author Augie Fackler <raf@durin42.com>
Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:27:31 -0500
changeset 23643 2205d00b6d2b
parent 22355 731b2a90983b
child 23328 3a7d9c0c57a5
permissions -rw-r--r--
demandimport: blacklist distutils.msvc9compiler (issue4475) This module depends on _winreg, which is windows-only. Recent versions of setuptools load distutils.msvc9compiler and expect it to ImportError immediately when on non-Windows platforms, so we need to let them do that. This breaks in an especially mystifying way, because setuptools uses vars() on the imported module. We then throw an exception, which vars doesn't pick up on well. For example: In [3]: class wat(object): ...: @property ...: def __dict__(self): ...: assert False ...: In [4]: vars(wat()) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-4-2781ada5ffe6> in <module>() ----> 1 vars(wat()) TypeError: vars() argument must have __dict__ attribute Which is similar to the problem we run into.

from mercurial import ancestor, commands, hg, ui, util

# graph is a dict of child->parent adjacency lists for this graph:
# o  13
# |
# | o  12
# | |
# | | o    11
# | | |\
# | | | | o  10
# | | | | |
# | o---+ |  9
# | | | | |
# o | | | |  8
#  / / / /
# | | o |  7
# | | | |
# o---+ |  6
#  / / /
# | | o  5
# | |/
# | o  4
# | |
# o |  3
# | |
# | o  2
# |/
# o  1
# |
# o  0

graph = {0: [-1], 1: [0], 2: [1], 3: [1], 4: [2], 5: [4], 6: [4],
         7: [4], 8: [-1], 9: [6, 7], 10: [5], 11: [3, 7], 12: [9],
         13: [8]}
pfunc = graph.get

class mockchangelog(object):
    parentrevs = graph.get

def runmissingancestors(revs, bases):
    print "%% ancestors of %s and not of %s" % (revs, bases)
    print ancestor.missingancestors(revs, bases, pfunc)

def test_missingancestors():
    # Empty revs
    runmissingancestors([], [1])
    runmissingancestors([], [])

    # If bases is empty, it's the same as if it were [nullrev]
    runmissingancestors([12], [])

    # Trivial case: revs == bases
    runmissingancestors([0], [0])
    runmissingancestors([4, 5, 6], [6, 5, 4])

    # With nullrev
    runmissingancestors([-1], [12])
    runmissingancestors([12], [-1])

    # 9 is a parent of 12. 7 is a parent of 9, so an ancestor of 12. 6 is an
    # ancestor of 12 but not of 7.
    runmissingancestors([12], [9])
    runmissingancestors([9], [12])
    runmissingancestors([12, 9], [7])
    runmissingancestors([7, 6], [12])

    # More complex cases
    runmissingancestors([10], [11, 12])
    runmissingancestors([11], [10])
    runmissingancestors([11], [10, 12])
    runmissingancestors([12], [10])
    runmissingancestors([12], [11])
    runmissingancestors([10, 11, 12], [13])
    runmissingancestors([13], [10, 11, 12])

def genlazyancestors(revs, stoprev=0, inclusive=False):
    print ("%% lazy ancestor set for %s, stoprev = %s, inclusive = %s" %
           (revs, stoprev, inclusive))
    return ancestor.lazyancestors(mockchangelog, revs, stoprev=stoprev,

def printlazyancestors(s, l):
    print [n for n in l if n in s]

def test_lazyancestors():
    # Empty revs
    s = genlazyancestors([])
    printlazyancestors(s, [3, 0, -1])

    # Standard example
    s = genlazyancestors([11, 13])
    printlazyancestors(s, [11, 13, 7, 9, 8, 3, 6, 4, 1, -1, 0])

    # Standard with ancestry in the initial set (1 is ancestor of 3)
    s = genlazyancestors([1, 3])
    printlazyancestors(s, [1, -1, 0])

    # Including revs
    s = genlazyancestors([11, 13], inclusive=True)
    printlazyancestors(s, [11, 13, 7, 9, 8, 3, 6, 4, 1, -1, 0])

    # Test with stoprev
    s = genlazyancestors([11, 13], stoprev=6)
    printlazyancestors(s, [11, 13, 7, 9, 8, 3, 6, 4, 1, -1, 0])
    s = genlazyancestors([11, 13], stoprev=6, inclusive=True)
    printlazyancestors(s, [11, 13, 7, 9, 8, 3, 6, 4, 1, -1, 0])

# The C gca algorithm requires a real repo. These are textual descriptions of
# DAGs that have been known to be problematic.
dagtests = [
def test_gca():
    u = ui.ui()
    for i, dag in enumerate(dagtests):
        repo = hg.repository(u, 'gca%d' % i, create=1)
        cl = repo.changelog
        if not util.safehasattr(cl.index, 'ancestors'):
            # C version not available

        commands.debugbuilddag(u, repo, dag)
        # Compare the results of the Python and C versions. This does not
        # include choosing a winner when more than one gca exists -- we make
        # sure both return exactly the same set of gcas.
        for a in cl:
            for b in cl:
                cgcas = sorted(cl.index.ancestors(a, b))
                pygcas = sorted(ancestor.ancestors(cl.parentrevs, a, b))
                if cgcas != pygcas:
                    print "test_gca: for dag %s, gcas for %d, %d:" % (dag, a, b)
                    print "  C returned:      %s" % cgcas
                    print "  Python returned: %s" % pygcas

if __name__ == '__main__':