changeset 43077 687b865b95ad
parent 43076 2372284d9457
child 43080 86e4daa2d54c
--- a/mercurial/	Sun Oct 06 09:45:02 2019 -0400
+++ b/mercurial/	Sun Oct 06 09:48:39 2019 -0400
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
 command = registrar.command()
-@command('debugancestor', [], _('[INDEX] REV1 REV2'), optionalrepo=True)
+@command(b'debugancestor', [], _(b'[INDEX] REV1 REV2'), optionalrepo=True)
 def debugancestor(ui, repo, *args):
     """find the ancestor revision of two revisions in a given index"""
     if len(args) == 3:
@@ -105,18 +105,18 @@
     elif len(args) == 2:
         if not repo:
             raise error.Abort(
-                _('there is no Mercurial repository here ' '(.hg not found)')
+                _(b'there is no Mercurial repository here ' b'(.hg not found)')
         rev1, rev2 = args
         r = repo.changelog
         lookup = repo.lookup
-        raise error.Abort(_('either two or three arguments required'))
+        raise error.Abort(_(b'either two or three arguments required'))
     a = r.ancestor(lookup(rev1), lookup(rev2))
-    ui.write('%d:%s\n' % (r.rev(a), hex(a)))
-@command('debugapplystreamclonebundle', [], 'FILE')
+    ui.write(b'%d:%s\n' % (r.rev(a), hex(a)))
+@command(b'debugapplystreamclonebundle', [], b'FILE')
 def debugapplystreamclonebundle(ui, repo, fname):
     """apply a stream clone bundle file"""
     f = hg.openpath(ui, fname)
@@ -125,18 +125,23 @@
-    'debugbuilddag',
+    b'debugbuilddag',
-        ('m', 'mergeable-file', None, _('add single file mergeable changes')),
+        (
+            b'm',
+            b'mergeable-file',
+            None,
+            _(b'add single file mergeable changes'),
+        ),
-            'o',
-            'overwritten-file',
+            b'o',
+            b'overwritten-file',
-            _('add single file all revs overwrite'),
+            _(b'add single file all revs overwrite'),
-        ('n', 'new-file', None, _('add new file at each rev')),
+        (b'n', b'new-file', None, _(b'add new file at each rev')),
-    _('[OPTION]... [TEXT]'),
+    _(b'[OPTION]... [TEXT]'),
 def debugbuilddag(
@@ -179,38 +184,40 @@
     if text is None:
-        ui.status(_("reading DAG from stdin\n"))
+        ui.status(_(b"reading DAG from stdin\n"))
         text =
     cl = repo.changelog
     if len(cl) > 0:
-        raise error.Abort(_('repository is not empty'))
+        raise error.Abort(_(b'repository is not empty'))
     # determine number of revs in DAG
     total = 0
     for type, data in dagparser.parsedag(text):
-        if type == 'n':
+        if type == b'n':
             total += 1
     if mergeable_file:
         linesperrev = 2
         # make a file with k lines per rev
         initialmergedlines = [
-            '%d' % i for i in pycompat.xrange(0, total * linesperrev)
+            b'%d' % i for i in pycompat.xrange(0, total * linesperrev)
-        initialmergedlines.append("")
+        initialmergedlines.append(b"")
     tags = []
-    progress = ui.makeprogress(_('building'), unit=_('revisions'), total=total)
-    with progress, repo.wlock(), repo.lock(), repo.transaction("builddag"):
+    progress = ui.makeprogress(
+        _(b'building'), unit=_(b'revisions'), total=total
+    )
+    with progress, repo.wlock(), repo.lock(), repo.transaction(b"builddag"):
         at = -1
-        atbranch = 'default'
+        atbranch = b'default'
         nodeids = []
         id = 0
         for type, data in dagparser.parsedag(text):
-            if type == 'n':
-                ui.note(('node %s\n' % pycompat.bytestr(data)))
+            if type == b'n':
+                ui.note((b'node %s\n' % pycompat.bytestr(data)))
                 id, ps = data
                 files = []
@@ -218,7 +225,7 @@
                 p2 = None
                 if mergeable_file:
-                    fn = "mf"
+                    fn = b"mf"
                     p1 = repo[ps[0]]
                     if len(ps) > 1:
                         p2 = repo[ps[1]]
@@ -228,30 +235,30 @@
                         m3 = simplemerge.Merge3Text(base, local, other)
                         ml = [l.strip() for l in m3.merge_lines()]
-                        ml.append("")
+                        ml.append(b"")
                     elif at > 0:
-                        ml = p1[fn].data().split("\n")
+                        ml = p1[fn].data().split(b"\n")
                         ml = initialmergedlines
-                    ml[id * linesperrev] += " r%i" % id
-                    mergedtext = "\n".join(ml)
+                    ml[id * linesperrev] += b" r%i" % id
+                    mergedtext = b"\n".join(ml)
                     filecontent[fn] = mergedtext
                 if overwritten_file:
-                    fn = "of"
+                    fn = b"of"
-                    filecontent[fn] = "r%i\n" % id
+                    filecontent[fn] = b"r%i\n" % id
                 if new_file:
-                    fn = "nf%i" % id
+                    fn = b"nf%i" % id
-                    filecontent[fn] = "r%i\n" % id
+                    filecontent[fn] = b"r%i\n" % id
                     if len(ps) > 1:
                         if not p2:
                             p2 = repo[ps[1]]
                         for fn in p2:
-                            if fn.startswith("nf"):
+                            if fn.startswith(b"nf"):
                                 filecontent[fn] = p2[fn].data()
@@ -271,43 +278,43 @@
                 cx = context.memctx(
-                    "r%i" % id,
+                    b"r%i" % id,
                     date=(id, 0),
-                    user="debugbuilddag",
-                    extra={'branch': atbranch},
+                    user=b"debugbuilddag",
+                    extra={b'branch': atbranch},
                 nodeid = repo.commitctx(cx)
                 at = id
-            elif type == 'l':
+            elif type == b'l':
                 id, name = data
-                ui.note(('tag %s\n' % name))
-                tags.append("%s %s\n" % (hex(repo.changelog.node(id)), name))
-            elif type == 'a':
-                ui.note(('branch %s\n' % data))
+                ui.note((b'tag %s\n' % name))
+                tags.append(b"%s %s\n" % (hex(repo.changelog.node(id)), name))
+            elif type == b'a':
+                ui.note((b'branch %s\n' % data))
                 atbranch = data
         if tags:
-            repo.vfs.write("localtags", "".join(tags))
+            repo.vfs.write(b"localtags", b"".join(tags))
 def _debugchangegroup(ui, gen, all=None, indent=0, **opts):
-    indent_string = ' ' * indent
+    indent_string = b' ' * indent
     if all:
-            "%sformat: id, p1, p2, cset, delta base, len(delta)\n"
+            b"%sformat: id, p1, p2, cset, delta base, len(delta)\n"
             % indent_string
         def showchunks(named):
-            ui.write("\n%s%s\n" % (indent_string, named))
+            ui.write(b"\n%s%s\n" % (indent_string, named))
             for deltadata in gen.deltaiter():
                 node, p1, p2, cs, deltabase, delta, flags = deltadata
-                    "%s%s %s %s %s %s %d\n"
+                    b"%s%s %s %s %s %s %d\n"
                     % (
@@ -320,37 +327,37 @@
         chunkdata = gen.changelogheader()
-        showchunks("changelog")
+        showchunks(b"changelog")
         chunkdata = gen.manifestheader()
-        showchunks("manifest")
+        showchunks(b"manifest")
         for chunkdata in iter(gen.filelogheader, {}):
-            fname = chunkdata['filename']
+            fname = chunkdata[b'filename']
         if isinstance(gen, bundle2.unbundle20):
-            raise error.Abort(_('use debugbundle2 for this file'))
+            raise error.Abort(_(b'use debugbundle2 for this file'))
         chunkdata = gen.changelogheader()
         for deltadata in gen.deltaiter():
             node, p1, p2, cs, deltabase, delta, flags = deltadata
-            ui.write("%s%s\n" % (indent_string, hex(node)))
+            ui.write(b"%s%s\n" % (indent_string, hex(node)))
 def _debugobsmarkers(ui, part, indent=0, **opts):
     """display version and markers contained in 'data'"""
     opts = pycompat.byteskwargs(opts)
     data =
-    indent_string = ' ' * indent
+    indent_string = b' ' * indent
         version, markers = obsolete._readmarkers(data)
     except error.UnknownVersion as exc:
-        msg = "%sunsupported version: %s (%d bytes)\n"
+        msg = b"%sunsupported version: %s (%d bytes)\n"
         msg %= indent_string, exc.version, len(data)
-        msg = "%sversion: %d (%d bytes)\n"
+        msg = b"%sversion: %d (%d bytes)\n"
         msg %= indent_string, version, len(data)
-        fm = ui.formatter('debugobsolete', opts)
+        fm = ui.formatter(b'debugobsolete', opts)
         for rawmarker in sorted(markers):
             m = obsutil.marker(None, rawmarker)
@@ -361,17 +368,17 @@
 def _debugphaseheads(ui, data, indent=0):
     """display version and markers contained in 'data'"""
-    indent_string = ' ' * indent
+    indent_string = b' ' * indent
     headsbyphase = phases.binarydecode(data)
     for phase in phases.allphases:
         for head in headsbyphase[phase]:
-            ui.write('%s %s\n' % (hex(head), phases.phasenames[phase]))
+            ui.write(b'%s %s\n' % (hex(head), phases.phasenames[phase]))
 def _quasirepr(thing):
     if isinstance(thing, (dict, util.sortdict, collections.OrderedDict)):
-        return '{%s}' % (
+        return b'{%s}' % (
             b', '.join(b'%s: %s' % (k, thing[k]) for k in sorted(thing))
     return pycompat.bytestr(repr(thing))
@@ -380,35 +387,35 @@
 def _debugbundle2(ui, gen, all=None, **opts):
     """lists the contents of a bundle2"""
     if not isinstance(gen, bundle2.unbundle20):
-        raise error.Abort(_('not a bundle2 file'))
-    ui.write(('Stream params: %s\n' % _quasirepr(gen.params)))
+        raise error.Abort(_(b'not a bundle2 file'))
+    ui.write((b'Stream params: %s\n' % _quasirepr(gen.params)))
     parttypes = opts.get(r'part_type', [])
     for part in gen.iterparts():
         if parttypes and part.type not in parttypes:
-        msg = '%s -- %s (mandatory: %r)\n'
+        msg = b'%s -- %s (mandatory: %r)\n'
         ui.write((msg % (part.type, _quasirepr(part.params), part.mandatory)))
-        if part.type == 'changegroup':
-            version = part.params.get('version', '01')
-            cg = changegroup.getunbundler(version, part, 'UN')
+        if part.type == b'changegroup':
+            version = part.params.get(b'version', b'01')
+            cg = changegroup.getunbundler(version, part, b'UN')
             if not ui.quiet:
                 _debugchangegroup(ui, cg, all=all, indent=4, **opts)
-        if part.type == 'obsmarkers':
+        if part.type == b'obsmarkers':
             if not ui.quiet:
                 _debugobsmarkers(ui, part, indent=4, **opts)
-        if part.type == 'phase-heads':
+        if part.type == b'phase-heads':
             if not ui.quiet:
                 _debugphaseheads(ui, part, indent=4)
-    'debugbundle',
+    b'debugbundle',
-        ('a', 'all', None, _('show all details')),
-        ('', 'part-type', [], _('show only the named part type')),
-        ('', 'spec', None, _('print the bundlespec of the bundle')),
+        (b'a', b'all', None, _(b'show all details')),
+        (b'', b'part-type', [], _(b'show only the named part type')),
+        (b'', b'spec', None, _(b'print the bundlespec of the bundle')),
-    _('FILE'),
+    _(b'FILE'),
 def debugbundle(ui, bundlepath, all=None, spec=None, **opts):
@@ -416,7 +423,7 @@
     with hg.openpath(ui, bundlepath) as f:
         if spec:
             spec = exchange.getbundlespec(ui, f)
-            ui.write('%s\n' % spec)
+            ui.write(b'%s\n' % spec)
         gen = exchange.readbundle(ui, f, bundlepath)
@@ -425,25 +432,25 @@
         _debugchangegroup(ui, gen, all=all, **opts)
-@command('debugcapabilities', [], _('PATH'), norepo=True)
+@command(b'debugcapabilities', [], _(b'PATH'), norepo=True)
 def debugcapabilities(ui, path, **opts):
     """lists the capabilities of a remote peer"""
     opts = pycompat.byteskwargs(opts)
     peer = hg.peer(ui, opts, path)
     caps = peer.capabilities()
-    ui.write('Main capabilities:\n')
+    ui.write(b'Main capabilities:\n')
     for c in sorted(caps):
-        ui.write('  %s\n' % c)
+        ui.write(b'  %s\n' % c)
     b2caps = bundle2.bundle2caps(peer)
     if b2caps:
-        ui.write('Bundle2 capabilities:\n')
+        ui.write(b'Bundle2 capabilities:\n')
         for key, values in sorted(b2caps.iteritems()):
-            ui.write('  %s\n' % key)
+            ui.write(b'  %s\n' % key)
             for v in values:
-                ui.write('    %s\n' % v)
-@command('debugcheckstate', [], '')
+                ui.write(b'    %s\n' % v)
+@command(b'debugcheckstate', [], b'')
 def debugcheckstate(ui, repo):
     """validate the correctness of the current dirstate"""
     parent1, parent2 = repo.dirstate.parents()
@@ -452,35 +459,35 @@
     errors = 0
     for f in repo.dirstate:
         state = repo.dirstate[f]
-        if state in "nr" and f not in m1:
-            ui.warn(_("%s in state %s, but not in manifest1\n") % (f, state))
+        if state in b"nr" and f not in m1:
+            ui.warn(_(b"%s in state %s, but not in manifest1\n") % (f, state))
             errors += 1
-        if state in "a" and f in m1:
-            ui.warn(_("%s in state %s, but also in manifest1\n") % (f, state))
+        if state in b"a" and f in m1:
+            ui.warn(_(b"%s in state %s, but also in manifest1\n") % (f, state))
             errors += 1
-        if state in "m" and f not in m1 and f not in m2:
+        if state in b"m" and f not in m1 and f not in m2:
-                _("%s in state %s, but not in either manifest\n") % (f, state)
+                _(b"%s in state %s, but not in either manifest\n") % (f, state)
             errors += 1
     for f in m1:
         state = repo.dirstate[f]
-        if state not in "nrm":
-            ui.warn(_("%s in manifest1, but listed as state %s") % (f, state))
+        if state not in b"nrm":
+            ui.warn(_(b"%s in manifest1, but listed as state %s") % (f, state))
             errors += 1
     if errors:
-        error = _(".hg/dirstate inconsistent with current parent's manifest")
+        error = _(b".hg/dirstate inconsistent with current parent's manifest")
         raise error.Abort(error)
-    'debugcolor',
-    [('', 'style', None, _('show all configured styles'))],
-    'hg debugcolor',
+    b'debugcolor',
+    [(b'', b'style', None, _(b'show all configured styles'))],
+    b'hg debugcolor',
 def debugcolor(ui, repo, **opts):
     """show available color, effects or style"""
-    ui.write('color mode: %s\n' % stringutil.pprint(ui._colormode))
+    ui.write(b'color mode: %s\n' % stringutil.pprint(ui._colormode))
     if opts.get(r'style'):
         return _debugdisplaystyle(ui)
@@ -493,34 +500,34 @@
     for effect in color._activeeffects(ui).keys():
         ui._styles[effect] = effect
     if ui._terminfoparams:
-        for k, v in ui.configitems('color'):
-            if k.startswith('color.'):
+        for k, v in ui.configitems(b'color'):
+            if k.startswith(b'color.'):
                 ui._styles[k] = k[6:]
-            elif k.startswith('terminfo.'):
+            elif k.startswith(b'terminfo.'):
                 ui._styles[k] = k[9:]
-    ui.write(_('available colors:\n'))
+    ui.write(_(b'available colors:\n'))
     # sort label with a '_' after the other to group '_background' entry.
-    items = sorted(ui._styles.items(), key=lambda i: ('_' in i[0], i[0], i[1]))
+    items = sorted(ui._styles.items(), key=lambda i: (b'_' in i[0], i[0], i[1]))
     for colorname, label in items:
-        ui.write('%s\n' % colorname, label=label)
+        ui.write(b'%s\n' % colorname, label=label)
 def _debugdisplaystyle(ui):
-    ui.write(_('available style:\n'))
+    ui.write(_(b'available style:\n'))
     if not ui._styles:
     width = max(len(s) for s in ui._styles)
     for label, effects in sorted(ui._styles.items()):
-        ui.write('%s' % label, label=label)
+        ui.write(b'%s' % label, label=label)
         if effects:
             # 50
-            ui.write(': ')
-            ui.write(' ' * (max(0, width - len(label))))
-            ui.write(', '.join(ui.label(e, e) for e in effects.split()))
-        ui.write('\n')
-@command('debugcreatestreamclonebundle', [], 'FILE')
+            ui.write(b': ')
+            ui.write(b' ' * (max(0, width - len(label))))
+            ui.write(b', '.join(ui.label(e, e) for e in effects.split()))
+        ui.write(b'\n')
+@command(b'debugcreatestreamclonebundle', [], b'FILE')
 def debugcreatestreamclonebundle(ui, repo, fname):
     """create a stream clone bundle file
@@ -532,26 +539,26 @@
     if phases.hassecret(repo):
-                '(warning: stream clone bundle will contain secret '
-                'revisions)\n'
+                b'(warning: stream clone bundle will contain secret '
+                b'revisions)\n'
     requirements, gen = streamclone.generatebundlev1(repo)
     changegroup.writechunks(ui, gen, fname)
-    ui.write(_('bundle requirements: %s\n') % ', '.join(sorted(requirements)))
+    ui.write(_(b'bundle requirements: %s\n') % b', '.join(sorted(requirements)))
-    'debugdag',
+    b'debugdag',
-        ('t', 'tags', None, _('use tags as labels')),
-        ('b', 'branches', None, _('annotate with branch names')),
-        ('', 'dots', None, _('use dots for runs')),
-        ('s', 'spaces', None, _('separate elements by spaces')),
+        (b't', b'tags', None, _(b'use tags as labels')),
+        (b'b', b'branches', None, _(b'annotate with branch names')),
+        (b'', b'dots', None, _(b'use dots for runs')),
+        (b's', b'spaces', None, _(b'separate elements by spaces')),
-    _('[OPTION]... [FILE [REV]...]'),
+    _(b'[OPTION]... [FILE [REV]...]'),
 def debugdag(ui, repo, file_=None, *revs, **opts):
@@ -570,9 +577,9 @@
         def events():
             for r in rlog:
-                yield 'n', (r, list(p for p in rlog.parentrevs(r) if p != -1))
+                yield b'n', (r, list(p for p in rlog.parentrevs(r) if p != -1))
                 if r in revs:
-                    yield 'l', (r, "r%i" % r)
+                    yield b'l', (r, b"r%i" % r)
     elif repo:
         cl = repo.changelog
@@ -584,22 +591,22 @@
                 labels.setdefault(cl.rev(n), []).append(l)
         def events():
-            b = "default"
+            b = b"default"
             for r in cl:
                 if branches:
-                    newb =[5]['branch']
+                    newb =[5][b'branch']
                     if newb != b:
-                        yield 'a', newb
+                        yield b'a', newb
                         b = newb
-                yield 'n', (r, list(p for p in cl.parentrevs(r) if p != -1))
+                yield b'n', (r, list(p for p in cl.parentrevs(r) if p != -1))
                 if tags:
                     ls = labels.get(r)
                     if ls:
                         for l in ls:
-                            yield 'l', (r, l)
+                            yield b'l', (r, l)
-        raise error.Abort(_('need repo for changelog dag'))
+        raise error.Abort(_(b'need repo for changelog dag'))
     for line in dagparser.dagtextlines(
@@ -611,30 +618,30 @@
-        ui.write("\n")
-@command('debugdata', cmdutil.debugrevlogopts, _('-c|-m|FILE REV'))
+        ui.write(b"\n")
+@command(b'debugdata', cmdutil.debugrevlogopts, _(b'-c|-m|FILE REV'))
 def debugdata(ui, repo, file_, rev=None, **opts):
     """dump the contents of a data file revision"""
     opts = pycompat.byteskwargs(opts)
-    if opts.get('changelog') or opts.get('manifest') or opts.get('dir'):
+    if opts.get(b'changelog') or opts.get(b'manifest') or opts.get(b'dir'):
         if rev is not None:
-            raise error.CommandError('debugdata', _('invalid arguments'))
+            raise error.CommandError(b'debugdata', _(b'invalid arguments'))
         file_, rev = None, file_
     elif rev is None:
-        raise error.CommandError('debugdata', _('invalid arguments'))
-    r = cmdutil.openstorage(repo, 'debugdata', file_, opts)
+        raise error.CommandError(b'debugdata', _(b'invalid arguments'))
+    r = cmdutil.openstorage(repo, b'debugdata', file_, opts)
     except KeyError:
-        raise error.Abort(_('invalid revision identifier %s') % rev)
+        raise error.Abort(_(b'invalid revision identifier %s') % rev)
-    'debugdate',
-    [('e', 'extended', None, _('try extended date formats'))],
-    _('[-e] DATE [RANGE]'),
+    b'debugdate',
+    [(b'e', b'extended', None, _(b'try extended date formats'))],
+    _(b'[-e] DATE [RANGE]'),
@@ -644,17 +651,17 @@
         d = dateutil.parsedate(date, util.extendeddateformats)
         d = dateutil.parsedate(date)
-    ui.write("internal: %d %d\n" % d)
-    ui.write("standard: %s\n" % dateutil.datestr(d))
+    ui.write(b"internal: %d %d\n" % d)
+    ui.write(b"standard: %s\n" % dateutil.datestr(d))
     if range:
         m = dateutil.matchdate(range)
-        ui.write("match: %s\n" % m(d[0]))
+        ui.write(b"match: %s\n" % m(d[0]))
-    'debugdeltachain',
+    b'debugdeltachain',
     cmdutil.debugrevlogopts + cmdutil.formatteropts,
-    _('-c|-m|FILE'),
+    _(b'-c|-m|FILE'),
 def debugdeltachain(ui, repo, file_=None, **opts):
@@ -693,7 +700,7 @@
     The sparse read can be enabled with experimental.sparse-read = True
     opts = pycompat.byteskwargs(opts)
-    r = cmdutil.openrevlog(repo, 'debugdeltachain', file_, opts)
+    r = cmdutil.openrevlog(repo, b'debugdeltachain', file_, opts)
     index = r.index
     start = r.start
     length = r.length
@@ -708,20 +715,20 @@
         if generaldelta:
             if e[3] == e[5]:
-                deltatype = 'p1'
+                deltatype = b'p1'
             elif e[3] == e[6]:
-                deltatype = 'p2'
+                deltatype = b'p2'
             elif e[3] == rev - 1:
-                deltatype = 'prev'
+                deltatype = b'prev'
             elif e[3] == rev:
-                deltatype = 'base'
+                deltatype = b'base'
-                deltatype = 'other'
+                deltatype = b'other'
             if e[3] == rev:
-                deltatype = 'base'
+                deltatype = b'base'
-                deltatype = 'prev'
+                deltatype = b'prev'
         chain = r._deltachain(rev)[0]
         for iterrev in chain:
@@ -730,16 +737,16 @@
         return compsize, uncompsize, deltatype, chain, chainsize
-    fm = ui.formatter('debugdeltachain', opts)
+    fm = ui.formatter(b'debugdeltachain', opts)
-        '    rev  chain# chainlen     prev   delta       '
-        'size    rawsize  chainsize     ratio   lindist extradist '
-        'extraratio'
+        b'    rev  chain# chainlen     prev   delta       '
+        b'size    rawsize  chainsize     ratio   lindist extradist '
+        b'extraratio'
     if withsparseread:
-        fm.plain('   readsize largestblk rddensity srchunks')
-    fm.plain('\n')
+        fm.plain(b'   readsize largestblk rddensity srchunks')
+    fm.plain(b'\n')
     chainbases = {}
     for rev in r:
@@ -767,10 +774,10 @@
-            'rev chainid chainlen prevrev deltatype compsize '
-            'uncompsize chainsize chainratio lindist extradist '
-            'extraratio',
-            '%7d %7d %8d %8d %7s %10d %10d %10d %9.5f %9d %9d %10.5f',
+            b'rev chainid chainlen prevrev deltatype compsize '
+            b'uncompsize chainsize chainratio lindist extradist '
+            b'extraratio',
+            b'%7d %7d %8d %8d %7s %10d %10d %10d %9.5f %9d %9d %10.5f',
@@ -816,8 +823,8 @@
                 readdensity = 1
-                'readsize largestblock readdensity srchunks',
-                ' %10d %10d %9.5f %8d',
+                b'readsize largestblock readdensity srchunks',
+                b' %10d %10d %9.5f %8d',
@@ -828,19 +835,24 @@
-        fm.plain('\n')
+        fm.plain(b'\n')
-    'debugdirstate|debugstate',
+    b'debugdirstate|debugstate',
-        ('', 'nodates', None, _('do not display the saved mtime (DEPRECATED)')),
-        ('', 'dates', True, _('display the saved mtime')),
-        ('', 'datesort', None, _('sort by saved mtime')),
+        (
+            b'',
+            b'nodates',
+            None,
+            _(b'do not display the saved mtime (DEPRECATED)'),
+        ),
+        (b'', b'dates', True, _(b'display the saved mtime')),
+        (b'', b'datesort', None, _(b'sort by saved mtime')),
-    _('[OPTION]...'),
+    _(b'[OPTION]...'),
 def debugstate(ui, repo, **opts):
     """show the contents of the current dirstate"""
@@ -856,67 +868,67 @@
         keyfunc = None  # sort by filename
     for file_, ent in sorted(repo.dirstate.iteritems(), key=keyfunc):
         if ent[3] == -1:
-            timestr = 'unset               '
+            timestr = b'unset               '
         elif nodates:
-            timestr = 'set                 '
+            timestr = b'set                 '
             timestr = time.strftime(
                 r"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ", time.localtime(ent[3])
             timestr = encoding.strtolocal(timestr)
         if ent[1] & 0o20000:
-            mode = 'lnk'
+            mode = b'lnk'
-            mode = '%3o' % (ent[1] & 0o777 & ~util.umask)
-        ui.write("%c %s %10d %s%s\n" % (ent[0], mode, ent[2], timestr, file_))
+            mode = b'%3o' % (ent[1] & 0o777 & ~util.umask)
+        ui.write(b"%c %s %10d %s%s\n" % (ent[0], mode, ent[2], timestr, file_))
     for f in repo.dirstate.copies():
-        ui.write(_("copy: %s -> %s\n") % (repo.dirstate.copied(f), f))
+        ui.write(_(b"copy: %s -> %s\n") % (repo.dirstate.copied(f), f))
-    'debugdiscovery',
+    b'debugdiscovery',
-        ('', 'old', None, _('use old-style discovery')),
+        (b'', b'old', None, _(b'use old-style discovery')),
-            '',
-            'nonheads',
+            b'',
+            b'nonheads',
-            _('use old-style discovery with non-heads included'),
+            _(b'use old-style discovery with non-heads included'),
-        ('', 'rev', [], 'restrict discovery to this set of revs'),
-        ('', 'seed', '12323', 'specify the random seed use for discovery'),
+        (b'', b'rev', [], b'restrict discovery to this set of revs'),
+        (b'', b'seed', b'12323', b'specify the random seed use for discovery'),
     + cmdutil.remoteopts,
-    _('[--rev REV] [OTHER]'),
+    _(b'[--rev REV] [OTHER]'),
-def debugdiscovery(ui, repo, remoteurl="default", **opts):
+def debugdiscovery(ui, repo, remoteurl=b"default", **opts):
     """runs the changeset discovery protocol in isolation"""
     opts = pycompat.byteskwargs(opts)
     remoteurl, branches = hg.parseurl(ui.expandpath(remoteurl))
     remote = hg.peer(repo, opts, remoteurl)
-    ui.status(_('comparing with %s\n') % util.hidepassword(remoteurl))
+    ui.status(_(b'comparing with %s\n') % util.hidepassword(remoteurl))
     # make sure tests are repeatable
-    random.seed(int(opts['seed']))
-    if opts.get('old'):
+    random.seed(int(opts[b'seed']))
+    if opts.get(b'old'):
         def doit(pushedrevs, remoteheads, remote=remote):
-            if not util.safehasattr(remote, 'branches'):
+            if not util.safehasattr(remote, b'branches'):
                 # enable in-client legacy support
                 remote = localrepo.locallegacypeer(remote.local())
             common, _in, hds = treediscovery.findcommonincoming(
                 repo, remote, force=True
             common = set(common)
-            if not opts.get('nonheads'):
+            if not opts.get(b'nonheads'):
-                    "unpruned common: %s\n"
-                    % " ".join(sorted(short(n) for n in common))
+                    b"unpruned common: %s\n"
+                    % b" ".join(sorted(short(n) for n in common))
                 clnode = repo.changelog.node
-                common = repo.revs('heads(::%ln)', common)
+                common = repo.revs(b'heads(::%ln)', common)
                 common = {clnode(r) for r in common}
             return common, hds
@@ -933,8 +945,8 @@
             return common, hds
     remoterevs, _checkout = hg.addbranchrevs(repo, remote, branches, revs=None)
-    localrevs = opts['rev']
-    with util.timedcm('debug-discovery') as t:
+    localrevs = opts[b'rev']
+    with util.timedcm(b'debug-discovery') as t:
         common, hds = doit(localrevs, remoterevs)
     # compute all statistics
@@ -943,46 +955,48 @@
     lheads = set(repo.heads())
     data = {}
-    data['elapsed'] = t.elapsed
-    data['nb-common'] = len(common)
-    data['nb-common-local'] = len(common & lheads)
-    data['nb-common-remote'] = len(common & rheads)
-    data['nb-common-both'] = len(common & rheads & lheads)
-    data['nb-local'] = len(lheads)
-    data['nb-local-missing'] = data['nb-local'] - data['nb-common-local']
-    data['nb-remote'] = len(rheads)
-    data['nb-remote-unknown'] = data['nb-remote'] - data['nb-common-remote']
-    data['nb-revs'] = len(repo.revs('all()'))
-    data['nb-revs-common'] = len(repo.revs('::%ln', common))
-    data['nb-revs-missing'] = data['nb-revs'] - data['nb-revs-common']
+    data[b'elapsed'] = t.elapsed
+    data[b'nb-common'] = len(common)
+    data[b'nb-common-local'] = len(common & lheads)
+    data[b'nb-common-remote'] = len(common & rheads)
+    data[b'nb-common-both'] = len(common & rheads & lheads)
+    data[b'nb-local'] = len(lheads)
+    data[b'nb-local-missing'] = data[b'nb-local'] - data[b'nb-common-local']
+    data[b'nb-remote'] = len(rheads)
+    data[b'nb-remote-unknown'] = data[b'nb-remote'] - data[b'nb-common-remote']
+    data[b'nb-revs'] = len(repo.revs(b'all()'))
+    data[b'nb-revs-common'] = len(repo.revs(b'::%ln', common))
+    data[b'nb-revs-missing'] = data[b'nb-revs'] - data[b'nb-revs-common']
     # display discovery summary
-    ui.write("elapsed time:  %(elapsed)f seconds\n" % data)
-    ui.write("heads summary:\n")
-    ui.write("  total common heads:  %(nb-common)9d\n" % data)
-    ui.write("    also local heads:  %(nb-common-local)9d\n" % data)
-    ui.write("    also remote heads: %(nb-common-remote)9d\n" % data)
-    ui.write("    both:              %(nb-common-both)9d\n" % data)
-    ui.write("  local heads:         %(nb-local)9d\n" % data)
-    ui.write("    common:            %(nb-common-local)9d\n" % data)
-    ui.write("    missing:           %(nb-local-missing)9d\n" % data)
-    ui.write("  remote heads:        %(nb-remote)9d\n" % data)
-    ui.write("    common:            %(nb-common-remote)9d\n" % data)
-    ui.write("    unknown:           %(nb-remote-unknown)9d\n" % data)
-    ui.write("local changesets:      %(nb-revs)9d\n" % data)
-    ui.write("  common:              %(nb-revs-common)9d\n" % data)
-    ui.write("  missing:             %(nb-revs-missing)9d\n" % data)
+    ui.write(b"elapsed time:  %(elapsed)f seconds\n" % data)
+    ui.write(b"heads summary:\n")
+    ui.write(b"  total common heads:  %(nb-common)9d\n" % data)
+    ui.write(b"    also local heads:  %(nb-common-local)9d\n" % data)
+    ui.write(b"    also remote heads: %(nb-common-remote)9d\n" % data)
+    ui.write(b"    both:              %(nb-common-both)9d\n" % data)
+    ui.write(b"  local heads:         %(nb-local)9d\n" % data)
+    ui.write(b"    common:            %(nb-common-local)9d\n" % data)
+    ui.write(b"    missing:           %(nb-local-missing)9d\n" % data)
+    ui.write(b"  remote heads:        %(nb-remote)9d\n" % data)
+    ui.write(b"    common:            %(nb-common-remote)9d\n" % data)
+    ui.write(b"    unknown:           %(nb-remote-unknown)9d\n" % data)
+    ui.write(b"local changesets:      %(nb-revs)9d\n" % data)
+    ui.write(b"  common:              %(nb-revs-common)9d\n" % data)
+    ui.write(b"  missing:             %(nb-revs-missing)9d\n" % data)
     if ui.verbose:
-            "common heads: %s\n" % " ".join(sorted(short(n) for n in common))
+            b"common heads: %s\n" % b" ".join(sorted(short(n) for n in common))
 _chunksize = 4 << 10
-@command('debugdownload', [('o', 'output', '', _('path')),], optionalrepo=True)
+    b'debugdownload', [(b'o', b'output', b'', _(b'path')),], optionalrepo=True
 def debugdownload(ui, repo, url, output=None, **opts):
     """download a resource using Mercurial logic and config
@@ -990,7 +1004,7 @@
     dest = ui
     if output:
-        dest = open(output, "wb", _chunksize)
+        dest = open(output, b"wb", _chunksize)
         data =
         while data:
@@ -1001,89 +1015,95 @@
-@command('debugextensions', cmdutil.formatteropts, [], optionalrepo=True)
+@command(b'debugextensions', cmdutil.formatteropts, [], optionalrepo=True)
 def debugextensions(ui, repo, **opts):
     '''show information about active extensions'''
     opts = pycompat.byteskwargs(opts)
     exts = extensions.extensions(ui)
     hgver = util.version()
-    fm = ui.formatter('debugextensions', opts)
+    fm = ui.formatter(b'debugextensions', opts)
     for extname, extmod in sorted(exts, key=operator.itemgetter(0)):
         isinternal = extensions.ismoduleinternal(extmod)
         extsource = pycompat.fsencode(extmod.__file__)
         if isinternal:
             exttestedwith = []  # never expose magic string to users
-            exttestedwith = getattr(extmod, 'testedwith', '').split()
+            exttestedwith = getattr(extmod, 'testedwith', b'').split()
         extbuglink = getattr(extmod, 'buglink', None)
         if ui.quiet or ui.verbose:
-            fm.write('name', '%s\n', extname)
+            fm.write(b'name', b'%s\n', extname)
-            fm.write('name', '%s', extname)
+            fm.write(b'name', b'%s', extname)
             if isinternal or hgver in exttestedwith:
-                fm.plain('\n')
+                fm.plain(b'\n')
             elif not exttestedwith:
-                fm.plain(_(' (untested!)\n'))
+                fm.plain(_(b' (untested!)\n'))
                 lasttestedversion = exttestedwith[-1]
-                fm.plain(' (%s!)\n' % lasttestedversion)
+                fm.plain(b' (%s!)\n' % lasttestedversion)
             ui.verbose and extsource,
-            'source',
-            _('  location: %s\n'),
-            extsource or "",
+            b'source',
+            _(b'  location: %s\n'),
+            extsource or b"",
         if ui.verbose:
-            fm.plain(_('  bundled: %s\n') % ['no', 'yes'][isinternal])
+            fm.plain(_(b'  bundled: %s\n') % [b'no', b'yes'][isinternal])
             ui.verbose and exttestedwith,
-            'testedwith',
-            _('  tested with: %s\n'),
-            fm.formatlist(exttestedwith, name='ver'),
+            b'testedwith',
+            _(b'  tested with: %s\n'),
+            fm.formatlist(exttestedwith, name=b'ver'),
             ui.verbose and extbuglink,
-            'buglink',
-            _('  bug reporting: %s\n'),
-            extbuglink or "",
+            b'buglink',
+            _(b'  bug reporting: %s\n'),
+            extbuglink or b"",
-    'debugfileset',
+    b'debugfileset',
-        ('r', 'rev', '', _('apply the filespec on this revision'), _('REV')),
-            '',
-            'all-files',
-            False,
-            _('test files from all revisions and working directory'),
+            b'r',
+            b'rev',
+            b'',
+            _(b'apply the filespec on this revision'),
+            _(b'REV'),
-            's',
-            'show-matcher',
-            None,
-            _('print internal representation of matcher'),
+            b'',
+            b'all-files',
+            False,
+            _(b'test files from all revisions and working directory'),
-            'p',
-            'show-stage',
+            b's',
+            b'show-matcher',
+            None,
+            _(b'print internal representation of matcher'),
+        ),
+        (
+            b'p',
+            b'show-stage',
-            _('print parsed tree at the given stage'),
-            _('NAME'),
+            _(b'print parsed tree at the given stage'),
+            _(b'NAME'),
-    _('[-r REV] [--all-files] [OPTION]... FILESPEC'),
+    _(b'[-r REV] [--all-files] [OPTION]... FILESPEC'),
 def debugfileset(ui, repo, expr, **opts):
     '''parse and apply a fileset specification'''
@@ -1091,42 +1111,42 @@
     fileset.symbols  # force import of fileset so we have predicates to optimize
     opts = pycompat.byteskwargs(opts)
-    ctx = scmutil.revsingle(repo, opts.get('rev'), None)
+    ctx = scmutil.revsingle(repo, opts.get(b'rev'), None)
     stages = [
-        ('parsed', pycompat.identity),
-        ('analyzed', filesetlang.analyze),
-        ('optimized', filesetlang.optimize),
+        (b'parsed', pycompat.identity),
+        (b'analyzed', filesetlang.analyze),
+        (b'optimized', filesetlang.optimize),
     stagenames = set(n for n, f in stages)
     showalways = set()
-    if ui.verbose and not opts['show_stage']:
+    if ui.verbose and not opts[b'show_stage']:
         # show parsed tree by --verbose (deprecated)
-        showalways.add('parsed')
-    if opts['show_stage'] == ['all']:
+        showalways.add(b'parsed')
+    if opts[b'show_stage'] == [b'all']:
-        for n in opts['show_stage']:
+        for n in opts[b'show_stage']:
             if n not in stagenames:
-                raise error.Abort(_('invalid stage name: %s') % n)
-        showalways.update(opts['show_stage'])
+                raise error.Abort(_(b'invalid stage name: %s') % n)
+        showalways.update(opts[b'show_stage'])
     tree = filesetlang.parse(expr)
     for n, f in stages:
         tree = f(tree)
         if n in showalways:
-            if opts['show_stage'] or n != 'parsed':
-                ui.write("* %s:\n" % n)
-            ui.write(filesetlang.prettyformat(tree), "\n")
+            if opts[b'show_stage'] or n != b'parsed':
+                ui.write(b"* %s:\n" % n)
+            ui.write(filesetlang.prettyformat(tree), b"\n")
     files = set()
-    if opts['all_files']:
+    if opts[b'all_files']:
         for r in repo:
             c = repo[r]
-    if opts['all_files'] or ctx.rev() is None:
+    if opts[b'all_files'] or ctx.rev() is None:
         wctx = repo[None]
@@ -1142,15 +1162,15 @@
     m = ctx.matchfileset(expr)
-    if opts['show_matcher'] or (opts['show_matcher'] is None and ui.verbose):
-        ui.write('* matcher:\n', stringutil.prettyrepr(m), '\n')
+    if opts[b'show_matcher'] or (opts[b'show_matcher'] is None and ui.verbose):
+        ui.write(b'* matcher:\n', stringutil.prettyrepr(m), b'\n')
     for f in sorted(files):
         if not m(f):
-        ui.write("%s\n" % f)
-@command('debugformat', [] + cmdutil.formatteropts)
+        ui.write(b"%s\n" % f)
+@command(b'debugformat', [] + cmdutil.formatteropts)
 def debugformat(ui, repo, **opts):
     """display format information about the current repository
@@ -1158,96 +1178,102 @@
     Mercurial default."""
     opts = pycompat.byteskwargs(opts)
     maxvariantlength = max(len( for fv in upgrade.allformatvariant)
-    maxvariantlength = max(len('format-variant'), maxvariantlength)
+    maxvariantlength = max(len(b'format-variant'), maxvariantlength)
     def makeformatname(name):
-        return '%s:' + (' ' * (maxvariantlength - len(name)))
-    fm = ui.formatter('debugformat', opts)
+        return b'%s:' + (b' ' * (maxvariantlength - len(name)))
+    fm = ui.formatter(b'debugformat', opts)
     if fm.isplain():
         def formatvalue(value):
-            if util.safehasattr(value, 'startswith'):
+            if util.safehasattr(value, b'startswith'):
                 return value
             if value:
-                return 'yes'
+                return b'yes'
-                return 'no'
+                return b'no'
         formatvalue = pycompat.identity
-    fm.plain('format-variant')
-    fm.plain(' ' * (maxvariantlength - len('format-variant')))
-    fm.plain(' repo')
+    fm.plain(b'format-variant')
+    fm.plain(b' ' * (maxvariantlength - len(b'format-variant')))
+    fm.plain(b' repo')
     if ui.verbose:
-        fm.plain(' config default')
-    fm.plain('\n')
+        fm.plain(b' config default')
+    fm.plain(b'\n')
     for fv in upgrade.allformatvariant:
         repovalue = fv.fromrepo(repo)
         configvalue = fv.fromconfig(repo)
         if repovalue != configvalue:
-            namelabel = ''
-            repolabel = 'formatvariant.repo.mismatchconfig'
+            namelabel = b''
+            repolabel = b'formatvariant.repo.mismatchconfig'
         elif repovalue != fv.default:
-            namelabel = ''
-            repolabel = 'formatvariant.repo.mismatchdefault'
+            namelabel = b''
+            repolabel = b'formatvariant.repo.mismatchdefault'
-            namelabel = ''
-            repolabel = 'formatvariant.repo.uptodate'
-        fm.write('name', makeformatname(,, label=namelabel)
-        fm.write('repo', ' %3s', formatvalue(repovalue), label=repolabel)
+            namelabel = b''
+            repolabel = b'formatvariant.repo.uptodate'
+        fm.write(b'name', makeformatname(,, label=namelabel)
+        fm.write(b'repo', b' %3s', formatvalue(repovalue), label=repolabel)
         if fv.default != configvalue:
-            configlabel = 'formatvariant.config.special'
+            configlabel = b'formatvariant.config.special'
-            configlabel = 'formatvariant.config.default'
+            configlabel = b'formatvariant.config.default'
-            'config',
-            ' %6s',
+            b'config',
+            b' %6s',
-            'default',
-            ' %7s',
+            b'default',
+            b' %7s',
-            label='formatvariant.default',
+            label=b'formatvariant.default',
-        fm.plain('\n')
+        fm.plain(b'\n')
-@command('debugfsinfo', [], _('[PATH]'), norepo=True)
-def debugfsinfo(ui, path="."):
+@command(b'debugfsinfo', [], _(b'[PATH]'), norepo=True)
+def debugfsinfo(ui, path=b"."):
     """show information detected about current filesystem"""
-    ui.write('path: %s\n' % path)
-    ui.write('mounted on: %s\n' % (util.getfsmountpoint(path) or '(unknown)'))
-    ui.write('exec: %s\n' % (util.checkexec(path) and 'yes' or 'no'))
-    ui.write('fstype: %s\n' % (util.getfstype(path) or '(unknown)'))
-    ui.write('symlink: %s\n' % (util.checklink(path) and 'yes' or 'no'))
-    ui.write('hardlink: %s\n' % (util.checknlink(path) and 'yes' or 'no'))
-    casesensitive = '(unknown)'
+    ui.write(b'path: %s\n' % path)
+    ui.write(b'mounted on: %s\n' % (util.getfsmountpoint(path) or b'(unknown)'))
+    ui.write(b'exec: %s\n' % (util.checkexec(path) and b'yes' or b'no'))
+    ui.write(b'fstype: %s\n' % (util.getfstype(path) or b'(unknown)'))
+    ui.write(b'symlink: %s\n' % (util.checklink(path) and b'yes' or b'no'))
+    ui.write(b'hardlink: %s\n' % (util.checknlink(path) and b'yes' or b'no'))
+    casesensitive = b'(unknown)'
-        with pycompat.namedtempfile(prefix='.debugfsinfo', dir=path) as f:
-            casesensitive = util.fscasesensitive( and 'yes' or 'no'
+        with pycompat.namedtempfile(prefix=b'.debugfsinfo', dir=path) as f:
+            casesensitive = util.fscasesensitive( and b'yes' or b'no'
     except OSError:
-    ui.write('case-sensitive: %s\n' % casesensitive)
+    ui.write(b'case-sensitive: %s\n' % casesensitive)
-    'debuggetbundle',
+    b'debuggetbundle',
-        ('H', 'head', [], _('id of head node'), _('ID')),
-        ('C', 'common', [], _('id of common node'), _('ID')),
-        ('t', 'type', 'bzip2', _('bundle compression type to use'), _('TYPE')),
+        (b'H', b'head', [], _(b'id of head node'), _(b'ID')),
+        (b'C', b'common', [], _(b'id of common node'), _(b'ID')),
+        (
+            b't',
+            b'type',
+            b'bzip2',
+            _(b'bundle compression type to use'),
+            _(b'TYPE'),
+        ),
-    _('REPO FILE [-H|-C ID]...'),
+    _(b'REPO FILE [-H|-C ID]...'),
 def debuggetbundle(ui, repopath, bundlepath, head=None, common=None, **opts):
@@ -1258,8 +1284,8 @@
     opts = pycompat.byteskwargs(opts)
     repo = hg.peer(ui, opts, repopath)
-    if not repo.capable('getbundle'):
-        raise error.Abort("getbundle() not supported by target repository")
+    if not repo.capable(b'getbundle'):
+        raise error.Abort(b"getbundle() not supported by target repository")
     args = {}
     if common:
         args[r'common'] = [bin(s) for s in common]
@@ -1267,22 +1293,22 @@
         args[r'heads'] = [bin(s) for s in head]
     # TODO: get desired bundlecaps from command line.
     args[r'bundlecaps'] = None
-    bundle = repo.getbundle('debug', **args)
-    bundletype = opts.get('type', 'bzip2').lower()
+    bundle = repo.getbundle(b'debug', **args)
+    bundletype = opts.get(b'type', b'bzip2').lower()
     btypes = {
-        'none': 'HG10UN',
-        'bzip2': 'HG10BZ',
-        'gzip': 'HG10GZ',
-        'bundle2': 'HG20',
+        b'none': b'HG10UN',
+        b'bzip2': b'HG10BZ',
+        b'gzip': b'HG10GZ',
+        b'bundle2': b'HG20',
     bundletype = btypes.get(bundletype)
     if bundletype not in bundle2.bundletypes:
-        raise error.Abort(_('unknown bundle type specified with --type'))
+        raise error.Abort(_(b'unknown bundle type specified with --type'))
     bundle2.writebundle(ui, bundle, bundlepath, bundletype)
-@command('debugignore', [], '[FILE]')
+@command(b'debugignore', [], b'[FILE]')
 def debugignore(ui, repo, *files, **opts):
     """display the combined ignore pattern and information about ignored files
@@ -1294,7 +1320,7 @@
     ignore = repo.dirstate._ignore
     if not files:
         # Show all the patterns
-        ui.write("%s\n" % pycompat.byterepr(ignore))
+        ui.write(b"%s\n" % pycompat.byterepr(ignore))
         m = scmutil.match(repo[None], pats=files)
         uipathfn = scmutil.getuipathfn(repo, legacyrelativevalue=True)
@@ -1302,7 +1328,7 @@
             nf = util.normpath(f)
             ignored = None
             ignoredata = None
-            if nf != '.':
+            if nf != b'.':
                 if ignore(nf):
                     ignored = nf
                     ignoredata = repo.dirstate._ignorefileandline(nf)
@@ -1314,33 +1340,33 @@
             if ignored:
                 if ignored == nf:
-                    ui.write(_("%s is ignored\n") % uipathfn(f))
+                    ui.write(_(b"%s is ignored\n") % uipathfn(f))
-                            "%s is ignored because of "
-                            "containing directory %s\n"
+                            b"%s is ignored because of "
+                            b"containing directory %s\n"
                         % (uipathfn(f), ignored)
                 ignorefile, lineno, line = ignoredata
-                    _("(ignore rule in %s, line %d: '%s')\n")
+                    _(b"(ignore rule in %s, line %d: '%s')\n")
                     % (ignorefile, lineno, line)
-                ui.write(_("%s is not ignored\n") % uipathfn(f))
+                ui.write(_(b"%s is not ignored\n") % uipathfn(f))
-    'debugindex',
+    b'debugindex',
     cmdutil.debugrevlogopts + cmdutil.formatteropts,
-    _('-c|-m|FILE'),
+    _(b'-c|-m|FILE'),
 def debugindex(ui, repo, file_=None, **opts):
     """dump index data for a storage primitive"""
     opts = pycompat.byteskwargs(opts)
-    store = cmdutil.openstorage(repo, 'debugindex', file_, opts)
+    store = cmdutil.openstorage(repo, b'debugindex', file_, opts)
     if ui.debugflag:
         shortfn = hex
@@ -1352,7 +1378,7 @@
         idlen = len(shortfn(store.node(i)))
-    fm = ui.formatter('debugindex', opts)
+    fm = ui.formatter(b'debugindex', opts)
         b'   rev linkrev %s %s p2\n'
         % (b'nodeid'.ljust(idlen), b'p1'.ljust(idlen))
@@ -1364,44 +1390,47 @@
         fm.write(b'rev', b'%6d ', rev)
-        fm.write(b'linkrev', '%7d ', store.linkrev(rev))
-        fm.write(b'node', '%s ', shortfn(node))
-        fm.write(b'p1', '%s ', shortfn(parents[0]))
-        fm.write(b'p2', '%s', shortfn(parents[1]))
+        fm.write(b'linkrev', b'%7d ', store.linkrev(rev))
+        fm.write(b'node', b'%s ', shortfn(node))
+        fm.write(b'p1', b'%s ', shortfn(parents[0]))
+        fm.write(b'p2', b'%s', shortfn(parents[1]))
-    'debugindexdot', cmdutil.debugrevlogopts, _('-c|-m|FILE'), optionalrepo=True
+    b'debugindexdot',
+    cmdutil.debugrevlogopts,
+    _(b'-c|-m|FILE'),
+    optionalrepo=True,
 def debugindexdot(ui, repo, file_=None, **opts):
     """dump an index DAG as a graphviz dot file"""
     opts = pycompat.byteskwargs(opts)
-    r = cmdutil.openstorage(repo, 'debugindexdot', file_, opts)
-    ui.write("digraph G {\n")
+    r = cmdutil.openstorage(repo, b'debugindexdot', file_, opts)
+    ui.write(b"digraph G {\n")
     for i in r:
         node = r.node(i)
         pp = r.parents(node)
-        ui.write("\t%d -> %d\n" % (r.rev(pp[0]), i))
+        ui.write(b"\t%d -> %d\n" % (r.rev(pp[0]), i))
         if pp[1] != nullid:
-            ui.write("\t%d -> %d\n" % (r.rev(pp[1]), i))
-    ui.write("}\n")
-@command('debugindexstats', [])
+            ui.write(b"\t%d -> %d\n" % (r.rev(pp[1]), i))
+    ui.write(b"}\n")
+@command(b'debugindexstats', [])
 def debugindexstats(ui, repo):
     """show stats related to the changelog index"""
     repo.changelog.shortest(nullid, 1)
     index = repo.changelog.index
-    if not util.safehasattr(index, 'stats'):
-        raise error.Abort(_('debugindexstats only works with native code'))
+    if not util.safehasattr(index, b'stats'):
+        raise error.Abort(_(b'debugindexstats only works with native code'))
     for k, v in sorted(index.stats().items()):
-        ui.write('%s: %d\n' % (k, v))
-@command('debuginstall', [] + cmdutil.formatteropts, '', norepo=True)
+        ui.write(b'%s: %d\n' % (k, v))
+@command(b'debuginstall', [] + cmdutil.formatteropts, b'', norepo=True)
 def debuginstall(ui, **opts):
     '''test Mercurial installation
@@ -1411,11 +1440,11 @@
     problems = 0
-    fm = ui.formatter('debuginstall', opts)
+    fm = ui.formatter(b'debuginstall', opts)
     # encoding
-    fm.write('encoding', _("checking encoding (%s)...\n"), encoding.encoding)
+    fm.write(b'encoding', _(b"checking encoding (%s)...\n"), encoding.encoding)
     err = None
@@ -1424,52 +1453,52 @@
         problems += 1
-        'encodingerror',
-        _(" %s\n" " (check that your locale is properly set)\n"),
+        b'encodingerror',
+        _(b" %s\n" b" (check that your locale is properly set)\n"),
     # Python
-        'pythonexe',
-        _("checking Python executable (%s)\n"),
-        pycompat.sysexecutable or _("unknown"),
+        b'pythonexe',
+        _(b"checking Python executable (%s)\n"),
+        pycompat.sysexecutable or _(b"unknown"),
-        'pythonver',
-        _("checking Python version (%s)\n"),
-        ("%d.%d.%d" % sys.version_info[:3]),
+        b'pythonver',
+        _(b"checking Python version (%s)\n"),
+        (b"%d.%d.%d" % sys.version_info[:3]),
-        'pythonlib',
-        _("checking Python lib (%s)...\n"),
+        b'pythonlib',
+        _(b"checking Python lib (%s)...\n"),
     security = set(sslutil.supportedprotocols)
     if sslutil.hassni:
-        security.add('sni')
+        security.add(b'sni')
-        'pythonsecurity',
-        _("checking Python security support (%s)\n"),
-        fm.formatlist(sorted(security), name='protocol', fmt='%s', sep=','),
+        b'pythonsecurity',
+        _(b"checking Python security support (%s)\n"),
+        fm.formatlist(sorted(security), name=b'protocol', fmt=b'%s', sep=b','),
     # These are warnings, not errors. So don't increment problem count. This
     # may change in the future.
-    if 'tls1.2' not in security:
+    if b'tls1.2' not in security:
-                '  TLS 1.2 not supported by Python install; '
-                'network connections lack modern security\n'
+                b'  TLS 1.2 not supported by Python install; '
+                b'network connections lack modern security\n'
-    if 'sni' not in security:
+    if b'sni' not in security:
-                '  SNI not supported by Python install; may have '
-                'connectivity issues with some servers\n'
+                b'  SNI not supported by Python install; may have '
+                b'connectivity issues with some servers\n'
@@ -1478,27 +1507,27 @@
     # hg version
     hgver = util.version()
-        'hgver', _("checking Mercurial version (%s)\n"), hgver.split('+')[0]
+        b'hgver', _(b"checking Mercurial version (%s)\n"), hgver.split(b'+')[0]
-        'hgverextra',
-        _("checking Mercurial custom build (%s)\n"),
-        '+'.join(hgver.split('+')[1:]),
+        b'hgverextra',
+        _(b"checking Mercurial custom build (%s)\n"),
+        b'+'.join(hgver.split(b'+')[1:]),
     # compiled modules
-        'hgmodulepolicy', _("checking module policy (%s)\n"), policy.policy
+        b'hgmodulepolicy', _(b"checking module policy (%s)\n"), policy.policy
-        'hgmodules',
-        _("checking installed modules (%s)...\n"),
+        b'hgmodules',
+        _(b"checking installed modules (%s)...\n"),
-    rustandc = policy.policy in ('rust+c', 'rust+c-allow')
+    rustandc = policy.policy in (b'rust+c', b'rust+c-allow')
     rustext = rustandc  # for now, that's the only case
-    cext = policy.policy in ('c', 'allow') or rustandc
+    cext = policy.policy in (b'c', b'allow') or rustandc
     nopure = cext or rustext
     if nopure:
         err = None
@@ -1523,54 +1552,57 @@
         except Exception as inst:
             err = stringutil.forcebytestr(inst)
             problems += 1
-        fm.condwrite(err, 'extensionserror', " %s\n", err)
+        fm.condwrite(err, b'extensionserror', b" %s\n", err)
     compengines = util.compengines._engines.values()
-        'compengines',
-        _('checking registered compression engines (%s)\n'),
+        b'compengines',
+        _(b'checking registered compression engines (%s)\n'),
             sorted( for e in compengines),
-            name='compengine',
-            fmt='%s',
-            sep=', ',
+            name=b'compengine',
+            fmt=b'%s',
+            sep=b', ',
-        'compenginesavail',
-        _('checking available compression engines ' '(%s)\n'),
+        b'compenginesavail',
+        _(b'checking available compression engines ' b'(%s)\n'),
             sorted( for e in compengines if e.available()),
-            name='compengine',
-            fmt='%s',
-            sep=', ',
+            name=b'compengine',
+            fmt=b'%s',
+            sep=b', ',
     wirecompengines = compression.compengines.supportedwireengines(
-        'compenginesserver',
-        _('checking available compression engines ' 'for wire protocol (%s)\n'),
+        b'compenginesserver',
+        _(
+            b'checking available compression engines '
+            b'for wire protocol (%s)\n'
+        ),
             [ for e in wirecompengines if e.wireprotosupport()],
-            name='compengine',
-            fmt='%s',
-            sep=', ',
+            name=b'compengine',
+            fmt=b'%s',
+            sep=b', ',
-    re2 = 'missing'
+    re2 = b'missing'
     if util._re2:
-        re2 = 'available'
-    fm.plain(_('checking "re2" regexp engine (%s)\n') % re2)
+        re2 = b'available'
+    fm.plain(_(b'checking "re2" regexp engine (%s)\n') % re2)
     # templates
     p = templater.templatepaths()
-    fm.write('templatedirs', 'checking templates (%s)...\n', ' '.join(p))
-    fm.condwrite(not p, '', _(" no template directories found\n"))
+    fm.write(b'templatedirs', b'checking templates (%s)...\n', b' '.join(p))
+    fm.condwrite(not p, b'', _(b" no template directories found\n"))
     if p:
-        m = templater.templatepath("map-cmdline.default")
+        m = templater.templatepath(b"map-cmdline.default")
         if m:
             # template found, check if it is working
             err = None
@@ -1579,51 +1611,51 @@
             except Exception as inst:
                 err = stringutil.forcebytestr(inst)
                 p = None
-            fm.condwrite(err, 'defaulttemplateerror', " %s\n", err)
+            fm.condwrite(err, b'defaulttemplateerror', b" %s\n", err)
             p = None
-            p, 'defaulttemplate', _("checking default template (%s)\n"), m
+            p, b'defaulttemplate', _(b"checking default template (%s)\n"), m
             not m,
-            'defaulttemplatenotfound',
-            _(" template '%s' not found\n"),
-            "default",
+            b'defaulttemplatenotfound',
+            _(b" template '%s' not found\n"),
+            b"default",
     if not p:
         problems += 1
-        not p, '', _(" (templates seem to have been installed incorrectly)\n")
+        not p, b'', _(b" (templates seem to have been installed incorrectly)\n")
     # editor
     editor = ui.geteditor()
     editor = util.expandpath(editor)
     editorbin = procutil.shellsplit(editor)[0]
-    fm.write('editor', _("checking commit editor... (%s)\n"), editorbin)
+    fm.write(b'editor', _(b"checking commit editor... (%s)\n"), editorbin)
     cmdpath = procutil.findexe(editorbin)
-        not cmdpath and editor == 'vi',
-        'vinotfound',
+        not cmdpath and editor == b'vi',
+        b'vinotfound',
-            " No commit editor set and can't find %s in PATH\n"
-            " (specify a commit editor in your configuration"
-            " file)\n"
+            b" No commit editor set and can't find %s in PATH\n"
+            b" (specify a commit editor in your configuration"
+            b" file)\n"
-        not cmdpath and editor == 'vi' and editorbin,
+        not cmdpath and editor == b'vi' and editorbin,
-        not cmdpath and editor != 'vi',
-        'editornotfound',
+        not cmdpath and editor != b'vi',
+        b'editornotfound',
-            " Can't find editor '%s' in PATH\n"
-            " (specify a commit editor in your configuration"
-            " file)\n"
+            b" Can't find editor '%s' in PATH\n"
+            b" (specify a commit editor in your configuration"
+            b" file)\n"
         not cmdpath and editorbin,
-    if not cmdpath and editor != 'vi':
+    if not cmdpath and editor != b'vi':
         problems += 1
     # check username
@@ -1635,13 +1667,15 @@
         err = stringutil.forcebytestr(e)
         problems += 1
-    fm.condwrite(username, 'username', _("checking username (%s)\n"), username)
+    fm.condwrite(
+        username, b'username', _(b"checking username (%s)\n"), username
+    )
-        'usernameerror',
+        b'usernameerror',
-            "checking username...\n %s\n"
-            " (specify a username in your configuration file)\n"
+            b"checking username...\n %s\n"
+            b" (specify a username in your configuration file)\n"
@@ -1651,13 +1685,13 @@
         if handler is not None:
             problems += handler(ui, fm)
-    fm.condwrite(not problems, '', _("no problems detected\n"))
+    fm.condwrite(not problems, b'', _(b"no problems detected\n"))
     if not problems:
-        'problems',
-        _("%d problems detected," " please check your install!\n"),
+        b'problems',
+        _(b"%d problems detected," b" please check your install!\n"),
@@ -1665,7 +1699,7 @@
     return problems
-@command('debugknown', [], _('REPO ID...'), norepo=True)
+@command(b'debugknown', [], _(b'REPO ID...'), norepo=True)
 def debugknown(ui, repopath, *ids, **opts):
     """test whether node ids are known to a repo
@@ -1674,32 +1708,37 @@
     opts = pycompat.byteskwargs(opts)
     repo = hg.peer(ui, opts, repopath)
-    if not repo.capable('known'):
-        raise error.Abort("known() not supported by target repository")
+    if not repo.capable(b'known'):
+        raise error.Abort(b"known() not supported by target repository")
     flags = repo.known([bin(s) for s in ids])
-    ui.write("%s\n" % ("".join([f and "1" or "0" for f in flags])))
-@command('debuglabelcomplete', [], _('LABEL...'))
+    ui.write(b"%s\n" % (b"".join([f and b"1" or b"0" for f in flags])))
+@command(b'debuglabelcomplete', [], _(b'LABEL...'))
 def debuglabelcomplete(ui, repo, *args):
     '''backwards compatibility with old bash completion scripts (DEPRECATED)'''
     debugnamecomplete(ui, repo, *args)
-    'debuglocks',
+    b'debuglocks',
-        ('L', 'force-lock', None, _('free the store lock (DANGEROUS)')),
+        (b'L', b'force-lock', None, _(b'free the store lock (DANGEROUS)')),
-            'W',
-            'force-wlock',
+            b'W',
+            b'force-wlock',
-            _('free the working state lock (DANGEROUS)'),
+            _(b'free the working state lock (DANGEROUS)'),
-        ('s', 'set-lock', None, _('set the store lock until stopped')),
-        ('S', 'set-wlock', None, _('set the working state lock until stopped')),
+        (b's', b'set-lock', None, _(b'set the store lock until stopped')),
+        (
+            b'S',
+            b'set-wlock',
+            None,
+            _(b'set the working state lock until stopped'),
+        ),
-    _('[OPTION]...'),
+    _(b'[OPTION]...'),
 def debuglocks(ui, repo, **opts):
     """show or modify state of locks
@@ -1727,9 +1766,9 @@
     if opts.get(r'force_lock'):
-        repo.svfs.unlink('lock')
+        repo.svfs.unlink(b'lock')
     if opts.get(r'force_wlock'):
-        repo.vfs.unlink('wlock')
+        repo.vfs.unlink(b'wlock')
     if opts.get(r'force_lock') or opts.get(r'force_wlock'):
         return 0
@@ -1739,14 +1778,14 @@
             except error.LockHeld:
-                raise error.Abort(_('wlock is already held'))
+                raise error.Abort(_(b'wlock is already held'))
         if opts.get(r'set_lock'):
             except error.LockHeld:
-                raise error.Abort(_('lock is already held'))
+                raise error.Abort(_(b'lock is already held'))
         if len(locks):
-            ui.promptchoice(_("ready to release the lock (y)? $$ &Yes"))
+            ui.promptchoice(_(b"ready to release the lock (y)? $$ &Yes"))
             return 0
@@ -1769,44 +1808,44 @@
                 age = now - st[stat.ST_MTIME]
                 user = util.username(st.st_uid)
                 locker = vfs.readlock(name)
-                if ":" in locker:
-                    host, pid = locker.split(':')
+                if b":" in locker:
+                    host, pid = locker.split(b':')
                     if host == socket.gethostname():
-                        locker = 'user %s, process %s' % (user or b'None', pid)
+                        locker = b'user %s, process %s' % (user or b'None', pid)
-                        locker = 'user %s, process %s, host %s' % (
+                        locker = b'user %s, process %s, host %s' % (
                             user or b'None',
-                ui.write("%-6s %s (%ds)\n" % (name + ":", locker, age))
+                ui.write(b"%-6s %s (%ds)\n" % (name + b":", locker, age))
                 return 1
             except OSError as e:
                 if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
-        ui.write("%-6s free\n" % (name + ":"))
+        ui.write(b"%-6s free\n" % (name + b":"))
         return 0
-    held += report(repo.svfs, "lock", repo.lock)
-    held += report(repo.vfs, "wlock", repo.wlock)
+    held += report(repo.svfs, b"lock", repo.lock)
+    held += report(repo.vfs, b"wlock", repo.wlock)
     return held
-    'debugmanifestfulltextcache',
+    b'debugmanifestfulltextcache',
-        ('', 'clear', False, _('clear the cache')),
+        (b'', b'clear', False, _(b'clear the cache')),
-            'a',
-            'add',
+            b'a',
+            b'add',
-            _('add the given manifest nodes to the cache'),
-            _('NODE'),
+            _(b'add the given manifest nodes to the cache'),
+            _(b'NODE'),
-    '',
+    b'',
 def debugmanifestfulltextcache(ui, repo, add=(), **opts):
     """show, clear or amend the contents of the manifest fulltext cache"""
@@ -1817,8 +1856,8 @@
             return r._fulltextcache
         except AttributeError:
             msg = _(
-                "Current revlog implementation doesn't appear to have a "
-                "manifest fulltext cache\n"
+                b"Current revlog implementation doesn't appear to have a "
+                b"manifest fulltext cache\n"
             raise error.Abort(msg)
@@ -1836,18 +1875,18 @@
                     manifest = m[store.lookup(n)]
                 except error.LookupError as e:
-                    raise error.Abort(e, hint="Check your manifest node id")
+                    raise error.Abort(e, hint=b"Check your manifest node id")
         # stores revisision in cache too
     cache = getcache()
     if not len(cache):
-        ui.write(_('cache empty\n'))
+        ui.write(_(b'cache empty\n'))
-                'cache contains %d manifest entries, in order of most to '
-                'least recent:\n'
+                b'cache contains %d manifest entries, in order of most to '
+                b'least recent:\n'
             % (len(cache),)
@@ -1858,16 +1897,16 @@
             size = len(data)
             totalsize += size + 24  # 20 bytes nodeid, 4 bytes size
-                _('id: %s, size %s\n') % (hex(nodeid), util.bytecount(size))
+                _(b'id: %s, size %s\n') % (hex(nodeid), util.bytecount(size))
-        ondisk = cache._opener.stat('manifestfulltextcache').st_size
+        ondisk = cache._opener.stat(b'manifestfulltextcache').st_size
-            _('total cache data size %s, on-disk %s\n')
+            _(b'total cache data size %s, on-disk %s\n')
             % (util.bytecount(totalsize), util.bytecount(ondisk))
-@command('debugmergestate', [], '')
+@command(b'debugmergestate', [], b'')
 def debugmergestate(ui, repo, *args):
     """print merge state
@@ -1876,12 +1915,12 @@
     def _hashornull(h):
         if h == nullhex:
-            return 'null'
+            return b'null'
             return h
     def printrecords(version):
-        ui.write('* version %d records\n' % version)
+        ui.write(b'* version %d records\n' % version)
         if version == 1:
             records = v1records
@@ -1889,58 +1928,59 @@
         for rtype, record in records:
             # pretty print some record types
-            if rtype == 'L':
-                ui.write('local: %s\n' % record)
-            elif rtype == 'O':
-                ui.write('other: %s\n' % record)
-            elif rtype == 'm':
-                driver, mdstate = record.split('\0', 1)
-                ui.write('merge driver: %s (state "%s")\n' % (driver, mdstate))
-            elif rtype in 'FDC':
-                r = record.split('\0')
+            if rtype == b'L':
+                ui.write(b'local: %s\n' % record)
+            elif rtype == b'O':
+                ui.write(b'other: %s\n' % record)
+            elif rtype == b'm':
+                driver, mdstate = record.split(b'\0', 1)
+                ui.write(b'merge driver: %s (state "%s")\n' % (driver, mdstate))
+            elif rtype in b'FDC':
+                r = record.split(b'\0')
                 f, state, hash, lfile, afile, anode, ofile = r[0:7]
                 if version == 1:
-                    onode = 'not stored in v1 format'
+                    onode = b'not stored in v1 format'
                     flags = r[7]
                     onode, flags = r[7:9]
-                    'file: %s (record type "%s", state "%s", hash %s)\n'
+                    b'file: %s (record type "%s", state "%s", hash %s)\n'
                     % (f, rtype, state, _hashornull(hash))
-                ui.write('  local path: %s (flags "%s")\n' % (lfile, flags))
+                ui.write(b'  local path: %s (flags "%s")\n' % (lfile, flags))
-                    '  ancestor path: %s (node %s)\n'
+                    b'  ancestor path: %s (node %s)\n'
                     % (afile, _hashornull(anode))
-                    '  other path: %s (node %s)\n' % (ofile, _hashornull(onode))
+                    b'  other path: %s (node %s)\n'
+                    % (ofile, _hashornull(onode))
-            elif rtype == 'f':
-                filename, rawextras = record.split('\0', 1)
-                extras = rawextras.split('\0')
+            elif rtype == b'f':
+                filename, rawextras = record.split(b'\0', 1)
+                extras = rawextras.split(b'\0')
                 i = 0
                 extrastrings = []
                 while i < len(extras):
-                    extrastrings.append('%s = %s' % (extras[i], extras[i + 1]))
+                    extrastrings.append(b'%s = %s' % (extras[i], extras[i + 1]))
                     i += 2
-                    'file extras: %s (%s)\n'
-                    % (filename, ', '.join(extrastrings))
+                    b'file extras: %s (%s)\n'
+                    % (filename, b', '.join(extrastrings))
-            elif rtype == 'l':
-                labels = record.split('\0', 2)
+            elif rtype == b'l':
+                labels = record.split(b'\0', 2)
                 labels = [l for l in labels if len(l) > 0]
-                ui.write('labels:\n')
-                ui.write(('  local: %s\n' % labels[0]))
-                ui.write(('  other: %s\n' % labels[1]))
+                ui.write(b'labels:\n')
+                ui.write((b'  local: %s\n' % labels[0]))
+                ui.write((b'  other: %s\n' % labels[1]))
                 if len(labels) > 2:
-                    ui.write(('  base:  %s\n' % labels[2]))
+                    ui.write((b'  base:  %s\n' % labels[2]))
-                    'unrecognized entry: %s\t%s\n'
-                    % (rtype, record.replace('\0', '\t'))
+                    b'unrecognized entry: %s\t%s\n'
+                    % (rtype, record.replace(b'\0', b'\t'))
     # Avoid since it may raise an exception for unsupported
@@ -1951,7 +1991,7 @@
     # sort so that reasonable information is on top
     v1records = ms._readrecordsv1()
     v2records = ms._readrecordsv2()
-    order = 'LOml'
+    order = b'LOml'
     def key(r):
         idx = order.find(r[0])
@@ -1964,21 +2004,21 @@
     if not v1records and not v2records:
-        ui.write('no merge state found\n')
+        ui.write(b'no merge state found\n')
     elif not v2records:
-        ui.note('no version 2 merge state\n')
+        ui.note(b'no version 2 merge state\n')
     elif ms._v1v2match(v1records, v2records):
-        ui.note('v1 and v2 states match: using v2\n')
+        ui.note(b'v1 and v2 states match: using v2\n')
-        ui.note('v1 and v2 states mismatch: using v1\n')
+        ui.note(b'v1 and v2 states mismatch: using v1\n')
         if ui.verbose:
-@command('debugnamecomplete', [], _('NAME...'))
+@command(b'debugnamecomplete', [], _(b'NAME...'))
 def debugnamecomplete(ui, repo, *args):
     '''complete "names" - tags, open branch names, bookmark names'''
@@ -1986,7 +2026,7 @@
     # since we previously only listed open branches, we will handle that
     # specially (after this for loop)
     for name, ns in repo.names.iteritems():
-        if name != 'branches':
+        if name != b'branches':
@@ -1995,36 +2035,36 @@
     completions = set()
     if not args:
-        args = ['']
+        args = [b'']
     for a in args:
         completions.update(n for n in names if n.startswith(a))
-    ui.write('\n'.join(sorted(completions)))
-    ui.write('\n')
+    ui.write(b'\n'.join(sorted(completions)))
+    ui.write(b'\n')
-    'debugobsolete',
+    b'debugobsolete',
-        ('', 'flags', 0, _('markers flag')),
+        (b'', b'flags', 0, _(b'markers flag')),
-            '',
-            'record-parents',
+            b'',
+            b'record-parents',
-            _('record parent information for the precursor'),
+            _(b'record parent information for the precursor'),
-        ('r', 'rev', [], _('display markers relevant to REV')),
+        (b'r', b'rev', [], _(b'display markers relevant to REV')),
-            '',
-            'exclusive',
+            b'',
+            b'exclusive',
-            _('restrict display to markers only ' 'relevant to REV'),
+            _(b'restrict display to markers only ' b'relevant to REV'),
-        ('', 'index', False, _('display index of the marker')),
-        ('', 'delete', [], _('delete markers specified by indices')),
+        (b'', b'index', False, _(b'display index of the marker')),
+        (b'', b'delete', [], _(b'delete markers specified by indices')),
     + cmdutil.commitopts2
     + cmdutil.formatteropts,
-    _('[OBSOLETED [REPLACEMENT ...]]'),
+    _(b'[OBSOLETED [REPLACEMENT ...]]'),
 def debugobsolete(ui, repo, precursor=None, *successors, **opts):
     """create arbitrary obsolete marker
@@ -2044,54 +2084,54 @@
             return n
         except TypeError:
             raise error.Abort(
-                'changeset references must be full hexadecimal '
-                'node identifiers'
+                b'changeset references must be full hexadecimal '
+                b'node identifiers'
-    if opts.get('delete'):
+    if opts.get(b'delete'):
         indices = []
-        for v in opts.get('delete'):
+        for v in opts.get(b'delete'):
             except ValueError:
                 raise error.Abort(
-                    _('invalid index value: %r') % v,
-                    hint=_('use integers for indices'),
+                    _(b'invalid index value: %r') % v,
+                    hint=_(b'use integers for indices'),
         if repo.currenttransaction():
             raise error.Abort(
-                _('cannot delete obsmarkers in the middle ' 'of transaction.')
+                _(b'cannot delete obsmarkers in the middle ' b'of transaction.')
         with repo.lock():
             n = repair.deleteobsmarkers(repo.obsstore, indices)
-            ui.write(_('deleted %i obsolescence markers\n') % n)
+            ui.write(_(b'deleted %i obsolescence markers\n') % n)
     if precursor is not None:
-        if opts['rev']:
-            raise error.Abort('cannot select revision when creating marker')
+        if opts[b'rev']:
+            raise error.Abort(b'cannot select revision when creating marker')
         metadata = {}
-        metadata['user'] = encoding.fromlocal(opts['user'] or ui.username())
+        metadata[b'user'] = encoding.fromlocal(opts[b'user'] or ui.username())
         succs = tuple(parsenodeid(succ) for succ in successors)
         l = repo.lock()
-            tr = repo.transaction('debugobsolete')
+            tr = repo.transaction(b'debugobsolete')
-                date = opts.get('date')
+                date = opts.get(b'date')
                 if date:
                     date = dateutil.parsedate(date)
                     date = None
                 prec = parsenodeid(precursor)
                 parents = None
-                if opts['record_parents']:
+                if opts[b'record_parents']:
                     if prec not in repo.unfiltered():
                         raise error.Abort(
-                            'cannot used --record-parents on '
-                            'unknown changesets'
+                            b'cannot used --record-parents on '
+                            b'unknown changesets'
                     parents = repo.unfiltered()[prec].parents()
                     parents = tuple(p.node() for p in parents)
@@ -2099,7 +2139,7 @@
-                    opts['flags'],
+                    opts[b'flags'],
@@ -2108,19 +2148,19 @@
             except ValueError as exc:
                 raise error.Abort(
-                    _('bad obsmarker input: %s') % pycompat.bytestr(exc)
+                    _(b'bad obsmarker input: %s') % pycompat.bytestr(exc)
-        if opts['rev']:
-            revs = scmutil.revrange(repo, opts['rev'])
+        if opts[b'rev']:
+            revs = scmutil.revrange(repo, opts[b'rev'])
             nodes = [repo[r].node() for r in revs]
             markers = list(
-                    repo, nodes=nodes, exclusive=opts['exclusive']
+                    repo, nodes=nodes, exclusive=opts[b'exclusive']
             markers.sort(key=lambda x: x._data)
@@ -2129,12 +2169,12 @@
         markerstoiter = markers
         isrelevant = lambda m: True
-        if opts.get('rev') and opts.get('index'):
+        if opts.get(b'rev') and opts.get(b'index'):
             markerstoiter = obsutil.getmarkers(repo)
             markerset = set(markers)
             isrelevant = lambda m: m in markerset
-        fm = ui.formatter('debugobsolete', opts)
+        fm = ui.formatter(b'debugobsolete', opts)
         for i, m in enumerate(markerstoiter):
             if not isrelevant(m):
                 # marker can be irrelevant when we're iterating over a set
@@ -2146,48 +2186,48 @@
                 # are relevant to --rev value
-            ind = i if opts.get('index') else None
+            ind = i if opts.get(b'index') else None
             cmdutil.showmarker(fm, m, index=ind)
-    'debugp1copies',
-    [('r', 'rev', '', _('revision to debug'), _('REV'))],
-    _('[-r REV]'),
+    b'debugp1copies',
+    [(b'r', b'rev', b'', _(b'revision to debug'), _(b'REV'))],
+    _(b'[-r REV]'),
 def debugp1copies(ui, repo, **opts):
     """dump copy information compared to p1"""
     opts = pycompat.byteskwargs(opts)
-    ctx = scmutil.revsingle(repo, opts.get('rev'), default=None)
+    ctx = scmutil.revsingle(repo, opts.get(b'rev'), default=None)
     for dst, src in ctx.p1copies().items():
-        ui.write('%s -> %s\n' % (src, dst))
+        ui.write(b'%s -> %s\n' % (src, dst))
-    'debugp2copies',
-    [('r', 'rev', '', _('revision to debug'), _('REV'))],
-    _('[-r REV]'),
+    b'debugp2copies',
+    [(b'r', b'rev', b'', _(b'revision to debug'), _(b'REV'))],
+    _(b'[-r REV]'),
 def debugp1copies(ui, repo, **opts):
     """dump copy information compared to p2"""
     opts = pycompat.byteskwargs(opts)
-    ctx = scmutil.revsingle(repo, opts.get('rev'), default=None)
+    ctx = scmutil.revsingle(repo, opts.get(b'rev'), default=None)
     for dst, src in ctx.p2copies().items():
-        ui.write('%s -> %s\n' % (src, dst))
+        ui.write(b'%s -> %s\n' % (src, dst))
-    'debugpathcomplete',
+    b'debugpathcomplete',
-        ('f', 'full', None, _('complete an entire path')),
-        ('n', 'normal', None, _('show only normal files')),
-        ('a', 'added', None, _('show only added files')),
-        ('r', 'removed', None, _('show only removed files')),
+        (b'f', b'full', None, _(b'complete an entire path')),
+        (b'n', b'normal', None, _(b'show only normal files')),
+        (b'a', b'added', None, _(b'show only added files')),
+        (b'r', b'removed', None, _(b'show only removed files')),
-    _('FILESPEC...'),
+    _(b'FILESPEC...'),
 def debugpathcomplete(ui, repo, *specs, **opts):
     '''complete part or all of a tracked path
@@ -2205,11 +2245,11 @@
         if spec != repo.root and not spec.startswith(rootdir):
             return [], []
         if os.path.isdir(spec):
-            spec += '/'
+            spec += b'/'
         spec = spec[len(rootdir) :]
-        fixpaths = pycompat.ossep != '/'
+        fixpaths = pycompat.ossep != b'/'
         if fixpaths:
-            spec = spec.replace(pycompat.ossep, '/')
+            spec = spec.replace(pycompat.ossep, b'/')
         speclen = len(spec)
         fullpaths = opts[r'full']
         files, dirs = set(), set()
@@ -2217,7 +2257,7 @@
         for f, st in dirstate.iteritems():
             if f.startswith(spec) and st[0] in acceptable:
                 if fixpaths:
-                    f = f.replace('/', pycompat.ossep)
+                    f = f.replace(b'/', pycompat.ossep)
                 if fullpaths:
@@ -2228,31 +2268,31 @@
         return files, dirs
-    acceptable = ''
+    acceptable = b''
     if opts[r'normal']:
-        acceptable += 'nm'
+        acceptable += b'nm'
     if opts[r'added']:
-        acceptable += 'a'
+        acceptable += b'a'
     if opts[r'removed']:
-        acceptable += 'r'
+        acceptable += b'r'
     cwd = repo.getcwd()
     if not specs:
-        specs = ['.']
+        specs = [b'.']
     files, dirs = set(), set()
     for spec in specs:
-        f, d = complete(spec, acceptable or 'nmar')
+        f, d = complete(spec, acceptable or b'nmar')
-    ui.write('\n'.join(repo.pathto(p, cwd) for p in sorted(files)))
-    ui.write('\n')
+    ui.write(b'\n'.join(repo.pathto(p, cwd) for p in sorted(files)))
+    ui.write(b'\n')
-    'debugpathcopies',
+    b'debugpathcopies',
-    'hg debugpathcopies REV1 REV2 [FILE]',
+    b'hg debugpathcopies REV1 REV2 [FILE]',
 def debugpathcopies(ui, repo, rev1, rev2, *pats, **opts):
@@ -2261,16 +2301,16 @@
     ctx2 = scmutil.revsingle(repo, rev2)
     m = scmutil.match(ctx1, pats, opts)
     for dst, src in sorted(copies.pathcopies(ctx1, ctx2, m).items()):
-        ui.write('%s -> %s\n' % (src, dst))
-@command('debugpeer', [], _('PATH'), norepo=True)
+        ui.write(b'%s -> %s\n' % (src, dst))
+@command(b'debugpeer', [], _(b'PATH'), norepo=True)
 def debugpeer(ui, path):
     """establish a connection to a peer repository"""
     # Always enable peer request logging. Requires --debug to display
     # though.
     overrides = {
-        ('devel', 'debug.peer-request'): True,
+        (b'devel', b'debug.peer-request'): True,
     with ui.configoverride(overrides):
@@ -2279,20 +2319,20 @@
         local = peer.local() is not None
         canpush = peer.canpush()
-        ui.write(_('url: %s\n') % peer.url())
-        ui.write(_('local: %s\n') % (_('yes') if local else _('no')))
-        ui.write(_('pushable: %s\n') % (_('yes') if canpush else _('no')))
+        ui.write(_(b'url: %s\n') % peer.url())
+        ui.write(_(b'local: %s\n') % (_(b'yes') if local else _(b'no')))
+        ui.write(_(b'pushable: %s\n') % (_(b'yes') if canpush else _(b'no')))
-    'debugpickmergetool',
+    b'debugpickmergetool',
-        ('r', 'rev', '', _('check for files in this revision'), _('REV')),
-        ('', 'changedelete', None, _('emulate merging change and delete')),
+        (b'r', b'rev', b'', _(b'check for files in this revision'), _(b'REV')),
+        (b'', b'changedelete', None, _(b'emulate merging change and delete')),
     + cmdutil.walkopts
     + cmdutil.mergetoolopts,
-    _('[PATTERN]...'),
+    _(b'[PATTERN]...'),
 def debugpickmergetool(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
@@ -2339,21 +2379,21 @@
     opts = pycompat.byteskwargs(opts)
     overrides = {}
-    if opts['tool']:
-        overrides[('ui', 'forcemerge')] = opts['tool']
-        ui.note('with --tool %r\n' % (pycompat.bytestr(opts['tool'])))
-    with ui.configoverride(overrides, 'debugmergepatterns'):
-        hgmerge = encoding.environ.get("HGMERGE")
+    if opts[b'tool']:
+        overrides[(b'ui', b'forcemerge')] = opts[b'tool']
+        ui.note(b'with --tool %r\n' % (pycompat.bytestr(opts[b'tool'])))
+    with ui.configoverride(overrides, b'debugmergepatterns'):
+        hgmerge = encoding.environ.get(b"HGMERGE")
         if hgmerge is not None:
-            ui.note('with HGMERGE=%r\n' % (pycompat.bytestr(hgmerge)))
-        uimerge = ui.config("ui", "merge")
+            ui.note(b'with HGMERGE=%r\n' % (pycompat.bytestr(hgmerge)))
+        uimerge = ui.config(b"ui", b"merge")
         if uimerge:
-            ui.note('with ui.merge=%r\n' % (pycompat.bytestr(uimerge)))
-        ctx = scmutil.revsingle(repo, opts.get('rev'))
+            ui.note(b'with ui.merge=%r\n' % (pycompat.bytestr(uimerge)))
+        ctx = scmutil.revsingle(repo, opts.get(b'rev'))
         m = scmutil.match(ctx, pats, opts)
-        changedelete = opts['changedelete']
+        changedelete = opts[b'changedelete']
         for path in ctx.walk(m):
             fctx = ctx[path]
@@ -2364,16 +2404,16 @@
-                    'l' in fctx.flags(),
+                    b'l' in fctx.flags(),
                 if not ui.debugflag:
-            ui.write('%s = %s\n' % (path, tool))
-@command('debugpushkey', [], _('REPO NAMESPACE [KEY OLD NEW]'), norepo=True)
+            ui.write(b'%s = %s\n' % (path, tool))
+@command(b'debugpushkey', [], _(b'REPO NAMESPACE [KEY OLD NEW]'), norepo=True)
 def debugpushkey(ui, repopath, namespace, *keyinfo, **opts):
     '''access the pushkey key/value protocol
@@ -2388,38 +2428,43 @@
         key, old, new = keyinfo
         with target.commandexecutor() as e:
             r = e.callcommand(
-                'pushkey',
-                {'namespace': namespace, 'key': key, 'old': old, 'new': new,},
+                b'pushkey',
+                {
+                    b'namespace': namespace,
+                    b'key': key,
+                    b'old': old,
+                    b'new': new,
+                },
-        ui.status(pycompat.bytestr(r) + '\n')
+        ui.status(pycompat.bytestr(r) + b'\n')
         return not r
         for k, v in sorted(target.listkeys(namespace).iteritems()):
-                "%s\t%s\n" % (stringutil.escapestr(k), stringutil.escapestr(v))
+                b"%s\t%s\n" % (stringutil.escapestr(k), stringutil.escapestr(v))
-@command('debugpvec', [], _('A B'))
+@command(b'debugpvec', [], _(b'A B'))
 def debugpvec(ui, repo, a, b=None):
     ca = scmutil.revsingle(repo, a)
     cb = scmutil.revsingle(repo, b)
     pa = pvec.ctxpvec(ca)
     pb = pvec.ctxpvec(cb)
     if pa == pb:
-        rel = "="
+        rel = b"="
     elif pa > pb:
-        rel = ">"
+        rel = b">"
     elif pa < pb:
-        rel = "<"
+        rel = b"<"
     elif pa | pb:
-        rel = "|"
-    ui.write(_("a: %s\n") % pa)
-    ui.write(_("b: %s\n") % pb)
-    ui.write(_("depth(a): %d depth(b): %d\n") % (pa._depth, pb._depth))
+        rel = b"|"
+    ui.write(_(b"a: %s\n") % pa)
+    ui.write(_(b"b: %s\n") % pb)
+    ui.write(_(b"depth(a): %d depth(b): %d\n") % (pa._depth, pb._depth))
-        _("delta: %d hdist: %d distance: %d relation: %s\n")
+        _(b"delta: %d hdist: %d distance: %d relation: %s\n")
         % (
             abs(pa._depth - pb._depth),
             pvec._hamming(pa._vec, pb._vec),
@@ -2430,20 +2475,20 @@
-    'debugrebuilddirstate|debugrebuildstate',
+    b'debugrebuilddirstate|debugrebuildstate',
-        ('r', 'rev', '', _('revision to rebuild to'), _('REV')),
+        (b'r', b'rev', b'', _(b'revision to rebuild to'), _(b'REV')),
-            '',
-            'minimal',
+            b'',
+            b'minimal',
-                'only rebuild files that are inconsistent with '
-                'the working copy parent'
+                b'only rebuild files that are inconsistent with '
+                b'the working copy parent'
-    _('[-r REV]'),
+    _(b'[-r REV]'),
 def debugrebuilddirstate(ui, repo, rev, **opts):
     """rebuild the dirstate as it would look like for the given revision
@@ -2472,56 +2517,56 @@
             dirstatefiles = set(dirstate)
             manifestonly = manifestfiles - dirstatefiles
             dsonly = dirstatefiles - manifestfiles
-            dsnotadded = set(f for f in dsonly if dirstate[f] != 'a')
+            dsnotadded = set(f for f in dsonly if dirstate[f] != b'a')
             changedfiles = manifestonly | dsnotadded
         dirstate.rebuild(ctx.node(), ctx.manifest(), changedfiles)
-@command('debugrebuildfncache', [], '')
+@command(b'debugrebuildfncache', [], b'')
 def debugrebuildfncache(ui, repo):
     """rebuild the fncache file"""
     repair.rebuildfncache(ui, repo)
-    'debugrename',
-    [('r', 'rev', '', _('revision to debug'), _('REV'))],
-    _('[-r REV] [FILE]...'),
+    b'debugrename',
+    [(b'r', b'rev', b'', _(b'revision to debug'), _(b'REV'))],
+    _(b'[-r REV] [FILE]...'),
 def debugrename(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
     """dump rename information"""
     opts = pycompat.byteskwargs(opts)
-    ctx = scmutil.revsingle(repo, opts.get('rev'))
+    ctx = scmutil.revsingle(repo, opts.get(b'rev'))
     m = scmutil.match(ctx, pats, opts)
     for abs in ctx.walk(m):
         fctx = ctx[abs]
         o = fctx.filelog().renamed(fctx.filenode())
         rel = repo.pathto(abs)
         if o:
-            ui.write(_("%s renamed from %s:%s\n") % (rel, o[0], hex(o[1])))
+            ui.write(_(b"%s renamed from %s:%s\n") % (rel, o[0], hex(o[1])))
-            ui.write(_("%s not renamed\n") % rel)
+            ui.write(_(b"%s not renamed\n") % rel)
-    'debugrevlog',
-    cmdutil.debugrevlogopts + [('d', 'dump', False, _('dump index data'))],
-    _('-c|-m|FILE'),
+    b'debugrevlog',
+    cmdutil.debugrevlogopts + [(b'd', b'dump', False, _(b'dump index data'))],
+    _(b'-c|-m|FILE'),
 def debugrevlog(ui, repo, file_=None, **opts):
     """show data and statistics about a revlog"""
     opts = pycompat.byteskwargs(opts)
-    r = cmdutil.openrevlog(repo, 'debugrevlog', file_, opts)
-    if opts.get("dump"):
+    r = cmdutil.openrevlog(repo, b'debugrevlog', file_, opts)
+    if opts.get(b"dump"):
         numrevs = len(r)
-                "# rev p1rev p2rev start   end deltastart base   p1   p2"
-                " rawsize totalsize compression heads chainlen\n"
+                b"# rev p1rev p2rev start   end deltastart base   p1   p2"
+                b" rawsize totalsize compression heads chainlen\n"
         ts = 0
@@ -2543,8 +2588,8 @@
             except ZeroDivisionError:
                 compression = 0
-                "%5d %5d %5d %5d %5d %10d %4d %4d %4d %7d %9d "
-                "%11d %5d %8d\n"
+                b"%5d %5d %5d %5d %5d %10d %4d %4d %4d %7d %9d "
+                b"%11d %5d %8d\n"
                 % (
@@ -2569,12 +2614,12 @@
     flags = []
     gdelta = False
     if v & revlog.FLAG_INLINE_DATA:
-        flags.append('inline')
+        flags.append(b'inline')
     if v & revlog.FLAG_GENERALDELTA:
         gdelta = True
-        flags.append('generaldelta')
+        flags.append(b'generaldelta')
     if not flags:
-        flags = ['(none)']
+        flags = [b'(none)']
     ### tracks merge vs single parent
     nummerges = 0
@@ -2676,14 +2721,14 @@
                     numother += 1
         # Obtain data on the raw chunks in the revlog.
-        if util.safehasattr(r, '_getsegmentforrevs'):
+        if util.safehasattr(r, b'_getsegmentforrevs'):
             segment = r._getsegmentforrevs(rev, rev)[1]
             segment = r._revlog._getsegmentforrevs(rev, rev)[1]
         if segment:
             chunktype = bytes(segment[0:1])
-            chunktype = 'empty'
+            chunktype = b'empty'
         if chunktype not in chunktypecounts:
             chunktypecounts[chunktype] = 0
@@ -2725,14 +2770,14 @@
     if totalsize:
         compratio = totalrawsize / totalsize
-    basedfmtstr = '%%%dd\n'
-    basepcfmtstr = '%%%dd %s(%%5.2f%%%%)\n'
+    basedfmtstr = b'%%%dd\n'
+    basepcfmtstr = b'%%%dd %s(%%5.2f%%%%)\n'
     def dfmtstr(max):
         return basedfmtstr % len(str(max))
     def pcfmtstr(max, padding=0):
-        return basepcfmtstr % (len(str(max)), ' ' * padding)
+        return basepcfmtstr % (len(str(max)), b' ' * padding)
     def pcfmt(value, total):
         if total:
@@ -2740,129 +2785,131 @@
             return value, 100.0
-    ui.write('format : %d\n' % format)
-    ui.write('flags  : %s\n' % ', '.join(flags))
-    ui.write('\n')
+    ui.write(b'format : %d\n' % format)
+    ui.write(b'flags  : %s\n' % b', '.join(flags))
+    ui.write(b'\n')
     fmt = pcfmtstr(totalsize)
     fmt2 = dfmtstr(totalsize)
-    ui.write('revisions     : ' + fmt2 % numrevs)
-    ui.write('    merges    : ' + fmt % pcfmt(nummerges, numrevs))
-    ui.write('    normal    : ' + fmt % pcfmt(numrevs - nummerges, numrevs))
-    ui.write('revisions     : ' + fmt2 % numrevs)
-    ui.write('    empty     : ' + fmt % pcfmt(numempty, numrevs))
+    ui.write(b'revisions     : ' + fmt2 % numrevs)
+    ui.write(b'    merges    : ' + fmt % pcfmt(nummerges, numrevs))
+    ui.write(b'    normal    : ' + fmt % pcfmt(numrevs - nummerges, numrevs))
+    ui.write(b'revisions     : ' + fmt2 % numrevs)
+    ui.write(b'    empty     : ' + fmt % pcfmt(numempty, numrevs))
-        '                   text  : '
+        b'                   text  : '
         + fmt % pcfmt(numemptytext, numemptytext + numemptydelta)
-        '                   delta : '
+        b'                   delta : '
         + fmt % pcfmt(numemptydelta, numemptytext + numemptydelta)
-    ui.write('    snapshot  : ' + fmt % pcfmt(numfull + numsemi, numrevs))
+    ui.write(b'    snapshot  : ' + fmt % pcfmt(numfull + numsemi, numrevs))
     for depth in sorted(numsnapdepth):
-            ('      lvl-%-3d :       ' % depth)
+            (b'      lvl-%-3d :       ' % depth)
             + fmt % pcfmt(numsnapdepth[depth], numrevs)
-    ui.write('    deltas    : ' + fmt % pcfmt(numdeltas, numrevs))
-    ui.write('revision size : ' + fmt2 % totalsize)
-    ui.write('    snapshot  : ' + fmt % pcfmt(fulltotal + semitotal, totalsize))
+    ui.write(b'    deltas    : ' + fmt % pcfmt(numdeltas, numrevs))
+    ui.write(b'revision size : ' + fmt2 % totalsize)
+    ui.write(
+        b'    snapshot  : ' + fmt % pcfmt(fulltotal + semitotal, totalsize)
+    )
     for depth in sorted(numsnapdepth):
-            ('      lvl-%-3d :       ' % depth)
+            (b'      lvl-%-3d :       ' % depth)
             + fmt % pcfmt(snaptotal[depth], totalsize)
-    ui.write('    deltas    : ' + fmt % pcfmt(deltatotal, totalsize))
+    ui.write(b'    deltas    : ' + fmt % pcfmt(deltatotal, totalsize))
     def fmtchunktype(chunktype):
-        if chunktype == 'empty':
-            return '    %s     : ' % chunktype
+        if chunktype == b'empty':
+            return b'    %s     : ' % chunktype
         elif chunktype in pycompat.bytestr(string.ascii_letters):
-            return '    0x%s (%s)  : ' % (hex(chunktype), chunktype)
+            return b'    0x%s (%s)  : ' % (hex(chunktype), chunktype)
-            return '    0x%s      : ' % hex(chunktype)
-    ui.write('\n')
-    ui.write('chunks        : ' + fmt2 % numrevs)
+            return b'    0x%s      : ' % hex(chunktype)
+    ui.write(b'\n')
+    ui.write(b'chunks        : ' + fmt2 % numrevs)
     for chunktype in sorted(chunktypecounts):
         ui.write(fmt % pcfmt(chunktypecounts[chunktype], numrevs))
-    ui.write('chunks size   : ' + fmt2 % totalsize)
+    ui.write(b'chunks size   : ' + fmt2 % totalsize)
     for chunktype in sorted(chunktypecounts):
         ui.write(fmt % pcfmt(chunktypesizes[chunktype], totalsize))
-    ui.write('\n')
+    ui.write(b'\n')
     fmt = dfmtstr(max(avgchainlen, maxchainlen, maxchainspan, compratio))
-    ui.write('avg chain length  : ' + fmt % avgchainlen)
-    ui.write('max chain length  : ' + fmt % maxchainlen)
-    ui.write('max chain reach   : ' + fmt % maxchainspan)
-    ui.write('compression ratio : ' + fmt % compratio)
+    ui.write(b'avg chain length  : ' + fmt % avgchainlen)
+    ui.write(b'max chain length  : ' + fmt % maxchainlen)
+    ui.write(b'max chain reach   : ' + fmt % maxchainspan)
+    ui.write(b'compression ratio : ' + fmt % compratio)
     if format > 0:
-        ui.write('\n')
+        ui.write(b'\n')
-            'uncompressed data size (min/max/avg) : %d / %d / %d\n'
+            b'uncompressed data size (min/max/avg) : %d / %d / %d\n'
             % tuple(datasize)
-        'full revision size (min/max/avg)     : %d / %d / %d\n'
+        b'full revision size (min/max/avg)     : %d / %d / %d\n'
         % tuple(fullsize)
-        'inter-snapshot size (min/max/avg)    : %d / %d / %d\n'
+        b'inter-snapshot size (min/max/avg)    : %d / %d / %d\n'
         % tuple(semisize)
     for depth in sorted(snapsizedepth):
         if depth == 0:
-            '    level-%-3d (min/max/avg)          : %d / %d / %d\n'
+            b'    level-%-3d (min/max/avg)          : %d / %d / %d\n'
             % ((depth,) + tuple(snapsizedepth[depth]))
-        'delta size (min/max/avg)             : %d / %d / %d\n'
+        b'delta size (min/max/avg)             : %d / %d / %d\n'
         % tuple(deltasize)
     if numdeltas > 0:
-        ui.write('\n')
+        ui.write(b'\n')
         fmt = pcfmtstr(numdeltas)
         fmt2 = pcfmtstr(numdeltas, 4)
-        ui.write('deltas against prev  : ' + fmt % pcfmt(numprev, numdeltas))
+        ui.write(b'deltas against prev  : ' + fmt % pcfmt(numprev, numdeltas))
         if numprev > 0:
-                '    where prev = p1  : ' + fmt2 % pcfmt(nump1prev, numprev)
+                b'    where prev = p1  : ' + fmt2 % pcfmt(nump1prev, numprev)
-                '    where prev = p2  : ' + fmt2 % pcfmt(nump2prev, numprev)
+                b'    where prev = p2  : ' + fmt2 % pcfmt(nump2prev, numprev)
-                '    other            : ' + fmt2 % pcfmt(numoprev, numprev)
+                b'    other            : ' + fmt2 % pcfmt(numoprev, numprev)
         if gdelta:
-            ui.write('deltas against p1    : ' + fmt % pcfmt(nump1, numdeltas))
-            ui.write('deltas against p2    : ' + fmt % pcfmt(nump2, numdeltas))
+            ui.write(b'deltas against p1    : ' + fmt % pcfmt(nump1, numdeltas))
+            ui.write(b'deltas against p2    : ' + fmt % pcfmt(nump2, numdeltas))
-                'deltas against other : ' + fmt % pcfmt(numother, numdeltas)
+                b'deltas against other : ' + fmt % pcfmt(numother, numdeltas)
-    'debugrevlogindex',
+    b'debugrevlogindex',
-    + [('f', 'format', 0, _('revlog format'), _('FORMAT'))],
-    _('[-f FORMAT] -c|-m|FILE'),
+    + [(b'f', b'format', 0, _(b'revlog format'), _(b'FORMAT'))],
+    _(b'[-f FORMAT] -c|-m|FILE'),
 def debugrevlogindex(ui, repo, file_=None, **opts):
     """dump the contents of a revlog index"""
     opts = pycompat.byteskwargs(opts)
-    r = cmdutil.openrevlog(repo, 'debugrevlogindex', file_, opts)
-    format = opts.get('format', 0)
+    r = cmdutil.openrevlog(repo, b'debugrevlogindex', file_, opts)
+    format = opts.get(b'format', 0)
     if format not in (0, 1):
-        raise error.Abort(_("unknown format %d") % format)
+        raise error.Abort(_(b"unknown format %d") % format)
     if ui.debugflag:
         shortfn = hex
@@ -2878,27 +2925,27 @@
     if format == 0:
         if ui.verbose:
-                ("   rev    offset  length linkrev" " %s %s p2\n")
-                % ("nodeid".ljust(idlen), "p1".ljust(idlen))
+                (b"   rev    offset  length linkrev" b" %s %s p2\n")
+                % (b"nodeid".ljust(idlen), b"p1".ljust(idlen))
-                "   rev linkrev %s %s p2\n"
-                % ("nodeid".ljust(idlen), "p1".ljust(idlen))
+                b"   rev linkrev %s %s p2\n"
+                % (b"nodeid".ljust(idlen), b"p1".ljust(idlen))
     elif format == 1:
         if ui.verbose:
-                    "   rev flag   offset   length     size   link     p1"
-                    "     p2 %s\n"
+                    b"   rev flag   offset   length     size   link     p1"
+                    b"     p2 %s\n"
-                % "nodeid".rjust(idlen)
+                % b"nodeid".rjust(idlen)
-                "   rev flag     size   link     p1     p2 %s\n"
-                % "nodeid".rjust(idlen)
+                b"   rev flag     size   link     p1     p2 %s\n"
+                % b"nodeid".rjust(idlen)
     for i in r:
@@ -2910,7 +2957,7 @@
                 pp = [nullid, nullid]
             if ui.verbose:
-                    "% 6d % 9d % 7d % 7d %s %s %s\n"
+                    b"% 6d % 9d % 7d % 7d %s %s %s\n"
                     % (
@@ -2923,7 +2970,7 @@
-                    "% 6d % 7d %s %s %s\n"
+                    b"% 6d % 7d %s %s %s\n"
                     % (
@@ -2936,7 +2983,7 @@
             pr = r.parentrevs(i)
             if ui.verbose:
-                    "% 6d %04x % 8d % 8d % 8d % 6d % 6d % 6d %s\n"
+                    b"% 6d %04x % 8d % 8d % 8d % 6d % 6d % 6d %s\n"
                     % (
@@ -2951,7 +2998,7 @@
-                    "% 6d %04x % 8d % 6d % 6d % 6d %s\n"
+                    b"% 6d %04x % 8d % 6d % 6d % 6d %s\n"
                     % (
@@ -2965,32 +3012,37 @@
-    'debugrevspec',
+    b'debugrevspec',
-            '',
-            'optimize',
+            b'',
+            b'optimize',
-            _('print parsed tree after optimizing (DEPRECATED)'),
+            _(b'print parsed tree after optimizing (DEPRECATED)'),
-        ('', 'show-revs', True, _('print list of result revisions (default)')),
-            's',
-            'show-set',
-            None,
-            _('print internal representation of result set'),
+            b'',
+            b'show-revs',
+            True,
+            _(b'print list of result revisions (default)'),
-            'p',
-            'show-stage',
+            b's',
+            b'show-set',
+            None,
+            _(b'print internal representation of result set'),
+        ),
+        (
+            b'p',
+            b'show-stage',
-            _('print parsed tree at the given stage'),
-            _('NAME'),
+            _(b'print parsed tree at the given stage'),
+            _(b'NAME'),
-        ('', 'no-optimized', False, _('evaluate tree without optimization')),
-        ('', 'verify-optimized', False, _('verify optimized result')),
+        (b'', b'no-optimized', False, _(b'evaluate tree without optimization')),
+        (b'', b'verify-optimized', False, _(b'verify optimized result')),
-    'REVSPEC',
+    b'REVSPEC',
 def debugrevspec(ui, repo, expr, **opts):
     """parse and apply a revision specification
@@ -3005,42 +3057,42 @@
     one. Returns 1 if the optimized result differs.
     opts = pycompat.byteskwargs(opts)
-    aliases = ui.configitems('revsetalias')
+    aliases = ui.configitems(b'revsetalias')
     stages = [
-        ('parsed', lambda tree: tree),
+        (b'parsed', lambda tree: tree),
-            'expanded',
+            b'expanded',
             lambda tree: revsetlang.expandaliases(tree, aliases, ui.warn),
-        ('concatenated', revsetlang.foldconcat),
-        ('analyzed', revsetlang.analyze),
-        ('optimized', revsetlang.optimize),
+        (b'concatenated', revsetlang.foldconcat),
+        (b'analyzed', revsetlang.analyze),
+        (b'optimized', revsetlang.optimize),
-    if opts['no_optimized']:
+    if opts[b'no_optimized']:
         stages = stages[:-1]
-    if opts['verify_optimized'] and opts['no_optimized']:
+    if opts[b'verify_optimized'] and opts[b'no_optimized']:
         raise error.Abort(
-            _('cannot use --verify-optimized with ' '--no-optimized')
+            _(b'cannot use --verify-optimized with ' b'--no-optimized')
     stagenames = set(n for n, f in stages)
     showalways = set()
     showchanged = set()
-    if ui.verbose and not opts['show_stage']:
+    if ui.verbose and not opts[b'show_stage']:
         # show parsed tree by --verbose (deprecated)
-        showalways.add('parsed')
-        showchanged.update(['expanded', 'concatenated'])
-        if opts['optimize']:
-            showalways.add('optimized')
-    if opts['show_stage'] and opts['optimize']:
-        raise error.Abort(_('cannot use --optimize with --show-stage'))
-    if opts['show_stage'] == ['all']:
+        showalways.add(b'parsed')
+        showchanged.update([b'expanded', b'concatenated'])
+        if opts[b'optimize']:
+            showalways.add(b'optimized')
+    if opts[b'show_stage'] and opts[b'optimize']:
+        raise error.Abort(_(b'cannot use --optimize with --show-stage'))
+    if opts[b'show_stage'] == [b'all']:
-        for n in opts['show_stage']:
+        for n in opts[b'show_stage']:
             if n not in stagenames:
-                raise error.Abort(_('invalid stage name: %s') % n)
-        showalways.update(opts['show_stage'])
+                raise error.Abort(_(b'invalid stage name: %s') % n)
+        showalways.update(opts[b'show_stage'])
     treebystage = {}
     printedtree = None
@@ -3048,59 +3100,59 @@
     for n, f in stages:
         treebystage[n] = tree = f(tree)
         if n in showalways or (n in showchanged and tree != printedtree):
-            if opts['show_stage'] or n != 'parsed':
-                ui.write("* %s:\n" % n)
-            ui.write(revsetlang.prettyformat(tree), "\n")
+            if opts[b'show_stage'] or n != b'parsed':
+                ui.write(b"* %s:\n" % n)
+            ui.write(revsetlang.prettyformat(tree), b"\n")
             printedtree = tree
-    if opts['verify_optimized']:
-        arevs = revset.makematcher(treebystage['analyzed'])(repo)
-        brevs = revset.makematcher(treebystage['optimized'])(repo)
-        if opts['show_set'] or (opts['show_set'] is None and ui.verbose):
-            ui.write("* analyzed set:\n", stringutil.prettyrepr(arevs), "\n")
-            ui.write("* optimized set:\n", stringutil.prettyrepr(brevs), "\n")
+    if opts[b'verify_optimized']:
+        arevs = revset.makematcher(treebystage[b'analyzed'])(repo)
+        brevs = revset.makematcher(treebystage[b'optimized'])(repo)
+        if opts[b'show_set'] or (opts[b'show_set'] is None and ui.verbose):
+            ui.write(b"* analyzed set:\n", stringutil.prettyrepr(arevs), b"\n")
+            ui.write(b"* optimized set:\n", stringutil.prettyrepr(brevs), b"\n")
         arevs = list(arevs)
         brevs = list(brevs)
         if arevs == brevs:
             return 0
-        ui.write('--- analyzed\n', label='diff.file_a')
-        ui.write('+++ optimized\n', label='diff.file_b')
+        ui.write(b'--- analyzed\n', label=b'diff.file_a')
+        ui.write(b'+++ optimized\n', label=b'diff.file_b')
         sm = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, arevs, brevs)
         for tag, alo, ahi, blo, bhi in sm.get_opcodes():
             if tag in (r'delete', r'replace'):
                 for c in arevs[alo:ahi]:
-                    ui.write('-%d\n' % c, label='diff.deleted')
+                    ui.write(b'-%d\n' % c, label=b'diff.deleted')
             if tag in (r'insert', r'replace'):
                 for c in brevs[blo:bhi]:
-                    ui.write('+%d\n' % c, label='diff.inserted')
+                    ui.write(b'+%d\n' % c, label=b'diff.inserted')
             if tag == r'equal':
                 for c in arevs[alo:ahi]:
-                    ui.write(' %d\n' % c)
+                    ui.write(b' %d\n' % c)
         return 1
     func = revset.makematcher(tree)
     revs = func(repo)
-    if opts['show_set'] or (opts['show_set'] is None and ui.verbose):
-        ui.write("* set:\n", stringutil.prettyrepr(revs), "\n")
-    if not opts['show_revs']:
+    if opts[b'show_set'] or (opts[b'show_set'] is None and ui.verbose):
+        ui.write(b"* set:\n", stringutil.prettyrepr(revs), b"\n")
+    if not opts[b'show_revs']:
     for c in revs:
-        ui.write("%d\n" % c)
+        ui.write(b"%d\n" % c)
-    'debugserve',
+    b'debugserve',
-            '',
-            'sshstdio',
+            b'',
+            b'sshstdio',
-            _('run an SSH server bound to process handles'),
+            _(b'run an SSH server bound to process handles'),
-        ('', 'logiofd', '', _('file descriptor to log server I/O to')),
-        ('', 'logiofile', '', _('file to log server I/O to')),
+        (b'', b'logiofd', b'', _(b'file descriptor to log server I/O to')),
+        (b'', b'logiofile', b'', _(b'file to log server I/O to')),
-    '',
+    b'',
 def debugserve(ui, repo, **opts):
     """run a server with advanced settings
@@ -3111,31 +3163,31 @@
     opts = pycompat.byteskwargs(opts)
-    if not opts['sshstdio']:
-        raise error.Abort(_('only --sshstdio is currently supported'))
+    if not opts[b'sshstdio']:
+        raise error.Abort(_(b'only --sshstdio is currently supported'))
     logfh = None
-    if opts['logiofd'] and opts['logiofile']:
-        raise error.Abort(_('cannot use both --logiofd and --logiofile'))
-    if opts['logiofd']:
+    if opts[b'logiofd'] and opts[b'logiofile']:
+        raise error.Abort(_(b'cannot use both --logiofd and --logiofile'))
+    if opts[b'logiofd']:
         # Line buffered because output is line based.
-            logfh = os.fdopen(int(opts['logiofd']), r'ab', 1)
+            logfh = os.fdopen(int(opts[b'logiofd']), r'ab', 1)
         except OSError as e:
             if e.errno != errno.ESPIPE:
             # can't seek a pipe, so `ab` mode fails on py3
-            logfh = os.fdopen(int(opts['logiofd']), r'wb', 1)
-    elif opts['logiofile']:
-        logfh = open(opts['logiofile'], 'ab', 1)
+            logfh = os.fdopen(int(opts[b'logiofd']), r'wb', 1)
+    elif opts[b'logiofile']:
+        logfh = open(opts[b'logiofile'], b'ab', 1)
     s = wireprotoserver.sshserver(ui, repo, logfh=logfh)
-@command('debugsetparents', [], _('REV1 [REV2]'))
+@command(b'debugsetparents', [], _(b'REV1 [REV2]'))
 def debugsetparents(ui, repo, rev1, rev2=None):
     """manually set the parents of the current working directory
@@ -3148,39 +3200,39 @@
     node1 = scmutil.revsingle(repo, rev1).node()
-    node2 = scmutil.revsingle(repo, rev2, 'null').node()
+    node2 = scmutil.revsingle(repo, rev2, b'null').node()
     with repo.wlock():
         repo.setparents(node1, node2)
-@command('debugsidedata', cmdutil.debugrevlogopts, _('-c|-m|FILE REV'))
+@command(b'debugsidedata', cmdutil.debugrevlogopts, _(b'-c|-m|FILE REV'))
 def debugsidedata(ui, repo, file_, rev=None, **opts):
     """dump the side data for a cl/manifest/file revision"""
     opts = pycompat.byteskwargs(opts)
-    if opts.get('changelog') or opts.get('manifest') or opts.get('dir'):
+    if opts.get(b'changelog') or opts.get(b'manifest') or opts.get(b'dir'):
         if rev is not None:
-            raise error.CommandError('debugdata', _('invalid arguments'))
+            raise error.CommandError(b'debugdata', _(b'invalid arguments'))
         file_, rev = None, file_
     elif rev is None:
-        raise error.CommandError('debugdata', _('invalid arguments'))
-    r = cmdutil.openstorage(repo, 'debugdata', file_, opts)
+        raise error.CommandError(b'debugdata', _(b'invalid arguments'))
+    r = cmdutil.openstorage(repo, b'debugdata', file_, opts)
     r = getattr(r, '_revlog', r)
         sidedata = r.sidedata(r.lookup(rev))
     except KeyError:
-        raise error.Abort(_('invalid revision identifier %s') % rev)
+        raise error.Abort(_(b'invalid revision identifier %s') % rev)
     if sidedata:
         sidedata = list(sidedata.items())
-        ui.write(('%d sidedata entries\n' % len(sidedata)))
+        ui.write((b'%d sidedata entries\n' % len(sidedata)))
         for key, value in sidedata:
-            ui.write((' entry-%04o size %d\n' % (key, len(value))))
+            ui.write((b' entry-%04o size %d\n' % (key, len(value))))
             if ui.verbose:
-                ui.write(('  %s\n' % stringutil.pprint(value)))
-@command('debugssl', [], '[SOURCE]', optionalrepo=True)
+                ui.write((b'  %s\n' % stringutil.pprint(value)))
+@command(b'debugssl', [], b'[SOURCE]', optionalrepo=True)
 def debugssl(ui, repo, source=None, **opts):
     '''test a secure connection to a server
@@ -3196,30 +3248,30 @@
     if not pycompat.iswindows:
         raise error.Abort(
-            _('certificate chain building is only possible on ' 'Windows')
+            _(b'certificate chain building is only possible on ' b'Windows')
     if not source:
         if not repo:
             raise error.Abort(
-                    "there is no Mercurial repository here, and no "
-                    "server specified"
+                    b"there is no Mercurial repository here, and no "
+                    b"server specified"
-        source = "default"
+        source = b"default"
     source, branches = hg.parseurl(ui.expandpath(source))
     url = util.url(source)
-    defaultport = {'https': 443, 'ssh': 22}
+    defaultport = {b'https': 443, b'ssh': 22}
     if url.scheme in defaultport:
             addr = (, int(url.port or defaultport[url.scheme]))
         except ValueError:
-            raise error.Abort(_("malformed port number in URL"))
+            raise error.Abort(_(b"malformed port number in URL"))
-        raise error.Abort(_("only https and ssh connections are supported"))
+        raise error.Abort(_(b"only https and ssh connections are supported"))
     from . import win32
@@ -3234,40 +3286,40 @@
         cert = s.getpeercert(True)
-        ui.status(_('checking the certificate chain for %s\n') %
+        ui.status(_(b'checking the certificate chain for %s\n') %
         complete = win32.checkcertificatechain(cert, build=False)
         if not complete:
-            ui.status(_('certificate chain is incomplete, updating... '))
+            ui.status(_(b'certificate chain is incomplete, updating... '))
             if not win32.checkcertificatechain(cert):
-                ui.status(_('failed.\n'))
+                ui.status(_(b'failed.\n'))
-                ui.status(_('done.\n'))
+                ui.status(_(b'done.\n'))
-            ui.status(_('full certificate chain is available\n'))
+            ui.status(_(b'full certificate chain is available\n'))
-    'debugsub',
-    [('r', 'rev', '', _('revision to check'), _('REV'))],
-    _('[-r REV] [REV]'),
+    b'debugsub',
+    [(b'r', b'rev', b'', _(b'revision to check'), _(b'REV'))],
+    _(b'[-r REV] [REV]'),
 def debugsub(ui, repo, rev=None):
     ctx = scmutil.revsingle(repo, rev, None)
     for k, v in sorted(ctx.substate.items()):
-        ui.write('path %s\n' % k)
-        ui.write(' source   %s\n' % v[0])
-        ui.write(' revision %s\n' % v[1])
+        ui.write(b'path %s\n' % k)
+        ui.write(b' source   %s\n' % v[0])
+        ui.write(b' revision %s\n' % v[1])
-    'debugsuccessorssets',
-    [('', 'closest', False, _('return closest successors sets only'))],
-    _('[REV]'),
+    b'debugsuccessorssets',
+    [(b'', b'closest', False, _(b'return closest successors sets only'))],
+    _(b'[REV]'),
 def debugsuccessorssets(ui, repo, *revs, **opts):
     """show set of successors for revision
@@ -3307,26 +3359,26 @@
     node2str = short
     for rev in scmutil.revrange(repo, revs):
         ctx = repo[rev]
-        ui.write('%s\n' % ctx2str(ctx))
+        ui.write(b'%s\n' % ctx2str(ctx))
         for succsset in obsutil.successorssets(
             repo, ctx.node(), closest=opts[r'closest'], cache=cache
             if succsset:
-                ui.write('    ')
+                ui.write(b'    ')
                 for node in succsset[1:]:
-                    ui.write(' ')
+                    ui.write(b' ')
-            ui.write('\n')
+            ui.write(b'\n')
-    'debugtemplate',
+    b'debugtemplate',
-        ('r', 'rev', [], _('apply template on changesets'), _('REV')),
-        ('D', 'define', [], _('define template keyword'), _('KEY=VALUE')),
+        (b'r', b'rev', [], _(b'apply template on changesets'), _(b'REV')),
+        (b'D', b'define', [], _(b'define template keyword'), _(b'KEY=VALUE')),
-    _('[-r REV]... [-D KEY=VALUE]... TEMPLATE'),
+    _(b'[-r REV]... [-D KEY=VALUE]... TEMPLATE'),
 def debugtemplate(ui, repo, tmpl, **opts):
@@ -3342,72 +3394,72 @@
     if opts[r'rev']:
         if repo is None:
             raise error.RepoError(
-                _('there is no Mercurial repository here ' '(.hg not found)')
+                _(b'there is no Mercurial repository here ' b'(.hg not found)')
         revs = scmutil.revrange(repo, opts[r'rev'])
     props = {}
     for d in opts[r'define']:
-            k, v = (e.strip() for e in d.split('=', 1))
-            if not k or k == 'ui':
+            k, v = (e.strip() for e in d.split(b'=', 1))
+            if not k or k == b'ui':
                 raise ValueError
             props[k] = v
         except ValueError:
-            raise error.Abort(_('malformed keyword definition: %s') % d)
+            raise error.Abort(_(b'malformed keyword definition: %s') % d)
     if ui.verbose:
-        aliases = ui.configitems('templatealias')
+        aliases = ui.configitems(b'templatealias')
         tree = templater.parse(tmpl)
-        ui.note(templater.prettyformat(tree), '\n')
+        ui.note(templater.prettyformat(tree), b'\n')
         newtree = templater.expandaliases(tree, aliases)
         if newtree != tree:
-            ui.note("* expanded:\n", templater.prettyformat(newtree), '\n')
+            ui.note(b"* expanded:\n", templater.prettyformat(newtree), b'\n')
     if revs is None:
         tres = formatter.templateresources(ui, repo)
         t = formatter.maketemplater(ui, tmpl, resources=tres)
         if ui.verbose:
             kwds, funcs = t.symbolsuseddefault()
-            ui.write("* keywords: %s\n" % ', '.join(sorted(kwds)))
-            ui.write("* functions: %s\n" % ', '.join(sorted(funcs)))
+            ui.write(b"* keywords: %s\n" % b', '.join(sorted(kwds)))
+            ui.write(b"* functions: %s\n" % b', '.join(sorted(funcs)))
         displayer = logcmdutil.maketemplater(ui, repo, tmpl)
         if ui.verbose:
             kwds, funcs = displayer.t.symbolsuseddefault()
-            ui.write("* keywords: %s\n" % ', '.join(sorted(kwds)))
-            ui.write("* functions: %s\n" % ', '.join(sorted(funcs)))
+            ui.write(b"* keywords: %s\n" % b', '.join(sorted(kwds)))
+            ui.write(b"* functions: %s\n" % b', '.join(sorted(funcs)))
         for r in revs:
   [r], **pycompat.strkwargs(props))
-    'debuguigetpass',
-    [('p', 'prompt', '', _('prompt text'), _('TEXT')),],
-    _('[-p TEXT]'),
+    b'debuguigetpass',
+    [(b'p', b'prompt', b'', _(b'prompt text'), _(b'TEXT')),],
+    _(b'[-p TEXT]'),
-def debuguigetpass(ui, prompt=''):
+def debuguigetpass(ui, prompt=b''):
     """show prompt to type password"""
     r = ui.getpass(prompt)
-    ui.write('respose: %s\n' % r)
+    ui.write(b'respose: %s\n' % r)
-    'debuguiprompt',
-    [('p', 'prompt', '', _('prompt text'), _('TEXT')),],
-    _('[-p TEXT]'),
+    b'debuguiprompt',
+    [(b'p', b'prompt', b'', _(b'prompt text'), _(b'TEXT')),],
+    _(b'[-p TEXT]'),
-def debuguiprompt(ui, prompt=''):
+def debuguiprompt(ui, prompt=b''):
     """show plain prompt"""
     r = ui.prompt(prompt)
-    ui.write('response: %s\n' % r)
-@command('debugupdatecaches', [])
+    ui.write(b'response: %s\n' % r)
+@command(b'debugupdatecaches', [])
 def debugupdatecaches(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
     """warm all known caches in the repository"""
     with repo.wlock(), repo.lock():
@@ -3415,13 +3467,19 @@
-    'debugupgraderepo',
+    b'debugupgraderepo',
-        ('o', 'optimize', [], _('extra optimization to perform'), _('NAME')),
-        ('', 'run', False, _('performs an upgrade')),
-        ('', 'backup', True, _('keep the old repository content around')),
-        ('', 'changelog', None, _('select the changelog for upgrade')),
-        ('', 'manifest', None, _('select the manifest for upgrade')),
+        (
+            b'o',
+            b'optimize',
+            [],
+            _(b'extra optimization to perform'),
+            _(b'NAME'),
+        ),
+        (b'', b'run', False, _(b'performs an upgrade')),
+        (b'', b'backup', True, _(b'keep the old repository content around')),
+        (b'', b'changelog', None, _(b'select the changelog for upgrade')),
+        (b'', b'manifest', None, _(b'select the manifest for upgrade')),
 def debugupgraderepo(ui, repo, run=False, optimize=None, backup=True, **opts):
@@ -3457,57 +3515,61 @@
-    'debugwalk', cmdutil.walkopts, _('[OPTION]... [FILE]...'), inferrepo=True
+    b'debugwalk', cmdutil.walkopts, _(b'[OPTION]... [FILE]...'), inferrepo=True
 def debugwalk(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
     """show how files match on given patterns"""
     opts = pycompat.byteskwargs(opts)
     m = scmutil.match(repo[None], pats, opts)
     if ui.verbose:
-        ui.write('* matcher:\n', stringutil.prettyrepr(m), '\n')
+        ui.write(b'* matcher:\n', stringutil.prettyrepr(m), b'\n')
     items = list(repo[None].walk(m))
     if not items:
     f = lambda fn: fn
-    if ui.configbool('ui', 'slash') and pycompat.ossep != '/':
+    if ui.configbool(b'ui', b'slash') and pycompat.ossep != b'/':
         f = lambda fn: util.normpath(fn)
-    fmt = 'f  %%-%ds  %%-%ds  %%s' % (
+    fmt = b'f  %%-%ds  %%-%ds  %%s' % (
         max([len(abs) for abs in items]),
         max([len(repo.pathto(abs)) for abs in items]),
     for abs in items:
-        line = fmt % (abs, f(repo.pathto(abs)), m.exact(abs) and 'exact' or '')
-        ui.write("%s\n" % line.rstrip())
-@command('debugwhyunstable', [], _('REV'))
+        line = fmt % (
+            abs,
+            f(repo.pathto(abs)),
+            m.exact(abs) and b'exact' or b'',
+        )
+        ui.write(b"%s\n" % line.rstrip())
+@command(b'debugwhyunstable', [], _(b'REV'))
 def debugwhyunstable(ui, repo, rev):
     """explain instabilities of a changeset"""
     for entry in obsutil.whyunstable(repo, scmutil.revsingle(repo, rev)):
-        dnodes = ''
-        if entry.get('divergentnodes'):
+        dnodes = b''
+        if entry.get(b'divergentnodes'):
             dnodes = (
-                ' '.join(
-                    '%s (%s)' % (ctx.hex(), ctx.phasestr())
-                    for ctx in entry['divergentnodes']
+                b' '.join(
+                    b'%s (%s)' % (ctx.hex(), ctx.phasestr())
+                    for ctx in entry[b'divergentnodes']
-                + ' '
+                + b' '
-            '%s: %s%s %s\n'
-            % (entry['instability'], dnodes, entry['reason'], entry['node'])
+            b'%s: %s%s %s\n'
+            % (entry[b'instability'], dnodes, entry[b'reason'], entry[b'node'])
-    'debugwireargs',
+    b'debugwireargs',
-        ('', 'three', '', 'three'),
-        ('', 'four', '', 'four'),
-        ('', 'five', '', 'five'),
+        (b'', b'three', b'', b'three'),
+        (b'', b'four', b'', b'four'),
+        (b'', b'five', b'', b'five'),
     + cmdutil.remoteopts,
-    _('REPO [OPTIONS]... [ONE [TWO]]'),
+    _(b'REPO [OPTIONS]... [ONE [TWO]]'),
 def debugwireargs(ui, repopath, *vals, **opts):
@@ -3523,9 +3585,9 @@
     # run twice to check that we don't mess up the stream for the next command
     res1 = repo.debugwireargs(*vals, **args)
     res2 = repo.debugwireargs(*vals, **args)
-    ui.write("%s\n" % res1)
+    ui.write(b"%s\n" % res1)
     if res1 != res2:
-        ui.warn("%s\n" % res2)
+        ui.warn(b"%s\n" % res2)
 def _parsewirelangblocks(fh):
@@ -3554,7 +3616,7 @@
         # Else we start with an indent.
         if not activeaction:
-            raise error.Abort(_('indented line outside of block'))
+            raise error.Abort(_(b'indented line outside of block'))
         indent = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
@@ -3571,20 +3633,25 @@
-    'debugwireproto',
+    b'debugwireproto',
-        ('', 'localssh', False, _('start an SSH server for this repo')),
-        ('', 'peer', '', _('construct a specific version of the peer')),
-        ('', 'noreadstderr', False, _('do not read from stderr of the remote')),
+        (b'', b'localssh', False, _(b'start an SSH server for this repo')),
+        (b'', b'peer', b'', _(b'construct a specific version of the peer')),
-            '',
-            'nologhandshake',
+            b'',
+            b'noreadstderr',
-            _('do not log I/O related to the peer handshake'),
+            _(b'do not read from stderr of the remote'),
+        ),
+        (
+            b'',
+            b'nologhandshake',
+            False,
+            _(b'do not log I/O related to the peer handshake'),
     + cmdutil.remoteopts,
-    _('[PATH]'),
+    _(b'[PATH]'),
 def debugwireproto(ui, repo, path=None, **opts):
@@ -3770,22 +3837,27 @@
     opts = pycompat.byteskwargs(opts)
-    if opts['localssh'] and not repo:
-        raise error.Abort(_('--localssh requires a repository'))
-    if opts['peer'] and opts['peer'] not in ('raw', 'http2', 'ssh1', 'ssh2'):
+    if opts[b'localssh'] and not repo:
+        raise error.Abort(_(b'--localssh requires a repository'))
+    if opts[b'peer'] and opts[b'peer'] not in (
+        b'raw',
+        b'http2',
+        b'ssh1',
+        b'ssh2',
+    ):
         raise error.Abort(
-            _('invalid value for --peer'),
-            hint=_('valid values are "raw", "ssh1", and "ssh2"'),
+            _(b'invalid value for --peer'),
+            hint=_(b'valid values are "raw", "ssh1", and "ssh2"'),
-    if path and opts['localssh']:
+    if path and opts[b'localssh']:
         raise error.Abort(
-            _('cannot specify --localssh with an explicit ' 'path')
+            _(b'cannot specify --localssh with an explicit ' b'path')
     if ui.interactive():
-        ui.write(_('(waiting for commands on stdin)\n'))
+        ui.write(_(b'(waiting for commands on stdin)\n'))
     blocks = list(_parsewirelangblocks(ui.fin))
@@ -3795,15 +3867,15 @@
     stderr = None
     opener = None
-    if opts['localssh']:
+    if opts[b'localssh']:
         # We start the SSH server in its own process so there is process
         # separation. This prevents a whole class of potential bugs around
         # shared state from interfering with server operation.
         args = procutil.hgcmd() + [
-            '-R',
+            b'-R',
-            'debugserve',
-            '--sshstdio',
+            b'debugserve',
+            b'--sshstdio',
         proc = subprocess.Popen(
             pycompat.rapply(procutil.tonativestr, args),
@@ -3818,7 +3890,7 @@
         stderr = proc.stderr
         # We turn the pipes into observers so we can log I/O.
-        if ui.verbose or opts['peer'] == 'raw':
+        if ui.verbose or opts[b'peer'] == b'raw':
             stdin = util.makeloggingfileobject(
                 ui, proc.stdin, b'i', logdata=True
@@ -3831,11 +3903,11 @@
         # --localssh also implies the peer connection settings.
-        url = 'ssh://localserver'
-        autoreadstderr = not opts['noreadstderr']
-        if opts['peer'] == 'ssh1':
-            ui.write(_('creating ssh peer for wire protocol version 1\n'))
+        url = b'ssh://localserver'
+        autoreadstderr = not opts[b'noreadstderr']
+        if opts[b'peer'] == b'ssh1':
+            ui.write(_(b'creating ssh peer for wire protocol version 1\n'))
             peer = sshpeer.sshv1peer(
@@ -3846,8 +3918,8 @@
-        elif opts['peer'] == 'ssh2':
-            ui.write(_('creating ssh peer for wire protocol version 2\n'))
+        elif opts[b'peer'] == b'ssh2':
+            ui.write(_(b'creating ssh peer for wire protocol version 2\n'))
             peer = sshpeer.sshv2peer(
@@ -3858,11 +3930,11 @@
-        elif opts['peer'] == 'raw':
-            ui.write(_('using raw connection to peer\n'))
+        elif opts[b'peer'] == b'raw':
+            ui.write(_(b'using raw connection to peer\n'))
             peer = None
-            ui.write(_('creating ssh peer from handshake results\n'))
+            ui.write(_(b'creating ssh peer from handshake results\n'))
             peer = sshpeer.makepeer(
@@ -3878,8 +3950,8 @@
         # TODO consider not doing this because we skip
         # ``hg.wirepeersetupfuncs`` and potentially other useful functionality.
         u = util.url(path)
-        if u.scheme != 'http':
-            raise error.Abort(_('only http:// paths are currently supported'))
+        if u.scheme != b'http':
+            raise error.Abort(_(b'only http:// paths are currently supported'))
         url, authinfo = u.authinfo()
         openerargs = {
@@ -3902,94 +3974,94 @@
         # Don't send default headers when in raw mode. This allows us to
         # bypass most of the behavior of our URL handling code so we can
         # have near complete control over what's sent on the wire.
-        if opts['peer'] == 'raw':
+        if opts[b'peer'] == b'raw':
             openerargs[r'sendaccept'] = False
         opener = urlmod.opener(ui, authinfo, **openerargs)
-        if opts['peer'] == 'http2':
-            ui.write(_('creating http peer for wire protocol version 2\n'))
+        if opts[b'peer'] == b'http2':
+            ui.write(_(b'creating http peer for wire protocol version 2\n'))
             # We go through makepeer() because we need an API descriptor for
             # the peer instance to be useful.
             with ui.configoverride(
-                {('experimental', 'httppeer.advertise-v2'): True}
+                {(b'experimental', b'httppeer.advertise-v2'): True}
-                if opts['nologhandshake']:
+                if opts[b'nologhandshake']:
                 peer = httppeer.makepeer(ui, path, opener=opener)
-                if opts['nologhandshake']:
+                if opts[b'nologhandshake']:
             if not isinstance(peer, httppeer.httpv2peer):
                 raise error.Abort(
-                        'could not instantiate HTTP peer for '
-                        'wire protocol version 2'
+                        b'could not instantiate HTTP peer for '
+                        b'wire protocol version 2'
-                        'the server may not have the feature '
-                        'enabled or is not allowing this '
-                        'client version'
+                        b'the server may not have the feature '
+                        b'enabled or is not allowing this '
+                        b'client version'
-        elif opts['peer'] == 'raw':
-            ui.write(_('using raw connection to peer\n'))
+        elif opts[b'peer'] == b'raw':
+            ui.write(_(b'using raw connection to peer\n'))
             peer = None
-        elif opts['peer']:
+        elif opts[b'peer']:
             raise error.Abort(
-                _('--peer %s not supported with HTTP peers') % opts['peer']
+                _(b'--peer %s not supported with HTTP peers') % opts[b'peer']
             peer = httppeer.makepeer(ui, path, opener=opener)
         # We /could/ populate stdin/stdout with sock.makefile()...
-        raise error.Abort(_('unsupported connection configuration'))
+        raise error.Abort(_(b'unsupported connection configuration'))
     batchedcommands = None
     # Now perform actions based on the parsed wire language instructions.
     for action, lines in blocks:
-        if action in ('raw', 'raw+'):
+        if action in (b'raw', b'raw+'):
             if not stdin:
-                raise error.Abort(_('cannot call raw/raw+ on this peer'))
+                raise error.Abort(_(b'cannot call raw/raw+ on this peer'))
             # Concatenate the data together.
-            data = ''.join(l.lstrip() for l in lines)
+            data = b''.join(l.lstrip() for l in lines)
             data = stringutil.unescapestr(data)
-            if action == 'raw+':
+            if action == b'raw+':
-        elif action == 'flush':
+        elif action == b'flush':
             if not stdin:
-                raise error.Abort(_('cannot call flush on this peer'))
+                raise error.Abort(_(b'cannot call flush on this peer'))
-        elif action.startswith('command'):
+        elif action.startswith(b'command'):
             if not peer:
                 raise error.Abort(
-                        'cannot send commands unless peer instance '
-                        'is available'
+                        b'cannot send commands unless peer instance '
+                        b'is available'
-            command = action.split(' ', 1)[1]
+            command = action.split(b' ', 1)[1]
             args = {}
             for line in lines:
                 # We need to allow empty values.
-                fields = line.lstrip().split(' ', 1)
+                fields = line.lstrip().split(b' ', 1)
                 if len(fields) == 1:
                     key = fields[0]
-                    value = ''
+                    value = b''
                     key, value = fields
-                if value.startswith('eval:'):
+                if value.startswith(b'eval:'):
                     value = stringutil.evalpythonliteral(value[5:])
                     value = stringutil.unescapestr(value)
@@ -4000,17 +4072,17 @@
                 batchedcommands.append((command, args))
-            ui.status(_('sending %s command\n') % command)
-            if 'PUSHFILE' in args:
-                with open(args['PUSHFILE'], r'rb') as fh:
-                    del args['PUSHFILE']
+            ui.status(_(b'sending %s command\n') % command)
+            if b'PUSHFILE' in args:
+                with open(args[b'PUSHFILE'], r'rb') as fh:
+                    del args[b'PUSHFILE']
                     res, output = peer._callpush(
                         command, fh, **pycompat.strkwargs(args)
-                    ui.status(_('result: %s\n') % stringutil.escapestr(res))
+                    ui.status(_(b'result: %s\n') % stringutil.escapestr(res))
-                        _('remote output: %s\n') % stringutil.escapestr(output)
+                        _(b'remote output: %s\n') % stringutil.escapestr(output)
                 with peer.commandexecutor() as e:
@@ -4019,46 +4091,47 @@
                 if isinstance(res, wireprotov2peer.commandresponse):
                     val = res.objects()
-                        _('response: %s\n')
+                        _(b'response: %s\n')
                         % stringutil.pprint(val, bprefix=True, indent=2)
-                        _('response: %s\n')
+                        _(b'response: %s\n')
                         % stringutil.pprint(res, bprefix=True, indent=2)
-        elif action == 'batchbegin':
+        elif action == b'batchbegin':
             if batchedcommands is not None:
-                raise error.Abort(_('nested batchbegin not allowed'))
+                raise error.Abort(_(b'nested batchbegin not allowed'))
             batchedcommands = []
-        elif action == 'batchsubmit':
+        elif action == b'batchsubmit':
             # There is a batching API we could go through. But it would be
             # difficult to normalize requests into function calls. It is easier
             # to bypass this layer and normalize to commands + args.
-                _('sending batch with %d sub-commands\n') % len(batchedcommands)
+                _(b'sending batch with %d sub-commands\n')
+                % len(batchedcommands)
             for i, chunk in enumerate(peer._submitbatch(batchedcommands)):
-                    _('response #%d: %s\n') % (i, stringutil.escapestr(chunk))
+                    _(b'response #%d: %s\n') % (i, stringutil.escapestr(chunk))
             batchedcommands = None
-        elif action.startswith('httprequest '):
+        elif action.startswith(b'httprequest '):
             if not opener:
                 raise error.Abort(
-                    _('cannot use httprequest without an HTTP ' 'peer')
+                    _(b'cannot use httprequest without an HTTP ' b'peer')
-            request = action.split(' ', 2)
+            request = action.split(b' ', 2)
             if len(request) != 3:
                 raise error.Abort(
-                        'invalid httprequest: expected format is '
-                        '"httprequest <method> <path>'
+                        b'invalid httprequest: expected format is '
+                        b'"httprequest <method> <path>'
@@ -4077,7 +4150,7 @@
                 if line.startswith(b'BODYFILE '):
-                    with open(line.split(b' ', 1), 'rb') as fh:
+                    with open(line.split(b' ', 1), b'rb') as fh:
                         body =
                 elif line.startswith(b'frame '):
                     frame = wireprotoframing.makeframefromhumanstring(
@@ -4087,7 +4160,7 @@
                     raise error.Abort(
-                        _('unknown argument to httprequest: %s') % line
+                        _(b'unknown argument to httprequest: %s') % line
             url = path + httppath
@@ -4113,45 +4186,47 @@
             ct = res.headers.get(r'Content-Type')
             if ct == r'application/mercurial-cbor':
-                    _('cbor> %s\n')
+                    _(b'cbor> %s\n')
                     % stringutil.pprint(
                         cborutil.decodeall(body), bprefix=True, indent=2
-        elif action == 'close':
+        elif action == b'close':
-        elif action == 'readavailable':
+        elif action == b'readavailable':
             if not stdout or not stderr:
-                raise error.Abort(_('readavailable not available on this peer'))
+                raise error.Abort(
+                    _(b'readavailable not available on this peer')
+                )
-        elif action == 'readline':
+        elif action == b'readline':
             if not stdout:
-                raise error.Abort(_('readline not available on this peer'))
+                raise error.Abort(_(b'readline not available on this peer'))
-        elif action == 'ereadline':
+        elif action == b'ereadline':
             if not stderr:
-                raise error.Abort(_('ereadline not available on this peer'))
+                raise error.Abort(_(b'ereadline not available on this peer'))
-        elif action.startswith('read '):
-            count = int(action.split(' ', 1)[1])
+        elif action.startswith(b'read '):
+            count = int(action.split(b' ', 1)[1])
             if not stdout:
-                raise error.Abort(_('read not available on this peer'))
+                raise error.Abort(_(b'read not available on this peer'))
-        elif action.startswith('eread '):
-            count = int(action.split(' ', 1)[1])
+        elif action.startswith(b'eread '):
+            count = int(action.split(b' ', 1)[1])
             if not stderr:
-                raise error.Abort(_('eread not available on this peer'))
+                raise error.Abort(_(b'eread not available on this peer'))
-            raise error.Abort(_('unknown action: %s') % action)
+            raise error.Abort(_(b'unknown action: %s') % action)
     if batchedcommands is not None:
-        raise error.Abort(_('unclosed "batchbegin" request'))
+        raise error.Abort(_(b'unclosed "batchbegin" request'))
     if peer: