changeset 18746 c0087d48ec3a
parent 17837 b623e323c561
child 18748 6e676fb6ea44
--- a/mercurial/	Sat Feb 09 21:51:21 2013 +0000
+++ b/mercurial/	Sat Feb 09 21:51:21 2013 +0000
@@ -6,9 +6,10 @@
 # GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
 from i18n import gettext, _
-import itertools, sys, os
+import itertools, sys, os, error
 import extensions, revset, fileset, templatekw, templatefilters, filemerge
 import encoding, util, minirst
+import cmdutil
 def listexts(header, exts, indent=1):
     '''return a text listing of the given extensions'''
@@ -206,3 +207,297 @@
 addtopicsymbols('revsets', '.. predicatesmarker', revset.symbols)
 addtopicsymbols('templates', '.. keywordsmarker', templatekw.dockeywords)
 addtopicsymbols('templates', '.. filtersmarker', templatefilters.filters)
+def help_(ui, name, unknowncmd=False, full=True, **opts):
+    '''
+    Generate the help for 'name' as unformatted restructured text. If
+    'name' is None, describe the commands available.
+    '''
+    import commands # avoid cycle
+    def helpcmd(name):
+        try:
+            aliases, entry = cmdutil.findcmd(name, commands.table,
+                                             strict=unknowncmd)
+        except error.AmbiguousCommand, inst:
+            # py3k fix: except vars can't be used outside the scope of the
+            # except block, nor can be used inside a lambda. python issue4617
+            prefix = inst.args[0]
+            select = lambda c: c.lstrip('^').startswith(prefix)
+            rst = helplist(select)
+            return rst
+        rst = []
+        # check if it's an invalid alias and display its error if it is
+        if getattr(entry[0], 'badalias', False):
+            if not unknowncmd:
+                ui.pushbuffer()
+                entry[0](ui)
+                rst.append(ui.popbuffer())
+            return rst
+        # synopsis
+        if len(entry) > 2:
+            if entry[2].startswith('hg'):
+                rst.append("%s\n" % entry[2])
+            else:
+                rst.append('hg %s %s\n' % (aliases[0], entry[2]))
+        else:
+            rst.append('hg %s\n' % aliases[0])
+        # aliases
+        if full and not ui.quiet and len(aliases) > 1:
+            rst.append(_("\naliases: %s\n") % ', '.join(aliases[1:]))
+        rst.append('\n')
+        # description
+        doc = gettext(entry[0].__doc__)
+        if not doc:
+            doc = _("(no help text available)")
+        if util.safehasattr(entry[0], 'definition'):  # aliased command
+            if entry[0].definition.startswith('!'):  # shell alias
+                doc = _('shell alias for::\n\n    %s') % entry[0].definition[1:]
+            else:
+                doc = _('alias for: hg %s\n\n%s') % (entry[0].definition, doc)
+        doc = doc.splitlines(True)
+        if ui.quiet or not full:
+            rst.append(doc[0])
+        else:
+            rst.extend(doc)
+        rst.append('\n')
+        # check if this command shadows a non-trivial (multi-line)
+        # extension help text
+        try:
+            mod = extensions.find(name)
+            doc = gettext(mod.__doc__) or ''
+            if '\n' in doc.strip():
+                msg = _('use "hg help -e %s" to show help for '
+                        'the %s extension') % (name, name)
+                rst.append('\n%s\n' % msg)
+        except KeyError:
+            pass
+        # options
+        if not ui.quiet and entry[1]:
+            rst.append('\n%s\n\n' % _("options:"))
+            rst.append(optrst(entry[1], ui.verbose))
+        if ui.verbose:
+            rst.append('\n%s\n\n' % _("global options:"))
+            rst.append(optrst(commands.globalopts, ui.verbose))
+        if not ui.verbose:
+            if not full:
+                rst.append(_('\nuse "hg help %s" to show the full help text\n')
+                           % name)
+            elif not ui.quiet:
+                omitted = _('use "hg -v help %s" to show more complete'
+                            ' help and the global options') % name
+                notomitted = _('use "hg -v help %s" to show'
+                               ' the global options') % name
+                indicateomitted(rst, omitted, notomitted)
+        return rst
+    def helplist(select=None):
+        # list of commands
+        if name == "shortlist":
+            header = _('basic commands:\n\n')
+        else:
+            header = _('list of commands:\n\n')
+        h = {}
+        cmds = {}
+        for c, e in commands.table.iteritems():
+            f = c.split("|", 1)[0]
+            if select and not select(f):
+                continue
+            if (not select and name != 'shortlist' and
+                e[0].__module__ != commands.__name__):
+                continue
+            if name == "shortlist" and not f.startswith("^"):
+                continue
+            f = f.lstrip("^")
+            if not ui.debugflag and f.startswith("debug"):
+                continue
+            doc = e[0].__doc__
+            if doc and 'DEPRECATED' in doc and not ui.verbose:
+                continue
+            doc = gettext(doc)
+            if not doc:
+                doc = _("(no help text available)")
+            h[f] = doc.splitlines()[0].rstrip()
+            cmds[f] = c.lstrip("^")
+        rst = []
+        if not h:
+            if not ui.quiet:
+                rst.append(_('no commands defined\n'))
+            return rst
+        if not ui.quiet:
+            rst.append(header)
+        fns = sorted(h)
+        for f in fns:
+            if ui.verbose:
+                commacmds = cmds[f].replace("|",", ")
+                rst.append(" :%s: %s\n" % (commacmds, h[f]))
+            else:
+                rst.append(' :%s: %s\n' % (f, h[f]))
+        if not name:
+            exts = listexts(_('enabled extensions:'), extensions.enabled())
+            if exts:
+                rst.append('\n')
+                rst.extend(exts)
+            rst.append(_("\nadditional help topics:\n\n"))
+            topics = []
+            for names, header, doc in helptable:
+                topics.append((names[0], header))
+            for t, desc in topics:
+                rst.append(" :%s: %s\n" % (t, desc))
+        optlist = []
+        if not ui.quiet:
+            if ui.verbose:
+                optlist.append((_("global options:"), commands.globalopts))
+                if name == 'shortlist':
+                    optlist.append((_('use "hg help" for the full list '
+                                           'of commands'), ()))
+            else:
+                if name == 'shortlist':
+                    msg = _('use "hg help" for the full list of commands '
+                            'or "hg -v" for details')
+                elif name and not full:
+                    msg = _('use "hg help %s" to show the full help '
+                            'text') % name
+                else:
+                    msg = _('use "hg -v help%s" to show builtin aliases and '
+                            'global options') % (name and " " + name or "")
+                optlist.append((msg, ()))
+        if optlist:
+            for title, options in optlist:
+                rst.append('\n%s\n' % title)
+                if options:
+                    rst.append('\n%s\n' % optrst(options, ui.verbose))
+        return rst
+    def helptopic(name):
+        for names, header, doc in helptable:
+            if name in names:
+                break
+        else:
+            raise error.UnknownCommand(name)
+        rst = ["%s\n\n" % header]
+        # description
+        if not doc:
+            rst.append("    %s\n" % _("(no help text available)"))
+        if util.safehasattr(doc, '__call__'):
+            rst += ["    %s\n" % l for l in doc().splitlines()]
+        if not ui.verbose:
+            omitted = (_('use "hg help -v %s" to show more complete help') %
+                       name)
+            indicateomitted(rst, omitted)
+        try:
+            cmdutil.findcmd(name, commands.table)
+            rst.append(_('\nuse "hg help -c %s" to see help for '
+                       'the %s command\n') % (name, name))
+        except error.UnknownCommand:
+            pass
+        return rst
+    def helpext(name):
+        try:
+            mod = extensions.find(name)
+            doc = gettext(mod.__doc__) or _('no help text available')
+        except KeyError:
+            mod = None
+            doc = extensions.disabledext(name)
+            if not doc:
+                raise error.UnknownCommand(name)
+        if '\n' not in doc:
+            head, tail = doc, ""
+        else:
+            head, tail = doc.split('\n', 1)
+        rst = [_('%s extension - %s\n\n') % (name.split('.')[-1], head)]
+        if tail:
+            rst.extend(tail.splitlines(True))
+            rst.append('\n')
+        if not ui.verbose:
+            omitted = (_('use "hg help -v %s" to show more complete help') %
+                       name)
+            indicateomitted(rst, omitted)
+        if mod:
+            try:
+                ct = mod.cmdtable
+            except AttributeError:
+                ct = {}
+            modcmds = set([c.split('|', 1)[0] for c in ct])
+            rst.extend(helplist(modcmds.__contains__))
+        else:
+            rst.append(_('use "hg help extensions" for information on enabling '
+                       'extensions\n'))
+        return rst
+    def helpextcmd(name):
+        cmd, ext, mod = extensions.disabledcmd(ui, name,
+                                               ui.configbool('ui', 'strict'))
+        doc = gettext(mod.__doc__).splitlines()[0]
+        rst = listexts(_("'%s' is provided by the following "
+                              "extension:") % cmd, {ext: doc}, indent=4)
+        rst.append('\n')
+        rst.append(_('use "hg help extensions" for information on enabling '
+                   'extensions\n'))
+        return rst
+    rst = []
+    kw = opts.get('keyword')
+    if kw:
+        matches = topicmatch(kw)
+        for t, title in (('topics', _('Topics')),
+                         ('commands', _('Commands')),
+                         ('extensions', _('Extensions')),
+                         ('extensioncommands', _('Extension Commands'))):
+            if matches[t]:
+                rst.append('%s:\n\n' % title)
+                rst.extend(minirst.maketable(sorted(matches[t]), 1))
+                rst.append('\n')
+    elif name and name != 'shortlist':
+        i = None
+        if unknowncmd:
+            queries = (helpextcmd,)
+        elif opts.get('extension'):
+            queries = (helpext,)
+        elif opts.get('command'):
+            queries = (helpcmd,)
+        else:
+            queries = (helptopic, helpcmd, helpext, helpextcmd)
+        for f in queries:
+            try:
+                rst = f(name)
+                i = None
+                break
+            except error.UnknownCommand, inst:
+                i = inst
+        if i:
+            raise i
+    else:
+        # program name
+        if not ui.quiet:
+            rst = [_("Mercurial Distributed SCM\n"), '\n']
+        rst.extend(helplist())
+    return ''.join(rst)