author Joerg Sonnenberger <>
Fri, 30 Apr 2021 02:11:58 +0200
changeset 47043 12450fbea288
parent 46819 d4ba4d51f85f
child 48875 6000f5b25c9b
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
manifests: push down expected node length into the parser This strictly enforces the node length in the manifest lines according to what the repository expects. One test case moves large hash testing into the non-treemanifest part as treemanifests don't provide an interface for overriding just the node length for now. Differential Revision:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2014 Olivia Mackall <>
# A tool/hook to run basic sanity checks on commits/patches for
# submission to Mercurial. Install by adding the following to your
# .hg/hgrc:
# [hooks]
# pretxncommit = contrib/check-commit
# The hook can be temporarily bypassed with:
# $ BYPASS= hg commit
# See also:

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import os
import re
import sys

commitheader = r"^(?:# [^\n]*\n)*"
afterheader = commitheader + r"(?!#)"
beforepatch = afterheader + r"(?!\n(?!@@))"

errors = [
    (beforepatch + r".*[(]bc[)]", "(BC) needs to be uppercase"),
        beforepatch + r".*[(]issue \d\d\d",
        "no space allowed between issue and number",
    (beforepatch + r".*[(]bug(\d|\s)", "use (issueDDDD) instead of bug"),
    (commitheader + r"# User [^@\n]+\n", "username is not an email address"),
        commitheader + r"(?!merge with )[^#]\S+[^:] ",
        "summary line doesn't start with 'topic: '",
    (afterheader + r"[A-Z][a-z]\S+", "don't capitalize summary lines"),
    (afterheader + r"^\S+: *[A-Z][a-z]\S+", "don't capitalize summary lines"),
        afterheader + r"\S*[^A-Za-z0-9-_]\S*: ",
        "summary keyword should be most user-relevant one-word command or topic",
    (afterheader + r".*\.\s*\n", "don't add trailing period on summary line"),
    (afterheader + r".{79,}", "summary line too long (limit is 78)"),

word = re.compile(r'\S')

def nonempty(first, second):
        return first
    return second

def checkcommit(commit, node=None):
    exitcode = 0
    printed = node is None
    hits = []
    signtag = (
        afterheader + r'Added (tag [^ ]+|signature) for changeset [a-f0-9]{12}'
    if, commit):
        return 0
    for exp, msg in errors:
        for m in re.finditer(exp, commit):
            end = m.end()
            trailing ='(\\n)+$', exp)
            if trailing:
                end -= len( / 2
            hits.append((end, exp, msg))
    if hits:
        pos = 0
        last = ''
        for n, l in enumerate(commit.splitlines(True)):
            pos += len(l)
            while len(hits):
                end, exp, msg = hits[0]
                if pos < end:
                if not printed:
                    printed = True
                    print("node: %s" % node)
                print("%d: %s" % (n, msg))
                print(" %s" % nonempty(l, last)[:-1])
                if "BYPASS" not in os.environ:
                    exitcode = 1
                del hits[0]
            last = nonempty(l, last)

    return exitcode

def readcommit(node):
    return os.popen("hg export %s" % node).read()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    exitcode = 0
    node = os.environ.get("HG_NODE")

    if node:
        commit = readcommit(node)
        exitcode = checkcommit(commit)
    elif sys.argv[1:]:
        for node in sys.argv[1:]:
            exitcode |= checkcommit(readcommit(node), node)
        commit =
        exitcode = checkcommit(commit)