author Joerg Sonnenberger <joerg@bec.de>
Fri, 30 Apr 2021 02:11:58 +0200
changeset 47043 12450fbea288
parent 43597 856cce0c255c
child 48875 6000f5b25c9b
permissions -rw-r--r--
manifests: push down expected node length into the parser This strictly enforces the node length in the manifest lines according to what the repository expects. One test case moves large hash testing into the non-treemanifest part as treemanifests don't provide an interface for overriding just the node length for now. Differential Revision: https://phab.mercurial-scm.org/D10533

# highlight.py - highlight extension implementation file
#  Copyright 2007-2009 Adam Hupp <adam@hupp.org> and others
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
# The original module was split in an interface and an implementation
# file to defer pygments loading and speedup extension setup.

from __future__ import absolute_import

from mercurial import demandimport

demandimport.IGNORES.update([b'pkgutil', b'pkg_resources', b'__main__'])

from mercurial import (

from mercurial.utils import stringutil

with demandimport.deactivated():
    import pygments
    import pygments.formatters
    import pygments.lexers
    import pygments.plugin
    import pygments.util

    for unused in pygments.plugin.find_plugin_lexers():

highlight = pygments.highlight
ClassNotFound = pygments.util.ClassNotFound
guess_lexer = pygments.lexers.guess_lexer
guess_lexer_for_filename = pygments.lexers.guess_lexer_for_filename
TextLexer = pygments.lexers.TextLexer
HtmlFormatter = pygments.formatters.HtmlFormatter

    b'\n<link rel="stylesheet" href="{url}highlightcss" type="text/css" />'

def pygmentize(field, fctx, style, tmpl, guessfilenameonly=False):

    # append a <link ...> to the syntax highlighting css
    old_header = tmpl.cache[b'header']
    if SYNTAX_CSS not in old_header:
        new_header = old_header + SYNTAX_CSS
        tmpl.cache[b'header'] = new_header

    text = fctx.data()
    if stringutil.binary(text):

    # str.splitlines() != unicode.splitlines() because "reasons"
    for c in b"\x0c", b"\x1c", b"\x1d", b"\x1e":
        if c in text:
            text = text.replace(c, b'')

    # Pygments is best used with Unicode strings:
    # <http://pygments.org/docs/unicode/>
    text = text.decode(pycompat.sysstr(encoding.encoding), 'replace')

    # To get multi-line strings right, we can't format line-by-line
        path = pycompat.sysstr(fctx.path())
        lexer = guess_lexer_for_filename(path, text[:1024], stripnl=False)
    except (ClassNotFound, ValueError):
        # guess_lexer will return a lexer if *any* lexer matches. There is
        # no way to specify a minimum match score. This can give a high rate of
        # false positives on files with an unknown filename pattern.
        if guessfilenameonly:

            lexer = guess_lexer(text[:1024], stripnl=False)
        except (ClassNotFound, ValueError):
            # Don't highlight unknown files

    # Don't highlight text files
    if isinstance(lexer, TextLexer):

    formatter = HtmlFormatter(nowrap=True, style=pycompat.sysstr(style))

    colorized = highlight(text, lexer, formatter)
    coloriter = (
        s.encode(pycompat.sysstr(encoding.encoding), 'replace')
        for s in colorized.splitlines()

    tmpl._filters[b'colorize'] = lambda x: next(coloriter)

    oldl = tmpl.cache[field]
    newl = oldl.replace(b'line|escape', b'line|colorize')
    tmpl.cache[field] = newl