author Pierre-Yves David <>
Tue, 09 Apr 2024 02:54:19 +0200
changeset 51586 1cef1412af3e
parent 46494 d67732a4b58a
permissions -rw-r--r--
phases: rework the logic of _pushdiscoveryphase to bound complexity This rework the various graph traversal in _pushdiscoveryphase to keep the complexity in check. This is done though a couple of things: - first, limiting the space we have to explore, for example, if we are not in publishing push, we don't need to consider remote draft roots that are also draft locally, as there is nothing to be moved there. - avoid unbounded descendant computation, and use the faster "rev between" computation. This provide a massive boost to performance when exchanging with repository with a massive amount of draft, like mozilla-try: ### = mozilla-try-2023-03-22-zstd-sparse-revlog # = hg.command.push # bin-env-vars.hg.flavor = default # = default # benchmark.variants.explicit-rev = all-out-heads # benchmark.variants.issue6528 = disabled # benchmark.variants.protocol = ssh # benchmark.variants.reuse-external-delta-parent = default ## benchmark.variants.revs = any-1-extra-rev before: 20.346590 seconds after: 11.232059 seconds (-38.15%, -7.48 seconds) ## benchmark.variants.revs = any-100-extra-rev before: 24.752051 seconds after: 15.367412 seconds (-37.91%, -9.38 seconds) After this changes, the push operation is still quite too slow. Some of this can be attributed to general phases slowness (reading all the roots from disk for example) and other know slowness (not using persistent-nodemap, branchmap, tags, etc. We are also working on them, but with this series, phase discovery during push no longer showing up in profile and this is a pretty nice and bit low-hanging fruit out of the way. ### (same case as the above) # benchmark.variants.revs = any-1-extra-rev pre-%ln-change: 44.235070 this-changeset: 11.232059 seconds (-74.61%, -33.00 seconds) # benchmark.variants.revs = any-100-extra-rev pre-%ln-change: 49.234697 this-changeset: 15.367412 seconds (-68.79%, -33.87 seconds) Note that with this change, the `hg push` performance is now much closer to the `hg pull` performance, even it still lagging behind a bit. (and the overall performance are still too slow). ### = mozilla-try-2023-03-22-ds2-pnm # benchmark.variants.explicit-rev = all-out-heads # benchmark.variants.issue6528 = disabled # benchmark.variants.protocol = ssh # benchmark.variants.pulled-delta-reuse-policy = default # bin-env-vars.hg.flavor = rust ## benchmark.variants.revs = any-1-extra-rev hg.command.pull: 6.517450 hg.command.push: 11.219888 ## benchmark.variants.revs = any-100-extra-rev hg.command.pull: 10.160991 hg.command.push: 14.251107 ### = mozilla-try-2023-03-22-zstd-sparse-revlog # = default # benchmark.variants.explicit-rev = all-out-heads # benchmark.variants.issue6528 = disabled # benchmark.variants.protocol = ssh # benchmark.variants.pulled-delta-reuse-policy = default ## bin-env-vars.hg.flavor = default ## benchmark.variants.revs = any-1-extra-rev hg.command.pull: 8.577772 hg.command.push: 11.232059 ## bin-env-vars.hg.flavor = default ## benchmark.variants.revs = any-100-extra-rev hg.command.pull: 13.152976 hg.command.push: 15.367412 ## bin-env-vars.hg.flavor = rust ## benchmark.variants.revs = any-1-extra-rev hg.command.pull: 8.731982 hg.command.push: 11.178751 ## bin-env-vars.hg.flavor = rust ## benchmark.variants.revs = any-100-extra-rev hg.command.pull: 13.184236 hg.command.push: 15.620843

== New Features ==

 * There is a new config section for templates used by hg commands. It
   is called `[command-templates]`. Some existing config options have
   been deprecated in favor of config options in the new
   section. These are: `ui.logtemplate` to `command-templates.log`,
   `ui.graphnodetemplate` to `command-templates.graphnode`,
   `ui.mergemarkertemplate` to `command-templates.mergemarker`,
   `ui.pre-merge-tool-output-template` to

 * There is a new set of config options for the template used for the
   one-line commit summary displayed by various commands, such as `hg
   rebase`. The main one is `command-templates.oneline-summary`. That
   can be overridden per command with
   `command-templates.oneline-summary.<command>`, where `<command>`
   can be e.g. `rebase`. As part of this effort, the default format
   from `hg rebase` was reorganized a bit.

 * `hg purge` is now a core command using `--confirm` by default.

 * `hg diff` and `hg extdiff` now support `--from <rev>` and `--to <rev>`
   arguments as clearer alternatives to `-r <revs>`. `-r <revs>` has been

 * The memory footprint per changeset during pull/unbundle
   operations has been further reduced.

 * There is a new internal merge tool called `internal:mergediff` (can
   be set as the value for the `merge` config in the `[ui]`
   section). It resolves merges the same was as `internal:merge` and
   `internal:merge3`, but it shows conflicts differently. Instead of
   showing 2 or 3 snapshots of the conflicting pieces of code, it
   shows one snapshot and a diff. This may be useful when at least one
   side of the conflict is similar to the base. The new marker style
   is also supported by "premerge" as

 * External hooks are now called with `HGPLAIN=1` preset.  This has the side
   effect of ignoring aliases, templates, revsetaliases, and a few other config
   options in any `hg` command spawned by the hook.  The previous behavior
   can be restored by setting HGPLAINEXCEPT appropriately in the parent process.
   See `hg help environment` for the list of items, and how to set it.

 * The `branchmap` cache is updated more intelligently and can be
   significantly faster for repositories with many branches and changesets.

 * The `rev-branch-cache` is now updated incrementally whenever changesets
   are added.

== New Experimental Features ==

* `experimental.single-head-per-branch:public-changes-only` can be used
  restrict the single head check to public revision. This is useful for
  overlay repository that have both a publishing and non-publishing view
  of the same storage.

== Bug Fixes ==

== Backwards Compatibility Changes ==

 * `--force-lock` and `--force-wlock` options on `hg debuglock` command are
   renamed to `--force-free-lock` and `--force-free-wlock` respectively.

== Internal API Changes ==

 * `changelog.branchinfo` is deprecated and will be removed after 5.8.
   It is superseded by `changelogrevision.branchinfo`.