changeset 29443 cf092a3d202a
child 29502 8361131b4768
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hgext/journal.py	Fri Jun 24 16:12:05 2016 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+# journal.py
+# Copyright 2014-2016 Facebook, Inc.
+# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
+# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
+"""Track previous positions of bookmarks (EXPERIMENTAL)
+This extension adds a new command: `hg journal`, which shows you where
+bookmarks were previously located.
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import collections
+import os
+from mercurial.i18n import _
+from mercurial import (
+    bookmarks,
+    cmdutil,
+    commands,
+    dispatch,
+    error,
+    extensions,
+    node,
+    util,
+cmdtable = {}
+command = cmdutil.command(cmdtable)
+# Note for extension authors: ONLY specify testedwith = 'internal' for
+# extensions which SHIP WITH MERCURIAL. Non-mainline extensions should
+# be specifying the version(s) of Mercurial they are tested with, or
+# leave the attribute unspecified.
+testedwith = 'internal'
+# storage format version; increment when the format changes
+storageversion = 0
+# namespaces
+bookmarktype = 'bookmark'
+# Journal recording, register hooks and storage object
+def extsetup(ui):
+    extensions.wrapfunction(dispatch, 'runcommand', runcommand)
+    extensions.wrapfunction(bookmarks.bmstore, '_write', recordbookmarks)
+def reposetup(ui, repo):
+    if repo.local():
+        repo.journal = journalstorage(repo)
+def runcommand(orig, lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, *args):
+    """Track the command line options for recording in the journal"""
+    journalstorage.recordcommand(*fullargs)
+    return orig(lui, repo, cmd, fullargs, *args)
+def recordbookmarks(orig, store, fp):
+    """Records all bookmark changes in the journal."""
+    repo = store._repo
+    if util.safehasattr(repo, 'journal'):
+        oldmarks = bookmarks.bmstore(repo)
+        for mark, value in store.iteritems():
+            oldvalue = oldmarks.get(mark, node.nullid)
+            if value != oldvalue:
+                repo.journal.record(bookmarktype, mark, oldvalue, value)
+    return orig(store, fp)
+class journalentry(collections.namedtuple(
+        'journalentry',
+        'timestamp user command namespace name oldhashes newhashes')):
+    """Individual journal entry
+    * timestamp: a mercurial (time, timezone) tuple
+    * user: the username that ran the command
+    * namespace: the entry namespace, an opaque string
+    * name: the name of the changed item, opaque string with meaning in the
+      namespace
+    * command: the hg command that triggered this record
+    * oldhashes: a tuple of one or more binary hashes for the old location
+    * newhashes: a tuple of one or more binary hashes for the new location
+    Handles serialisation from and to the storage format. Fields are
+    separated by newlines, hashes are written out in hex separated by commas,
+    timestamp and timezone are separated by a space.
+    """
+    @classmethod
+    def fromstorage(cls, line):
+        (time, user, command, namespace, name,
+         oldhashes, newhashes) = line.split('\n')
+        timestamp, tz = time.split()
+        timestamp, tz = float(timestamp), int(tz)
+        oldhashes = tuple(node.bin(hash) for hash in oldhashes.split(','))
+        newhashes = tuple(node.bin(hash) for hash in newhashes.split(','))
+        return cls(
+            (timestamp, tz), user, command, namespace, name,
+            oldhashes, newhashes)
+    def __str__(self):
+        """String representation for storage"""
+        time = ' '.join(map(str, self.timestamp))
+        oldhashes = ','.join([node.hex(hash) for hash in self.oldhashes])
+        newhashes = ','.join([node.hex(hash) for hash in self.newhashes])
+        return '\n'.join((
+            time, self.user, self.command, self.namespace, self.name,
+            oldhashes, newhashes))
+class journalstorage(object):
+    """Storage for journal entries
+    Entries are stored with NUL bytes as separators. See the journalentry
+    class for the per-entry structure.
+    The file format starts with an integer version, delimited by a NUL.
+    """
+    _currentcommand = ()
+    def __init__(self, repo):
+        self.repo = repo
+        self.user = util.getuser()
+        self.vfs = repo.vfs
+    # track the current command for recording in journal entries
+    @property
+    def command(self):
+        commandstr = ' '.join(
+            map(util.shellquote, journalstorage._currentcommand))
+        if '\n' in commandstr:
+            # truncate multi-line commands
+            commandstr = commandstr.partition('\n')[0] + ' ...'
+        return commandstr
+    @classmethod
+    def recordcommand(cls, *fullargs):
+        """Set the current hg arguments, stored with recorded entries"""
+        # Set the current command on the class because we may have started
+        # with a non-local repo (cloning for example).
+        cls._currentcommand = fullargs
+    def record(self, namespace, name, oldhashes, newhashes):
+        """Record a new journal entry
+        * namespace: an opaque string; this can be used to filter on the type
+          of recorded entries.
+        * name: the name defining this entry; for bookmarks, this is the
+          bookmark name. Can be filtered on when retrieving entries.
+        * oldhashes and newhashes: each a single binary hash, or a list of
+          binary hashes. These represent the old and new position of the named
+          item.
+        """
+        if not isinstance(oldhashes, list):
+            oldhashes = [oldhashes]
+        if not isinstance(newhashes, list):
+            newhashes = [newhashes]
+        entry = journalentry(
+            util.makedate(), self.user, self.command, namespace, name,
+            oldhashes, newhashes)
+        with self.repo.wlock():
+            version = None
+            # open file in amend mode to ensure it is created if missing
+            with self.vfs('journal', mode='a+b', atomictemp=True) as f:
+                f.seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)
+                # Read just enough bytes to get a version number (up to 2
+                # digits plus separator)
+                version = f.read(3).partition('\0')[0]
+                if version and version != str(storageversion):
+                    # different version of the storage. Exit early (and not
+                    # write anything) if this is not a version we can handle or
+                    # the file is corrupt. In future, perhaps rotate the file
+                    # instead?
+                    self.repo.ui.warn(
+                        _("unsupported journal file version '%s'\n") % version)
+                    return
+                if not version:
+                    # empty file, write version first
+                    f.write(str(storageversion) + '\0')
+                f.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
+                f.write(str(entry) + '\0')
+    def filtered(self, namespace=None, name=None):
+        """Yield all journal entries with the given namespace or name
+        Both the namespace and the name are optional; if neither is given all
+        entries in the journal are produced.
+        """
+        for entry in self:
+            if namespace is not None and entry.namespace != namespace:
+                continue
+            if name is not None and entry.name != name:
+                continue
+            yield entry
+    def __iter__(self):
+        """Iterate over the storage
+        Yields journalentry instances for each contained journal record.
+        """
+        if not self.vfs.exists('journal'):
+            return
+        with self.vfs('journal') as f:
+            raw = f.read()
+        lines = raw.split('\0')
+        version = lines and lines[0]
+        if version != str(storageversion):
+            version = version or _('not available')
+            raise error.Abort(_("unknown journal file version '%s'") % version)
+        # Skip the first line, it's a version number. Reverse the rest.
+        lines = reversed(lines[1:])
+        for line in lines:
+            if not line:
+                continue
+            yield journalentry.fromstorage(line)
+# journal reading
+# log options that don't make sense for journal
+_ignoreopts = ('no-merges', 'graph')
+    'journal', [
+        ('c', 'commits', None, 'show commit metadata'),
+    ] + [opt for opt in commands.logopts if opt[1] not in _ignoreopts],
+def journal(ui, repo, *args, **opts):
+    """show the previous position of bookmarks
+    The journal is used to see the previous commits of bookmarks. By default
+    the previous locations for all bookmarks are shown.  Passing a bookmark
+    name will show all the previous positions of that bookmark.
+    By default hg journal only shows the commit hash and the command that was
+    running at that time. -v/--verbose will show the prior hash, the user, and
+    the time at which it happened.
+    Use -c/--commits to output log information on each commit hash; at this
+    point you can use the usual `--patch`, `--git`, `--stat` and `--template`
+    switches to alter the log output for these.
+    `hg journal -T json` can be used to produce machine readable output.
+    """
+    bookmarkname = None
+    if args:
+        bookmarkname = args[0]
+    fm = ui.formatter('journal', opts)
+    if opts.get("template") != "json":
+        if bookmarkname is None:
+            name = _('all bookmarks')
+        else:
+            name = "'%s'" % bookmarkname
+        ui.status(_("previous locations of %s:\n") % name)
+    limit = cmdutil.loglimit(opts)
+    entry = None
+    for count, entry in enumerate(repo.journal.filtered(name=bookmarkname)):
+        if count == limit:
+            break
+        newhashesstr = ','.join([node.short(hash) for hash in entry.newhashes])
+        oldhashesstr = ','.join([node.short(hash) for hash in entry.oldhashes])
+        fm.startitem()
+        fm.condwrite(ui.verbose, 'oldhashes', '%s -> ', oldhashesstr)
+        fm.write('newhashes', '%s', newhashesstr)
+        fm.condwrite(ui.verbose, 'user', ' %s', entry.user.ljust(8))
+        timestring = util.datestr(entry.timestamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %1%2')
+        fm.condwrite(ui.verbose, 'date', ' %s', timestring)
+        fm.write('command', '  %s\n', entry.command)
+        if opts.get("commits"):
+            displayer = cmdutil.show_changeset(ui, repo, opts, buffered=False)
+            for hash in entry.newhashes:
+                try:
+                    ctx = repo[hash]
+                    displayer.show(ctx)
+                except error.RepoLookupError as e:
+                    fm.write('repolookuperror', "%s\n\n", str(e))
+            displayer.close()
+    fm.end()
+    if entry is None:
+        ui.status(_("no recorded locations\n"))