author Yuya Nishihara <yuya@tcha.org>
Sun, 21 Jul 2019 12:46:57 +0900
changeset 42634 0247601869ba
parent 37816 33817e09c663
permissions -rw-r--r--
rust-filepatterns: fix type of warnings tuple to (bytes, bytes) Otherwise warn() in match.py would fail if the warning contains non-ASCII character. We might want to add a thin ByteString wrapper around Vec<u8> to implement ToPyObject<ObjectType = PyBytes>, but I'm not sure.

#require test-repo

Enable obsolescence to avoid the warning issue when obsmarker are found

  $ . "$TESTDIR/helpers-testrepo.sh"

Go back in the hg repo

  $ cd $TESTDIR/..

  $ REVSET='not public() and ::. and not desc("# no-check-commit")'

  $ mkdir "$TESTTMP/p"
  $ REVS=`testrepohg log -r "$REVSET" -T.`
  $ if [ -n "$REVS" ] ; then
  >   testrepohg export --git -o "$TESTTMP/p/%n-%h" -r "$REVSET"
  >   for f in `ls "$TESTTMP/p"`; do
  >      contrib/check-commit < "$TESTTMP/p/$f" > "$TESTTMP/check-commit.out"
  >      if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  >          node="${f##*-}"
  >          echo "Revision $node does not comply with rules"
  >          echo '------------------------------------------------------'
  >          cat ${TESTTMP}/check-commit.out
  >          echo
  >     fi
  >   done
  > fi