author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net>
Fri, 05 Apr 2024 14:11:02 +0200
changeset 51583 22cc679a7312
parent 50994 a97f2b50219b
permissions -rw-r--r--
phases: move RemotePhasesSummary to revision number This continue our quest to align more logic on revision number instead of node-ids. The motivation is similar to the change to `new_heads` and `analyze_remote_phases` a few changeset earlier. Again, we take this as an opportunity to rename the class, and the attribute to the new naming scheme. This will highlight the need for code update for any code using it an expecting node-ids. Many of the rev-num → node-id conversion we had to introduce in the previous changesets can now be removed. More will be removed in the future as we continue to align code toward rev-num usage. time saved in the 100 milliseconds order of magnitude for the mozilla-try benchmark I have been using.

# Copyright 2020 Joerg Sonnenberger <joerg@bec.de>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
"""export repositories as git fast-import stream"""

# The format specification for fast-import streams can be found at
# https://git-scm.com/docs/git-fast-import#_input_format

import re

from mercurial.i18n import _
from mercurial.node import hex, nullrev
from mercurial.utils import stringutil
from mercurial import (
from .convert import convcmd

# Note for extension authors: ONLY specify testedwith = 'ships-with-hg-core' for
# extensions which SHIP WITH MERCURIAL. Non-mainline extensions should
# be specifying the version(s) of Mercurial they are tested with, or
# leave the attribute unspecified.
testedwith = b"ships-with-hg-core"

cmdtable = {}
command = registrar.command(cmdtable)

GIT_PERSON_PROHIBITED = re.compile(b'[<>\n"]')
GIT_EMAIL_PROHIBITED = re.compile(b"[<> \n]")

def convert_to_git_user(authormap, user, rev):
    mapped_user = authormap.get(user, user)
    user_person = stringutil.person(mapped_user)
    user_email = stringutil.email(mapped_user)
    if GIT_EMAIL_PROHIBITED.match(user_email) or GIT_PERSON_PROHIBITED.match(
        raise error.Abort(
            _(b"Unable to parse user into person and email for revision %s")
            % rev
    if user_person:
        return b'"%s" <%s>' % (user_person, user_email)
        return b"<%s>" % user_email

def convert_to_git_date(date):
    timestamp, utcoff = date
    tzsign = b"+" if utcoff <= 0 else b"-"
    if utcoff % 60 != 0:
        raise error.Abort(
            _(b"UTC offset in %b is not an integer number of seconds") % (date,)
    utcoff = abs(utcoff) // 60
    tzh = utcoff // 60
    tzmin = utcoff % 60
    return b"%d " % int(timestamp) + tzsign + b"%02d%02d" % (tzh, tzmin)

def convert_to_git_ref(branch):
    # XXX filter/map depending on git restrictions
    return b"refs/heads/" + branch

def write_data(buf, data, add_newline=False):
    buf.append(b"data %d\n" % len(data))
    if add_newline or data[-1:] != b"\n":

def export_commit(ui, repo, rev, marks, authormap):
    ctx = repo[rev]
    revid = ctx.hex()
    if revid in marks:
        ui.debug(b"warning: revision %s already exported, skipped\n" % revid)
    parents = [p for p in ctx.parents() if p.rev() != nullrev]
    for p in parents:
        if p.hex() not in marks:
                _(b"warning: parent %s of %s has not been exported, skipped\n")
                % (p, revid)

    # For all files modified by the commit, check if they have already
    # been exported and otherwise dump the blob with the new mark.
    for fname in ctx.files():
        if fname not in ctx:
        filectx = ctx.filectx(fname)
        filerev = hex(filectx.filenode())
        if filerev not in marks:
            mark = len(marks) + 1
            marks[filerev] = mark
            data = filectx.data()
            buf = [b"blob\n", b"mark :%d\n" % mark]
            write_data(buf, data, True)
            ui.write(*buf, keepprogressbar=True)
            del buf

    # Assign a mark for the current revision for references by
    # latter merge commits.
    mark = len(marks) + 1
    marks[revid] = mark

    ref = convert_to_git_ref(ctx.branch())
    buf = [
        b"commit %s\n" % ref,
        b"mark :%d\n" % mark,
        b"committer %s %s\n"
        % (
            convert_to_git_user(authormap, ctx.user(), revid),
    write_data(buf, ctx.description())
    if parents:
        buf.append(b"from :%d\n" % marks[parents[0].hex()])
    if len(parents) == 2:
        buf.append(b"merge :%d\n" % marks[parents[1].hex()])
        p0ctx = repo[parents[0]]
        files = ctx.manifest().diff(p0ctx.manifest())
        files = ctx.files()
    filebuf = []
    for fname in files:
        if fname not in ctx:
            filebuf.append((fname, b"D %s\n" % fname))
            filectx = ctx.filectx(fname)
            filerev = filectx.filenode()
            fileperm = b"755" if filectx.isexec() else b"644"
            changed = b"M %s :%d %s\n" % (fileperm, marks[hex(filerev)], fname)
            filebuf.append((fname, changed))
    buf.extend(changed for (fname, changed) in filebuf)
    del filebuf
    ui.write(*buf, keepprogressbar=True)
    del buf

isrev = re.compile(b"^[0-9a-f]{40}$")

        (b"r", b"rev", [], _(b"revisions to export"), _(b"REV")),
        (b"i", b"import-marks", b"", _(b"old marks file to read"), _(b"FILE")),
        (b"e", b"export-marks", b"", _(b"new marks file to write"), _(b"FILE")),
            _(b"remap usernames using this file"),
    _(b"[OPTION]... [REV]..."),
def fastexport(ui, repo, *revs, **opts):
    """export repository as git fast-import stream

    This command lets you dump a repository as a human-readable text stream.
    It can be piped into corresponding import routines like "git fast-import".
    Incremental dumps can be created by using marks files.
    revs += tuple(opts.get("rev", []))
    if not revs:
        revs = scmutil.revrange(repo, [b":"])
        revs = logcmdutil.revrange(repo, revs)
    if not revs:
        raise error.Abort(_(b"no revisions matched"))
    authorfile = opts.get("authormap")
    if authorfile:
        authormap = convcmd.readauthormap(ui, authorfile)
        authormap = {}

    import_marks = opts.get("import_marks")
    marks = {}
    if import_marks:
        with open(import_marks, "rb") as import_marks_file:
            for line in import_marks_file:
                line = line.strip()
                if not isrev.match(line) or line in marks:
                    raise error.Abort(_(b"Corrupted marks file"))
                marks[line] = len(marks) + 1

    with ui.makeprogress(
        _(b"exporting"), unit=_(b"revisions"), total=len(revs)
    ) as progress:
        for rev in revs:
            export_commit(ui, repo, rev, marks, authormap)

    export_marks = opts.get("export_marks")
    if export_marks:
        with open(export_marks, "wb") as export_marks_file:
            output_marks = [None] * len(marks)
            for k, v in marks.items():
                output_marks[v - 1] = k
            for k in output_marks:
                export_marks_file.write(k + b"\n")