author Anton Shestakov <av6@dwimlabs.net>
Fri, 20 Sep 2019 23:31:03 +0700
changeset 42958 181e52f2b62f
parent 37816 33817e09c663
permissions -rw-r--r--
merge: back out changeset a4ca0610c754 (parents order when grafting a merge) Turns out it's not enough to just swap parents, because when we do, there are unexpected bad side effects, such as a tracked file becoming untracked. These side effects need more code to be handled properly, but it's not written yet. Let's back this feature out from stable for now and some day implement it on default instead.

#require test-repo

Enable obsolescence to avoid the warning issue when obsmarker are found

  $ . "$TESTDIR/helpers-testrepo.sh"

Go back in the hg repo

  $ cd $TESTDIR/..

  $ REVSET='not public() and ::. and not desc("# no-check-commit")'

  $ mkdir "$TESTTMP/p"
  $ REVS=`testrepohg log -r "$REVSET" -T.`
  $ if [ -n "$REVS" ] ; then
  >   testrepohg export --git -o "$TESTTMP/p/%n-%h" -r "$REVSET"
  >   for f in `ls "$TESTTMP/p"`; do
  >      contrib/check-commit < "$TESTTMP/p/$f" > "$TESTTMP/check-commit.out"
  >      if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  >          node="${f##*-}"
  >          echo "Revision $node does not comply with rules"
  >          echo '------------------------------------------------------'
  >          cat ${TESTTMP}/check-commit.out
  >          echo
  >     fi
  >   done
  > fi