author Joerg Sonnenberger <joerg@bec.de>
Fri, 30 Apr 2021 02:11:58 +0200
changeset 47043 12450fbea288
parent 38080 0a10f142299d
permissions -rw-r--r--
manifests: push down expected node length into the parser This strictly enforces the node length in the manifest lines according to what the repository expects. One test case moves large hash testing into the non-treemanifest part as treemanifests don't provide an interface for overriding just the node length for now. Differential Revision: https://phab.mercurial-scm.org/D10533

#require symlink

Create extension that can disable symlink support:

  $ cat > nolink.py <<EOF
  > from mercurial import extensions, util
  > def setflags(orig, f, l, x):
  >     pass
  > def checklink(orig, path):
  >     return False
  > def extsetup(ui):
  >     extensions.wrapfunction(util, 'setflags', setflags)
  >     extensions.wrapfunction(util, 'checklink', checklink)
  > EOF

  $ hg init unix-repo
  $ cd unix-repo
  $ echo foo > a
  $ ln -s a b
  $ hg ci -Am0
  adding a
  adding b
  $ cd ..

Simulate a checkout shared on NFS/Samba:

  $ hg clone -q unix-repo shared
  $ cd shared
  $ rm b
  $ echo foo > b
  $ hg --config extensions.n=$TESTTMP/nolink.py status --debug
  ignoring suspect symlink placeholder "b"

Make a clone using placeholders:

  $ hg --config extensions.n=$TESTTMP/nolink.py clone . ../win-repo
  updating to branch default
  2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ cd ../win-repo
  $ cat b
  a (no-eol)
  $ hg --config extensions.n=$TESTTMP/nolink.py st --debug

Empty placeholder:

  $ rm b
  $ touch b
  $ hg --config extensions.n=$TESTTMP/nolink.py st --debug
  ignoring suspect symlink placeholder "b"

Write binary data to the placeholder:

  >>> open('b', 'w').write('this is a binary\0') and None
  $ hg --config extensions.n=$TESTTMP/nolink.py st --debug
  ignoring suspect symlink placeholder "b"

Write a long string to the placeholder:

  >>> open('b', 'w').write('this' * 1000) and None
  $ hg --config extensions.n=$TESTTMP/nolink.py st --debug
  ignoring suspect symlink placeholder "b"

Commit shouldn't succeed:

  $ hg --config extensions.n=$TESTTMP/nolink.py ci -m1
  nothing changed

Write a valid string to the placeholder:

  >>> open('b', 'w').write('this') and None
  $ hg --config extensions.n=$TESTTMP/nolink.py st --debug
  M b
  $ hg --config extensions.n=$TESTTMP/nolink.py ci -m1
  $ hg manifest tip --verbose
  644   a
  644 @ b

  $ cd ..