changeset 30132 72f75eda02ba
parent 30131 85d5708eae4e
child 30253 b032a7b676c6
--- a/tests/test-check-py3-compat.t	Mon Oct 10 05:30:14 2016 -0700
+++ b/tests/test-check-py3-compat.t	Mon Oct 10 05:31:31 2016 -0700
@@ -16,24 +16,10 @@
   $ hg files 'set:(**.py) - grep(pygments)' | sed 's|\\|/|g' \
   > | xargs $PYTHON3 contrib/check-py3-compat.py \
   > | sed 's/[0-9][0-9]*)$/*)/'
-  hgext/convert/bzr.py: error importing: <SyntaxError> cannot mix bytes and nonbytes literals (subversion.py, line 533) (error at convcmd.py:*)
-  hgext/convert/convcmd.py: error importing: <SyntaxError> cannot mix bytes and nonbytes literals (subversion.py, line 533) (error at convcmd.py:*)
-  hgext/convert/subversion.py: error importing: <SyntaxError> cannot mix bytes and nonbytes literals (subversion.py, line 533) (error at convcmd.py:*)
-  hgext/convert/transport.py: error importing: <SyntaxError> cannot mix bytes and nonbytes literals (subversion.py, line 533) (error at convcmd.py:*)
+  hgext/convert/transport.py: error importing: <ImportError> No module named 'svn.client' (error at transport.py:*)
   hgext/fsmonitor/pywatchman/capabilities.py: error importing: <ImportError> No module named 'pybser' (error at __init__.py:*)
   hgext/fsmonitor/pywatchman/pybser.py: error importing: <ImportError> No module named 'pybser' (error at __init__.py:*)
   hgext/fsmonitor/watchmanclient.py: error importing: <ImportError> No module named 'pybser' (error at __init__.py:*)
-  hgext/largefiles/basestore.py: error importing: <SyntaxError> cannot mix bytes and nonbytes literals (subversion.py, line 533) (error at convcmd.py:*)
-  hgext/largefiles/lfcommands.py: error importing: <SyntaxError> cannot mix bytes and nonbytes literals (subversion.py, line 533) (error at convcmd.py:*)
-  hgext/largefiles/lfutil.py: error importing: <SyntaxError> cannot mix bytes and nonbytes literals (subversion.py, line 533) (error at convcmd.py:*)
-  hgext/largefiles/localstore.py: error importing: <SyntaxError> cannot mix bytes and nonbytes literals (subversion.py, line 533) (error at convcmd.py:*)
-  hgext/largefiles/overrides.py: error importing: <SyntaxError> cannot mix bytes and nonbytes literals (subversion.py, line 533) (error at convcmd.py:*)
-  hgext/largefiles/proto.py: error importing: <SyntaxError> cannot mix bytes and nonbytes literals (subversion.py, line 533) (error at convcmd.py:*)
-  hgext/largefiles/remotestore.py: error importing: <SyntaxError> cannot mix bytes and nonbytes literals (subversion.py, line 533) (error at convcmd.py:*)
-  hgext/largefiles/reposetup.py: error importing: <SyntaxError> cannot mix bytes and nonbytes literals (subversion.py, line 533) (error at convcmd.py:*)
-  hgext/largefiles/storefactory.py: error importing: <SyntaxError> cannot mix bytes and nonbytes literals (subversion.py, line 533) (error at convcmd.py:*)
-  hgext/largefiles/uisetup.py: error importing: <SyntaxError> cannot mix bytes and nonbytes literals (subversion.py, line 533) (error at convcmd.py:*)
-  hgext/largefiles/wirestore.py: error importing: <SyntaxError> cannot mix bytes and nonbytes literals (subversion.py, line 533) (error at convcmd.py:*)
   hgext/mq.py: error importing: <TypeError> __import__() argument 1 must be str, not bytes (error at extensions.py:*)
   mercurial/scmwindows.py: error importing: <ImportError> No module named 'winreg' (error at scmwindows.py:*)
   mercurial/win32.py: error importing: <ImportError> No module named 'msvcrt' (error at win32.py:*)