author Martin von Zweigbergk <martinvonz@google.com>
Sat, 08 Dec 2018 23:41:54 -0800
changeset 40868 109a267acc1e
parent 40867 0d50bfcd8f65
child 41076 8ecb17b7f432
permissions -rw-r--r--
narrow: keep bookmarks temporarily stripped for as long as commits are The narrow extension also has support for shallowness and for inserting older commits on pull. It works by temporarily stripping newer commits, adding the older commits, then re-applying the stripped bundle. The regular Mercurial server uses that when you widen, although it shouldn't be necessary there. Our Google-internal server does it when the user requests an older commit. Our Google-internal tests fail since 7caf632e30c3 (filecache: unimplement __set__() and __delete__() (API), 2018-10-20). I haven't quite understood the problem, but it's related to the way we temporarily hide bookmarks while the commits they point to are stripped. When a transaction is started, Mercurial tries to read various things from the repo for the transaction summary. That leads to computation of hidden commits, which leads to an attempt to find commits pinned by bookmarks. This is the reason we temporarily hide the bookmarks. I think the aforementioned commit makes the restored bookmarks visible earlier than before (which seems like an improvement), so we can no longer incorrectly rely on the repo._bookmarks field being cached too long (IIUC). This patch makes it so we restore the temporarily hidden bookmarks only after the temporary bundle has been re-applied. It also adapts the code to update the repo.__bookmarks field using the pattern described in the aforementioned commit instead of writing directly to the fiels. I have spent many hours trying to understand what was going on here, but I still don't know if this can also happen without our custom server. So this patch unfortunately does not add any tests; I have only been able to test the fix using our Google-internal tests. Differential Revision: https://phab.mercurial-scm.org/D5398

# narrowbundle2.py - bundle2 extensions for narrow repository support
# Copyright 2017 Google, Inc.
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import errno
import struct

from mercurial.i18n import _
from mercurial.node import (
from mercurial import (
from mercurial.utils import (

_NARROWACL_SECTION = 'narrowhgacl'
_CHANGESPECPART = 'narrow:changespec'
_SPECPART = 'narrow:spec'
_ELIDEDCSHEADER = '>20s20s20sl' # cset id, p1, p2, len(text)
_ELIDEDMFHEADER = '>20s20s20s20sl' # manifest id, p1, p2, link id, len(text)

# Serve a changegroup for a client with a narrow clone.
def getbundlechangegrouppart_narrow(bundler, repo, source,
                                    bundlecaps=None, b2caps=None, heads=None,
                                    common=None, **kwargs):
    assert repo.ui.configbool('experimental', 'narrowservebrokenellipses')

    cgversions = b2caps.get('changegroup')
    if cgversions:  # 3.1 and 3.2 ship with an empty value
        cgversions = [v for v in cgversions
                      if v in changegroup.supportedoutgoingversions(repo)]
        if not cgversions:
            raise ValueError(_('no common changegroup version'))
        version = max(cgversions)
        raise ValueError(_("server does not advertise changegroup version,"
                           " can't negotiate support for ellipsis nodes"))

    include = sorted(filter(bool, kwargs.get(r'includepats', [])))
    exclude = sorted(filter(bool, kwargs.get(r'excludepats', [])))
    newmatch = narrowspec.match(repo.root, include=include, exclude=exclude)

    depth = kwargs.get(r'depth', None)
    if depth is not None:
        depth = int(depth)
        if depth < 1:
            raise error.Abort(_('depth must be positive, got %d') % depth)

    heads = set(heads or repo.heads())
    common = set(common or [nullid])
    oldinclude = sorted(filter(bool, kwargs.get(r'oldincludepats', [])))
    oldexclude = sorted(filter(bool, kwargs.get(r'oldexcludepats', [])))
    known = {bin(n) for n in kwargs.get(r'known', [])}
    if known and (oldinclude != include or oldexclude != exclude):
        # Steps:
        # 1. Send kill for "$known & ::common"
        # 2. Send changegroup for ::common
        # 3. Proceed.
        # In the future, we can send kills for only the specific
        # nodes we know should go away or change shape, and then
        # send a data stream that tells the client something like this:
        # a) apply this changegroup
        # b) apply nodes XXX, YYY, ZZZ that you already have
        # c) goto a
        # until they've built up the full new state.
        # Convert to revnums and intersect with "common". The client should
        # have made it a subset of "common" already, but let's be safe.
        known = set(repo.revs("%ln & ::%ln", known, common))
        # TODO: we could send only roots() of this set, and the
        # list of nodes in common, and the client could work out
        # what to strip, instead of us explicitly sending every
        # single node.
        deadrevs = known
        def genkills():
            for r in deadrevs:
                yield _KILLNODESIGNAL
                yield repo.changelog.node(r)
            yield _DONESIGNAL
        bundler.newpart(_CHANGESPECPART, data=genkills())
        newvisit, newfull, newellipsis = exchange._computeellipsis(
            repo, set(), common, known, newmatch)
        if newvisit:
            packer = changegroup.getbundler(version, repo,
                                            shallow=depth is not None,
            cgdata = packer.generate(common, newvisit, False, 'narrow_widen')

            part = bundler.newpart('changegroup', data=cgdata)
            part.addparam('version', version)
            if 'treemanifest' in repo.requirements:
                part.addparam('treemanifest', '1')

    visitnodes, relevant_nodes, ellipsisroots = exchange._computeellipsis(
        repo, common, heads, set(), newmatch, depth=depth)

    repo.ui.debug('Found %d relevant revs\n' % len(relevant_nodes))
    if visitnodes:
        packer = changegroup.getbundler(version, repo,
                                        shallow=depth is not None,
        cgdata = packer.generate(common, visitnodes, False, 'narrow_widen')

        part = bundler.newpart('changegroup', data=cgdata)
        part.addparam('version', version)
        if 'treemanifest' in repo.requirements:
            part.addparam('treemanifest', '1')

def _handlechangespec_2(op, inpart):
    includepats = set(inpart.params.get(_SPECPART_INCLUDE, '').splitlines())
    excludepats = set(inpart.params.get(_SPECPART_EXCLUDE, '').splitlines())

    if not repository.NARROW_REQUIREMENT in op.repo.requirements:
    op.repo.setnarrowpats(includepats, excludepats)

def _handlechangespec(op, inpart):
    repo = op.repo
    cl = repo.changelog

    # changesets which need to be stripped entirely. either they're no longer
    # needed in the new narrow spec, or the server is sending a replacement
    # in the changegroup part.
    clkills = set()

    # A changespec part contains all the updates to ellipsis nodes
    # that will happen as a result of widening or narrowing a
    # repo. All the changes that this block encounters are ellipsis
    # nodes or flags to kill an existing ellipsis.
    chunksignal = changegroup.readexactly(inpart, 4)
    while chunksignal != _DONESIGNAL:
        if chunksignal == _KILLNODESIGNAL:
            # a node used to be an ellipsis but isn't anymore
            ck = changegroup.readexactly(inpart, 20)
            if cl.hasnode(ck):
            raise error.Abort(
                _('unexpected changespec node chunk type: %s') % chunksignal)
        chunksignal = changegroup.readexactly(inpart, 4)

    if clkills:
        # preserve bookmarks that repair.strip() would otherwise strip
        op._bookmarksbackup = repo._bookmarks
        class dummybmstore(dict):
            def applychanges(self, repo, tr, changes):
        localrepo.localrepository._bookmarks.set(repo, dummybmstore())
        chgrpfile = repair.strip(op.ui, repo, list(clkills), backup=True,
        if chgrpfile:
            op._widen_uninterr = repo.ui.uninterruptable()
            # presence of _widen_bundle attribute activates widen handler later
            op._widen_bundle = chgrpfile
    # Set the new narrowspec if we're widening. The setnewnarrowpats() method
    # will currently always be there when using the core+narrowhg server, but
    # other servers may include a changespec part even when not widening (e.g.
    # because we're deepening a shallow repo).
    if util.safehasattr(repo, 'setnewnarrowpats'):

def handlechangegroup_widen(op, inpart):
    """Changegroup exchange handler which restores temporarily-stripped nodes"""
    # We saved a bundle with stripped node data we must now restore.
    # This approach is based on mercurial/repair.py@6ee26a53c111.
    repo = op.repo
    ui = op.ui

    chgrpfile = op._widen_bundle
    del op._widen_bundle
    vfs = repo.vfs

    ui.note(_("adding branch\n"))
    f = vfs.open(chgrpfile, "rb")
        gen = exchange.readbundle(ui, f, chgrpfile, vfs)
        if not ui.verbose:
            # silence internal shuffling chatter
        if isinstance(gen, bundle2.unbundle20):
            with repo.transaction('strip') as tr:
                bundle2.processbundle(repo, gen, lambda: tr)
            gen.apply(repo, 'strip', 'bundle:' + vfs.join(chgrpfile), True)
        if not ui.verbose:

    # remove undo files
    for undovfs, undofile in repo.undofiles():
        except OSError as e:
            if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
                ui.warn(_('error removing %s: %s\n') %
                        (undovfs.join(undofile), stringutil.forcebytestr(e)))

    # Remove partial backup only if there were no exceptions
    op._widen_uninterr.__exit__(None, None, None)

def setup():
    """Enable narrow repo support in bundle2-related extension points."""
    getbundleargs = wireprototypes.GETBUNDLE_ARGUMENTS

    getbundleargs['narrow'] = 'boolean'
    getbundleargs['depth'] = 'plain'
    getbundleargs['oldincludepats'] = 'csv'
    getbundleargs['oldexcludepats'] = 'csv'
    getbundleargs['known'] = 'csv'

    # Extend changegroup serving to handle requests from narrow clients.
    origcgfn = exchange.getbundle2partsmapping['changegroup']
    def wrappedcgfn(*args, **kwargs):
        repo = args[1]
        if repo.ui.has_section(_NARROWACL_SECTION):
            kwargs = exchange.applynarrowacl(repo, kwargs)

        if (kwargs.get(r'narrow', False) and
            repo.ui.configbool('experimental', 'narrowservebrokenellipses')):
            getbundlechangegrouppart_narrow(*args, **kwargs)
            origcgfn(*args, **kwargs)
    exchange.getbundle2partsmapping['changegroup'] = wrappedcgfn

    # Extend changegroup receiver so client can fixup after widen requests.
    origcghandler = bundle2.parthandlermapping['changegroup']
    def wrappedcghandler(op, inpart):
        origcghandler(op, inpart)
        if util.safehasattr(op, '_widen_bundle'):
            handlechangegroup_widen(op, inpart)
        if util.safehasattr(op, '_bookmarksbackup'):
            del op._bookmarksbackup

    wrappedcghandler.params = origcghandler.params
    bundle2.parthandlermapping['changegroup'] = wrappedcghandler