changeset 22770 de9424647fe4
parent 22587 c3c3dd31fe1c
child 23122 d9e3f5055772
--- a/tests/test-help.t	Mon Oct 06 07:29:38 2014 -0400
+++ b/tests/test-help.t	Mon Oct 06 07:35:53 2014 -0400
@@ -1061,6 +1061,35 @@
           graphical tools such as "hg log --graph". In Mercurial, the DAG is
           limited by the requirement for children to have at most two parents.
+  $ hg help hgrc.paths
+      "paths"
+      -------
+      Assigns symbolic names to repositories. The left side is the symbolic
+      name, and the right gives the directory or URL that is the location of the
+      repository. Default paths can be declared by setting the following
+      entries.
+      "default"
+          Directory or URL to use when pulling if no source is specified.
+          Default is set to repository from which the current repository was
+          cloned.
+      "default-push"
+          Optional. Directory or URL to use when pushing if no destination is
+          specified.
+      Custom paths can be defined by assigning the path to a name that later can
+      be used from the command line. Example:
+        [paths]
+        my_path = http://example.com/path
+      To push to the path defined in "my_path" run the command:
+        hg push my_path
   $ hg help glossary.mcguffin
   abort: help section not found