author Joerg Sonnenberger <joerg@bec.de>
Fri, 30 Apr 2021 02:11:58 +0200
changeset 47043 12450fbea288
parent 43508 e468ebfcb4ce
child 50725 7e5be4a7cda7
permissions -rw-r--r--
manifests: push down expected node length into the parser This strictly enforces the node length in the manifest lines according to what the repository expects. One test case moves large hash testing into the non-treemanifest part as treemanifests don't provide an interface for overriding just the node length for now. Differential Revision: https://phab.mercurial-scm.org/D10533

#require test-repo slow docker

  $ . "$TESTDIR/helpers-testrepo.sh"
  $ testrepohgenv

Ensure debuild doesn't run the testsuite, as that could get silly.
  $ OUTPUTDIR=`pwd`
  $ export OUTPUTDIR

  $ cd "$TESTDIR"/..
  $ make docker-debian-buster > $OUTPUTDIR/build.log 2>&1
  $ ls *.deb
  mercurial-common_*.deb (glob)
  mercurial_*.deb (glob)

We check debian package contents with portable tools so that when
we're on non-debian machines we can still test the packages that are
built using docker.

main deb should have .so but no .py
  $ ar x mercurial_*.deb
  $ tar tf data.tar* | egrep '(localrepo|parsers)'
  ./usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mercurial/parsers*.so (glob)
mercurial-common should have .py but no .so or .pyc
  $ ar x mercurial-common_*.deb
  $ tar tf data.tar* | egrep '(localrepo|parsers)'