changeset 48836 e020dbbc41e5
parent 48835 a0da5075bca3
child 48837 12cba4886e90
--- a/mercurial/thirdparty/concurrent/futures/	Wed Mar 02 10:24:49 2022 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,669 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2009 Brian Quinlan. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-import collections
-import logging
-import threading
-import itertools
-import time
-import types
-__author__ = 'Brian Quinlan ('
-# Possible future states (for internal use by the futures package).
-# The future was cancelled by the user...
-# ...and _Waiter.add_cancelled() was called by a worker.
-    PENDING: "pending",
-    RUNNING: "running",
-    CANCELLED: "cancelled",
-    CANCELLED_AND_NOTIFIED: "cancelled",
-    FINISHED: "finished"
-# Logger for internal use by the futures package.
-LOGGER = logging.getLogger("concurrent.futures")
-class Error(Exception):
-    """Base class for all future-related exceptions."""
-    pass
-class CancelledError(Error):
-    """The Future was cancelled."""
-    pass
-class TimeoutError(Error):
-    """The operation exceeded the given deadline."""
-    pass
-class _Waiter(object):
-    """Provides the event that wait() and as_completed() block on."""
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.event = threading.Event()
-        self.finished_futures = []
-    def add_result(self, future):
-        self.finished_futures.append(future)
-    def add_exception(self, future):
-        self.finished_futures.append(future)
-    def add_cancelled(self, future):
-        self.finished_futures.append(future)
-class _AsCompletedWaiter(_Waiter):
-    """Used by as_completed()."""
-    def __init__(self):
-        super(_AsCompletedWaiter, self).__init__()
-        self.lock = threading.Lock()
-    def add_result(self, future):
-        with self.lock:
-            super(_AsCompletedWaiter, self).add_result(future)
-            self.event.set()
-    def add_exception(self, future):
-        with self.lock:
-            super(_AsCompletedWaiter, self).add_exception(future)
-            self.event.set()
-    def add_cancelled(self, future):
-        with self.lock:
-            super(_AsCompletedWaiter, self).add_cancelled(future)
-            self.event.set()
-class _FirstCompletedWaiter(_Waiter):
-    """Used by wait(return_when=FIRST_COMPLETED)."""
-    def add_result(self, future):
-        super(_FirstCompletedWaiter, self).add_result(future)
-        self.event.set()
-    def add_exception(self, future):
-        super(_FirstCompletedWaiter, self).add_exception(future)
-        self.event.set()
-    def add_cancelled(self, future):
-        super(_FirstCompletedWaiter, self).add_cancelled(future)
-        self.event.set()
-class _AllCompletedWaiter(_Waiter):
-    """Used by wait(return_when=FIRST_EXCEPTION and ALL_COMPLETED)."""
-    def __init__(self, num_pending_calls, stop_on_exception):
-        self.num_pending_calls = num_pending_calls
-        self.stop_on_exception = stop_on_exception
-        self.lock = threading.Lock()
-        super(_AllCompletedWaiter, self).__init__()
-    def _decrement_pending_calls(self):
-        with self.lock:
-            self.num_pending_calls -= 1
-            if not self.num_pending_calls:
-                self.event.set()
-    def add_result(self, future):
-        super(_AllCompletedWaiter, self).add_result(future)
-        self._decrement_pending_calls()
-    def add_exception(self, future):
-        super(_AllCompletedWaiter, self).add_exception(future)
-        if self.stop_on_exception:
-            self.event.set()
-        else:
-            self._decrement_pending_calls()
-    def add_cancelled(self, future):
-        super(_AllCompletedWaiter, self).add_cancelled(future)
-        self._decrement_pending_calls()
-class _AcquireFutures(object):
-    """A context manager that does an ordered acquire of Future conditions."""
-    def __init__(self, futures):
-        self.futures = sorted(futures, key=id)
-    def __enter__(self):
-        for future in self.futures:
-            future._condition.acquire()
-    def __exit__(self, *args):
-        for future in self.futures:
-            future._condition.release()
-def _create_and_install_waiters(fs, return_when):
-    if return_when == _AS_COMPLETED:
-        waiter = _AsCompletedWaiter()
-    elif return_when == FIRST_COMPLETED:
-        waiter = _FirstCompletedWaiter()
-    else:
-        pending_count = sum(
-                f._state not in [CANCELLED_AND_NOTIFIED, FINISHED] for f in fs)
-        if return_when == FIRST_EXCEPTION:
-            waiter = _AllCompletedWaiter(pending_count, stop_on_exception=True)
-        elif return_when == ALL_COMPLETED:
-            waiter = _AllCompletedWaiter(pending_count, stop_on_exception=False)
-        else:
-            raise ValueError("Invalid return condition: %r" % return_when)
-    for f in fs:
-        f._waiters.append(waiter)
-    return waiter
-def _yield_finished_futures(fs, waiter, ref_collect):
-    """
-    Iterate on the list *fs*, yielding finished futures one by one in
-    reverse order.
-    Before yielding a future, *waiter* is removed from its waiters
-    and the future is removed from each set in the collection of sets
-    *ref_collect*.
-    The aim of this function is to avoid keeping stale references after
-    the future is yielded and before the iterator resumes.
-    """
-    while fs:
-        f = fs[-1]
-        for futures_set in ref_collect:
-            futures_set.remove(f)
-        with f._condition:
-            f._waiters.remove(waiter)
-        del f
-        # Careful not to keep a reference to the popped value
-        yield fs.pop()
-def as_completed(fs, timeout=None):
-    """An iterator over the given futures that yields each as it completes.
-    Args:
-        fs: The sequence of Futures (possibly created by different Executors) to
-            iterate over.
-        timeout: The maximum number of seconds to wait. If None, then there
-            is no limit on the wait time.
-    Returns:
-        An iterator that yields the given Futures as they complete (finished or
-        cancelled). If any given Futures are duplicated, they will be returned
-        once.
-    Raises:
-        TimeoutError: If the entire result iterator could not be generated
-            before the given timeout.
-    """
-    if timeout is not None:
-        end_time = timeout + time.time()
-    fs = set(fs)
-    total_futures = len(fs)
-    with _AcquireFutures(fs):
-        finished = set(
-                f for f in fs
-                if f._state in [CANCELLED_AND_NOTIFIED, FINISHED])
-        pending = fs - finished
-        waiter = _create_and_install_waiters(fs, _AS_COMPLETED)
-    finished = list(finished)
-    try:
-        for f in _yield_finished_futures(finished, waiter,
-                                         ref_collect=(fs,)):
-            f = [f]
-            yield f.pop()
-        while pending:
-            if timeout is None:
-                wait_timeout = None
-            else:
-                wait_timeout = end_time - time.time()
-                if wait_timeout < 0:
-                    raise TimeoutError(
-                            '%d (of %d) futures unfinished' % (
-                            len(pending), total_futures))
-            waiter.event.wait(wait_timeout)
-            with waiter.lock:
-                finished = waiter.finished_futures
-                waiter.finished_futures = []
-                waiter.event.clear()
-            # reverse to keep finishing order
-            finished.reverse()
-            for f in _yield_finished_futures(finished, waiter,
-                                             ref_collect=(fs, pending)):
-                f = [f]
-                yield f.pop()
-    finally:
-        # Remove waiter from unfinished futures
-        for f in fs:
-            with f._condition:
-                f._waiters.remove(waiter)
-DoneAndNotDoneFutures = collections.namedtuple(
-        'DoneAndNotDoneFutures', 'done not_done')
-def wait(fs, timeout=None, return_when=ALL_COMPLETED):
-    """Wait for the futures in the given sequence to complete.
-    Args:
-        fs: The sequence of Futures (possibly created by different Executors) to
-            wait upon.
-        timeout: The maximum number of seconds to wait. If None, then there
-            is no limit on the wait time.
-        return_when: Indicates when this function should return. The options
-            are:
-            FIRST_COMPLETED - Return when any future finishes or is
-                              cancelled.
-            FIRST_EXCEPTION - Return when any future finishes by raising an
-                              exception. If no future raises an exception
-                              then it is equivalent to ALL_COMPLETED.
-            ALL_COMPLETED -   Return when all futures finish or are cancelled.
-    Returns:
-        A named 2-tuple of sets. The first set, named 'done', contains the
-        futures that completed (is finished or cancelled) before the wait
-        completed. The second set, named 'not_done', contains uncompleted
-        futures.
-    """
-    with _AcquireFutures(fs):
-        done = set(f for f in fs
-                   if f._state in [CANCELLED_AND_NOTIFIED, FINISHED])
-        not_done = set(fs) - done
-        if (return_when == FIRST_COMPLETED) and done:
-            return DoneAndNotDoneFutures(done, not_done)
-        elif (return_when == FIRST_EXCEPTION) and done:
-            if any(f for f in done
-                   if not f.cancelled() and f.exception() is not None):
-                return DoneAndNotDoneFutures(done, not_done)
-        if len(done) == len(fs):
-            return DoneAndNotDoneFutures(done, not_done)
-        waiter = _create_and_install_waiters(fs, return_when)
-    waiter.event.wait(timeout)
-    for f in fs:
-        with f._condition:
-            f._waiters.remove(waiter)
-    done.update(waiter.finished_futures)
-    return DoneAndNotDoneFutures(done, set(fs) - done)
-class Future(object):
-    """Represents the result of an asynchronous computation."""
-    def __init__(self):
-        """Initializes the future. Should not be called by clients."""
-        self._condition = threading.Condition()
-        self._state = PENDING
-        self._result = None
-        self._exception = None
-        self._traceback = None
-        self._waiters = []
-        self._done_callbacks = []
-    def _invoke_callbacks(self):
-        for callback in self._done_callbacks:
-            try:
-                callback(self)
-            except Exception:
-                LOGGER.exception('exception calling callback for %r', self)
-            except BaseException:
-                # Explicitly let all other new-style exceptions through so
-                # that we can catch all old-style exceptions with a simple
-                # "except:" clause below.
-                #
-                # All old-style exception objects are instances of
-                # types.InstanceType, but "except types.InstanceType:" does
-                # not catch old-style exceptions for some reason.  Thus, the
-                # only way to catch all old-style exceptions without catching
-                # any new-style exceptions is to filter out the new-style
-                # exceptions, which all derive from BaseException.
-                raise
-            except:
-                # Because of the BaseException clause above, this handler only
-                # executes for old-style exception objects.
-                LOGGER.exception('exception calling callback for %r', self)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        with self._condition:
-            if self._state == FINISHED:
-                if self._exception:
-                    return '<%s at %#x state=%s raised %s>' % (
-                        self.__class__.__name__,
-                        id(self),
-                        _STATE_TO_DESCRIPTION_MAP[self._state],
-                        self._exception.__class__.__name__)
-                else:
-                    return '<%s at %#x state=%s returned %s>' % (
-                        self.__class__.__name__,
-                        id(self),
-                        _STATE_TO_DESCRIPTION_MAP[self._state],
-                        self._result.__class__.__name__)
-            return '<%s at %#x state=%s>' % (
-                    self.__class__.__name__,
-                    id(self),
-                   _STATE_TO_DESCRIPTION_MAP[self._state])
-    def cancel(self):
-        """Cancel the future if possible.
-        Returns True if the future was cancelled, False otherwise. A future
-        cannot be cancelled if it is running or has already completed.
-        """
-        with self._condition:
-            if self._state in [RUNNING, FINISHED]:
-                return False
-            if self._state in [CANCELLED, CANCELLED_AND_NOTIFIED]:
-                return True
-            self._state = CANCELLED
-            self._condition.notify_all()
-        self._invoke_callbacks()
-        return True
-    def cancelled(self):
-        """Return True if the future was cancelled."""
-        with self._condition:
-            return self._state in [CANCELLED, CANCELLED_AND_NOTIFIED]
-    def running(self):
-        """Return True if the future is currently executing."""
-        with self._condition:
-            return self._state == RUNNING
-    def done(self):
-        """Return True of the future was cancelled or finished executing."""
-        with self._condition:
-            return self._state in [CANCELLED, CANCELLED_AND_NOTIFIED, FINISHED]
-    def __get_result(self):
-        if self._exception:
-            if isinstance(self._exception, types.InstanceType):
-                # The exception is an instance of an old-style class, which
-                # means type(self._exception) returns types.ClassType instead
-                # of the exception's actual class type.
-                exception_type = self._exception.__class__
-            else:
-                exception_type = type(self._exception)
-            raise exception_type, self._exception, self._traceback
-        else:
-            return self._result
-    def add_done_callback(self, fn):
-        """Attaches a callable that will be called when the future finishes.
-        Args:
-            fn: A callable that will be called with this future as its only
-                argument when the future completes or is cancelled. The callable
-                will always be called by a thread in the same process in which
-                it was added. If the future has already completed or been
-                cancelled then the callable will be called immediately. These
-                callables are called in the order that they were added.
-        """
-        with self._condition:
-            if self._state not in [CANCELLED, CANCELLED_AND_NOTIFIED, FINISHED]:
-                self._done_callbacks.append(fn)
-                return
-        fn(self)
-    def result(self, timeout=None):
-        """Return the result of the call that the future represents.
-        Args:
-            timeout: The number of seconds to wait for the result if the future
-                isn't done. If None, then there is no limit on the wait time.
-        Returns:
-            The result of the call that the future represents.
-        Raises:
-            CancelledError: If the future was cancelled.
-            TimeoutError: If the future didn't finish executing before the given
-                timeout.
-            Exception: If the call raised then that exception will be raised.
-        """
-        with self._condition:
-            if self._state in [CANCELLED, CANCELLED_AND_NOTIFIED]:
-                raise CancelledError()
-            elif self._state == FINISHED:
-                return self.__get_result()
-            self._condition.wait(timeout)
-            if self._state in [CANCELLED, CANCELLED_AND_NOTIFIED]:
-                raise CancelledError()
-            elif self._state == FINISHED:
-                return self.__get_result()
-            else:
-                raise TimeoutError()
-    def exception_info(self, timeout=None):
-        """Return a tuple of (exception, traceback) raised by the call that the
-        future represents.
-        Args:
-            timeout: The number of seconds to wait for the exception if the
-                future isn't done. If None, then there is no limit on the wait
-                time.
-        Returns:
-            The exception raised by the call that the future represents or None
-            if the call completed without raising.
-        Raises:
-            CancelledError: If the future was cancelled.
-            TimeoutError: If the future didn't finish executing before the given
-                timeout.
-        """
-        with self._condition:
-            if self._state in [CANCELLED, CANCELLED_AND_NOTIFIED]:
-                raise CancelledError()
-            elif self._state == FINISHED:
-                return self._exception, self._traceback
-            self._condition.wait(timeout)
-            if self._state in [CANCELLED, CANCELLED_AND_NOTIFIED]:
-                raise CancelledError()
-            elif self._state == FINISHED:
-                return self._exception, self._traceback
-            else:
-                raise TimeoutError()
-    def exception(self, timeout=None):
-        """Return the exception raised by the call that the future represents.
-        Args:
-            timeout: The number of seconds to wait for the exception if the
-                future isn't done. If None, then there is no limit on the wait
-                time.
-        Returns:
-            The exception raised by the call that the future represents or None
-            if the call completed without raising.
-        Raises:
-            CancelledError: If the future was cancelled.
-            TimeoutError: If the future didn't finish executing before the given
-                timeout.
-        """
-        return self.exception_info(timeout)[0]
-    # The following methods should only be used by Executors and in tests.
-    def set_running_or_notify_cancel(self):
-        """Mark the future as running or process any cancel notifications.
-        Should only be used by Executor implementations and unit tests.
-        If the future has been cancelled (cancel() was called and returned
-        True) then any threads waiting on the future completing (though calls
-        to as_completed() or wait()) are notified and False is returned.
-        If the future was not cancelled then it is put in the running state
-        (future calls to running() will return True) and True is returned.
-        This method should be called by Executor implementations before
-        executing the work associated with this future. If this method returns
-        False then the work should not be executed.
-        Returns:
-            False if the Future was cancelled, True otherwise.
-        Raises:
-            RuntimeError: if this method was already called or if set_result()
-                or set_exception() was called.
-        """
-        with self._condition:
-            if self._state == CANCELLED:
-                self._state = CANCELLED_AND_NOTIFIED
-                for waiter in self._waiters:
-                    waiter.add_cancelled(self)
-                # self._condition.notify_all() is not necessary because
-                # self.cancel() triggers a notification.
-                return False
-            elif self._state == PENDING:
-                self._state = RUNNING
-                return True
-            else:
-                LOGGER.critical('Future %s in unexpected state: %s',
-                                id(self),
-                                self._state)
-                raise RuntimeError('Future in unexpected state')
-    def set_result(self, result):
-        """Sets the return value of work associated with the future.
-        Should only be used by Executor implementations and unit tests.
-        """
-        with self._condition:
-            self._result = result
-            self._state = FINISHED
-            for waiter in self._waiters:
-                waiter.add_result(self)
-            self._condition.notify_all()
-        self._invoke_callbacks()
-    def set_exception_info(self, exception, traceback):
-        """Sets the result of the future as being the given exception
-        and traceback.
-        Should only be used by Executor implementations and unit tests.
-        """
-        with self._condition:
-            self._exception = exception
-            self._traceback = traceback
-            self._state = FINISHED
-            for waiter in self._waiters:
-                waiter.add_exception(self)
-            self._condition.notify_all()
-        self._invoke_callbacks()
-    def set_exception(self, exception):
-        """Sets the result of the future as being the given exception.
-        Should only be used by Executor implementations and unit tests.
-        """
-        self.set_exception_info(exception, None)
-class Executor(object):
-    """This is an abstract base class for concrete asynchronous executors."""
-    def submit(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):
-        """Submits a callable to be executed with the given arguments.
-        Schedules the callable to be executed as fn(*args, **kwargs) and returns
-        a Future instance representing the execution of the callable.
-        Returns:
-            A Future representing the given call.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def map(self, fn, *iterables, **kwargs):
-        """Returns an iterator equivalent to map(fn, iter).
-        Args:
-            fn: A callable that will take as many arguments as there are
-                passed iterables.
-            timeout: The maximum number of seconds to wait. If None, then there
-                is no limit on the wait time.
-        Returns:
-            An iterator equivalent to: map(func, *iterables) but the calls may
-            be evaluated out-of-order.
-        Raises:
-            TimeoutError: If the entire result iterator could not be generated
-                before the given timeout.
-            Exception: If fn(*args) raises for any values.
-        """
-        timeout = kwargs.get('timeout')
-        if timeout is not None:
-            end_time = timeout + time.time()
-        fs = [self.submit(fn, *args) for args in itertools.izip(*iterables)]
-        # Yield must be hidden in closure so that the futures are submitted
-        # before the first iterator value is required.
-        def result_iterator():
-            try:
-                # reverse to keep finishing order
-                fs.reverse()
-                while fs:
-                    # Careful not to keep a reference to the popped future
-                    if timeout is None:
-                        yield fs.pop().result()
-                    else:
-                        yield fs.pop().result(end_time - time.time())
-            finally:
-                for future in fs:
-                    future.cancel()
-        return result_iterator()
-    def shutdown(self, wait=True):
-        """Clean-up the resources associated with the Executor.
-        It is safe to call this method several times. Otherwise, no other
-        methods can be called after this one.
-        Args:
-            wait: If True then shutdown will not return until all running
-                futures have finished executing and the resources used by the
-                executor have been reclaimed.
-        """
-        pass
-    def __enter__(self):
-        return self
-    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
-        self.shutdown(wait=True)
-        return False