author Alexis S. L. Carvalho <alexis@cecm.usp.br>
Thu, 13 Mar 2008 19:50:03 -0300
changeset 6245 0d0939b2d272
parent 5976 9f1e6ab76069
child 6962 2af657eafeba
permissions -rw-r--r--
setup.py: skip inotify if there's no inotify_add_watch Debian Etch doesn't include a sys/inotify.h header, which makes it impossible to compile _inotify.c, making hg uninstallable. The cc.has_function() method is implemented by trying to compile a simple C program. Since there's no redirection involved all error messages are sent to the terminal. This is not particularly pretty but at least it allows the installation to complete.

# interhg.py - interhg
# Copyright 2007 OHASHI Hideya <ohachige@gmail.com>
# Contributor(s):
#   Edward Lee <edward.lee@engineering.uiuc.edu>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms
# of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference.
# The `interhg' Mercurial extension allows you to change changelog and
# summary text just like InterWiki way.
# To enable this extension:
#   [extensions]
#   interhg =
# These are some example patterns (link to bug tracking, etc.)
#   [interhg]
#   issues = s!issue(\d+)!<a href="http://bts/issue\1">issue\1<\/a>!
#   bugzilla = s!((?:bug|b=|(?=#?\d{4,}))(?:\s*#?)(\d+))!<a..=\2">\1</a>!i
#   boldify = s/(^|\s)#(\d+)\b/ <b>#\2<\/b>/
# Add any number of names and patterns to match

import re
from mercurial.hgweb import hgweb_mod
from mercurial import templatefilters

orig_escape = templatefilters.filters["escape"]

interhg_table = []

def interhg_escape(x):
    escstr = orig_escape(x)
    for regexp, format in interhg_table:
        escstr = regexp.sub(format, escstr)
    return escstr

templatefilters.filters["escape"] = interhg_escape

orig_refresh = hgweb_mod.hgweb.refresh

def interhg_refresh(self):
    interhg_table[:] = []
    for key, pattern in self.repo.ui.configitems('interhg'):
        # grab the delimiter from the character after the "s"
        unesc = pattern[1]
        delim = re.escape(unesc)

        # identify portions of the pattern, taking care to avoid escaped
        # delimiters. the replace format and flags are optional, but delimiters
        # are required.
        match = re.match(r'^s%s(.+)(?:(?<=\\\\)|(?<!\\))%s(.*)%s([ilmsux])*$'
                         % (delim, delim, delim), pattern)
        if not match:
            self.repo.ui.warn("interhg: invalid pattern for %s: %s\n"
                              % (key, pattern))

        # we need to unescape the delimiter for regexp and format
        delim_re = re.compile(r'(?<!\\)\\%s' % delim)
        regexp = delim_re.sub(unesc, match.group(1))
        format = delim_re.sub(unesc, match.group(2))

        # the pattern allows for 6 regexp flags, so set them if necessary
        flagin = match.group(3)
        flags = 0
        if flagin:
            for flag in flagin.upper():
                flags |= re.__dict__[flag]

            regexp = re.compile(regexp, flags)
            interhg_table.append((regexp, format))
        except re.error:
            self.repo.ui.warn("interhg: invalid regexp for %s: %s\n"
                              % (key, regexp))
    return orig_refresh(self)

hgweb_mod.hgweb.refresh = interhg_refresh