author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net>
Sun, 14 Apr 2024 02:36:55 +0200
changeset 51588 1574718fa62f
parent 48875 6000f5b25c9b
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
profiler: flush after writing the profiler output Otherwise, the profiler output might only partially appears until the next flush of the buffer. Since profiling often happens for long operation, the next flush can be a long time away.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# like ls -l, but do not print date, user, or non-common mode bit, to avoid
# using globs in tests.

import os
import stat
import sys

def modestr(st):
    mode = st.st_mode
    result = ''
    if mode & stat.S_IFDIR:
        result += 'd'
        result += '-'
    for owner in ['USR', 'GRP', 'OTH']:
        for action in ['R', 'W', 'X']:
            if mode & getattr(stat, 'S_I%s%s' % (action, owner)):
                result += action.lower()
                result += '-'
    return result

def sizestr(st):
    if st.st_mode & stat.S_IFREG:
        return '%7d' % st.st_size
        # do not show size for non regular files
        return ' ' * 7

os.chdir((sys.argv[1:] + ['.'])[0])

for name in sorted(os.listdir('.')):
    st = os.stat(name)
    print('%s %s %s' % (modestr(st), sizestr(st), name))