author Manuel Jacob <me@manueljacob.de>
Mon, 11 Jul 2022 01:51:20 +0200
changeset 49378 094a5fa3cf52
parent 48589 a51c522c0064
permissions -rw-r--r--
procutil: make stream detection in make_line_buffered more correct and strict In make_line_buffered(), we don’t want to wrap the stream if we know that lines get flushed to the underlying raw stream already. Previously, the heuristic was too optimistic. It assumed that any stream which is not an instance of io.BufferedIOBase doesn’t need wrapping. However, there are buffered streams that aren’t instances of io.BufferedIOBase, like Mercurial’s own winstdout. The new logic is different in two ways: First, only for the check, if unwraps any combination of WriteAllWrapper and winstdout. Second, it skips wrapping the stream only if it is an instance of io.RawIOBase (or already wrapped). If it is an instance of io.BufferedIOBase, it gets wrapped. In any other case, the function raises an exception. This ensures that, if an unknown stream is passed or we add another wrapper in the future, we don’t wrap the stream if it’s already line buffered or not wrap the stream if it’s not line buffered. In fact, this was already helpful during development of this change. Without it, I possibly would have forgot that WriteAllWrapper needs to be ignored for the check, leading to unnecessary wrapping if stdout is unbuffered. The alternative would have been to always wrap unknown streams. However, I don’t think that anyone would benefit from being less strict. We can expect streams from the standard library to be subclassing either io.RawIOBase or io.BufferedIOBase, so running Mercurial in the standard way should not regress by this change. Py2exe might replace sys.stdout and sys.stderr, but that currently breaks Mercurial anyway and also these streams don’t claim to be interactive, so this function is not called for them.

Set up a base, local, and remote changeset, as well as the working copy state.
Files names are of the form base_remote_local_working-copy. For example,
content1_content2_content1_content2-untracked represents a
file that was modified in the remote changeset, left untouched in the
local changeset, and then modified in the working copy to match the
remote content, then finally forgotten.

  $ hg init repo
  $ cd repo

Create base changeset

  $ "$PYTHON" $TESTDIR/generate-working-copy-states.py state 3 1
  $ hg addremove -q --similarity 0
  $ hg commit -qm 'base'

Create remote changeset

  $ "$PYTHON" $TESTDIR/generate-working-copy-states.py state 3 2
  $ hg addremove -q --similarity 0
  $ hg commit -qm 'remote'

Create local changeset

  $ hg update -q 0
  $ "$PYTHON" $TESTDIR/generate-working-copy-states.py state 3 3
  $ hg addremove -q --similarity 0
  $ hg commit -qm 'local'

Set up working directory

  $ "$PYTHON" $TESTDIR/generate-working-copy-states.py state 3 wc
  $ hg addremove -q --similarity 0
  $ hg forget *_*_*_*-untracked
  $ rm *_*_*_missing-*

  $ hg status -A
  M content1_content1_content1_content4-tracked
  M content1_content1_content3_content1-tracked
  M content1_content1_content3_content4-tracked
  M content1_content2_content1_content2-tracked
  M content1_content2_content1_content4-tracked
  M content1_content2_content2_content1-tracked
  M content1_content2_content2_content4-tracked
  M content1_content2_content3_content1-tracked
  M content1_content2_content3_content2-tracked
  M content1_content2_content3_content4-tracked
  M content1_missing_content1_content4-tracked
  M content1_missing_content3_content1-tracked
  M content1_missing_content3_content4-tracked
  M missing_content2_content2_content4-tracked
  M missing_content2_content3_content2-tracked
  M missing_content2_content3_content4-tracked
  M missing_missing_content3_content4-tracked
  A content1_content1_missing_content1-tracked
  A content1_content1_missing_content4-tracked
  A content1_content2_missing_content1-tracked
  A content1_content2_missing_content2-tracked
  A content1_content2_missing_content4-tracked
  A content1_missing_missing_content1-tracked
  A content1_missing_missing_content4-tracked
  A missing_content2_missing_content2-tracked
  A missing_content2_missing_content4-tracked
  A missing_missing_missing_content4-tracked
  R content1_content1_content1_content1-untracked
  R content1_content1_content1_content4-untracked
  R content1_content1_content1_missing-untracked
  R content1_content1_content3_content1-untracked
  R content1_content1_content3_content3-untracked
  R content1_content1_content3_content4-untracked
  R content1_content1_content3_missing-untracked
  R content1_content2_content1_content1-untracked
  R content1_content2_content1_content2-untracked
  R content1_content2_content1_content4-untracked
  R content1_content2_content1_missing-untracked
  R content1_content2_content2_content1-untracked
  R content1_content2_content2_content2-untracked
  R content1_content2_content2_content4-untracked
  R content1_content2_content2_missing-untracked
  R content1_content2_content3_content1-untracked
  R content1_content2_content3_content2-untracked
  R content1_content2_content3_content3-untracked
  R content1_content2_content3_content4-untracked
  R content1_content2_content3_missing-untracked
  R content1_missing_content1_content1-untracked
  R content1_missing_content1_content4-untracked
  R content1_missing_content1_missing-untracked
  R content1_missing_content3_content1-untracked
  R content1_missing_content3_content3-untracked
  R content1_missing_content3_content4-untracked
  R content1_missing_content3_missing-untracked
  R missing_content2_content2_content2-untracked
  R missing_content2_content2_content4-untracked
  R missing_content2_content2_missing-untracked
  R missing_content2_content3_content2-untracked
  R missing_content2_content3_content3-untracked
  R missing_content2_content3_content4-untracked
  R missing_content2_content3_missing-untracked
  R missing_missing_content3_content3-untracked
  R missing_missing_content3_content4-untracked
  R missing_missing_content3_missing-untracked
  ! content1_content1_content1_missing-tracked
  ! content1_content1_content3_missing-tracked
  ! content1_content1_missing_missing-tracked
  ! content1_content2_content1_missing-tracked
  ! content1_content2_content2_missing-tracked
  ! content1_content2_content3_missing-tracked
  ! content1_content2_missing_missing-tracked
  ! content1_missing_content1_missing-tracked
  ! content1_missing_content3_missing-tracked
  ! content1_missing_missing_missing-tracked
  ! missing_content2_content2_missing-tracked
  ! missing_content2_content3_missing-tracked
  ! missing_content2_missing_missing-tracked
  ! missing_missing_content3_missing-tracked
  ! missing_missing_missing_missing-tracked
  ? content1_content1_missing_content1-untracked
  ? content1_content1_missing_content4-untracked
  ? content1_content2_missing_content1-untracked
  ? content1_content2_missing_content2-untracked
  ? content1_content2_missing_content4-untracked
  ? content1_missing_missing_content1-untracked
  ? content1_missing_missing_content4-untracked
  ? missing_content2_missing_content2-untracked
  ? missing_content2_missing_content4-untracked
  ? missing_missing_missing_content4-untracked
  C content1_content1_content1_content1-tracked
  C content1_content1_content3_content3-tracked
  C content1_content2_content1_content1-tracked
  C content1_content2_content2_content2-tracked
  C content1_content2_content3_content3-tracked
  C content1_missing_content1_content1-tracked
  C content1_missing_content3_content3-tracked
  C missing_content2_content2_content2-tracked
  C missing_content2_content3_content3-tracked
  C missing_missing_content3_content3-tracked

Merge with remote

# Notes:
# - local and remote changed content1_content2_*_content2-untracked
#   in the same way, so it could potentially be left alone

  $ hg merge -f --tool internal:merge3 'desc("remote")' 2>&1 | tee $TESTTMP/merge-output-1
  file 'content1_missing_content1_content4-tracked' was deleted in other [merge rev] but was modified in local [working copy].
  You can use (c)hanged version, (d)elete, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_missing_content3_content3-tracked' was deleted in other [merge rev] but was modified in local [working copy].
  You can use (c)hanged version, (d)elete, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_missing_content3_content4-tracked' was deleted in other [merge rev] but was modified in local [working copy].
  You can use (c)hanged version, (d)elete, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_missing_missing_content4-tracked' was deleted in other [merge rev] but was modified in local [working copy].
  You can use (c)hanged version, (d)elete, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_content2_content1_content1-untracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_content2_content1_content2-untracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_content2_content1_content4-untracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_content2_content1_missing-tracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_content2_content1_missing-untracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_content2_content2_content1-untracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_content2_content2_content2-untracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_content2_content2_content4-untracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_content2_content2_missing-tracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_content2_content2_missing-untracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_content2_content3_content1-untracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_content2_content3_content2-untracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_content2_content3_content3-untracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_content2_content3_content4-untracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_content2_content3_missing-tracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_content2_content3_missing-untracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_content2_missing_content1-untracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_content2_missing_content2-untracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_content2_missing_content4-untracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_content2_missing_missing-tracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_content2_missing_missing-untracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  merging content1_content2_content1_content4-tracked
  warning: conflicts while merging content1_content2_content1_content4-tracked! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
  merging content1_content2_content2_content1-tracked
  merging content1_content2_content2_content4-tracked
  warning: conflicts while merging content1_content2_content2_content4-tracked! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
  merging content1_content2_content3_content1-tracked
  merging content1_content2_content3_content3-tracked
  warning: conflicts while merging content1_content2_content3_content3-tracked! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
  merging content1_content2_content3_content4-tracked
  warning: conflicts while merging content1_content2_content3_content4-tracked! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
  merging content1_content2_missing_content1-tracked
  merging content1_content2_missing_content4-tracked
  warning: conflicts while merging content1_content2_missing_content4-tracked! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
  merging missing_content2_content2_content4-tracked
  warning: conflicts while merging missing_content2_content2_content4-tracked! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
  merging missing_content2_content3_content3-tracked
  warning: conflicts while merging missing_content2_content3_content3-tracked! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
  merging missing_content2_content3_content4-tracked
  warning: conflicts while merging missing_content2_content3_content4-tracked! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
  merging missing_content2_missing_content4-tracked
  warning: conflicts while merging missing_content2_missing_content4-tracked! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
  merging missing_content2_missing_content4-untracked
  warning: conflicts while merging missing_content2_missing_content4-untracked! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
  18 files updated, 3 files merged, 8 files removed, 35 files unresolved
  use 'hg resolve' to retry unresolved file merges or 'hg merge --abort' to abandon

Check which files need to be resolved (should correspond to the output above).
This should be the files for which the base (1st filename segment), the remote
(2nd segment) and the working copy (4th segment) are all different.

Interestingly, one untracked file got merged and added, which corresponds to the
odd 'if force and branchmerge and different' case in manifestmerge().

  $ hg resolve -l
  U content1_content2_content1_content1-untracked
  U content1_content2_content1_content2-untracked
  U content1_content2_content1_content4-tracked
  U content1_content2_content1_content4-untracked
  U content1_content2_content1_missing-tracked
  U content1_content2_content1_missing-untracked
  R content1_content2_content2_content1-tracked
  U content1_content2_content2_content1-untracked
  U content1_content2_content2_content2-untracked
  U content1_content2_content2_content4-tracked
  U content1_content2_content2_content4-untracked
  U content1_content2_content2_missing-tracked
  U content1_content2_content2_missing-untracked
  R content1_content2_content3_content1-tracked
  U content1_content2_content3_content1-untracked
  U content1_content2_content3_content2-untracked
  U content1_content2_content3_content3-tracked
  U content1_content2_content3_content3-untracked
  U content1_content2_content3_content4-tracked
  U content1_content2_content3_content4-untracked
  U content1_content2_content3_missing-tracked
  U content1_content2_content3_missing-untracked
  R content1_content2_missing_content1-tracked
  U content1_content2_missing_content1-untracked
  U content1_content2_missing_content2-untracked
  U content1_content2_missing_content4-tracked
  U content1_content2_missing_content4-untracked
  U content1_content2_missing_missing-tracked
  U content1_content2_missing_missing-untracked
  U content1_missing_content1_content4-tracked
  U content1_missing_content3_content3-tracked
  U content1_missing_content3_content4-tracked
  U content1_missing_missing_content4-tracked
  U missing_content2_content2_content4-tracked
  U missing_content2_content3_content3-tracked
  U missing_content2_content3_content4-tracked
  U missing_content2_missing_content4-tracked
  U missing_content2_missing_content4-untracked

Check status and file content

Some files get added (e.g. content1_content2_content1_content1-untracked)

It is not intuitive that content1_content2_content1_content4-tracked gets
merged while content1_content2_content1_content4-untracked gets overwritten.
Any *_content2_*-untracked triggers the modified/deleted prompt and then gets

A lot of untracked files become tracked, for example

*_missing_missing_missing-tracked is reported as removed ('R'), which
doesn't make sense since the file did not exist in the parent, but on the
other hand, merged-in additions are reported as modifications, which is
almost as strange.

missing_missing_content3_missing-tracked becomes removed ('R'), even though
the remote side did not touch the file

  $ checkstatus() {
  >   for f in `"$PYTHON" $TESTDIR/generate-working-copy-states.py filelist 3`
  >   do
  >     echo
  >     hg status -A $f
  >     if test -f $f
  >     then
  >       cat $f
  >     else
  >       echo '<missing>'
  >     fi
  >   done
  > }
  $ checkstatus 2>&1 | tee $TESTTMP/status1
  C content1_content1_content1_content1-tracked
  R content1_content1_content1_content1-untracked
  M content1_content1_content1_content4-tracked
  R content1_content1_content1_content4-untracked
  ! content1_content1_content1_missing-tracked
  R content1_content1_content1_missing-untracked
  M content1_content1_content3_content1-tracked
  R content1_content1_content3_content1-untracked
  C content1_content1_content3_content3-tracked
  R content1_content1_content3_content3-untracked
  M content1_content1_content3_content4-tracked
  R content1_content1_content3_content4-untracked
  ! content1_content1_content3_missing-tracked
  R content1_content1_content3_missing-untracked
  A content1_content1_missing_content1-tracked
  ? content1_content1_missing_content1-untracked
  A content1_content1_missing_content4-tracked
  ? content1_content1_missing_content4-untracked
  ! content1_content1_missing_missing-tracked
  content1_content1_missing_missing-untracked: * (glob)
  M content1_content2_content1_content1-tracked
  M content1_content2_content1_content1-untracked
  M content1_content2_content1_content2-tracked
  M content1_content2_content1_content2-untracked
  M content1_content2_content1_content4-tracked
  <<<<<<< working copy:    0447570f1af6 - test: local
  ||||||| common ancestor: 8ef80617fa20 - test: base
  >>>>>>> merge rev:       85100b8c675b - test: remote
  M content1_content2_content1_content4-untracked
  M content1_content2_content1_missing-tracked
  M content1_content2_content1_missing-untracked
  M content1_content2_content2_content1-tracked
  M content1_content2_content2_content1-untracked
  C content1_content2_content2_content2-tracked
  M content1_content2_content2_content2-untracked
  M content1_content2_content2_content4-tracked
  <<<<<<< working copy:    0447570f1af6 - test: local
  ||||||| common ancestor: 8ef80617fa20 - test: base
  >>>>>>> merge rev:       85100b8c675b - test: remote
  M content1_content2_content2_content4-untracked
  M content1_content2_content2_missing-tracked
  M content1_content2_content2_missing-untracked
  M content1_content2_content3_content1-tracked
  M content1_content2_content3_content1-untracked
  M content1_content2_content3_content2-tracked
  M content1_content2_content3_content2-untracked
  M content1_content2_content3_content3-tracked
  <<<<<<< working copy:    0447570f1af6 - test: local
  ||||||| common ancestor: 8ef80617fa20 - test: base
  >>>>>>> merge rev:       85100b8c675b - test: remote
  M content1_content2_content3_content3-untracked
  M content1_content2_content3_content4-tracked
  <<<<<<< working copy:    0447570f1af6 - test: local
  ||||||| common ancestor: 8ef80617fa20 - test: base
  >>>>>>> merge rev:       85100b8c675b - test: remote
  M content1_content2_content3_content4-untracked
  M content1_content2_content3_missing-tracked
  M content1_content2_content3_missing-untracked
  M content1_content2_missing_content1-tracked
  M content1_content2_missing_content1-untracked
  M content1_content2_missing_content2-tracked
  M content1_content2_missing_content2-untracked
  M content1_content2_missing_content4-tracked
  <<<<<<< working copy:    0447570f1af6 - test: local
  ||||||| common ancestor: 8ef80617fa20 - test: base
  >>>>>>> merge rev:       85100b8c675b - test: remote
  M content1_content2_missing_content4-untracked
  M content1_content2_missing_missing-tracked
  M content1_content2_missing_missing-untracked
  R content1_missing_content1_content1-tracked
  R content1_missing_content1_content1-untracked
  M content1_missing_content1_content4-tracked
  R content1_missing_content1_content4-untracked
  R content1_missing_content1_missing-tracked
  R content1_missing_content1_missing-untracked
  R content1_missing_content3_content1-tracked
  R content1_missing_content3_content1-untracked
  C content1_missing_content3_content3-tracked
  R content1_missing_content3_content3-untracked
  M content1_missing_content3_content4-tracked
  R content1_missing_content3_content4-untracked
  R content1_missing_content3_missing-tracked
  R content1_missing_content3_missing-untracked
  R content1_missing_missing_content1-tracked
  ? content1_missing_missing_content1-untracked
  A content1_missing_missing_content4-tracked
  ? content1_missing_missing_content4-untracked
  R content1_missing_missing_missing-tracked
  content1_missing_missing_missing-untracked: * (glob)
  C missing_content2_content2_content2-tracked
  M missing_content2_content2_content2-untracked
  M missing_content2_content2_content4-tracked
  <<<<<<< working copy:    0447570f1af6 - test: local
  ||||||| common ancestor: 000000000000 - : 
  >>>>>>> merge rev:       85100b8c675b - test: remote
  M missing_content2_content2_content4-untracked
  M missing_content2_content2_missing-tracked
  M missing_content2_content2_missing-untracked
  M missing_content2_content3_content2-tracked
  M missing_content2_content3_content2-untracked
  M missing_content2_content3_content3-tracked
  <<<<<<< working copy:    0447570f1af6 - test: local
  ||||||| common ancestor: 000000000000 - : 
  >>>>>>> merge rev:       85100b8c675b - test: remote
  M missing_content2_content3_content3-untracked
  M missing_content2_content3_content4-tracked
  <<<<<<< working copy:    0447570f1af6 - test: local
  ||||||| common ancestor: 000000000000 - : 
  >>>>>>> merge rev:       85100b8c675b - test: remote
  M missing_content2_content3_content4-untracked
  M missing_content2_content3_missing-tracked
  M missing_content2_content3_missing-untracked
  M missing_content2_missing_content2-tracked
  M missing_content2_missing_content2-untracked
  M missing_content2_missing_content4-tracked
  <<<<<<< working copy:    0447570f1af6 - test: local
  ||||||| common ancestor: 000000000000 - : 
  >>>>>>> merge rev:       85100b8c675b - test: remote
  M missing_content2_missing_content4-untracked
  <<<<<<< working copy:    0447570f1af6 - test: local
  ||||||| common ancestor: 000000000000 - : 
  >>>>>>> merge rev:       85100b8c675b - test: remote
  M missing_content2_missing_missing-tracked
  M missing_content2_missing_missing-untracked
  C missing_missing_content3_content3-tracked
  R missing_missing_content3_content3-untracked
  M missing_missing_content3_content4-tracked
  R missing_missing_content3_content4-untracked
  R missing_missing_content3_missing-tracked
  R missing_missing_content3_missing-untracked
  A missing_missing_missing_content4-tracked
  ? missing_missing_missing_content4-untracked
  R missing_missing_missing_missing-tracked
  missing_missing_missing_missing-untracked: * (glob)

  $ for f in `"$PYTHON" $TESTDIR/generate-working-copy-states.py filelist 3`
  > do
  >   if test -f ${f}.orig
  >   then
  >     echo ${f}.orig:
  >     cat ${f}.orig
  >   fi
  > done

Re-resolve and check status

  $ hg resolve --unmark --all
  $ hg resolve --all --tool :local
  (no more unresolved files)
  $ hg resolve --unmark --all
  $ hg resolve --all --tool internal:merge3
  file 'content1_content2_content1_content1-untracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_content2_content1_content2-untracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  merging content1_content2_content1_content4-tracked
  warning: conflicts while merging content1_content2_content1_content4-tracked! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
  file 'content1_content2_content1_content4-untracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_content2_content1_missing-tracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_content2_content1_missing-untracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  merging content1_content2_content2_content1-tracked
  file 'content1_content2_content2_content1-untracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_content2_content2_content2-untracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  merging content1_content2_content2_content4-tracked
  warning: conflicts while merging content1_content2_content2_content4-tracked! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
  file 'content1_content2_content2_content4-untracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_content2_content2_missing-tracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_content2_content2_missing-untracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  merging content1_content2_content3_content1-tracked
  file 'content1_content2_content3_content1-untracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_content2_content3_content2-untracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  merging content1_content2_content3_content3-tracked
  warning: conflicts while merging content1_content2_content3_content3-tracked! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
  file 'content1_content2_content3_content3-untracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  merging content1_content2_content3_content4-tracked
  warning: conflicts while merging content1_content2_content3_content4-tracked! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
  file 'content1_content2_content3_content4-untracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_content2_content3_missing-tracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_content2_content3_missing-untracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  merging content1_content2_missing_content1-tracked
  file 'content1_content2_missing_content1-untracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_content2_missing_content2-untracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  merging content1_content2_missing_content4-tracked
  warning: conflicts while merging content1_content2_missing_content4-tracked! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
  file 'content1_content2_missing_content4-untracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_content2_missing_missing-tracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_content2_missing_missing-untracked' was deleted in local [working copy] but was modified in other [merge rev].
  You can use (c)hanged version, leave (d)eleted, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_missing_content1_content4-tracked' was deleted in other [merge rev] but was modified in local [working copy].
  You can use (c)hanged version, (d)elete, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_missing_content3_content3-tracked' was deleted in other [merge rev] but was modified in local [working copy].
  You can use (c)hanged version, (d)elete, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_missing_content3_content4-tracked' was deleted in other [merge rev] but was modified in local [working copy].
  You can use (c)hanged version, (d)elete, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  file 'content1_missing_missing_content4-tracked' was deleted in other [merge rev] but was modified in local [working copy].
  You can use (c)hanged version, (d)elete, or leave (u)nresolved.
  What do you want to do? u
  merging missing_content2_content2_content4-tracked
  warning: conflicts while merging missing_content2_content2_content4-tracked! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
  merging missing_content2_content3_content3-tracked
  warning: conflicts while merging missing_content2_content3_content3-tracked! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
  merging missing_content2_content3_content4-tracked
  warning: conflicts while merging missing_content2_content3_content4-tracked! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
  merging missing_content2_missing_content4-tracked
  warning: conflicts while merging missing_content2_missing_content4-tracked! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
  merging missing_content2_missing_content4-untracked
  warning: conflicts while merging missing_content2_missing_content4-untracked! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
  $ checkstatus > $TESTTMP/status2 2>&1
  $ cmp $TESTTMP/status1 $TESTTMP/status2 || diff -U8 $TESTTMP/status1 $TESTTMP/status2

Set up working directory again

  $ hg -q update --clean 2
  $ hg --config extensions.purge= purge
  $ "$PYTHON" $TESTDIR/generate-working-copy-states.py state 3 wc
  $ hg addremove -q --similarity 0
  $ hg forget *_*_*_*-untracked
  $ rm *_*_*_missing-*

Merge with checkunknown = warn, see that behavior is the same as before
  $ hg merge -f --tool internal:merge3 'desc("remote")' --config merge.checkunknown=warn > $TESTTMP/merge-output-2 2>&1
  $ cmp $TESTTMP/merge-output-1 $TESTTMP/merge-output-2 || diff -U8 $TESTTMP/merge-output-1 $TESTTMP/merge-output-2