author Pierre-Yves David <>
Tue, 09 Apr 2024 02:54:19 +0200
changeset 51586 1cef1412af3e
parent 51292 9c5bd485fbb6
permissions -rw-r--r--
phases: rework the logic of _pushdiscoveryphase to bound complexity This rework the various graph traversal in _pushdiscoveryphase to keep the complexity in check. This is done though a couple of things: - first, limiting the space we have to explore, for example, if we are not in publishing push, we don't need to consider remote draft roots that are also draft locally, as there is nothing to be moved there. - avoid unbounded descendant computation, and use the faster "rev between" computation. This provide a massive boost to performance when exchanging with repository with a massive amount of draft, like mozilla-try: ### = mozilla-try-2023-03-22-zstd-sparse-revlog # = hg.command.push # bin-env-vars.hg.flavor = default # = default # benchmark.variants.explicit-rev = all-out-heads # benchmark.variants.issue6528 = disabled # benchmark.variants.protocol = ssh # benchmark.variants.reuse-external-delta-parent = default ## benchmark.variants.revs = any-1-extra-rev before: 20.346590 seconds after: 11.232059 seconds (-38.15%, -7.48 seconds) ## benchmark.variants.revs = any-100-extra-rev before: 24.752051 seconds after: 15.367412 seconds (-37.91%, -9.38 seconds) After this changes, the push operation is still quite too slow. Some of this can be attributed to general phases slowness (reading all the roots from disk for example) and other know slowness (not using persistent-nodemap, branchmap, tags, etc. We are also working on them, but with this series, phase discovery during push no longer showing up in profile and this is a pretty nice and bit low-hanging fruit out of the way. ### (same case as the above) # benchmark.variants.revs = any-1-extra-rev pre-%ln-change: 44.235070 this-changeset: 11.232059 seconds (-74.61%, -33.00 seconds) # benchmark.variants.revs = any-100-extra-rev pre-%ln-change: 49.234697 this-changeset: 15.367412 seconds (-68.79%, -33.87 seconds) Note that with this change, the `hg push` performance is now much closer to the `hg pull` performance, even it still lagging behind a bit. (and the overall performance are still too slow). ### = mozilla-try-2023-03-22-ds2-pnm # benchmark.variants.explicit-rev = all-out-heads # benchmark.variants.issue6528 = disabled # benchmark.variants.protocol = ssh # benchmark.variants.pulled-delta-reuse-policy = default # bin-env-vars.hg.flavor = rust ## benchmark.variants.revs = any-1-extra-rev hg.command.pull: 6.517450 hg.command.push: 11.219888 ## benchmark.variants.revs = any-100-extra-rev hg.command.pull: 10.160991 hg.command.push: 14.251107 ### = mozilla-try-2023-03-22-zstd-sparse-revlog # = default # benchmark.variants.explicit-rev = all-out-heads # benchmark.variants.issue6528 = disabled # benchmark.variants.protocol = ssh # benchmark.variants.pulled-delta-reuse-policy = default ## bin-env-vars.hg.flavor = default ## benchmark.variants.revs = any-1-extra-rev hg.command.pull: 8.577772 hg.command.push: 11.232059 ## bin-env-vars.hg.flavor = default ## benchmark.variants.revs = any-100-extra-rev hg.command.pull: 13.152976 hg.command.push: 15.367412 ## bin-env-vars.hg.flavor = rust ## benchmark.variants.revs = any-1-extra-rev hg.command.pull: 8.731982 hg.command.push: 11.178751 ## bin-env-vars.hg.flavor = rust ## benchmark.variants.revs = any-100-extra-rev hg.command.pull: 13.184236 hg.command.push: 15.620843

# - centralized declaration of configuration option
#  Copyright 2017 Pierre-Yves David <>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

import functools
import re

from .utils import resourceutil

from . import (

    import tomllib  # pytype: disable=import-error

    tomllib.load  # trigger lazy import
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    # Python <3.11 compat
    from .thirdparty import tomli as tomllib

def loadconfigtable(ui, extname, configtable):
    """update config item known to the ui with the extension ones"""
    for section, items in sorted(configtable.items()):
        knownitems = ui._knownconfig.setdefault(section, itemregister())
        knownkeys = set(knownitems)
        newkeys = set(items)
        for key in sorted(knownkeys & newkeys):
            msg = b"extension '%s' overwrites config item '%s.%s'"
            msg %= (extname, section, key)
            ui.develwarn(msg, config=b'warn-config')


class configitem:
    """represent a known config item

    :section: the official config section where to find this item,
       :name: the official name within the section,
    :default: default value for this item,
    :alias: optional list of tuples as alternatives,
    :generic: this is a generic definition, match name using regular expression.

    def __init__(
        self.section = section = name
        self.default = default
        self.documentation = documentation
        self.alias = list(alias)
        self.generic = generic
        self.priority = priority
        self.experimental = experimental
        self._re = None
        self.in_core_extension = in_core_extension
        if generic:
            self._re = re.compile(

class itemregister(dict):
    """A specialized dictionary that can handle wild-card selection"""

    def __init__(self):
        super(itemregister, self).__init__()
        self._generics = set()

    def update(self, other):  # pytype: disable=signature-mismatch
        super(itemregister, self).update(other)

    def __setitem__(self, key, item):
        super(itemregister, self).__setitem__(key, item)
        if item.generic:

    def get(self, key):
        baseitem = super(itemregister, self).get(key)
        if baseitem is not None and not baseitem.generic:
            return baseitem

        # search for a matching generic item
        generics = sorted(self._generics, key=(lambda x: (x.priority,
        for item in generics:
            # we use 'match' instead of 'search' to make the matching simpler
            # for people unfamiliar with regular expression. Having the match
            # rooted to the start of the string will produce less surprising
            # result for user writing simple regex for sub-attribute.
            # For example using "color\..*" match produces an unsurprising
            # result, while using search could suddenly match apparently
            # unrelated configuration that happens to contains "color."
            # anywhere. This is a tradeoff where we favor requiring ".*" on
            # some match to avoid the need to prefix most pattern with "^".
            # The "^" seems more error prone.
            if item._re.match(key):
                return item

        return None

def sanitize_item(item):
    """Apply the transformations that are encoded on top of the pure data"""

    # Set the special defaults
    default_type_key = "default-type"
    default_type = item.pop(default_type_key, None)
    if default_type == "dynamic":
        item["default"] = dynamicdefault
    elif default_type == "list_type":
        item["default"] = list
    elif default_type == "lambda":
        assert isinstance(item["default"], list)
        default = [e.encode() for e in item["default"]]
        item["default"] = lambda: default
    elif default_type == "lazy_module":
        item["default"] = lambda: encoding.encoding
        if default_type is not None:
            msg = "invalid default config type %r for '%s.%s'"
            msg %= (default_type, item["section"], item["name"])
            raise error.ProgrammingError(msg)

    # config expects bytes
    alias = item.get("alias")
    if alias:
        item["alias"] = [(k.encode(), v.encode()) for (k, v) in alias]
    if isinstance(item.get("default"), str):
        item["default"] = item["default"].encode()
    item["section"] = item["section"].encode()
    item["name"] = item["name"].encode()

def read_configitems_file():
    """Returns the deserialized TOML structure from the configitems file"""
    with resourceutil.open_resource(b"mercurial", b"configitems.toml") as fp:
        return tomllib.load(fp)

def configitems_from_toml(items):
    """Register the configitems from the *deserialized* toml file"""
    for item in items["items"]:

    templates = items["templates"]

    for application in items["template-applications"]:
        template_items = templates[application["template"]]

        for template_item in template_items:
            item = template_item.copy()
            prefix = application.get("prefix", "")
            item["section"] = application["section"]
            if prefix:
                item["name"] = f'{prefix}.{item["suffix"]}'
                item["name"] = item["suffix"]

            item.pop("suffix", None)

def import_configitems_from_file():
    as_toml = read_configitems_file()

coreitems = {}

def _register(configtable, *args, **kwargs):
    item = configitem(*args, **kwargs)
    section = configtable.setdefault(item.section, itemregister())
    if in section:
        msg = b"duplicated config item registration for '%s.%s'"
        raise error.ProgrammingError(msg % (item.section,
    section[] = item

# special value for case where the default is derived from other values
dynamicdefault = object()

# Registering actual config items

def getitemregister(configtable):
    f = functools.partial(_register, configtable)
    # export pseudo enum as configitem.*
    f.dynamicdefault = dynamicdefault
    return f

coreconfigitem = getitemregister(coreitems)
