author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net>
Thu, 22 Sep 2022 01:50:53 +0200
changeset 49497 1baf0fffd82f
parent 42813 268662aac075
child 49753 ff7134e03629
permissions -rw-r--r--
run-tests: display the time it took to install Mercurial It will help make people aware of this critical step and to assess the time it takes in various options (like a CI run for example).

# Disable the $CAP wire protocol capability.

if test -z "$CAP"
    echo "CAP environment variable not set."

cat > notcapable-$CAP.py << EOF
from mercurial import extensions, localrepo
from mercurial.interfaces import repository
def extsetup(ui):
    extensions.wrapfunction(repository.peer, 'capable', wrapcapable)
    extensions.wrapfunction(localrepo.localrepository, 'peer', wrappeer)
def wrapcapable(orig, self, name, *args, **kwargs):
    if name in b'$CAP'.split(b' '):
        return False
    return orig(self, name, *args, **kwargs)
def wrappeer(orig, self):
    # Since we're disabling some newer features, we need to make sure local
    # repos add in the legacy features again.
    return localrepo.locallegacypeer(self)

echo '[extensions]' >> $HGRCPATH
echo "notcapable-$CAP = `pwd`/notcapable-$CAP.py" >> $HGRCPATH