg diff --stat
   test |  1 +
   1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
  $ hg shelve
  shelved as Z
  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ hg pull -uq
  $ hg unshelve
  unshelving change 'Z'
  rebasing shelved changes
  $ hg diff --stat
   test |  1 +
   1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

make the bookmark move by updating it on a, and then pulling with a local change
# add a commit to a
  $ cd ../a
  $ hg up -C X |grep -F  "activating bookmark X"
  (activating bookmark X)
# go back to b, and check out X
  $ cd ../b
  $ hg up -C X |grep -F  "activating bookmark X"
  (activating bookmark X)
# update and push from a
  $ make_changes ../a
  created new head
  $ echo "more" >> test
  $ hg pull -u 2>&1 | grep -F -v TESTTMP| grep -F -v "searching for changes" | grep -F -v adding
  pulling from $TESTTMP/a
  updating bookmark X
  added 1 changesets with 0 changes to 0 files (+1 heads)
  new changesets * (glob)
  updating to active bookmark X
  merging test
  warning: conflicts while merging test! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 1 files unresolved
  use 'hg resolve' to retry unresolved file merges
  $ hg update -Cq
  $ rm test.orig

make sure that commits aren't possible if working directory is not pointing to active bookmark
  $ hg -R ../a status
  $ hg -R ../b status
  $ hg -R ../a id -i
  $ hg -R ../a book | grep X
   \* X                         \d+:36a6e592ec06 (re)
  $ hg -R ../b id -i
  $ hg -R ../b book | grep X
   \* X                         \d+:36a6e592ec06 (re)
  $ make_changes ../a
  $ hg -R ../a book | grep X
   \* X                         \d+:f73a71c992b8 (re)
  $ cd ../b
  $ hg pull  2>&1 | grep -v add | grep -v pulling | grep -v searching | grep -v changeset
  updating bookmark X
  (run 'hg update' to get a working copy)
  working directory out of sync with active bookmark, run 'hg up X'
  $ hg id -i # we're still on the old commit
  $ hg book | grep X # while the bookmark moved
   \* X                         \d+:f73a71c992b8 (re)
  $ make_changes
  abort: cannot commit, working directory out of sync with active bookmark
  (run 'hg up X')
  $ hg up -Cq -r .  # cleanup local changes
  $ hg status
  $ hg id -i # we're still on the old commit
  $ hg up X -q
  $ hg id -i # now we're on X
  $ hg book | grep X
   \* X                         \d+:f73a71c992b8 (re)