changeset 48069 3d0a9c6e614d
parent 48068 bf8837e3d7ce
child 48071 adb367f0e9a2
--- a/rust/hg-core/src/dirstate_tree/	Mon Sep 27 12:09:15 2021 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-use std::path::PathBuf;
-use crate::dirstate::parsers::Timestamp;
-use crate::dirstate::CopyMapIter;
-use crate::dirstate::StateMapIter;
-use crate::dirstate_tree::on_disk::DirstateV2ParseError;
-use crate::matchers::Matcher;
-use crate::utils::hg_path::{HgPath, HgPathBuf};
-use crate::DirstateEntry;
-use crate::DirstateError;
-use crate::DirstateParents;
-use crate::DirstateStatus;
-use crate::PatternFileWarning;
-use crate::StatusError;
-use crate::StatusOptions;
-/// `rust/hg-cpython/src/dirstate/` implements in Rust a
-/// `DirstateMap` Python class that wraps `Box<dyn DirstateMapMethods + Send>`,
-/// a trait object of this trait. Except for constructors, this trait defines
-/// all APIs that the class needs to interact with its inner dirstate map.
-/// A trait object is used to support two different concrete types:
-/// * `rust/hg-core/src/dirstate/` defines the "flat dirstate
-///   map" which is based on a few large `HgPath`-keyed `HashMap` and `HashSet`
-///   fields.
-/// * `rust/hg-core/src/dirstate_tree/` defines the "tree
-///   dirstate map" based on a tree data struture with nodes for directories
-///   containing child nodes for their files and sub-directories. This tree
-///   enables a more efficient algorithm for `hg status`, but its details are
-///   abstracted in this trait.
-/// The dirstate map associates paths of files in the working directory to
-/// various information about the state of those files.
-pub trait DirstateMapMethods {
-    /// Remove information about all files in this map
-    fn clear(&mut self);
-    /// Add the given filename to the map if it is not already there, and
-    /// associate the given entry with it.
-    fn set_entry(
-        &mut self,
-        filename: &HgPath,
-        entry: DirstateEntry,
-    ) -> Result<(), DirstateV2ParseError>;
-    /// Add or change the information associated to a given file.
-    fn add_file(
-        &mut self,
-        filename: &HgPath,
-        entry: DirstateEntry,
-    ) -> Result<(), DirstateError>;
-    /// Mark a file as "removed" (as in `hg rm`).
-    fn remove_file(
-        &mut self,
-        filename: &HgPath,
-        in_merge: bool,
-    ) -> Result<(), DirstateError>;
-    /// Drop information about this file from the map if any.
-    ///
-    /// `get` will now return `None` for this filename.
-    fn drop_entry_and_copy_source(
-        &mut self,
-        filename: &HgPath,
-    ) -> Result<(), DirstateError>;
-    /// Returns whether the sub-tree rooted at the given directory contains any
-    /// tracked file.
-    ///
-    /// A file is tracked if it has a `state` other than `EntryState::Removed`.
-    fn has_tracked_dir(
-        &mut self,
-        directory: &HgPath,
-    ) -> Result<bool, DirstateError>;
-    /// Returns whether the sub-tree rooted at the given directory contains any
-    /// file with a dirstate entry.
-    fn has_dir(&mut self, directory: &HgPath) -> Result<bool, DirstateError>;
-    /// Clear mtimes equal to `now` in entries with `state ==
-    /// EntryState::Normal`, and serialize bytes to write the `.hg/dirstate`
-    /// file to disk in dirstate-v1 format.
-    fn pack_v1(
-        &mut self,
-        parents: DirstateParents,
-        now: Timestamp,
-    ) -> Result<Vec<u8>, DirstateError>;
-    /// Clear mtimes equal to `now` in entries with `state ==
-    /// EntryState::Normal`, and serialize  bytes to write a dirstate data file
-    /// to disk in dirstate-v2 format.
-    ///
-    /// Returns new data and metadata together with whether that data should be
-    /// appended to the existing data file whose content is at
-    /// `self.on_disk` (true), instead of written to a new data file
-    /// (false).
-    ///
-    /// Note: this is only supported by the tree dirstate map.
-    fn pack_v2(
-        &mut self,
-        now: Timestamp,
-        can_append: bool,
-    ) -> Result<(Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>, bool), DirstateError>;
-    /// Run the status algorithm.
-    ///
-    /// This is not sematically a method of the dirstate map, but a different
-    /// algorithm is used for the flat v.s. tree dirstate map so having it in
-    /// this trait enables the same dynamic dispatch as with other methods.
-    fn status<'a>(
-        &'a mut self,
-        matcher: &'a (dyn Matcher + Sync),
-        root_dir: PathBuf,
-        ignore_files: Vec<PathBuf>,
-        options: StatusOptions,
-    ) -> Result<(DirstateStatus<'a>, Vec<PatternFileWarning>), StatusError>;
-    /// Returns how many files in the dirstate map have a recorded copy source.
-    fn copy_map_len(&self) -> usize;
-    /// Returns an iterator of `(path, copy_source)` for all files that have a
-    /// copy source.
-    fn copy_map_iter(&self) -> CopyMapIter<'_>;
-    /// Returns whether the givef file has a copy source.
-    fn copy_map_contains_key(
-        &self,
-        key: &HgPath,
-    ) -> Result<bool, DirstateV2ParseError>;
-    /// Returns the copy source for the given file.
-    fn copy_map_get(
-        &self,
-        key: &HgPath,
-    ) -> Result<Option<&HgPath>, DirstateV2ParseError>;
-    /// Removes the recorded copy source if any for the given file, and returns
-    /// it.
-    fn copy_map_remove(
-        &mut self,
-        key: &HgPath,
-    ) -> Result<Option<HgPathBuf>, DirstateV2ParseError>;
-    /// Set the given `value` copy source for the given `key` file.
-    fn copy_map_insert(
-        &mut self,
-        key: HgPathBuf,
-        value: HgPathBuf,
-    ) -> Result<Option<HgPathBuf>, DirstateV2ParseError>;
-    /// Returns the number of files that have an entry.
-    fn len(&self) -> usize;
-    /// Returns whether the given file has an entry.
-    fn contains_key(&self, key: &HgPath)
-        -> Result<bool, DirstateV2ParseError>;
-    /// Returns the entry, if any, for the given file.
-    fn get(
-        &self,
-        key: &HgPath,
-    ) -> Result<Option<DirstateEntry>, DirstateV2ParseError>;
-    /// Returns a `(path, entry)` iterator of files that have an entry.
-    ///
-    /// Because parse errors can happen during iteration, the iterated items
-    /// are `Result`s.
-    fn iter(&self) -> StateMapIter<'_>;
-    /// Returns an iterator of tracked directories.
-    ///
-    /// This is the paths for which `has_tracked_dir` would return true.
-    /// Or, in other words, the union of ancestor paths of all paths that have
-    /// an associated entry in a "tracked" state in this dirstate map.
-    ///
-    /// Because parse errors can happen during iteration, the iterated items
-    /// are `Result`s.
-    fn iter_tracked_dirs(
-        &mut self,
-    ) -> Result<
-        Box<
-            dyn Iterator<Item = Result<&HgPath, DirstateV2ParseError>>
-                + Send
-                + '_,
-        >,
-        DirstateError,
-    >;
-    /// Return an iterator of `(path, (state, mode, size, mtime))` for every
-    /// node stored in this dirstate map, for the purpose of the `hg
-    /// debugdirstate` command.
-    ///
-    /// If `all` is true, include  nodes that don’t have an entry.
-    /// For such nodes `state` is the ASCII space.
-    /// An `mtime` may still be present. It is used to optimize `status`.
-    ///
-    /// Because parse errors can happen during iteration, the iterated items
-    /// are `Result`s.
-    fn debug_iter(
-        &self,
-        all: bool,
-    ) -> Box<
-        dyn Iterator<
-                Item = Result<
-                    (&HgPath, (u8, i32, i32, i32)),
-                    DirstateV2ParseError,
-                >,
-            > + Send
-            + '_,
-    >;