changeset 5556 61fdf2558c0a
parent 5554 2147a734dcf9
child 5631 96e16af92f2b
--- a/hgext/convert/__init__.py	Mon Nov 26 17:24:21 2007 -0800
+++ b/hgext/convert/__init__.py	Tue Nov 27 09:44:09 2007 -0800
@@ -332,6 +332,24 @@
     The 'rename' directive renames a file or directory.  To rename from a
     subdirectory into the root of the repository, use '.' as the path to
     rename to.
+    Back end options:
+    --config convert.hg.clonebranches=False   (boolean)
+        hg target: XXX not documented
+    --config convert.hg.saverev=True          (boolean)
+        hg source: allow target to preserve source revision ID
+    --config convert.hg.tagsbranch=default    (branch name)
+        hg target: XXX not documented
+    --config convert.hg.usebranchnames=True   (boolean)
+        hg target: preserve branch names
+    --config convert.svn.branches=branches    (directory name)
+        svn source: specify the directory containing branches
+    --config convert.svn.tags=tags            (directory name)
+        svn source: specify the directory containing tags
+    --config convert.svn.trunk=trunk          (directory name)
+        svn source: specify the name of the trunk branch
     util._encoding = 'UTF-8'