author Manuel Jacob <>
Mon, 11 Jul 2022 01:51:20 +0200
changeset 49378 094a5fa3cf52
parent 48875 6000f5b25c9b
child 50135 31be0b46fd47
permissions -rw-r--r--
procutil: make stream detection in make_line_buffered more correct and strict In make_line_buffered(), we don’t want to wrap the stream if we know that lines get flushed to the underlying raw stream already. Previously, the heuristic was too optimistic. It assumed that any stream which is not an instance of io.BufferedIOBase doesn’t need wrapping. However, there are buffered streams that aren’t instances of io.BufferedIOBase, like Mercurial’s own winstdout. The new logic is different in two ways: First, only for the check, if unwraps any combination of WriteAllWrapper and winstdout. Second, it skips wrapping the stream only if it is an instance of io.RawIOBase (or already wrapped). If it is an instance of io.BufferedIOBase, it gets wrapped. In any other case, the function raises an exception. This ensures that, if an unknown stream is passed or we add another wrapper in the future, we don’t wrap the stream if it’s already line buffered or not wrap the stream if it’s not line buffered. In fact, this was already helpful during development of this change. Without it, I possibly would have forgot that WriteAllWrapper needs to be ignored for the check, leading to unnecessary wrapping if stdout is unbuffered. The alternative would have been to always wrap unknown streams. However, I don’t think that anyone would benefit from being less strict. We can expect streams from the standard library to be subclassing either io.RawIOBase or io.BufferedIOBase, so running Mercurial in the standard way should not regress by this change. Py2exe might replace sys.stdout and sys.stderr, but that currently breaks Mercurial anyway and also these streams don’t claim to be interactive, so this function is not called for them.

# - methods for working with a narrow view of a repository
# Copyright 2017 Google, Inc.
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

from .i18n import _
from .pycompat import getattr
from . import (
    match as matchmod,
    mergestate as mergestatemod,

# The file in .hg/store/ that indicates which paths exit in the store
FILENAME = b'narrowspec'
# The file in .hg/ that indicates which paths exit in the dirstate
DIRSTATE_FILENAME = b'narrowspec.dirstate'

# Pattern prefixes that are allowed in narrow patterns. This list MUST
# only contain patterns that are fast and safe to evaluate. Keep in mind
# that patterns are supplied by clients and executed on remote servers
# as part of wire protocol commands. That means that changes to this
# data structure influence the wire protocol and should not be taken
# lightly - especially removals.

def normalizesplitpattern(kind, pat):
    """Returns the normalized version of a pattern and kind.

    Returns a tuple with the normalized kind and normalized pattern.
    pat = pat.rstrip(b'/')
    return kind, pat

def _numlines(s):
    """Returns the number of lines in s, including ending empty lines."""
    # We use splitlines because it is Unicode-friendly and thus Python 3
    # compatible. However, it does not count empty lines at the end, so trick
    # it by adding a character at the end.
    return len((s + b'x').splitlines())

def _validatepattern(pat):
    """Validates the pattern and aborts if it is invalid.

    Patterns are stored in the narrowspec as newline-separated
    POSIX-style bytestring paths. There's no escaping.

    # We use newlines as separators in the narrowspec file, so don't allow them
    # in patterns.
    if _numlines(pat) > 1:
        raise error.Abort(_(b'newlines are not allowed in narrowspec paths'))

    components = pat.split(b'/')
    if b'.' in components or b'..' in components:
        raise error.Abort(
            _(b'"." and ".." are not allowed in narrowspec paths')

def normalizepattern(pattern, defaultkind=b'path'):
    """Returns the normalized version of a text-format pattern.

    If the pattern has no kind, the default will be added.
    kind, pat = matchmod._patsplit(pattern, defaultkind)
    return b'%s:%s' % normalizesplitpattern(kind, pat)

def parsepatterns(pats):
    """Parses an iterable of patterns into a typed pattern set.

    Patterns are assumed to be ``path:`` if no prefix is present.
    For safety and performance reasons, only some prefixes are allowed.
    See ``validatepatterns()``.

    This function should be used on patterns that come from the user to
    normalize and validate them to the internal data structure used for
    representing patterns.
    res = {normalizepattern(orig) for orig in pats}
    return res

def validatepatterns(pats):
    """Validate that patterns are in the expected data structure and format.

    And that is a set of normalized patterns beginning with ``path:`` or

    This function should be used to validate internal data structures
    and patterns that are loaded from sources that use the internal,
    prefixed pattern representation (but can't necessarily be fully trusted).
    with util.timedcm('narrowspec.validatepatterns(pats size=%d)', len(pats)):
        if not isinstance(pats, set):
            raise error.ProgrammingError(
                b'narrow patterns should be a set; got %r' % pats

        for pat in pats:
            if not pat.startswith(VALID_PREFIXES):
                # Use a Mercurial exception because this can happen due to user
                # bugs (e.g. manually updating spec file).
                raise error.Abort(
                    _(b'invalid prefix on narrow pattern: %s') % pat,
                        b'narrow patterns must begin with one of '
                        b'the following: %s'
                    % b', '.join(VALID_PREFIXES),

def format(includes, excludes):
    output = b'[include]\n'
    for i in sorted(includes - excludes):
        output += i + b'\n'
    output += b'[exclude]\n'
    for e in sorted(excludes):
        output += e + b'\n'
    return output

def match(root, include=None, exclude=None):
    if not include:
        # Passing empty include and empty exclude to matchmod.match()
        # gives a matcher that matches everything, so explicitly use
        # the nevermatcher.
        return matchmod.never()
    return matchmod.match(
        root, b'', [], include=include or [], exclude=exclude or []

def parseconfig(ui, spec):
    # maybe we should care about the profiles returned too
    includepats, excludepats, profiles = sparse.parseconfig(ui, spec, b'narrow')
    if profiles:
        raise error.Abort(
                b"including other spec files using '%include' is not"
                b" supported in narrowspec"


    return includepats, excludepats

def load(repo):
    # Treat "narrowspec does not exist" the same as "narrowspec file exists
    # and is empty".
    spec = repo.svfs.tryread(FILENAME)
    return parseconfig(repo.ui, spec)

def save(repo, includepats, excludepats):
    spec = format(includepats, excludepats)
    repo.svfs.write(FILENAME, spec)

def copytoworkingcopy(repo):
    spec =
    repo.vfs.write(DIRSTATE_FILENAME, spec)

def savebackup(repo, backupname):
    if requirements.NARROW_REQUIREMENT not in repo.requirements:
    svfs = repo.svfs
    util.copyfile(svfs.join(FILENAME), svfs.join(backupname), hardlink=True)

def restorebackup(repo, backupname):
    if requirements.NARROW_REQUIREMENT not in repo.requirements:
    util.rename(repo.svfs.join(backupname), repo.svfs.join(FILENAME))

def savewcbackup(repo, backupname):
    if requirements.NARROW_REQUIREMENT not in repo.requirements:
    vfs = repo.vfs
    # It may not exist in old repos
    if vfs.exists(DIRSTATE_FILENAME):
            vfs.join(DIRSTATE_FILENAME), vfs.join(backupname), hardlink=True

def restorewcbackup(repo, backupname):
    if requirements.NARROW_REQUIREMENT not in repo.requirements:
    # It may not exist in old repos
    if repo.vfs.exists(backupname):
        util.rename(repo.vfs.join(backupname), repo.vfs.join(DIRSTATE_FILENAME))

def clearwcbackup(repo, backupname):
    if requirements.NARROW_REQUIREMENT not in repo.requirements:

def restrictpatterns(req_includes, req_excludes, repo_includes, repo_excludes):
    r"""Restricts the patterns according to repo settings,
    results in a logical AND operation

    :param req_includes: requested includes
    :param req_excludes: requested excludes
    :param repo_includes: repo includes
    :param repo_excludes: repo excludes
    :return: include patterns, exclude patterns, and invalid include patterns.
    res_excludes = set(req_excludes)
    invalid_includes = []
    if not req_includes:
        res_includes = set(repo_includes)
    elif b'path:.' not in repo_includes:
        res_includes = []
        for req_include in req_includes:
            req_include = util.expandpath(util.normpath(req_include))
            if req_include in repo_includes:
            valid = False
            for repo_include in repo_includes:
                if req_include.startswith(repo_include + b'/'):
                    valid = True
            if not valid:
        if len(res_includes) == 0:
            res_excludes = {b'path:.'}
            res_includes = set(res_includes)
        res_includes = set(req_includes)
    return res_includes, res_excludes, invalid_includes

# These two are extracted for extensions (specifically for Google's CitC file
# system)
def _deletecleanfiles(repo, files):
    for f in files:

def _writeaddedfiles(repo, pctx, files):
    mresult = merge.mergeresult()
    mf = repo[b'.'].manifest()
    for f in files:
        if not repo.wvfs.exists(f):
                (mf.flags(f), False),
                b"narrowspec updated",

def checkworkingcopynarrowspec(repo):
    # Avoid infinite recursion when updating the working copy
    if getattr(repo, '_updatingnarrowspec', False):
    storespec = repo.svfs.tryread(FILENAME)
    wcspec = repo.vfs.tryread(DIRSTATE_FILENAME)
    if wcspec != storespec:
        raise error.StateError(
            _(b"working copy's narrowspec is stale"),
            hint=_(b"run 'hg tracked --update-working-copy'"),

def updateworkingcopy(repo, assumeclean=False):
    """updates the working copy and dirstate from the store narrowspec

    When assumeclean=True, files that are not known to be clean will also
    be deleted. It is then up to the caller to make sure they are clean.
    oldspec = repo.vfs.tryread(DIRSTATE_FILENAME)
    newspec = repo.svfs.tryread(FILENAME)
    repo._updatingnarrowspec = True

    oldincludes, oldexcludes = parseconfig(repo.ui, oldspec)
    newincludes, newexcludes = parseconfig(repo.ui, newspec)
    oldmatch = match(repo.root, include=oldincludes, exclude=oldexcludes)
    newmatch = match(repo.root, include=newincludes, exclude=newexcludes)
    addedmatch = matchmod.differencematcher(newmatch, oldmatch)
    removedmatch = matchmod.differencematcher(oldmatch, newmatch)

    ds = repo.dirstate
    lookup, status, _mtime_boundary = ds.status(
        removedmatch, subrepos=[], ignored=True, clean=True, unknown=True
    trackeddirty = status.modified + status.added
    clean = status.clean
    if assumeclean:
    _deletecleanfiles(repo, clean)
    uipathfn = scmutil.getuipathfn(repo)
    for f in sorted(trackeddirty):
            _(b'not deleting possibly dirty file %s\n') % uipathfn(f)
    for f in sorted(status.unknown):
        repo.ui.status(_(b'not deleting unknown file %s\n') % uipathfn(f))
    for f in sorted(status.ignored):
        repo.ui.status(_(b'not deleting ignored file %s\n') % uipathfn(f))
    for f in clean + trackeddirty:
        ds.update_file(f, p1_tracked=False, wc_tracked=False)

    pctx = repo[b'.']

    # only update added files that are in the sparse checkout
    addedmatch = matchmod.intersectmatchers(addedmatch, sparse.matcher(repo))
    newfiles = [f for f in pctx.manifest().walk(addedmatch) if f not in ds]
    for f in newfiles:
        ds.update_file(f, p1_tracked=True, wc_tracked=True, possibly_dirty=True)
    _writeaddedfiles(repo, pctx, newfiles)
    repo._updatingnarrowspec = False