author Matt Mackall <>
Tue, 01 Sep 2015 16:08:07 -0500
changeset 26120 1a45e49a6bed
parent 25563 69e8384a436c
child 25947 6002e2d95e54
permissions -rw-r--r--
hgweb: fix trust of templates path (BC) Long ago we disabled trust of the templates path with a comment describing the (insecure) behavior before the change. At some later refactor, the code was apparently changed back to match the comment, unaware that the intent of the comment was to describe the behavior to avoid. This change disables the trust and updates the comment to explicitly say not only what the old problem was, but also that it was in fact a problem and the action taken to prevent it. Impact: prior to this change, if you had a UNIX-based hgweb server where users can write hgrc files, those users could potentially read any file readable by the web server. This is marked as a backwards compatibility issue because people may have configured templates without proper trust settings. Issue spotted by Greg Szorc.

# - better command line parsing
#  Copyright 2005-2009 Matt Mackall <> and others
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

import getopt
import util
from i18n import _

def gnugetopt(args, options, longoptions):
    """Parse options mostly like getopt.gnu_getopt.

    This is different from getopt.gnu_getopt in that an argument of - will
    become an argument of - instead of vanishing completely.
    extraargs = []
    if '--' in args:
        stopindex = args.index('--')
        extraargs = args[stopindex + 1:]
        args = args[:stopindex]
    opts, parseargs = getopt.getopt(args, options, longoptions)
    args = []
    while parseargs:
        arg = parseargs.pop(0)
        if arg and arg[0] == '-' and len(arg) > 1:
            parseargs.insert(0, arg)
            topts, newparseargs = getopt.getopt(parseargs, options, longoptions)
            opts = opts + topts
            parseargs = newparseargs
    return opts, args

def fancyopts(args, options, state, gnu=False):
    read args, parse options, and store options in state

    each option is a tuple of:

      short option or ''
      long option
      default value
      option value label(optional)

    option types include:

      boolean or none - option sets variable in state to true
      string - parameter string is stored in state
      list - parameter string is added to a list
      integer - parameter strings is stored as int
      function - call function with parameter

    non-option args are returned
    namelist = []
    shortlist = ''
    argmap = {}
    defmap = {}

    for option in options:
        if len(option) == 5:
            short, name, default, comment, dummy = option
            short, name, default, comment = option
        # convert opts to getopt format
        oname = name
        name = name.replace('-', '_')

        argmap['-' + short] = argmap['--' + oname] = name
        defmap[name] = default

        # copy defaults to state
        if isinstance(default, list):
            state[name] = default[:]
        elif callable(default):
            state[name] = None
            state[name] = default

        # does it take a parameter?
        if not (default is None or default is True or default is False):
            if short:
                short += ':'
            if oname:
                oname += '='
        if short:
            shortlist += short
        if name:

    # parse arguments
    if gnu:
        parse = gnugetopt
        parse = getopt.getopt
    opts, args = parse(args, shortlist, namelist)

    # transfer result to state
    for opt, val in opts:
        name = argmap[opt]
        obj = defmap[name]
        t = type(obj)
        if callable(obj):
            state[name] = defmap[name](val)
        elif t is type(1):
                state[name] = int(val)
            except ValueError:
                raise util.Abort(_('invalid value %r for option %s, '
                                   'expected int') % (val, opt))
        elif t is type(''):
            state[name] = val
        elif t is type([]):
        elif t is type(None) or t is type(False):
            state[name] = True

    # return unparsed args
    return args