author Mads Kiilerich <madski@unity3d.com>
Thu, 19 Mar 2015 17:40:19 +0100
changeset 24395 216fa1ba9993
parent 22300 35ab037de989
child 25660 328739ea70c3
permissions -rw-r--r--
convert: optimize convert of files that are unmodified from p2 in merges Conversion of a merge starts with p1 and re-adds the files that were changed in the merge or came unmodified from p2. Files that are unmodified from p1 will thus not be touched and take no time. Files that are unmodified from p2 would be retrieved and rehashed. They would end up getting the same hash as in p2 and end up reusing the filelog entry and look like the p1 case ... but it was slow. Instead, make getchanges also return 'files that are unmodified from p2' so the sink can reuse the existing p2 entry instead of calling getfile. Reuse of filelog entries can make a big difference when files are big and with long revlong chains so they take time to retrieve and hash, or when using an expensive custom getfile function (think http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/ConvertExtension#Customization with a code reformatter). This in combination with changes to reuse filectx entries in localrepo._filecommit make 'unchanged from p2' almost as fast as 'unchanged from p1'. This is so far only implemented for the combination of hg source and hg sink. This is a refactoring/optimization. It is covered by existing tests and show no changes - which is a good thing.

# cvs.py: CVS conversion code inspired by hg-cvs-import and git-cvsimport
#  Copyright 2005-2009 Matt Mackall <mpm@selenic.com> and others
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

import os, re, socket, errno
from cStringIO import StringIO
from mercurial import encoding, util
from mercurial.i18n import _

from common import NoRepo, commit, converter_source, checktool
from common import makedatetimestamp
import cvsps

class convert_cvs(converter_source):
    def __init__(self, ui, path, rev=None):
        super(convert_cvs, self).__init__(ui, path, rev=rev)

        cvs = os.path.join(path, "CVS")
        if not os.path.exists(cvs):
            raise NoRepo(_("%s does not look like a CVS checkout") % path)


        self.changeset = None
        self.files = {}
        self.tags = {}
        self.lastbranch = {}
        self.socket = None
        self.cvsroot = open(os.path.join(cvs, "Root")).read()[:-1]
        self.cvsrepo = open(os.path.join(cvs, "Repository")).read()[:-1]
        self.encoding = encoding.encoding


    def _parse(self):
        if self.changeset is not None:
        self.changeset = {}

        maxrev = 0
        if self.rev:
            # TODO: handle tags
                # patchset number?
                maxrev = int(self.rev)
            except ValueError:
                raise util.Abort(_('revision %s is not a patchset number')
                                 % self.rev)

        d = os.getcwd()
            id = None

            cache = 'update'
            if not self.ui.configbool('convert', 'cvsps.cache', True):
                cache = None
            db = cvsps.createlog(self.ui, cache=cache)
            db = cvsps.createchangeset(self.ui, db,
                fuzz=int(self.ui.config('convert', 'cvsps.fuzz', 60)),
                mergeto=self.ui.config('convert', 'cvsps.mergeto', None),
                mergefrom=self.ui.config('convert', 'cvsps.mergefrom', None))

            for cs in db:
                if maxrev and cs.id > maxrev:
                id = str(cs.id)
                cs.author = self.recode(cs.author)
                self.lastbranch[cs.branch] = id
                cs.comment = self.recode(cs.comment)
                if self.ui.configbool('convert', 'localtimezone'):
                    cs.date = makedatetimestamp(cs.date[0])
                date = util.datestr(cs.date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %1%2')
                self.tags.update(dict.fromkeys(cs.tags, id))

                files = {}
                for f in cs.entries:
                    files[f.file] = "%s%s" % ('.'.join([str(x)
                                                        for x in f.revision]),
                                              ['', '(DEAD)'][f.dead])

                # add current commit to set
                c = commit(author=cs.author, date=date,
                           parents=[str(p.id) for p in cs.parents],
                           desc=cs.comment, branch=cs.branch or '')
                self.changeset[id] = c
                self.files[id] = files

            self.heads = self.lastbranch.values()

    def _connect(self):
        root = self.cvsroot
        conntype = None
        user, host = None, None
        cmd = ['cvs', 'server']

        self.ui.status(_("connecting to %s\n") % root)

        if root.startswith(":pserver:"):
            root = root[9:]
            m = re.match(r'(?:(.*?)(?::(.*?))?@)?([^:\/]*)(?::(\d*))?(.*)',
            if m:
                conntype = "pserver"
                user, passw, serv, port, root = m.groups()
                if not user:
                    user = "anonymous"
                if not port:
                    port = 2401
                    port = int(port)
                format0 = ":pserver:%s@%s:%s" % (user, serv, root)
                format1 = ":pserver:%s@%s:%d%s" % (user, serv, port, root)

                if not passw:
                    passw = "A"
                    cvspass = os.path.expanduser("~/.cvspass")
                        pf = open(cvspass)
                        for line in pf.read().splitlines():
                            part1, part2 = line.split(' ', 1)
                            # /1 :pserver:user@example.com:2401/cvsroot/foo
                            # Ah<Z
                            if part1 == '/1':
                                part1, part2 = part2.split(' ', 1)
                                format = format1
                            # :pserver:user@example.com:/cvsroot/foo Ah<Z
                                format = format0
                            if part1 == format:
                                passw = part2
                    except IOError, inst:
                        if inst.errno != errno.ENOENT:
                            if not getattr(inst, 'filename', None):
                                inst.filename = cvspass

                sck = socket.socket()
                sck.connect((serv, port))
                sck.send("\n".join(["BEGIN AUTH REQUEST", root, user, passw,
                                    "END AUTH REQUEST", ""]))
                if sck.recv(128) != "I LOVE YOU\n":
                    raise util.Abort(_("CVS pserver authentication failed"))

                self.writep = self.readp = sck.makefile('r+')

        if not conntype and root.startswith(":local:"):
            conntype = "local"
            root = root[7:]

        if not conntype:
            # :ext:user@host/home/user/path/to/cvsroot
            if root.startswith(":ext:"):
                root = root[5:]
            m = re.match(r'(?:([^@:/]+)@)?([^:/]+):?(.*)', root)
            # Do not take Windows path "c:\foo\bar" for a connection strings
            if os.path.isdir(root) or not m:
                conntype = "local"
                conntype = "rsh"
                user, host, root = m.group(1), m.group(2), m.group(3)

        if conntype != "pserver":
            if conntype == "rsh":
                rsh = os.environ.get("CVS_RSH") or "ssh"
                if user:
                    cmd = [rsh, '-l', user, host] + cmd
                    cmd = [rsh, host] + cmd

            # popen2 does not support argument lists under Windows
            cmd = [util.shellquote(arg) for arg in cmd]
            cmd = util.quotecommand(' '.join(cmd))
            self.writep, self.readp = util.popen2(cmd)

        self.realroot = root

        self.writep.write("Root %s\n" % root)
        self.writep.write("Valid-responses ok error Valid-requests Mode"
                          " M Mbinary E Checked-in Created Updated"
                          " Merged Removed\n")
        r = self.readp.readline()
        if not r.startswith("Valid-requests"):
            raise util.Abort(_('unexpected response from CVS server '
                               '(expected "Valid-requests", but got %r)')
                             % r)
        if "UseUnchanged" in r:
            r = self.readp.readline()

    def getheads(self):
        return self.heads

    def getfile(self, name, rev):

        def chunkedread(fp, count):
            # file-objects returned by socket.makefile() do not handle
            # large read() requests very well.
            chunksize = 65536
            output = StringIO()
            while count > 0:
                data = fp.read(min(count, chunksize))
                if not data:
                    raise util.Abort(_("%d bytes missing from remote file")
                                     % count)
                count -= len(data)
            return output.getvalue()

        if rev.endswith("(DEAD)"):
            return None, None

        args = ("-N -P -kk -r %s --" % rev).split()
        args.append(self.cvsrepo + '/' + name)
        for x in args:
            self.writep.write("Argument %s\n" % x)
        self.writep.write("Directory .\n%s\nco\n" % self.realroot)

        data = ""
        mode = None
        while True:
            line = self.readp.readline()
            if line.startswith("Created ") or line.startswith("Updated "):
                self.readp.readline() # path
                self.readp.readline() # entries
                mode = self.readp.readline()[:-1]
                count = int(self.readp.readline()[:-1])
                data = chunkedread(self.readp, count)
            elif line.startswith(" "):
                data += line[1:]
            elif line.startswith("M "):
            elif line.startswith("Mbinary "):
                count = int(self.readp.readline()[:-1])
                data = chunkedread(self.readp, count)
                if line == "ok\n":
                    if mode is None:
                        raise util.Abort(_('malformed response from CVS'))
                    return (data, "x" in mode and "x" or "")
                elif line.startswith("E "):
                    self.ui.warn(_("cvs server: %s\n") % line[2:])
                elif line.startswith("Remove"):
                    raise util.Abort(_("unknown CVS response: %s") % line)

    def getchanges(self, rev, full):
        if full:
            raise util.Abort(_("convert from cvs do not support --full"))
        return sorted(self.files[rev].iteritems()), {}, set()

    def getcommit(self, rev):
        return self.changeset[rev]

    def gettags(self):
        return self.tags

    def getchangedfiles(self, rev, i):
        return sorted(self.files[rev])