author Pierre-Yves David <>
Sat, 13 Apr 2024 23:40:28 +0200
changeset 51592 24844407fa0d
parent 50929 18c8c18993f0
permissions -rw-r--r--
perf: clear vfs audit_cache before each run When generating a stream clone, we spend a large amount of time auditing path. Before this changes, the first run was warming the vfs cache for the other runs, leading to a large runtime difference and a "faulty" reported timing for the operation. We now clear this important cache between run to get a more realistic timing. Below are some example of median time change when clearing these cases. The maximum time for a run did not changed significantly. ### = mozilla-central-2018-08-01-zstd-sparse-revlog # = # bin-env-vars.hg.flavor = default # = default # benchmark.variants.version = latest no-clearing: 17.289905 cache-clearing: 21.587965 (+24.86%, +4.30) ## = mozilla-central-2024-03-22-zstd-sparse-revlog no-clearing: 32.670748 cache-clearing: 40.467095 (+23.86%, +7.80) ## = mozilla-try-2019-02-18-zstd-sparse-revlog no-clearing: 37.838858 cache-clearing: 46.072749 (+21.76%, +8.23) ## = mozilla-unified-2024-03-22-zstd-sparse-revlog no-clearing: 32.969395 cache-clearing: 39.646209 (+20.25%, +6.68) In addition, this significantly reduce the timing difference between the performance command, from the perf extensions and a `real `hg bundle` call producing a stream bundle. Some significant differences remain especially on the "mozilla-try" repositories, but they are now smaller. Note that some of that difference will actually not be attributable to the stream generation (like maybe phases or branch map computation). Below are some benchmarks done on a currently draft changeset fixing some unrelated slowness in `hg bundle` (34a78972af409d1ff37c29e60f6ca811ad1a457d) ### = mozilla-central-2018-08-01-zstd-sparse-revlog # bin-env-vars.hg.flavor = default # = default 21.587965 hg.command.bundle: 24.301799 (+12.57%, +2.71) ## = mozilla-central-2024-03-22-zstd-sparse-revlog 40.467095 hg.command.bundle: 44.831317 (+10.78%, +4.36) ## = mozilla-unified-2024-03-22-zstd-sparse-revlog 39.646209 hg.command.bundle: 45.395258 (+14.50%, +5.75) ## = mozilla-try-2019-02-18-zstd-sparse-revlog 46.072749 hg.command.bundle: 55.882608 (+21.29%, +9.81) ## = mozilla-try-2023-03-22-zlib-general-delta 334.716708 hg.command.bundle: 377.856767 (+12.89%, +43.14) ## = mozilla-try-2023-03-22-zstd-sparse-revlog 302.972301 hg.command.bundle: 326.098755 (+7.63%, +23.13)

# - module policy logic for Mercurial.
# Copyright 2015 Gregory Szorc <>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

import os
import sys

# Rules for how modules can be loaded. Values are:
#    c - require C extensions
#    rust+c - require Rust and C extensions
#    rust+c-allow - allow Rust and C extensions with fallback to pure Python
#                   for each
#    allow - allow pure Python implementation when C loading fails
#    cffi - required cffi versions (implemented within pure module)
#    cffi-allow - allow pure Python implementation if cffi version is missing
#    py - only load pure Python modules
# By default, fall back to the pure modules so the in-place build can
# run without recompiling the C extensions. This will be overridden by
# __modulepolicy__ generated by
policy = b'allow'
_packageprefs = {
    # policy: (versioned package, pure package)
    b'c': ('cext', None),
    b'allow': ('cext', 'pure'),
    b'cffi': ('cffi', None),
    b'cffi-allow': ('cffi', 'pure'),
    b'py': (None, 'pure'),
    # For now, rust policies impact importrust only
    b'rust+c': ('cext', None),
    b'rust+c-allow': ('cext', 'pure'),

    from . import __modulepolicy__

    policy = __modulepolicy__.modulepolicy
except ImportError:

# PyPy doesn't load C extensions.
# The canonical way to do this is to test platform.python_implementation().
# But we don't import platform and don't bloat for it here.
if '__pypy__' in sys.builtin_module_names:
    policy = b'cffi'

# Environment variable can always force settings.
if 'HGMODULEPOLICY' in os.environ:
    policy = os.environ['HGMODULEPOLICY'].encode('utf-8')

def _importfrom(pkgname, modname):
    # from .<pkgname> import <modname> (where . is looked through this module)
    fakelocals = {}
    pkg = __import__(pkgname, globals(), fakelocals, [modname], level=1)
        fakelocals[modname] = mod = getattr(pkg, modname)
    except AttributeError:
        raise ImportError('cannot import name %s' % modname)
    # force import; fakelocals[modname] may be replaced with the real module
    getattr(mod, '__doc__', None)
    return fakelocals[modname]

# keep in sync with "version" in C modules
_cextversions = {
    ('cext', 'base85'): 1,
    ('cext', 'bdiff'): 3,
    ('cext', 'mpatch'): 1,
    ('cext', 'osutil'): 4,
    ('cext', 'parsers'): 21,

# map import request to other package or module
_modredirects = {
    ('cext', 'charencode'): ('cext', 'parsers'),
    ('cffi', 'base85'): ('pure', 'base85'),
    ('cffi', 'charencode'): ('pure', 'charencode'),
    ('cffi', 'parsers'): ('pure', 'parsers'),

def _checkmod(pkgname, modname, mod):
    expected = _cextversions.get((pkgname, modname))
    actual = getattr(mod, 'version', None)
    if actual != expected:
        raise ImportError(
            'cannot import module %s.%s '
            '(expected version: %d, actual: %r)'
            % (pkgname, modname, expected, actual)

def importmod(modname):
    """Import module according to policy and check API version"""
        verpkg, purepkg = _packageprefs[policy]
    except KeyError:
        raise ImportError('invalid HGMODULEPOLICY %r' % policy)
    assert verpkg or purepkg
    if verpkg:
        pn, mn = _modredirects.get((verpkg, modname), (verpkg, modname))
            mod = _importfrom(pn, mn)
            if pn == verpkg:
                _checkmod(pn, mn, mod)
            return mod
        except ImportError:
            if not purepkg:
    pn, mn = _modredirects.get((purepkg, modname), (purepkg, modname))
    return _importfrom(pn, mn)

def _isrustpermissive():
    """Assuming the policy is a Rust one, tell if it's permissive."""
    return policy.endswith(b'-allow')

def importrust(modname, member=None, default=None):
    """Import Rust module according to policy and availability.

    If policy isn't a Rust one, this returns `default`.

    If either the module or its member is not available, this returns `default`
    if policy is permissive and raises `ImportError` if not.
    if not policy.startswith(b'rust'):
        return default

        mod = _importfrom('rustext', modname)
    except ImportError:
        if _isrustpermissive():
            return default
    if member is None:
        return mod

        return getattr(mod, member)
    except AttributeError:
        if _isrustpermissive():
            return default
        raise ImportError("Cannot import name %s" % member)