author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net>
Fri, 05 Apr 2024 14:11:02 +0200
changeset 51583 22cc679a7312
parent 49492 b3e77d536b53
permissions -rw-r--r--
phases: move RemotePhasesSummary to revision number This continue our quest to align more logic on revision number instead of node-ids. The motivation is similar to the change to `new_heads` and `analyze_remote_phases` a few changeset earlier. Again, we take this as an opportunity to rename the class, and the attribute to the new naming scheme. This will highlight the need for code update for any code using it an expecting node-ids. Many of the rev-num → node-id conversion we had to introduce in the previous changesets can now be removed. More will be removed in the future as we continue to align code toward rev-num usage. time saved in the 100 milliseconds order of magnitude for the mozilla-try benchmark I have been using.

#require no-windows

ATTENTION: logtoprocess runs commands asynchronously. Be sure to append "| cat"
to hg commands, to wait for the output, if you want to test its output.
Otherwise the test will be flaky.

Test if logtoprocess correctly captures command-related log calls.

  $ hg init
  $ cat > $TESTTMP/foocommand.py << EOF
  > from mercurial import registrar
  > cmdtable = {}
  > command = registrar.command(cmdtable)
  > configtable = {}
  > configitem = registrar.configitem(configtable)
  > configitem(b'logtoprocess', b'foo',
  >     default=None,
  > )
  > @command(b'foobar', [])
  > def foo(ui, repo):
  >     ui.log(b'foo', b'a message: %s\n', b'spam')
  > EOF
  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH << EOF
  > [extensions]
  > logtoprocess=
  > foocommand=$TESTTMP/foocommand.py
  > [logtoprocess]
  > command=(echo 'logtoprocess command output:';
  >     echo "\$EVENT";
  >     echo "\$MSG1") > $TESTTMP/command.log
  > commandfinish=(echo 'logtoprocess commandfinish output:';
  >     echo "\$EVENT";
  >     echo "\$MSG1";
  >     echo "canonical: \$OPT_CANONICAL_COMMAND") > $TESTTMP/commandfinish.log
  > foo=(echo 'logtoprocess foo output:';
  >     echo "\$EVENT";
  >     echo "\$MSG1") > $TESTTMP/foo.log
  > EOF

Running a command triggers both a ui.log('command') and a
ui.log('commandfinish') call. The foo command also uses ui.log.

Use sort to avoid ordering issues between the various processes we spawn:
  $ hg fooba
  $ sleep 1
  $ cat $TESTTMP/command.log | sort
  logtoprocess command output:

#if no-chg
  $ cat $TESTTMP/commandfinish.log | sort
  canonical: foobar
  fooba exited 0 after * seconds (glob)
  logtoprocess commandfinish output:
  $ cat $TESTTMP/foo.log | sort
  a message: spam
  logtoprocess foo output:

Confirm that logging blocked time catches stdio properly:
  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH << EOF
  > [extensions]
  > logtoprocess=
  > pager=
  > [logtoprocess]
  > uiblocked=echo "\$EVENT stdio \$OPT_STDIO_BLOCKED ms command \$OPT_COMMAND_DURATION ms" > $TESTTMP/uiblocked.log
  > [ui]
  > logblockedtimes=True
  > EOF

  $ hg log
  $ sleep 1
  $ cat $TESTTMP/uiblocked.log
  uiblocked stdio [0-9]+.[0-9]* ms command [0-9]+.[0-9]* ms (re)

Try to confirm that pager wait on logtoprocess:

Add a script that waits on a file to appear. If the script is awaited by hg,
the script will die after the timeout before we could touch the file and the
resulting file will not exist. If not, we will touch the file and see it.

  $ cat >> fakepager.py <<EOF
  > import sys
  > printed = False
  > for line in sys.stdin:
  >     sys.stdout.write(line)
  >     printed = True
  > if not printed:
  >     sys.stdout.write('paged empty output!\n')
  > EOF

  $ cat > $TESTTMP/wait-output.sh << EOF
  > #!/bin/sh
  > set -eu
  > "$RUNTESTDIR/testlib/wait-on-file" 10 "$TESTTMP/wait-for-touched"
  > touch "$TESTTMP/touched"
  > EOF
  $ chmod +x $TESTTMP/wait-output.sh

  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH << EOF
  > [extensions]
  > logtoprocess=
  > pager=
  > [pager]
  > pager = "$PYTHON" $TESTTMP/fakepager.py
  > [logtoprocess]
  > commandfinish=$TESTTMP/wait-output.sh
  > EOF
  $ hg version -q --pager=always
  Mercurial Distributed SCM (version *) (glob)
  $ touch $TESTTMP/wait-for-touched
  $ "$RUNTESTDIR/testlib/wait-on-file" 5 "$TESTTMP/touched"
  $ test -f $TESTTMP/touched && echo "SUCCESS Pager is not waiting on ltp" || echo "FAIL Pager is waiting on ltp"
  SUCCESS Pager is not waiting on ltp