author Manuel Jacob <me@manueljacob.de>
Mon, 11 Jul 2022 01:51:20 +0200
changeset 49378 094a5fa3cf52
parent 47941 5b9de38a0356
permissions -rw-r--r--
procutil: make stream detection in make_line_buffered more correct and strict In make_line_buffered(), we don’t want to wrap the stream if we know that lines get flushed to the underlying raw stream already. Previously, the heuristic was too optimistic. It assumed that any stream which is not an instance of io.BufferedIOBase doesn’t need wrapping. However, there are buffered streams that aren’t instances of io.BufferedIOBase, like Mercurial’s own winstdout. The new logic is different in two ways: First, only for the check, if unwraps any combination of WriteAllWrapper and winstdout. Second, it skips wrapping the stream only if it is an instance of io.RawIOBase (or already wrapped). If it is an instance of io.BufferedIOBase, it gets wrapped. In any other case, the function raises an exception. This ensures that, if an unknown stream is passed or we add another wrapper in the future, we don’t wrap the stream if it’s already line buffered or not wrap the stream if it’s not line buffered. In fact, this was already helpful during development of this change. Without it, I possibly would have forgot that WriteAllWrapper needs to be ignored for the check, leading to unnecessary wrapping if stdout is unbuffered. The alternative would have been to always wrap unknown streams. However, I don’t think that anyone would benefit from being less strict. We can expect streams from the standard library to be subclassing either io.RawIOBase or io.BufferedIOBase, so running Mercurial in the standard way should not regress by this change. Py2exe might replace sys.stdout and sys.stderr, but that currently breaks Mercurial anyway and also these streams don’t claim to be interactive, so this function is not called for them.

#testcases flat tree

  $ . "$TESTDIR/narrow-library.sh"

#if tree
  $ cat << EOF >> $HGRCPATH
  > [experimental]
  > treemanifest = 1
  > EOF

create full repo

  $ hg init master
  $ cd master

  $ mkdir inside
  $ echo inside > inside/f1
  $ mkdir outside
  $ echo outside > outside/f1
  $ hg ci -Aqm 'initial'

  $ echo modified > inside/f1
  $ hg ci -qm 'modify inside'

  $ echo modified > outside/f1
  $ hg ci -qm 'modify outside'

  $ cd ..

(The lfs extension does nothing here, but this test ensures that its hook that
determines whether to add the lfs requirement, respects the narrow boundaries.)

  $ hg --config extensions.lfs= clone --narrow ssh://user@dummy/master narrow \
  >    --include inside
  requesting all changes
  adding changesets
  adding manifests
  adding file changes
  added 3 changesets with 2 changes to 1 files
  new changesets *:* (glob)
  updating to branch default
  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ cd narrow

  $ hg update -q 0

Can not modify dirstate outside

  $ mkdir outside
  $ touch outside/f1
  $ hg debugwalk -v -I 'relglob:f1'
  * matcher:
  <includematcher includes='(?:|.*/)f1(?:/|$)'>
  f  inside/f1  inside/f1
  $ hg add .
  $ hg add outside/f1
  abort: cannot track 'outside/f1' - it is outside the narrow clone
  $ touch outside/f3
  $ hg add outside/f3
  abort: cannot track 'outside/f3' - it is outside the narrow clone

But adding a truly excluded file shouldn't count

  $ hg add outside/f3 -X outside/f3

  $ rm -r outside

Can modify dirstate inside

  $ echo modified > inside/f1
  $ touch inside/f3
  $ hg add inside/f3
  $ hg status
  M inside/f1
  A inside/f3
  $ hg revert -qC .
  $ rm inside/f3

Can commit changes inside. Leaves outside unchanged.

  $ hg update -q 'desc("initial")'
  $ echo modified2 > inside/f1
  $ hg manifest --debug
  4d6a634d5ba06331a60c29ee0db8412490a54fcd 644   inside/f1
  7fb3bb6356d28d4dc352c5ba52d7350a81b6bd46 644   outside/f1 (flat !)
  d0f2f706468ab0e8bec7af87446835fb1b13511b 755 d outside/ (tree !)
  $ hg commit -m 'modify inside/f1'
  created new head
  $ hg files -r .
  $ hg manifest --debug
  3f4197b4a11b9016e77ebc47fe566944885fd11b 644   inside/f1
  7fb3bb6356d28d4dc352c5ba52d7350a81b6bd46 644   outside/f1 (flat !)
  d0f2f706468ab0e8bec7af87446835fb1b13511b 755 d outside/ (tree !)
Some filesystems (notably FAT/exFAT only store timestamps with 2
seconds of precision, so by sleeping for 3 seconds, we can ensure that
the timestamps of files stored by dirstate will appear older than the
dirstate file, and therefore we'll be able to get stable output from
debugdirstate. If we don't do this, the test can be slightly flaky.
  $ sleep 3
  $ hg status
  $ hg debugdirstate --no-dates
  n 644         10 set                 inside/f1

Can commit empty files

  $ touch inside/c; hg add inside/c; hg commit -qm _; hg verify -q
  $ hg cat -r . inside/c