author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net>
Tue, 14 Jun 2022 11:26:18 +0200
changeset 49344 0cc5f74ff7f0
parent 47920 9c4204b7f3e4
permissions -rw-r--r--
purge: prevent a silly crash with --confirm --files if --files is passed, there was no directory to checks and `msg` was undefined. This is now fixed and tested.

  $ hg init a
  $ cd a
  $ touch a; hg commit -qAm_
  $ hg bookmark $(for i in $($TESTDIR/seq.py 0 20); do echo b$i; done)
  $ hg clone . ../b -q
  $ cd ../b

Checking that when lookup multiple bookmarks in one go, if one of them
fails (thus causing the sshpeer to be stopped), the errors from the
further lookups don't result in tracebacks.

  $ hg pull -r b0 -r nosuchbookmark $(for i in $($TESTDIR/seq.py 1 20); do echo -r b$i; done) ssh://user@dummy/$(pwd)/../a
  pulling from ssh://user@dummy/$TESTTMP/b/../a
  abort: unknown revision 'nosuchbookmark'