author FUJIWARA Katsunori <foozy@lares.dti.ne.jp>
Fri, 30 Nov 2012 00:43:55 +0900
changeset 18006 0c10cf819146
parent 16512 c58bdecdb800
child 28947 812eb3b7dc43
permissions -rw-r--r--
subrepo: add argument to "diff()" to pass "ui" of caller side (issue3712) (API) Color extension achieves colorization by overriding the class of "ui" object just before command execution. Before this patch, "diff()" of abstractsubrepo and classes derived from it has no "ui" argument, so "diff()" of hgsubrepo uses "self._repo.ui" to invoke "cmdutil.diffordiffstat()". For separation of configuration between repositories, revision 573bec4ab7ba changed the initialization source of "self._repo.ui" from "ui"(overridden) to "baseui"(plain) of parent repository. And this caused break of colorization. This patch adds "ui" argument to "diff()" of abstractsubrepo and classes derived from it to pass "ui" object of caller side.

# Read the output of a "svn log --xml" command on stdin, parse it and
# print a subset of attributes common to all svn versions tested by
# hg.
import xml.dom.minidom, sys

def xmltext(e):
    return ''.join(c.data for c
                   in e.childNodes
                   if c.nodeType == c.TEXT_NODE)

def parseentry(entry):
    e = {}
    e['revision'] = entry.getAttribute('revision')
    e['author'] = xmltext(entry.getElementsByTagName('author')[0])
    e['msg'] = xmltext(entry.getElementsByTagName('msg')[0])
    e['paths'] = []
    paths = entry.getElementsByTagName('paths')
    if paths:
        paths = paths[0]
        for p in paths.getElementsByTagName('path'):
            action = p.getAttribute('action')
            path = xmltext(p)
            frompath = p.getAttribute('copyfrom-path')
            fromrev = p.getAttribute('copyfrom-rev')
            e['paths'].append((path, action, frompath, fromrev))
    return e

def parselog(data):
    entries = []
    doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(data)
    for e in doc.getElementsByTagName('logentry'):
    return entries

def printentries(entries):
    fp = sys.stdout
    for e in entries:
        for k in ('revision', 'author', 'msg'):
            fp.write(('%s: %s\n' % (k, e[k])).encode('utf-8'))
        for path, action, fpath, frev in sorted(e['paths']):
            frominfo = ''
            if frev:
                frominfo = ' (from %s@%s)' % (fpath, frev)
            p = ' %s %s%s\n' % (action, path, frominfo)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    data = sys.stdin.read()
    entries = parselog(data)