changeset 35885 7625b4f7db70
parent 35874 1bee7762fd46
child 35886 b0014780c7fc
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mercurial/	Sun Jan 21 12:26:42 2018 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,933 @@
+# - utility for log-like commands
+# Copyright 2005-2007 Matt Mackall <>
+# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
+# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import itertools
+import os
+from .i18n import _
+from .node import (
+    hex,
+    nullid,
+from . import (
+    dagop,
+    encoding,
+    error,
+    formatter,
+    graphmod,
+    match as matchmod,
+    mdiff,
+    patch,
+    pathutil,
+    pycompat,
+    revset,
+    revsetlang,
+    scmutil,
+    smartset,
+    templatekw,
+    templater,
+    util,
+def loglimit(opts):
+    """get the log limit according to option -l/--limit"""
+    limit = opts.get('limit')
+    if limit:
+        try:
+            limit = int(limit)
+        except ValueError:
+            raise error.Abort(_('limit must be a positive integer'))
+        if limit <= 0:
+            raise error.Abort(_('limit must be positive'))
+    else:
+        limit = None
+    return limit
+def diffordiffstat(ui, repo, diffopts, node1, node2, match,
+                   changes=None, stat=False, fp=None, prefix='',
+                   root='', listsubrepos=False, hunksfilterfn=None):
+    '''show diff or diffstat.'''
+    if fp is None:
+        write = ui.write
+    else:
+        def write(s, **kw):
+            fp.write(s)
+    if root:
+        relroot = pathutil.canonpath(repo.root, repo.getcwd(), root)
+    else:
+        relroot = ''
+    if relroot != '':
+        # XXX relative roots currently don't work if the root is within a
+        # subrepo
+        uirelroot = match.uipath(relroot)
+        relroot += '/'
+        for matchroot in match.files():
+            if not matchroot.startswith(relroot):
+                ui.warn(_('warning: %s not inside relative root %s\n') % (
+                    match.uipath(matchroot), uirelroot))
+    if stat:
+        diffopts = diffopts.copy(context=0, noprefix=False)
+        width = 80
+        if not ui.plain():
+            width = ui.termwidth()
+        chunks = patch.diff(repo, node1, node2, match, changes, opts=diffopts,
+                            prefix=prefix, relroot=relroot,
+                            hunksfilterfn=hunksfilterfn)
+        for chunk, label in patch.diffstatui(util.iterlines(chunks),
+                                             width=width):
+            write(chunk, label=label)
+    else:
+        for chunk, label in patch.diffui(repo, node1, node2, match,
+                                         changes, opts=diffopts, prefix=prefix,
+                                         relroot=relroot,
+                                         hunksfilterfn=hunksfilterfn):
+            write(chunk, label=label)
+    if listsubrepos:
+        ctx1 = repo[node1]
+        ctx2 = repo[node2]
+        for subpath, sub in scmutil.itersubrepos(ctx1, ctx2):
+            tempnode2 = node2
+            try:
+                if node2 is not None:
+                    tempnode2 = ctx2.substate[subpath][1]
+            except KeyError:
+                # A subrepo that existed in node1 was deleted between node1 and
+                # node2 (inclusive). Thus, ctx2's substate won't contain that
+                # subpath. The best we can do is to ignore it.
+                tempnode2 = None
+            submatch = matchmod.subdirmatcher(subpath, match)
+            sub.diff(ui, diffopts, tempnode2, submatch, changes=changes,
+                     stat=stat, fp=fp, prefix=prefix)
+def _changesetlabels(ctx):
+    labels = ['log.changeset', 'changeset.%s' % ctx.phasestr()]
+    if ctx.obsolete():
+        labels.append('changeset.obsolete')
+    if ctx.isunstable():
+        labels.append('changeset.unstable')
+        for instability in ctx.instabilities():
+            labels.append('instability.%s' % instability)
+    return ' '.join(labels)
+class changeset_printer(object):
+    '''show changeset information when templating not requested.'''
+    def __init__(self, ui, repo, matchfn, diffopts, buffered):
+        self.ui = ui
+        self.repo = repo
+        self.buffered = buffered
+        self.matchfn = matchfn
+        self.diffopts = diffopts
+        self.header = {}
+        self.hunk = {}
+        self.lastheader = None
+        self.footer = None
+        self._columns = templatekw.getlogcolumns()
+    def flush(self, ctx):
+        rev = ctx.rev()
+        if rev in self.header:
+            h = self.header[rev]
+            if h != self.lastheader:
+                self.lastheader = h
+                self.ui.write(h)
+            del self.header[rev]
+        if rev in self.hunk:
+            self.ui.write(self.hunk[rev])
+            del self.hunk[rev]
+    def close(self):
+        if self.footer:
+            self.ui.write(self.footer)
+    def show(self, ctx, copies=None, matchfn=None, hunksfilterfn=None,
+             **props):
+        props = pycompat.byteskwargs(props)
+        if self.buffered:
+            self.ui.pushbuffer(labeled=True)
+            self._show(ctx, copies, matchfn, hunksfilterfn, props)
+            self.hunk[ctx.rev()] = self.ui.popbuffer()
+        else:
+            self._show(ctx, copies, matchfn, hunksfilterfn, props)
+    def _show(self, ctx, copies, matchfn, hunksfilterfn, props):
+        '''show a single changeset or file revision'''
+        changenode = ctx.node()
+        rev = ctx.rev()
+        if self.ui.quiet:
+            self.ui.write("%s\n" % scmutil.formatchangeid(ctx),
+                          label='log.node')
+            return
+        columns = self._columns
+        self.ui.write(columns['changeset'] % scmutil.formatchangeid(ctx),
+                      label=_changesetlabels(ctx))
+        # branches are shown first before any other names due to backwards
+        # compatibility
+        branch = ctx.branch()
+        # don't show the default branch name
+        if branch != 'default':
+            self.ui.write(columns['branch'] % branch, label='log.branch')
+        for nsname, ns in self.repo.names.iteritems():
+            # branches has special logic already handled above, so here we just
+            # skip it
+            if nsname == 'branches':
+                continue
+            # we will use the templatename as the color name since those two
+            # should be the same
+            for name in ns.names(self.repo, changenode):
+                self.ui.write(ns.logfmt % name,
+                              label='log.%s' % ns.colorname)
+        if self.ui.debugflag:
+            self.ui.write(columns['phase'] % ctx.phasestr(), label='log.phase')
+        for pctx in scmutil.meaningfulparents(self.repo, ctx):
+            label = 'log.parent changeset.%s' % pctx.phasestr()
+            self.ui.write(columns['parent'] % scmutil.formatchangeid(pctx),
+                          label=label)
+        if self.ui.debugflag and rev is not None:
+            mnode = ctx.manifestnode()
+            mrev = self.repo.manifestlog._revlog.rev(mnode)
+            self.ui.write(columns['manifest']
+                          % scmutil.formatrevnode(self.ui, mrev, mnode),
+                          label='ui.debug log.manifest')
+        self.ui.write(columns['user'] % ctx.user(), label='log.user')
+        self.ui.write(columns['date'] % util.datestr(,
+                      label='')
+        if ctx.isunstable():
+            instabilities = ctx.instabilities()
+            self.ui.write(columns['instability'] % ', '.join(instabilities),
+                          label='log.instability')
+        elif ctx.obsolete():
+            self._showobsfate(ctx)
+        self._exthook(ctx)
+        if self.ui.debugflag:
+            files = ctx.p1().status(ctx)[:3]
+            for key, value in zip(['files', 'files+', 'files-'], files):
+                if value:
+                    self.ui.write(columns[key] % " ".join(value),
+                                  label='ui.debug log.files')
+        elif ctx.files() and self.ui.verbose:
+            self.ui.write(columns['files'] % " ".join(ctx.files()),
+                          label='ui.note log.files')
+        if copies and self.ui.verbose:
+            copies = ['%s (%s)' % c for c in copies]
+            self.ui.write(columns['copies'] % ' '.join(copies),
+                          label='ui.note log.copies')
+        extra = ctx.extra()
+        if extra and self.ui.debugflag:
+            for key, value in sorted(extra.items()):
+                self.ui.write(columns['extra'] % (key, util.escapestr(value)),
+                              label='ui.debug log.extra')
+        description = ctx.description().strip()
+        if description:
+            if self.ui.verbose:
+                self.ui.write(_("description:\n"),
+                              label='ui.note log.description')
+                self.ui.write(description,
+                              label='ui.note log.description')
+                self.ui.write("\n\n")
+            else:
+                self.ui.write(columns['summary'] % description.splitlines()[0],
+                              label='log.summary')
+        self.ui.write("\n")
+        self.showpatch(ctx, matchfn, hunksfilterfn=hunksfilterfn)
+    def _showobsfate(self, ctx):
+        obsfate = templatekw.showobsfate(repo=self.repo, ctx=ctx, ui=self.ui)
+        if obsfate:
+            for obsfateline in obsfate:
+                self.ui.write(self._columns['obsolete'] % obsfateline,
+                              label='log.obsfate')
+    def _exthook(self, ctx):
+        '''empty method used by extension as a hook point
+        '''
+    def showpatch(self, ctx, matchfn, hunksfilterfn=None):
+        if not matchfn:
+            matchfn = self.matchfn
+        if matchfn:
+            stat = self.diffopts.get('stat')
+            diff = self.diffopts.get('patch')
+            diffopts = patch.diffallopts(self.ui, self.diffopts)
+            node = ctx.node()
+            prev = ctx.p1().node()
+            if stat:
+                diffordiffstat(self.ui, self.repo, diffopts, prev, node,
+                               match=matchfn, stat=True,
+                               hunksfilterfn=hunksfilterfn)
+            if diff:
+                if stat:
+                    self.ui.write("\n")
+                diffordiffstat(self.ui, self.repo, diffopts, prev, node,
+                               match=matchfn, stat=False,
+                               hunksfilterfn=hunksfilterfn)
+            if stat or diff:
+                self.ui.write("\n")
+class jsonchangeset(changeset_printer):
+    '''format changeset information.'''
+    def __init__(self, ui, repo, matchfn, diffopts, buffered):
+        changeset_printer.__init__(self, ui, repo, matchfn, diffopts, buffered)
+        self.cache = {}
+        self._first = True
+    def close(self):
+        if not self._first:
+            self.ui.write("\n]\n")
+        else:
+            self.ui.write("[]\n")
+    def _show(self, ctx, copies, matchfn, hunksfilterfn, props):
+        '''show a single changeset or file revision'''
+        rev = ctx.rev()
+        if rev is None:
+            jrev = jnode = 'null'
+        else:
+            jrev = '%d' % rev
+            jnode = '"%s"' % hex(ctx.node())
+        j = encoding.jsonescape
+        if self._first:
+            self.ui.write("[\n {")
+            self._first = False
+        else:
+            self.ui.write(",\n {")
+        if self.ui.quiet:
+            self.ui.write(('\n  "rev": %s') % jrev)
+            self.ui.write((',\n  "node": %s') % jnode)
+            self.ui.write('\n }')
+            return
+        self.ui.write(('\n  "rev": %s') % jrev)
+        self.ui.write((',\n  "node": %s') % jnode)
+        self.ui.write((',\n  "branch": "%s"') % j(ctx.branch()))
+        self.ui.write((',\n  "phase": "%s"') % ctx.phasestr())
+        self.ui.write((',\n  "user": "%s"') % j(ctx.user()))
+        self.ui.write((',\n  "date": [%d, %d]') %
+        self.ui.write((',\n  "desc": "%s"') % j(ctx.description()))
+        self.ui.write((',\n  "bookmarks": [%s]') %
+                      ", ".join('"%s"' % j(b) for b in ctx.bookmarks()))
+        self.ui.write((',\n  "tags": [%s]') %
+                      ", ".join('"%s"' % j(t) for t in ctx.tags()))
+        self.ui.write((',\n  "parents": [%s]') %
+                      ", ".join('"%s"' % c.hex() for c in ctx.parents()))
+        if self.ui.debugflag:
+            if rev is None:
+                jmanifestnode = 'null'
+            else:
+                jmanifestnode = '"%s"' % hex(ctx.manifestnode())
+            self.ui.write((',\n  "manifest": %s') % jmanifestnode)
+            self.ui.write((',\n  "extra": {%s}') %
+                          ", ".join('"%s": "%s"' % (j(k), j(v))
+                                    for k, v in ctx.extra().items()))
+            files = ctx.p1().status(ctx)
+            self.ui.write((',\n  "modified": [%s]') %
+                          ", ".join('"%s"' % j(f) for f in files[0]))
+            self.ui.write((',\n  "added": [%s]') %
+                          ", ".join('"%s"' % j(f) for f in files[1]))
+            self.ui.write((',\n  "removed": [%s]') %
+                          ", ".join('"%s"' % j(f) for f in files[2]))
+        elif self.ui.verbose:
+            self.ui.write((',\n  "files": [%s]') %
+                          ", ".join('"%s"' % j(f) for f in ctx.files()))
+            if copies:
+                self.ui.write((',\n  "copies": {%s}') %
+                              ", ".join('"%s": "%s"' % (j(k), j(v))
+                                                        for k, v in copies))
+        matchfn = self.matchfn
+        if matchfn:
+            stat = self.diffopts.get('stat')
+            diff = self.diffopts.get('patch')
+            diffopts = patch.difffeatureopts(self.ui, self.diffopts, git=True)
+            node, prev = ctx.node(), ctx.p1().node()
+            if stat:
+                self.ui.pushbuffer()
+                diffordiffstat(self.ui, self.repo, diffopts, prev, node,
+                               match=matchfn, stat=True)
+                self.ui.write((',\n  "diffstat": "%s"')
+                              % j(self.ui.popbuffer()))
+            if diff:
+                self.ui.pushbuffer()
+                diffordiffstat(self.ui, self.repo, diffopts, prev, node,
+                               match=matchfn, stat=False)
+                self.ui.write((',\n  "diff": "%s"') % j(self.ui.popbuffer()))
+        self.ui.write("\n }")
+class changeset_templater(changeset_printer):
+    '''format changeset information.
+    Note: there are a variety of convenience functions to build a
+    changeset_templater for common cases. See functions such as:
+    makelogtemplater, show_changeset, buildcommittemplate, or other
+    functions that use changesest_templater.
+    '''
+    # Arguments before "buffered" used to be positional. Consider not
+    # adding/removing arguments before "buffered" to not break callers.
+    def __init__(self, ui, repo, tmplspec, matchfn=None, diffopts=None,
+                 buffered=False):
+        diffopts = diffopts or {}
+        changeset_printer.__init__(self, ui, repo, matchfn, diffopts, buffered)
+        tres = formatter.templateresources(ui, repo)
+        self.t = formatter.loadtemplater(ui, tmplspec,
+                                         defaults=templatekw.keywords,
+                                         resources=tres,
+                                         cache=templatekw.defaulttempl)
+        self._counter = itertools.count()
+        self.cache = tres['cache']  # shared with _graphnodeformatter()
+        self._tref = tmplspec.ref
+        self._parts = {'header': '', 'footer': '',
+                       tmplspec.ref: tmplspec.ref,
+                       'docheader': '', 'docfooter': '',
+                       'separator': ''}
+        if tmplspec.mapfile:
+            # find correct templates for current mode, for backward
+            # compatibility with 'log -v/-q/--debug' using a mapfile
+            tmplmodes = [
+                (True, ''),
+                (self.ui.verbose, '_verbose'),
+                (self.ui.quiet, '_quiet'),
+                (self.ui.debugflag, '_debug'),
+            ]
+            for mode, postfix in tmplmodes:
+                for t in self._parts:
+                    cur = t + postfix
+                    if mode and cur in self.t:
+                        self._parts[t] = cur
+        else:
+            partnames = [p for p in self._parts.keys() if p != tmplspec.ref]
+            m = formatter.templatepartsmap(tmplspec, self.t, partnames)
+            self._parts.update(m)
+        if self._parts['docheader']:
+            self.ui.write(templater.stringify(self.t(self._parts['docheader'])))
+    def close(self):
+        if self._parts['docfooter']:
+            if not self.footer:
+                self.footer = ""
+            self.footer += templater.stringify(self.t(self._parts['docfooter']))
+        return super(changeset_templater, self).close()
+    def _show(self, ctx, copies, matchfn, hunksfilterfn, props):
+        '''show a single changeset or file revision'''
+        props = props.copy()
+        props['ctx'] = ctx
+        props['index'] = index = next(self._counter)
+        props['revcache'] = {'copies': copies}
+        props = pycompat.strkwargs(props)
+        # write separator, which wouldn't work well with the header part below
+        # since there's inherently a conflict between header (across items) and
+        # separator (per item)
+        if self._parts['separator'] and index > 0:
+            self.ui.write(templater.stringify(self.t(self._parts['separator'])))
+        # write header
+        if self._parts['header']:
+            h = templater.stringify(self.t(self._parts['header'], **props))
+            if self.buffered:
+                self.header[ctx.rev()] = h
+            else:
+                if self.lastheader != h:
+                    self.lastheader = h
+                    self.ui.write(h)
+        # write changeset metadata, then patch if requested
+        key = self._parts[self._tref]
+        self.ui.write(templater.stringify(self.t(key, **props)))
+        self.showpatch(ctx, matchfn, hunksfilterfn=hunksfilterfn)
+        if self._parts['footer']:
+            if not self.footer:
+                self.footer = templater.stringify(
+                    self.t(self._parts['footer'], **props))
+def logtemplatespec(tmpl, mapfile):
+    if mapfile:
+        return formatter.templatespec('changeset', tmpl, mapfile)
+    else:
+        return formatter.templatespec('', tmpl, None)
+def _lookuplogtemplate(ui, tmpl, style):
+    """Find the template matching the given template spec or style
+    See formatter.lookuptemplate() for details.
+    """
+    # ui settings
+    if not tmpl and not style: # template are stronger than style
+        tmpl = ui.config('ui', 'logtemplate')
+        if tmpl:
+            return logtemplatespec(templater.unquotestring(tmpl), None)
+        else:
+            style = util.expandpath(ui.config('ui', 'style'))
+    if not tmpl and style:
+        mapfile = style
+        if not os.path.split(mapfile)[0]:
+            mapname = (templater.templatepath('map-cmdline.' + mapfile)
+                       or templater.templatepath(mapfile))
+            if mapname:
+                mapfile = mapname
+        return logtemplatespec(None, mapfile)
+    if not tmpl:
+        return logtemplatespec(None, None)
+    return formatter.lookuptemplate(ui, 'changeset', tmpl)
+def makelogtemplater(ui, repo, tmpl, buffered=False):
+    """Create a changeset_templater from a literal template 'tmpl'
+    byte-string."""
+    spec = logtemplatespec(tmpl, None)
+    return changeset_templater(ui, repo, spec, buffered=buffered)
+def show_changeset(ui, repo, opts, buffered=False):
+    """show one changeset using template or regular display.
+    Display format will be the first non-empty hit of:
+    1. option 'template'
+    2. option 'style'
+    3. [ui] setting 'logtemplate'
+    4. [ui] setting 'style'
+    If all of these values are either the unset or the empty string,
+    regular display via changeset_printer() is done.
+    """
+    # options
+    match = None
+    if opts.get('patch') or opts.get('stat'):
+        match = scmutil.matchall(repo)
+    if opts.get('template') == 'json':
+        return jsonchangeset(ui, repo, match, opts, buffered)
+    spec = _lookuplogtemplate(ui, opts.get('template'), opts.get('style'))
+    if not spec.ref and not spec.tmpl and not spec.mapfile:
+        return changeset_printer(ui, repo, match, opts, buffered)
+    return changeset_templater(ui, repo, spec, match, opts, buffered)
+def _makelogmatcher(repo, revs, pats, opts):
+    """Build matcher and expanded patterns from log options
+    If --follow, revs are the revisions to follow from.
+    Returns (match, pats, slowpath) where
+    - match: a matcher built from the given pats and -I/-X opts
+    - pats: patterns used (globs are expanded on Windows)
+    - slowpath: True if patterns aren't as simple as scanning filelogs
+    """
+    # pats/include/exclude are passed to match.match() directly in
+    # _matchfiles() revset but walkchangerevs() builds its matcher with
+    # scmutil.match(). The difference is input pats are globbed on
+    # platforms without shell expansion (windows).
+    wctx = repo[None]
+    match, pats = scmutil.matchandpats(wctx, pats, opts)
+    slowpath = match.anypats() or (not match.always() and opts.get('removed'))
+    if not slowpath:
+        follow = opts.get('follow') or opts.get('follow_first')
+        startctxs = []
+        if follow and opts.get('rev'):
+            startctxs = [repo[r] for r in revs]
+        for f in match.files():
+            if follow and startctxs:
+                # No idea if the path was a directory at that revision, so
+                # take the slow path.
+                if any(f not in c for c in startctxs):
+                    slowpath = True
+                    continue
+            elif follow and f not in wctx:
+                # If the file exists, it may be a directory, so let it
+                # take the slow path.
+                if os.path.exists(repo.wjoin(f)):
+                    slowpath = True
+                    continue
+                else:
+                    raise error.Abort(_('cannot follow file not in parent '
+                                        'revision: "%s"') % f)
+            filelog = repo.file(f)
+            if not filelog:
+                # A zero count may be a directory or deleted file, so
+                # try to find matching entries on the slow path.
+                if follow:
+                    raise error.Abort(
+                        _('cannot follow nonexistent file: "%s"') % f)
+                slowpath = True
+        # We decided to fall back to the slowpath because at least one
+        # of the paths was not a file. Check to see if at least one of them
+        # existed in history - in that case, we'll continue down the
+        # slowpath; otherwise, we can turn off the slowpath
+        if slowpath:
+            for path in match.files():
+                if path == '.' or path in
+                    break
+            else:
+                slowpath = False
+    return match, pats, slowpath
+def _fileancestors(repo, revs, match, followfirst):
+    fctxs = []
+    for r in revs:
+        ctx = repo[r]
+        fctxs.extend(ctx[f].introfilectx() for f in ctx.walk(match))
+    # When displaying a revision with --patch --follow FILE, we have
+    # to know which file of the revision must be diffed. With
+    # --follow, we want the names of the ancestors of FILE in the
+    # revision, stored in "fcache". "fcache" is populated as a side effect
+    # of the graph traversal.
+    fcache = {}
+    def filematcher(rev):
+        return scmutil.matchfiles(repo, fcache.get(rev, []))
+    def revgen():
+        for rev, cs in dagop.filectxancestors(fctxs, followfirst=followfirst):
+            fcache[rev] = [c.path() for c in cs]
+            yield rev
+    return smartset.generatorset(revgen(), iterasc=False), filematcher
+def _makenofollowlogfilematcher(repo, pats, opts):
+    '''hook for extensions to override the filematcher for non-follow cases'''
+    return None
+_opt2logrevset = {
+    'no_merges':        ('not merge()', None),
+    'only_merges':      ('merge()', None),
+    '_matchfiles':      (None, '_matchfiles(%ps)'),
+    'date':             ('date(%s)', None),
+    'branch':           ('branch(%s)', '%lr'),
+    '_patslog':         ('filelog(%s)', '%lr'),
+    'keyword':          ('keyword(%s)', '%lr'),
+    'prune':            ('ancestors(%s)', 'not %lr'),
+    'user':             ('user(%s)', '%lr'),
+def _makelogrevset(repo, match, pats, slowpath, opts):
+    """Return a revset string built from log options and file patterns"""
+    opts = dict(opts)
+    # follow or not follow?
+    follow = opts.get('follow') or opts.get('follow_first')
+    # branch and only_branch are really aliases and must be handled at
+    # the same time
+    opts['branch'] = opts.get('branch', []) + opts.get('only_branch', [])
+    opts['branch'] = [repo.lookupbranch(b) for b in opts['branch']]
+    if slowpath:
+        # See walkchangerevs() slow path.
+        #
+        # pats/include/exclude cannot be represented as separate
+        # revset expressions as their filtering logic applies at file
+        # level. For instance "-I a -X b" matches a revision touching
+        # "a" and "b" while "file(a) and not file(b)" does
+        # not. Besides, filesets are evaluated against the working
+        # directory.
+        matchargs = ['r:', 'd:relpath']
+        for p in pats:
+            matchargs.append('p:' + p)
+        for p in opts.get('include', []):
+            matchargs.append('i:' + p)
+        for p in opts.get('exclude', []):
+            matchargs.append('x:' + p)
+        opts['_matchfiles'] = matchargs
+    elif not follow:
+        opts['_patslog'] = list(pats)
+    expr = []
+    for op, val in sorted(opts.iteritems()):
+        if not val:
+            continue
+        if op not in _opt2logrevset:
+            continue
+        revop, listop = _opt2logrevset[op]
+        if revop and '%' not in revop:
+            expr.append(revop)
+        elif not listop:
+            expr.append(revsetlang.formatspec(revop, val))
+        else:
+            if revop:
+                val = [revsetlang.formatspec(revop, v) for v in val]
+            expr.append(revsetlang.formatspec(listop, val))
+    if expr:
+        expr = '(' + ' and '.join(expr) + ')'
+    else:
+        expr = None
+    return expr
+def _logrevs(repo, opts):
+    """Return the initial set of revisions to be filtered or followed"""
+    follow = opts.get('follow') or opts.get('follow_first')
+    if opts.get('rev'):
+        revs = scmutil.revrange(repo, opts['rev'])
+    elif follow and repo.dirstate.p1() == nullid:
+        revs = smartset.baseset()
+    elif follow:
+        revs = repo.revs('.')
+    else:
+        revs = smartset.spanset(repo)
+        revs.reverse()
+    return revs
+def getlogrevs(repo, pats, opts):
+    """Return (revs, filematcher) where revs is a smartset
+    filematcher is a callable taking a revision number and returning a match
+    objects filtering the files to be detailed when displaying the revision.
+    """
+    follow = opts.get('follow') or opts.get('follow_first')
+    followfirst = opts.get('follow_first')
+    limit = loglimit(opts)
+    revs = _logrevs(repo, opts)
+    if not revs:
+        return smartset.baseset(), None
+    match, pats, slowpath = _makelogmatcher(repo, revs, pats, opts)
+    filematcher = None
+    if follow:
+        if slowpath or match.always():
+            revs = dagop.revancestors(repo, revs, followfirst=followfirst)
+        else:
+            revs, filematcher = _fileancestors(repo, revs, match, followfirst)
+        revs.reverse()
+    if filematcher is None:
+        filematcher = _makenofollowlogfilematcher(repo, pats, opts)
+    if filematcher is None:
+        def filematcher(rev):
+            return match
+    expr = _makelogrevset(repo, match, pats, slowpath, opts)
+    if opts.get('graph') and opts.get('rev'):
+        # User-specified revs might be unsorted, but don't sort before
+        # _makelogrevset because it might depend on the order of revs
+        if not (revs.isdescending() or revs.istopo()):
+            revs.sort(reverse=True)
+    if expr:
+        matcher = revset.match(None, expr)
+        revs = matcher(repo, revs)
+    if limit is not None:
+        revs = revs.slice(0, limit)
+    return revs, filematcher
+def _parselinerangelogopt(repo, opts):
+    """Parse --line-range log option and return a list of tuples (filename,
+    (fromline, toline)).
+    """
+    linerangebyfname = []
+    for pat in opts.get('line_range', []):
+        try:
+            pat, linerange = pat.rsplit(',', 1)
+        except ValueError:
+            raise error.Abort(_('malformatted line-range pattern %s') % pat)
+        try:
+            fromline, toline = map(int, linerange.split(':'))
+        except ValueError:
+            raise error.Abort(_("invalid line range for %s") % pat)
+        msg = _("line range pattern '%s' must match exactly one file") % pat
+        fname = scmutil.parsefollowlinespattern(repo, None, pat, msg)
+        linerangebyfname.append(
+            (fname, util.processlinerange(fromline, toline)))
+    return linerangebyfname
+def getloglinerangerevs(repo, userrevs, opts):
+    """Return (revs, filematcher, hunksfilter).
+    "revs" are revisions obtained by processing "line-range" log options and
+    walking block ancestors of each specified file/line-range.
+    "filematcher(rev) -> match" is a factory function returning a match object
+    for a given revision for file patterns specified in --line-range option.
+    If neither --stat nor --patch options are passed, "filematcher" is None.
+    "hunksfilter(rev) -> filterfn(fctx, hunks)" is a factory function
+    returning a hunks filtering function.
+    If neither --stat nor --patch options are passed, "filterhunks" is None.
+    """
+    wctx = repo[None]
+    # Two-levels map of "rev -> file ctx -> [line range]".
+    linerangesbyrev = {}
+    for fname, (fromline, toline) in _parselinerangelogopt(repo, opts):
+        if fname not in wctx:
+            raise error.Abort(_('cannot follow file not in parent '
+                                'revision: "%s"') % fname)
+        fctx = wctx.filectx(fname)
+        for fctx, linerange in dagop.blockancestors(fctx, fromline, toline):
+            rev = fctx.introrev()
+            if rev not in userrevs:
+                continue
+            linerangesbyrev.setdefault(
+                rev, {}).setdefault(
+                    fctx.path(), []).append(linerange)
+    filematcher = None
+    hunksfilter = None
+    if opts.get('patch') or opts.get('stat'):
+        def nofilterhunksfn(fctx, hunks):
+            return hunks
+        def hunksfilter(rev):
+            fctxlineranges = linerangesbyrev.get(rev)
+            if fctxlineranges is None:
+                return nofilterhunksfn
+            def filterfn(fctx, hunks):
+                lineranges = fctxlineranges.get(fctx.path())
+                if lineranges is not None:
+                    for hr, lines in hunks:
+                        if hr is None: # binary
+                            yield hr, lines
+                            continue
+                        if any(mdiff.hunkinrange(hr[2:], lr)
+                               for lr in lineranges):
+                            yield hr, lines
+                else:
+                    for hunk in hunks:
+                        yield hunk
+            return filterfn
+        def filematcher(rev):
+            files = list(linerangesbyrev.get(rev, []))
+            return scmutil.matchfiles(repo, files)
+    revs = sorted(linerangesbyrev, reverse=True)
+    return revs, filematcher, hunksfilter
+def _graphnodeformatter(ui, displayer):
+    spec = ui.config('ui', 'graphnodetemplate')
+    if not spec:
+        return templatekw.showgraphnode  # fast path for "{graphnode}"
+    spec = templater.unquotestring(spec)
+    tres = formatter.templateresources(ui)
+    if isinstance(displayer, changeset_templater):
+        tres['cache'] = displayer.cache  # reuse cache of slow templates
+    templ = formatter.maketemplater(ui, spec, defaults=templatekw.keywords,
+                                    resources=tres)
+    def formatnode(repo, ctx):
+        props = {'ctx': ctx, 'repo': repo, 'revcache': {}}
+        return templ.render(props)
+    return formatnode
+def displaygraph(ui, repo, dag, displayer, edgefn, getrenamed=None,
+                 filematcher=None, props=None):
+    props = props or {}
+    formatnode = _graphnodeformatter(ui, displayer)
+    state = graphmod.asciistate()
+    styles = state['styles']
+    # only set graph styling if HGPLAIN is not set.
+    if ui.plain('graph'):
+        # set all edge styles to |, the default pre-3.8 behaviour
+        styles.update(dict.fromkeys(styles, '|'))
+    else:
+        edgetypes = {
+            'parent': graphmod.PARENT,
+            'grandparent': graphmod.GRANDPARENT,
+            'missing': graphmod.MISSINGPARENT
+        }
+        for name, key in edgetypes.items():
+            # experimental config: experimental.graphstyle.*
+            styles[key] = ui.config('experimental', 'graphstyle.%s' % name,
+                                    styles[key])
+            if not styles[key]:
+                styles[key] = None
+        # experimental config: experimental.graphshorten
+        state['graphshorten'] = ui.configbool('experimental', 'graphshorten')
+    for rev, type, ctx, parents in dag:
+        char = formatnode(repo, ctx)
+        copies = None
+        if getrenamed and ctx.rev():
+            copies = []
+            for fn in ctx.files():
+                rename = getrenamed(fn, ctx.rev())
+                if rename:
+                    copies.append((fn, rename[0]))
+        revmatchfn = None
+        if filematcher is not None:
+            revmatchfn = filematcher(ctx.rev())
+        edges = edgefn(type, char, state, rev, parents)
+        firstedge = next(edges)
+        width = firstedge[2]
+, copies=copies, matchfn=revmatchfn,
+                       _graphwidth=width, **pycompat.strkwargs(props))
+        lines = displayer.hunk.pop(rev).split('\n')
+        if not lines[-1]:
+            del lines[-1]
+        displayer.flush(ctx)
+        for type, char, width, coldata in itertools.chain([firstedge], edges):
+            graphmod.ascii(ui, state, type, char, lines, coldata)
+            lines = []
+    displayer.close()
+def graphlog(ui, repo, revs, filematcher, opts):
+    # Parameters are identical to log command ones
+    revdag = graphmod.dagwalker(repo, revs)
+    getrenamed = None
+    if opts.get('copies'):
+        endrev = None
+        if opts.get('rev'):
+            endrev = scmutil.revrange(repo, opts.get('rev')).max() + 1
+        getrenamed = templatekw.getrenamedfn(repo, endrev=endrev)
+    ui.pager('log')
+    displayer = show_changeset(ui, repo, opts, buffered=True)
+    displaygraph(ui, repo, revdag, displayer, graphmod.asciiedges, getrenamed,
+                 filematcher)
+def checkunsupportedgraphflags(pats, opts):
+    for op in ["newest_first"]:
+        if op in opts and opts[op]:
+            raise error.Abort(_("-G/--graph option is incompatible with --%s")
+                             % op.replace("_", "-"))
+def graphrevs(repo, nodes, opts):
+    limit = loglimit(opts)
+    nodes.reverse()
+    if limit is not None:
+        nodes = nodes[:limit]
+    return graphmod.nodes(repo, nodes)