changeset 36607 c6061cadb400
parent 36588 281f66777ff0
child 36629 c98d1c6763a6
--- a/mercurial/	Thu Feb 08 23:27:24 2018 +0530
+++ b/mercurial/	Thu Feb 15 17:18:26 2018 +0100
@@ -17,11 +17,9 @@
 import abc
 import bz2
-import calendar
 import codecs
 import collections
 import contextlib
-import datetime
 import errno
 import gc
 import hashlib
@@ -55,6 +53,7 @@
+from .utils import dateutil
 base85 = policy.importmod(r'base85')
 osutil = policy.importmod(r'osutil')
@@ -855,48 +854,6 @@
     if n == 4:
         return (vints[0], vints[1], vints[2], extra)
-# used by parsedate
-defaultdateformats = (
-    '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', # the 'real' ISO8601
-    '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M',    #   without seconds
-    '%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S',   # another awful but legal variant without :
-    '%Y-%m-%dT%H%M',     #   without seconds
-    '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', # our common legal variant
-    '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M',    #   without seconds
-    '%Y-%m-%d %H%M%S',   # without :
-    '%Y-%m-%d %H%M',     #   without seconds
-    '%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S%p',
-    '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M',
-    '%Y-%m-%d %I:%M%p',
-    '%Y-%m-%d',
-    '%m-%d',
-    '%m/%d',
-    '%m/%d/%y',
-    '%m/%d/%Y',
-    '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y',
-    '%a %b %d %I:%M:%S%p %Y',
-    '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S',        #  GNU coreutils "/bin/date --rfc-2822"
-    '%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y',
-    '%b %d %I:%M:%S%p %Y',
-    '%b %d %H:%M:%S',
-    '%b %d %I:%M:%S%p',
-    '%b %d %H:%M',
-    '%b %d %I:%M%p',
-    '%b %d %Y',
-    '%b %d',
-    '%H:%M:%S',
-    '%I:%M:%S%p',
-    '%H:%M',
-    '%I:%M%p',
-extendeddateformats = defaultdateformats + (
-    "%Y",
-    "%Y-%m",
-    "%b",
-    "%b %Y",
-    )
 def cachefunc(func):
     '''cache the result of function calls'''
     # XXX doesn't handle keywords args
@@ -2304,277 +2261,6 @@
         return data
-def makedate(timestamp=None):
-    '''Return a unix timestamp (or the current time) as a (unixtime,
-    offset) tuple based off the local timezone.'''
-    if timestamp is None:
-        timestamp = time.time()
-    if timestamp < 0:
-        hint = _("check your clock")
-        raise Abort(_("negative timestamp: %d") % timestamp, hint=hint)
-    delta = (datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp) -
-             datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp))
-    tz = delta.days * 86400 + delta.seconds
-    return timestamp, tz
-def datestr(date=None, format='%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %1%2'):
-    """represent a (unixtime, offset) tuple as a localized time.
-    unixtime is seconds since the epoch, and offset is the time zone's
-    number of seconds away from UTC.
-    >>> datestr((0, 0))
-    'Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000'
-    >>> datestr((42, 0))
-    'Thu Jan 01 00:00:42 1970 +0000'
-    >>> datestr((-42, 0))
-    'Wed Dec 31 23:59:18 1969 +0000'
-    >>> datestr((0x7fffffff, 0))
-    'Tue Jan 19 03:14:07 2038 +0000'
-    >>> datestr((-0x80000000, 0))
-    'Fri Dec 13 20:45:52 1901 +0000'
-    """
-    t, tz = date or makedate()
-    if "%1" in format or "%2" in format or "%z" in format:
-        sign = (tz > 0) and "-" or "+"
-        minutes = abs(tz) // 60
-        q, r = divmod(minutes, 60)
-        format = format.replace("%z", "%1%2")
-        format = format.replace("%1", "%c%02d" % (sign, q))
-        format = format.replace("%2", "%02d" % r)
-    d = t - tz
-    if d > 0x7fffffff:
-        d = 0x7fffffff
-    elif d < -0x80000000:
-        d = -0x80000000
-    # Never use time.gmtime() and datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp()
-    # because they use the gmtime() system call which is buggy on Windows
-    # for negative values.
-    t = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=d)
-    s = encoding.strtolocal(t.strftime(encoding.strfromlocal(format)))
-    return s
-def shortdate(date=None):
-    """turn (timestamp, tzoff) tuple into iso 8631 date."""
-    return datestr(date, format='%Y-%m-%d')
-def parsetimezone(s):
-    """find a trailing timezone, if any, in string, and return a
-       (offset, remainder) pair"""
-    s = pycompat.bytestr(s)
-    if s.endswith("GMT") or s.endswith("UTC"):
-        return 0, s[:-3].rstrip()
-    # Unix-style timezones [+-]hhmm
-    if len(s) >= 5 and s[-5] in "+-" and s[-4:].isdigit():
-        sign = (s[-5] == "+") and 1 or -1
-        hours = int(s[-4:-2])
-        minutes = int(s[-2:])
-        return -sign * (hours * 60 + minutes) * 60, s[:-5].rstrip()
-    # ISO8601 trailing Z
-    if s.endswith("Z") and s[-2:-1].isdigit():
-        return 0, s[:-1]
-    # ISO8601-style [+-]hh:mm
-    if (len(s) >= 6 and s[-6] in "+-" and s[-3] == ":" and
-        s[-5:-3].isdigit() and s[-2:].isdigit()):
-        sign = (s[-6] == "+") and 1 or -1
-        hours = int(s[-5:-3])
-        minutes = int(s[-2:])
-        return -sign * (hours * 60 + minutes) * 60, s[:-6]
-    return None, s
-def strdate(string, format, defaults=None):
-    """parse a localized time string and return a (unixtime, offset) tuple.
-    if the string cannot be parsed, ValueError is raised."""
-    if defaults is None:
-        defaults = {}
-    # NOTE: unixtime = localunixtime + offset
-    offset, date = parsetimezone(string)
-    # add missing elements from defaults
-    usenow = False # default to using biased defaults
-    for part in ("S", "M", "HI", "d", "mb", "yY"): # decreasing specificity
-        part = pycompat.bytestr(part)
-        found = [True for p in part if ("%"+p) in format]
-        if not found:
-            date += "@" + defaults[part][usenow]
-            format += "@%" + part[0]
-        else:
-            # We've found a specific time element, less specific time
-            # elements are relative to today
-            usenow = True
-    timetuple = time.strptime(encoding.strfromlocal(date),
-                              encoding.strfromlocal(format))
-    localunixtime = int(calendar.timegm(timetuple))
-    if offset is None:
-        # local timezone
-        unixtime = int(time.mktime(timetuple))
-        offset = unixtime - localunixtime
-    else:
-        unixtime = localunixtime + offset
-    return unixtime, offset
-def parsedate(date, formats=None, bias=None):
-    """parse a localized date/time and return a (unixtime, offset) tuple.
-    The date may be a "unixtime offset" string or in one of the specified
-    formats. If the date already is a (unixtime, offset) tuple, it is returned.
-    >>> parsedate(b' today ') == parsedate(
-    ...'%b %d').encode('ascii'))
-    True
-    >>> parsedate(b'yesterday ') == parsedate(
-    ...     ( - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
-    ...      ).strftime('%b %d').encode('ascii'))
-    True
-    >>> now, tz = makedate()
-    >>> strnow, strtz = parsedate(b'now')
-    >>> (strnow - now) < 1
-    True
-    >>> tz == strtz
-    True
-    """
-    if bias is None:
-        bias = {}
-    if not date:
-        return 0, 0
-    if isinstance(date, tuple) and len(date) == 2:
-        return date
-    if not formats:
-        formats = defaultdateformats
-    date = date.strip()
-    if date == 'now' or date == _('now'):
-        return makedate()
-    if date == 'today' or date == _('today'):
-        date ='%b %d')
-        date = encoding.strtolocal(date)
-    elif date == 'yesterday' or date == _('yesterday'):
-        date = ( -
-                datetime.timedelta(days=1)).strftime(r'%b %d')
-        date = encoding.strtolocal(date)
-    try:
-        when, offset = map(int, date.split(' '))
-    except ValueError:
-        # fill out defaults
-        now = makedate()
-        defaults = {}
-        for part in ("d", "mb", "yY", "HI", "M", "S"):
-            # this piece is for rounding the specific end of unknowns
-            b = bias.get(part)
-            if b is None:
-                if part[0:1] in "HMS":
-                    b = "00"
-                else:
-                    b = "0"
-            # this piece is for matching the generic end to today's date
-            n = datestr(now, "%" + part[0:1])
-            defaults[part] = (b, n)
-        for format in formats:
-            try:
-                when, offset = strdate(date, format, defaults)
-            except (ValueError, OverflowError):
-                pass
-            else:
-                break
-        else:
-            raise error.ParseError(
-                _('invalid date: %r') % pycompat.bytestr(date))
-    # validate explicit (probably user-specified) date and
-    # time zone offset. values must fit in signed 32 bits for
-    # current 32-bit linux runtimes. timezones go from UTC-12
-    # to UTC+14
-    if when < -0x80000000 or when > 0x7fffffff:
-        raise error.ParseError(_('date exceeds 32 bits: %d') % when)
-    if offset < -50400 or offset > 43200:
-        raise error.ParseError(_('impossible time zone offset: %d') % offset)
-    return when, offset
-def matchdate(date):
-    """Return a function that matches a given date match specifier
-    Formats include:
-    '{date}' match a given date to the accuracy provided
-    '<{date}' on or before a given date
-    '>{date}' on or after a given date
-    >>> p1 = parsedate(b"10:29:59")
-    >>> p2 = parsedate(b"10:30:00")
-    >>> p3 = parsedate(b"10:30:59")
-    >>> p4 = parsedate(b"10:31:00")
-    >>> p5 = parsedate(b"Sep 15 10:30:00 1999")
-    >>> f = matchdate(b"10:30")
-    >>> f(p1[0])
-    False
-    >>> f(p2[0])
-    True
-    >>> f(p3[0])
-    True
-    >>> f(p4[0])
-    False
-    >>> f(p5[0])
-    False
-    """
-    def lower(date):
-        d = {'mb': "1", 'd': "1"}
-        return parsedate(date, extendeddateformats, d)[0]
-    def upper(date):
-        d = {'mb': "12", 'HI': "23", 'M': "59", 'S': "59"}
-        for days in ("31", "30", "29"):
-            try:
-                d["d"] = days
-                return parsedate(date, extendeddateformats, d)[0]
-            except error.ParseError:
-                pass
-        d["d"] = "28"
-        return parsedate(date, extendeddateformats, d)[0]
-    date = date.strip()
-    if not date:
-        raise Abort(_("dates cannot consist entirely of whitespace"))
-    elif date[0] == "<":
-        if not date[1:]:
-            raise Abort(_("invalid day spec, use '<DATE'"))
-        when = upper(date[1:])
-        return lambda x: x <= when
-    elif date[0] == ">":
-        if not date[1:]:
-            raise Abort(_("invalid day spec, use '>DATE'"))
-        when = lower(date[1:])
-        return lambda x: x >= when
-    elif date[0] == "-":
-        try:
-            days = int(date[1:])
-        except ValueError:
-            raise Abort(_("invalid day spec: %s") % date[1:])
-        if days < 0:
-            raise Abort(_("%s must be nonnegative (see 'hg help dates')")
-                % date[1:])
-        when = makedate()[0] - days * 3600 * 24
-        return lambda x: x >= when
-    elif " to " in date:
-        a, b = date.split(" to ")
-        start, stop = lower(a), upper(b)
-        return lambda x: x >= start and x <= stop
-    else:
-        start, stop = lower(date), upper(date)
-        return lambda x: x >= start and x <= stop
 def stringmatcher(pattern, casesensitive=True):
     accepts a string, possibly starting with 're:' or 'literal:' prefix.
@@ -4303,3 +3989,54 @@
         if not (byte & 0x80):
             return result
         shift += 7
+# Deprecation warnings for splitting
+defaultdateformats = dateutil.defaultdateformats
+extendeddateformats = dateutil.extendeddateformats
+def makedate(*args, **kwargs):
+    msg = ("'util.makedate' is deprecated, "
+           "use 'utils.dateutil.makedate'")
+    nouideprecwarn(msg, "4.6")
+    return dateutil.makedate(*args, **kwargs)
+def datestr(*args, **kwargs):
+    msg = ("'util.datestr' is deprecated, "
+           "use 'utils.dateutil.datestr'")
+    nouideprecwarn(msg, "4.6")
+    debugstacktrace()
+    return dateutil.datestr(*args, **kwargs)
+def shortdate(*args, **kwargs):
+    msg = ("'util.shortdate' is deprecated, "
+           "use 'utils.dateutil.shortdate'")
+    nouideprecwarn(msg, "4.6")
+    return dateutil.shortdate(*args, **kwargs)
+def parsetimezone(*args, **kwargs):
+    msg = ("'util.parsetimezone' is deprecated, "
+           "use 'utils.dateutil.parsetimezone'")
+    nouideprecwarn(msg, "4.6")
+    return dateutil.parsetimezone(*args, **kwargs)
+def strdate(*args, **kwargs):
+    msg = ("'util.strdate' is deprecated, "
+           "use 'utils.dateutil.strdate'")
+    nouideprecwarn(msg, "4.6")
+    return dateutil.strdate(*args, **kwargs)
+def parsedate(*args, **kwargs):
+    msg = ("'util.parsedate' is deprecated, "
+           "use 'utils.dateutil.parsedate'")
+    nouideprecwarn(msg, "4.6")
+    return dateutil.parsedate(*args, **kwargs)
+def matchdate(*args, **kwargs):
+    msg = ("'util.matchdate' is deprecated, "
+           "use 'utils.dateutil.matchdate'")
+    nouideprecwarn(msg, "4.6")
+    return dateutil.matchdate(*args, **kwargs)