changeset 18171 9d350f2d9458
parent 18170 0dcc77b271b9
child 18172 e6c5e0092469
--- a/mercurial/	Fri Dec 28 16:24:36 2012 -0800
+++ b/mercurial/	Fri Dec 28 16:25:00 2012 -0800
@@ -1399,34 +1399,8 @@
     callable taking a revision number and returning a match objects
     filtering the files to be detailed when displaying the revision.
-    def increasingrevs(repo, revs, matcher):
-        # The sorted input rev sequence is chopped in sub-sequences
-        # which are sorted in ascending order and passed to the
-        # matcher. The filtered revs are sorted again as they were in
-        # the original sub-sequence. This achieve several things:
-        #
-        # - getlogrevs() now returns a generator which behaviour is
-        #   adapted to log need. First results come fast, last ones
-        #   are batched for performances.
-        #
-        # - revset matchers often operate faster on revision in
-        #   changelog order, because most filters deal with the
-        #   changelog.
-        #
-        # - revset matchers can reorder revisions. "A or B" typically
-        #   returns returns the revision matching A then the revision
-        #   matching B. We want to hide this internal implementation
-        #   detail from the caller, and sorting the filtered revision
-        #   again achieves this.
-        for i, window in increasingwindows(0, len(revs), windowsize=1):
-            orevs = revs[i:i + window]
-            nrevs = set(matcher(repo, sorted(orevs)))
-            for rev in orevs:
-                if rev in nrevs:
-                    yield rev
     if not len(repo):
-        return iter([]), None, None
+        return [], None, None
     # Default --rev value depends on --follow but --follow behaviour
     # depends on revisions resolved from --rev...
     follow = opts.get('follow') or opts.get('follow_first')
@@ -1443,20 +1417,25 @@
             revs = list(repo.changelog)
     if not revs:
-        return iter([]), None, None
+        return [], None, None
     expr, filematcher = _makegraphlogrevset(repo, pats, opts, revs)
     if possiblyunsorted:
     if expr:
+        # Revset matchers often operate faster on revisions in changelog
+        # order, because most filters deal with the changelog.
+        revs.reverse()
         matcher = revset.match(repo.ui, expr)
-        revs = increasingrevs(repo, revs, matcher)
+        # Revset matches can reorder revisions. "A or B" typically returns
+        # returns the revision matching A then the revision matching B. Sort
+        # again to fix that.
+        revs = matcher(repo, revs)
+        revs.sort(reverse=True)
     if not opts.get('hidden'):
         # --hidden is still experimental and not worth a dedicated revset
         # yet. Fortunately, filtering revision number is fast.
         hiddenrevs = repo.hiddenrevs
-        revs = (r for r in revs if r not in hiddenrevs)
-    else:
-        revs = iter(revs)
+        revs = [r for r in revs if r not in hiddenrevs]
     return revs, expr, filematcher
 def displaygraph(ui, dag, displayer, showparents, edgefn, getrenamed=None,
@@ -1491,7 +1470,6 @@
 def graphlog(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
     # Parameters are identical to log command ones
     revs, expr, filematcher = getgraphlogrevs(repo, pats, opts)
-    revs = sorted(revs, reverse=1)
     limit = loglimit(opts)
     if limit is not None:
         revs = revs[:limit]