author Gregory Szorc <gregory.szorc@gmail.com>
Wed, 14 Mar 2018 22:19:00 -0700
changeset 37060 0a6c5cc09a88
parent 37058 c5e9c3b47366
child 37061 884a0c1604ad
permissions -rw-r--r--
wireproto: define human output side channel frame Currently, the SSH protocol delivers output tailored for people over the stderr file descriptor. The HTTP protocol doesn't have this file descriptor (because it only has an input and output pipe). So it encodes textual output intended for humans within the protocol responses. So response types have a facility for capturing output to be printed to users. Some don't. And sometimes the implementation of how that output is conveyed is super hacky. On top of that, bundle2 has an "output" part that is used to store output that should be printed when this part is encountered. bundle2 also has the concept of "interrupt" chunks, which can be used to signal that the regular bundle2 stream is to be preempted by an out-of-band part that should be processed immediately. This "interrupt" part can be an "output" part and can be used to print data on the receiver. The status quo is inconsistent and insane. We can do better. This commit introduces a dedicated frame type on the frame-based protocol for denoting textual data that should be printed on the receiver. This frame type effectively constitutes a side-channel by which textual data can be printed on the receiver without interfering with other in-progress transmissions, such as the transmission of command responses. But wait - there's more! Previous implementations that transferred textual data basically instructed the client to "print these bytes." This suffered from a few problems. First, the text data that was transmitted and eventually printed originated from a server with a specic i18n configuration. This meant that clients would see text using whatever the i18n settings were on the server. Someone in France could connect to a server in Japan and see unlegible Japanese glyphs - or maybe even mojibake. Second, the normalization of all text data originated on servers resulted in the loss of the ability to apply formatting to that data. Local Mercurial clients can apply specific formatting settings to individual atoms of text. For example, a revision can be colored differently from a commit message. With data over the wire, the potential for this rich formatting was lost. The best you could do (without parsing the text to be printed), was apply a universal label to it and e.g. color it specially. The new mechanism for instructing the peer to print data does not have these limitations. Frames instructing the peer to print text are composed of a formatting string plus arguments. In other words, receivers can plug the formatting string into the i18n database to see if a local translation is available. In addition, each atom being instructed to print has a series of "labels" associated with it. These labels can be mapped to the Mercurial UI's labels so locally configured coloring, styling, etc settings can be applied. What this all means is that textual messages originating on servers can be localized on the client and richly formatted, all while respecting the client's settings. This is slightly more complicated than "print these bytes." But it is vastly more user friendly. FWIW, I'm not aware of other protocols that attempt to encode i18n and textual styling in this manner. You could lobby the claim that this feature is over-engineered. However, if I were to sit in the shoes of a non-English speaker learning how to use version control, I think I would *love* this feature because it would enable me to see richly formatted text in my chosen locale. Anyway, we only implement support for encoding frames of this type and basic tests for that encoding. We'll still need to hook up the server and its ui instance to emit these frames. I recognize this feature may be a bit more controversial than other aspects of the wire protocol because it is a bit "radical." So I'd figured I'd start small to test the waters and see if others feel this feature is worthwhile. Differential Revision: https://phab.mercurial-scm.org/D2872

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import unittest

from mercurial import (
    wireprotoframing as framing,

ffs = framing.makeframefromhumanstring

def makereactor(deferoutput=False):
    return framing.serverreactor(deferoutput=deferoutput)

def sendframes(reactor, gen):
    """Send a generator of frame bytearray to a reactor.

    Emits a generator of results from ``onframerecv()`` calls.
    for frame in gen:
        rid, frametype, frameflags, framelength = framing.parseheader(frame)
        payload = frame[framing.FRAME_HEADER_SIZE:]
        assert len(payload) == framelength

        yield reactor.onframerecv(rid, frametype, frameflags, payload)

def sendcommandframes(reactor, rid, cmd, args, datafh=None):
    """Generate frames to run a command and send them to a reactor."""
    return sendframes(reactor,
                      framing.createcommandframes(rid, cmd, args, datafh))

class FrameTests(unittest.TestCase):
    def testdataexactframesize(self):
        data = util.bytesio(b'x' * framing.DEFAULT_MAX_FRAME_SIZE)

        frames = list(framing.createcommandframes(1, b'command', {}, data))
        self.assertEqual(frames, [
            ffs(b'1 command-name have-data command'),
            ffs(b'1 command-data continuation %s' % data.getvalue()),
            ffs(b'1 command-data eos ')

    def testdatamultipleframes(self):
        data = util.bytesio(b'x' * (framing.DEFAULT_MAX_FRAME_SIZE + 1))
        frames = list(framing.createcommandframes(1, b'command', {}, data))
        self.assertEqual(frames, [
            ffs(b'1 command-name have-data command'),
            ffs(b'1 command-data continuation %s' % (
                b'x' * framing.DEFAULT_MAX_FRAME_SIZE)),
            ffs(b'1 command-data eos x'),

    def testargsanddata(self):
        data = util.bytesio(b'x' * 100)

        frames = list(framing.createcommandframes(1, b'command', {
            b'key1': b'key1value',
            b'key2': b'key2value',
            b'key3': b'key3value',
        }, data))

        self.assertEqual(frames, [
            ffs(b'1 command-name have-args|have-data command'),
            ffs(br'1 command-argument 0 \x04\x00\x09\x00key1key1value'),
            ffs(br'1 command-argument 0 \x04\x00\x09\x00key2key2value'),
            ffs(br'1 command-argument eoa \x04\x00\x09\x00key3key3value'),
            ffs(b'1 command-data eos %s' % data.getvalue()),

    def testtextoutputexcessiveargs(self):
        """At most 255 formatting arguments are allowed."""
        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError,
                                     'cannot use more than 255 formatting'):
            args = [b'x' for i in range(256)]
            list(framing.createtextoutputframe(1, [(b'bleh', args, [])]))

    def testtextoutputexcessivelabels(self):
        """At most 255 labels are allowed."""
        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError,
                                     'cannot use more than 255 labels'):
            labels = [b'l' for i in range(256)]
            list(framing.createtextoutputframe(1, [(b'bleh', [], labels)]))

    def testtextoutputformattingstringtype(self):
        """Formatting string must be bytes."""
        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, 'must use bytes formatting '):
            list(framing.createtextoutputframe(1, [
                (b'foo'.decode('ascii'), [], [])]))

    def testtextoutputargumentbytes(self):
        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, 'must use bytes for argument'):
            list(framing.createtextoutputframe(1, [
                (b'foo', [b'foo'.decode('ascii')], [])]))

    def testtextoutputlabelbytes(self):
        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, 'must use bytes for labels'):
            list(framing.createtextoutputframe(1, [
                (b'foo', [], [b'foo'.decode('ascii')])]))

    def testtextoutputtoolongformatstring(self):
        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError,
                                     'formatting string cannot be longer than'):
            list(framing.createtextoutputframe(1, [
                (b'x' * 65536, [], [])]))

    def testtextoutputtoolongargumentstring(self):
        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError,
                                     'argument string cannot be longer than'):
            list(framing.createtextoutputframe(1, [
                (b'bleh', [b'x' * 65536], [])]))

    def testtextoutputtoolonglabelstring(self):
        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError,
                                     'label string cannot be longer than'):
            list(framing.createtextoutputframe(1, [
                (b'bleh', [], [b'x' * 65536])]))

    def testtextoutput1simpleatom(self):
        val = list(framing.createtextoutputframe(1, [
            (b'foo', [], [])]))

        self.assertEqual(val, [
            ffs(br'1 text-output 0 \x03\x00\x00\x00foo'),

    def testtextoutput2simpleatoms(self):
        val = list(framing.createtextoutputframe(1, [
            (b'foo', [], []),
            (b'bar', [], []),

        self.assertEqual(val, [
            ffs(br'1 text-output 0 \x03\x00\x00\x00foo\x03\x00\x00\x00bar'),

    def testtextoutput1arg(self):
        val = list(framing.createtextoutputframe(1, [
            (b'foo %s', [b'val1'], []),

        self.assertEqual(val, [
            ffs(br'1 text-output 0 \x06\x00\x00\x01\x04\x00foo %sval1'),

    def testtextoutput2arg(self):
        val = list(framing.createtextoutputframe(1, [
            (b'foo %s %s', [b'val', b'value'], []),

        self.assertEqual(val, [
            ffs(br'1 text-output 0 \x09\x00\x00\x02\x03\x00\x05\x00'
                br'foo %s %svalvalue'),

    def testtextoutput1label(self):
        val = list(framing.createtextoutputframe(1, [
            (b'foo', [], [b'label']),

        self.assertEqual(val, [
            ffs(br'1 text-output 0 \x03\x00\x01\x00\x05foolabel'),

    def testargandlabel(self):
        val = list(framing.createtextoutputframe(1, [
            (b'foo %s', [b'arg'], [b'label']),

        self.assertEqual(val, [
            ffs(br'1 text-output 0 \x06\x00\x01\x01\x05\x03\x00foo %slabelarg'),

class ServerReactorTests(unittest.TestCase):
    def _sendsingleframe(self, reactor, s):
        results = list(sendframes(reactor, [ffs(s)]))
        self.assertEqual(len(results), 1)

        return results[0]

    def assertaction(self, res, expected):
        self.assertIsInstance(res, tuple)
        self.assertEqual(len(res), 2)
        self.assertIsInstance(res[1], dict)
        self.assertEqual(res[0], expected)

    def assertframesequal(self, frames, framestrings):
        expected = [ffs(s) for s in framestrings]
        self.assertEqual(list(frames), expected)

    def test1framecommand(self):
        """Receiving a command in a single frame yields request to run it."""
        reactor = makereactor()
        results = list(sendcommandframes(reactor, 1, b'mycommand', {}))
        self.assertEqual(len(results), 1)
        self.assertaction(results[0], 'runcommand')
        self.assertEqual(results[0][1], {
            'requestid': 1,
            'command': b'mycommand',
            'args': {},
            'data': None,

        result = reactor.oninputeof()
        self.assertaction(result, 'noop')

    def test1argument(self):
        reactor = makereactor()
        results = list(sendcommandframes(reactor, 41, b'mycommand',
                                         {b'foo': b'bar'}))
        self.assertEqual(len(results), 2)
        self.assertaction(results[0], 'wantframe')
        self.assertaction(results[1], 'runcommand')
        self.assertEqual(results[1][1], {
            'requestid': 41,
            'command': b'mycommand',
            'args': {b'foo': b'bar'},
            'data': None,

    def testmultiarguments(self):
        reactor = makereactor()
        results = list(sendcommandframes(reactor, 1, b'mycommand',
                                         {b'foo': b'bar', b'biz': b'baz'}))
        self.assertEqual(len(results), 3)
        self.assertaction(results[0], 'wantframe')
        self.assertaction(results[1], 'wantframe')
        self.assertaction(results[2], 'runcommand')
        self.assertEqual(results[2][1], {
            'requestid': 1,
            'command': b'mycommand',
            'args': {b'foo': b'bar', b'biz': b'baz'},
            'data': None,

    def testsimplecommanddata(self):
        reactor = makereactor()
        results = list(sendcommandframes(reactor, 1, b'mycommand', {},
        self.assertEqual(len(results), 2)
        self.assertaction(results[0], 'wantframe')
        self.assertaction(results[1], 'runcommand')
        self.assertEqual(results[1][1], {
            'requestid': 1,
            'command': b'mycommand',
            'args': {},
            'data': b'data!',

    def testmultipledataframes(self):
        frames = [
            ffs(b'1 command-name have-data mycommand'),
            ffs(b'1 command-data continuation data1'),
            ffs(b'1 command-data continuation data2'),
            ffs(b'1 command-data eos data3'),

        reactor = makereactor()
        results = list(sendframes(reactor, frames))
        self.assertEqual(len(results), 4)
        for i in range(3):
            self.assertaction(results[i], 'wantframe')
        self.assertaction(results[3], 'runcommand')
        self.assertEqual(results[3][1], {
            'requestid': 1,
            'command': b'mycommand',
            'args': {},
            'data': b'data1data2data3',

    def testargumentanddata(self):
        frames = [
            ffs(b'1 command-name have-args|have-data command'),
            ffs(br'1 command-argument 0 \x03\x00\x03\x00keyval'),
            ffs(br'1 command-argument eoa \x03\x00\x03\x00foobar'),
            ffs(b'1 command-data continuation value1'),
            ffs(b'1 command-data eos value2'),

        reactor = makereactor()
        results = list(sendframes(reactor, frames))

        self.assertaction(results[-1], 'runcommand')
        self.assertEqual(results[-1][1], {
            'requestid': 1,
            'command': b'command',
            'args': {
                b'key': b'val',
                b'foo': b'bar',
            'data': b'value1value2',

    def testunexpectedcommandargument(self):
        """Command argument frame when not running a command is an error."""
        result = self._sendsingleframe(makereactor(),
                                       b'1 command-argument 0 ignored')
        self.assertaction(result, 'error')
        self.assertEqual(result[1], {
            'message': b'expected command frame; got 2',

    def testunexpectedcommandargumentreceiving(self):
        """Same as above but the command is receiving."""
        results = list(sendframes(makereactor(), [
            ffs(b'1 command-name have-data command'),
            ffs(b'1 command-argument eoa ignored'),

        self.assertaction(results[1], 'error')
        self.assertEqual(results[1][1], {
            'message': b'received command argument frame for request that is '
                       b'not expecting arguments: 1',

    def testunexpectedcommanddata(self):
        """Command argument frame when not running a command is an error."""
        result = self._sendsingleframe(makereactor(),
                                       b'1 command-data 0 ignored')
        self.assertaction(result, 'error')
        self.assertEqual(result[1], {
            'message': b'expected command frame; got 3',

    def testunexpectedcommanddatareceiving(self):
        """Same as above except the command is receiving."""
        results = list(sendframes(makereactor(), [
            ffs(b'1 command-name have-args command'),
            ffs(b'1 command-data eos ignored'),

        self.assertaction(results[1], 'error')
        self.assertEqual(results[1][1], {
            'message': b'received command data frame for request that is not '
                       b'expecting data: 1',

    def testmissingcommandframeflags(self):
        """Command name frame must have flags set."""
        result = self._sendsingleframe(makereactor(),
                                       b'1 command-name 0 command')
        self.assertaction(result, 'error')
        self.assertEqual(result[1], {
            'message': b'missing frame flags on command frame',

    def testconflictingrequestid(self):
        """Multiple fully serviced commands with same request ID is allowed."""
        results = list(sendframes(makereactor(), [
            ffs(b'1 command-name eos command'),
            ffs(b'1 command-name eos command'),
            ffs(b'1 command-name eos command'),
        for i in range(3):
            self.assertaction(results[i], 'runcommand')
            self.assertEqual(results[i][1], {
                'requestid': 1,
                'command': b'command',
                'args': {},
                'data': None,

    def testconflictingrequestid(self):
        """Request ID for new command matching in-flight command is illegal."""
        results = list(sendframes(makereactor(), [
            ffs(b'1 command-name have-args command'),
            ffs(b'1 command-name eos command'),

        self.assertaction(results[0], 'wantframe')
        self.assertaction(results[1], 'error')
        self.assertEqual(results[1][1], {
            'message': b'request with ID 1 already received',

    def testinterleavedcommands(self):
        results = list(sendframes(makereactor(), [
            ffs(b'1 command-name have-args command1'),
            ffs(b'3 command-name have-args command3'),
            ffs(br'1 command-argument 0 \x03\x00\x03\x00foobar'),
            ffs(br'3 command-argument 0 \x03\x00\x03\x00bizbaz'),
            ffs(br'3 command-argument eoa \x03\x00\x03\x00keyval'),
            ffs(br'1 command-argument eoa \x04\x00\x03\x00key1val'),

        self.assertEqual([t[0] for t in results], [

        self.assertEqual(results[4][1], {
            'requestid': 3,
            'command': 'command3',
            'args': {b'biz': b'baz', b'key': b'val'},
            'data': None,
        self.assertEqual(results[5][1], {
            'requestid': 1,
            'command': 'command1',
            'args': {b'foo': b'bar', b'key1': b'val'},
            'data': None,

    def testmissingargumentframe(self):
        # This test attempts to test behavior when reactor has an incomplete
        # command request waiting on argument data. But it doesn't handle that
        # scenario yet. So this test does nothing of value.
        frames = [
            ffs(b'1 command-name have-args command'),

        results = list(sendframes(makereactor(), frames))
        self.assertaction(results[0], 'wantframe')

    def testincompleteargumentname(self):
        """Argument frame with incomplete name."""
        frames = [
            ffs(b'1 command-name have-args command1'),
            ffs(br'1 command-argument eoa \x04\x00\xde\xadfoo'),

        results = list(sendframes(makereactor(), frames))
        self.assertEqual(len(results), 2)
        self.assertaction(results[0], 'wantframe')
        self.assertaction(results[1], 'error')
        self.assertEqual(results[1][1], {
            'message': b'malformed argument frame: partial argument name',

    def testincompleteargumentvalue(self):
        """Argument frame with incomplete value."""
        frames = [
            ffs(b'1 command-name have-args command'),
            ffs(br'1 command-argument eoa \x03\x00\xaa\xaafoopartialvalue'),

        results = list(sendframes(makereactor(), frames))
        self.assertEqual(len(results), 2)
        self.assertaction(results[0], 'wantframe')
        self.assertaction(results[1], 'error')
        self.assertEqual(results[1][1], {
            'message': b'malformed argument frame: partial argument value',

    def testmissingcommanddataframe(self):
        # The reactor doesn't currently handle partially received commands.
        # So this test is failing to do anything with request 1.
        frames = [
            ffs(b'1 command-name have-data command1'),
            ffs(b'3 command-name eos command2'),
        results = list(sendframes(makereactor(), frames))
        self.assertEqual(len(results), 2)
        self.assertaction(results[0], 'wantframe')
        self.assertaction(results[1], 'runcommand')

    def testmissingcommanddataframeflags(self):
        frames = [
            ffs(b'1 command-name have-data command1'),
            ffs(b'1 command-data 0 data'),
        results = list(sendframes(makereactor(), frames))
        self.assertEqual(len(results), 2)
        self.assertaction(results[0], 'wantframe')
        self.assertaction(results[1], 'error')
        self.assertEqual(results[1][1], {
            'message': b'command data frame without flags',

    def testframefornonreceivingrequest(self):
        """Receiving a frame for a command that is not receiving is illegal."""
        results = list(sendframes(makereactor(), [
            ffs(b'1 command-name eos command1'),
            ffs(b'3 command-name have-data command3'),
            ffs(b'1 command-argument eoa ignored'),
        self.assertaction(results[2], 'error')
        self.assertEqual(results[2][1], {
            'message': b'received frame for request that is not receiving: 1',

    def testsimpleresponse(self):
        """Bytes response to command sends result frames."""
        reactor = makereactor()
        list(sendcommandframes(reactor, 1, b'mycommand', {}))

        result = reactor.onbytesresponseready(1, b'response')
        self.assertaction(result, 'sendframes')
        self.assertframesequal(result[1]['framegen'], [
            b'1 bytes-response eos response',

    def testmultiframeresponse(self):
        """Bytes response spanning multiple frames is handled."""
        first = b'x' * framing.DEFAULT_MAX_FRAME_SIZE
        second = b'y' * 100

        reactor = makereactor()
        list(sendcommandframes(reactor, 1, b'mycommand', {}))

        result = reactor.onbytesresponseready(1, first + second)
        self.assertaction(result, 'sendframes')
        self.assertframesequal(result[1]['framegen'], [
            b'1 bytes-response continuation %s' % first,
            b'1 bytes-response eos %s' % second,

    def testapplicationerror(self):
        reactor = makereactor()
        list(sendcommandframes(reactor, 1, b'mycommand', {}))

        result = reactor.onapplicationerror(1, b'some message')
        self.assertaction(result, 'sendframes')
        self.assertframesequal(result[1]['framegen'], [
            b'1 error-response application some message',

    def test1commanddeferresponse(self):
        """Responses when in deferred output mode are delayed until EOF."""
        reactor = makereactor(deferoutput=True)
        results = list(sendcommandframes(reactor, 1, b'mycommand', {}))
        self.assertEqual(len(results), 1)
        self.assertaction(results[0], 'runcommand')

        result = reactor.onbytesresponseready(1, b'response')
        self.assertaction(result, 'noop')
        result = reactor.oninputeof()
        self.assertaction(result, 'sendframes')
        self.assertframesequal(result[1]['framegen'], [
            b'1 bytes-response eos response',

    def testmultiplecommanddeferresponse(self):
        reactor = makereactor(deferoutput=True)
        list(sendcommandframes(reactor, 1, b'command1', {}))
        list(sendcommandframes(reactor, 3, b'command2', {}))

        result = reactor.onbytesresponseready(1, b'response1')
        self.assertaction(result, 'noop')
        result = reactor.onbytesresponseready(3, b'response2')
        self.assertaction(result, 'noop')
        result = reactor.oninputeof()
        self.assertaction(result, 'sendframes')
        self.assertframesequal(result[1]['framegen'], [
            b'1 bytes-response eos response1',
            b'3 bytes-response eos response2'

    def testrequestidtracking(self):
        reactor = makereactor(deferoutput=True)
        list(sendcommandframes(reactor, 1, b'command1', {}))
        list(sendcommandframes(reactor, 3, b'command2', {}))
        list(sendcommandframes(reactor, 5, b'command3', {}))

        # Register results for commands out of order.
        reactor.onbytesresponseready(3, b'response3')
        reactor.onbytesresponseready(1, b'response1')
        reactor.onbytesresponseready(5, b'response5')

        result = reactor.oninputeof()
        self.assertaction(result, 'sendframes')
        self.assertframesequal(result[1]['framegen'], [
            b'3 bytes-response eos response3',
            b'1 bytes-response eos response1',
            b'5 bytes-response eos response5',

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import silenttestrunner