author Simon Sapin <>
Wed, 19 May 2021 13:15:00 +0200
changeset 47280 1766130fe9ba
parent 47123 d8ac62374943
child 47674 ff97e793ed36
permissions -rw-r--r--
dirstate-v2: Change the on-disk format when the requirement is enabled For now, the format is the same except with an additional marker at the start. This marker is redundant: for existing repositories it is `.hg/requires` that determines which format to use. For new repositories, it is the new `format.exp-dirstate-v2` config. There is no upgrade or downgrade so far. Most of the changes are about plumbing a boolean through layers of APIs to indicate which format should be used. Differential Revision:

use cpython::PyBytes;
use cpython::Python;
use hg::dirstate_tree::dirstate_map::DirstateMap;
use hg::DirstateError;
use hg::DirstateParents;

/// Keep a `DirstateMap<'on_disk>` next to the `on_disk` buffer that it
/// borrows. This is similar to the owning-ref crate.
/// This is similar to [`OwningRef`] which is more limited because it
/// represents exactly one `&T` reference next to the value it borrows, as
/// opposed to a struct that may contain an arbitrary number of references in
/// arbitrarily-nested data structures.
/// [`OwningRef`]:
pub(super) struct OwningDirstateMap {
    /// Owned handle to a bytes buffer with a stable address.
    /// See <>.
    on_disk: PyBytes,

    /// Pointer for `Box<DirstateMap<'on_disk>>`, typed-erased because the
    /// language cannot represent a lifetime referencing a sibling field.
    /// This is not quite a self-referencial struct (moving this struct is not
    /// a problem as it doesn’t change the address of the bytes buffer owned
    /// by `PyBytes`) but touches similar borrow-checker limitations.
    ptr: *mut (),

impl OwningDirstateMap {
    pub fn new(
        py: Python,
        on_disk: PyBytes,
        use_dirstate_v2: bool,
    ) -> Result<(Self, Option<DirstateParents>), DirstateError> {
        let bytes: &'_ [u8] =;
        let (map, parents) = if use_dirstate_v2 {
        } else {

        // Like in `bytes` above, this `'_` lifetime parameter borrows from
        // the bytes buffer owned by `on_disk`.
        let ptr: *mut DirstateMap<'_> = Box::into_raw(Box::new(map));

        // Erase the pointed type entirely in order to erase the lifetime.
        let ptr: *mut () = ptr.cast();

        Ok((Self { on_disk, ptr }, parents))

    pub fn get_mut<'a>(&'a mut self) -> &'a mut DirstateMap<'a> {
        // SAFETY: We cast the type-erased pointer back to the same type it had
        // in `new`, except with a different lifetime parameter. This time we
        // connect the lifetime to that of `self`. This cast is valid because
        // `self` owns the same `PyBytes` whose buffer `DirstateMap`
        // references. That buffer has a stable memory address because the byte
        // string value of a `PyBytes` is immutable.
        let ptr: *mut DirstateMap<'a> = self.ptr.cast();
        // SAFETY: we dereference that pointer, connecting the lifetime of the
        // new   `&mut` to that of `self`. This is valid because the
        // raw pointer is   to a boxed value, and `self` owns that box.
        unsafe { &mut *ptr }

    pub fn get<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a DirstateMap<'a> {
        // SAFETY: same reasoning as in `get_mut` above.
        let ptr: *mut DirstateMap<'a> = self.ptr.cast();
        unsafe { &*ptr }

impl Drop for OwningDirstateMap {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        // Silence a "field is never read" warning, and demonstrate that this
        // value is still alive.
        let _ = &self.on_disk;
        // SAFETY: this cast is the same as in `get_mut`, and is valid for the
        // same reason. `self.on_disk` still exists at this point, drop glue
        // will drop it implicitly after this `drop` method returns.
        let ptr: *mut DirstateMap<'_> = self.ptr.cast();
        // SAFETY: `Box::from_raw` takes ownership of the box away from `self`.
        // This is fine because drop glue does nothig for `*mut ()` and we’re
        // in `drop`, so `get` and `get_mut` cannot be called again.
        unsafe { drop(Box::from_raw(ptr)) }

fn _static_assert_is_send<T: Send>() {}

fn _static_assert_fields_are_send() {

// SAFETY: we don’t get this impl implicitly because `*mut (): !Send` because
// thread-safety of raw pointers is unknown in the general case. However this
// particular raw pointer represents a `Box<DirstateMap<'on_disk>>` that we
// own. Since that `Box` and `PyBytes` are both `Send` as shown in above, it
// is sound to mark this struct as `Send` too.
unsafe impl Send for OwningDirstateMap {}