changeset 11301 3d0591a66118
parent 11230 5116a077c3da
child 11303 a1aad8333864
--- a/mercurial/	Mon Jun 07 16:29:06 2010 +0200
+++ b/mercurial/	Mon Jun 07 18:35:54 2010 +0200
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 from node import bin, hex, nullid, nullrev, short
 from i18n import _
-import repo, changegroup, subrepo
+import repo, changegroup, subrepo, discovery
 import changelog, dirstate, filelog, manifest, context
 import lock, transaction, store, encoding
 import util, extensions, hook, error
@@ -1272,222 +1272,12 @@
         return r
-    def findincoming(self, remote, base=None, heads=None, force=False):
-        """Return list of roots of the subsets of missing nodes from remote
-        If base dict is specified, assume that these nodes and their parents
-        exist on the remote side and that no child of a node of base exists
-        in both remote and self.
-        Furthermore base will be updated to include the nodes that exists
-        in self and remote but no children exists in self and remote.
-        If a list of heads is specified, return only nodes which are heads
-        or ancestors of these heads.
-        All the ancestors of base are in self and in remote.
-        All the descendants of the list returned are missing in self.
-        (and so we know that the rest of the nodes are missing in remote, see
-        outgoing)
-        """
-        return self.findcommonincoming(remote, base, heads, force)[1]
-    def findcommonincoming(self, remote, base=None, heads=None, force=False):
-        """Return a tuple (common, missing roots, heads) used to identify
-        missing nodes from remote.
-        If base dict is specified, assume that these nodes and their parents
-        exist on the remote side and that no child of a node of base exists
-        in both remote and self.
-        Furthermore base will be updated to include the nodes that exists
-        in self and remote but no children exists in self and remote.
-        If a list of heads is specified, return only nodes which are heads
-        or ancestors of these heads.
-        All the ancestors of base are in self and in remote.
-        """
-        m = self.changelog.nodemap
-        search = []
-        fetch = set()
-        seen = set()
-        seenbranch = set()
-        if base is None:
-            base = {}
-        if not heads:
-            heads = remote.heads()
-        if self.changelog.tip() == nullid:
-            base[nullid] = 1
-            if heads != [nullid]:
-                return [nullid], [nullid], list(heads)
-            return [nullid], [], []
-        # assume we're closer to the tip than the root
-        # and start by examining the heads
-        self.ui.status(_("searching for changes\n"))
-        unknown = []
-        for h in heads:
-            if h not in m:
-                unknown.append(h)
-            else:
-                base[h] = 1
-        heads = unknown
-        if not unknown:
-            return base.keys(), [], []
-        req = set(unknown)
-        reqcnt = 0
-        # search through remote branches
-        # a 'branch' here is a linear segment of history, with four parts:
-        # head, root, first parent, second parent
-        # (a branch always has two parents (or none) by definition)
-        unknown = remote.branches(unknown)
-        while unknown:
-            r = []
-            while unknown:
-                n = unknown.pop(0)
-                if n[0] in seen:
-                    continue
-                self.ui.debug("examining %s:%s\n"
-                              % (short(n[0]), short(n[1])))
-                if n[0] == nullid: # found the end of the branch
-                    pass
-                elif n in seenbranch:
-                    self.ui.debug("branch already found\n")
-                    continue
-                elif n[1] and n[1] in m: # do we know the base?
-                    self.ui.debug("found incomplete branch %s:%s\n"
-                                  % (short(n[0]), short(n[1])))
-                    search.append(n[0:2]) # schedule branch range for scanning
-                    seenbranch.add(n)
-                else:
-                    if n[1] not in seen and n[1] not in fetch:
-                        if n[2] in m and n[3] in m:
-                            self.ui.debug("found new changeset %s\n" %
-                                          short(n[1]))
-                            fetch.add(n[1]) # earliest unknown
-                        for p in n[2:4]:
-                            if p in m:
-                                base[p] = 1 # latest known
-                    for p in n[2:4]:
-                        if p not in req and p not in m:
-                            r.append(p)
-                            req.add(p)
-                seen.add(n[0])
-            if r:
-                reqcnt += 1
-                self.ui.progress(_('searching'), reqcnt, unit=_('queries'))
-                self.ui.debug("request %d: %s\n" %
-                            (reqcnt, " ".join(map(short, r))))
-                for p in xrange(0, len(r), 10):
-                    for b in remote.branches(r[p:p + 10]):
-                        self.ui.debug("received %s:%s\n" %
-                                      (short(b[0]), short(b[1])))
-                        unknown.append(b)
-        # do binary search on the branches we found
-        while search:
-            newsearch = []
-            reqcnt += 1
-            self.ui.progress(_('searching'), reqcnt, unit=_('queries'))
-            for n, l in zip(search, remote.between(search)):
-                l.append(n[1])
-                p = n[0]
-                f = 1
-                for i in l:
-                    self.ui.debug("narrowing %d:%d %s\n" % (f, len(l), short(i)))
-                    if i in m:
-                        if f <= 2:
-                            self.ui.debug("found new branch changeset %s\n" %
-                                              short(p))
-                            fetch.add(p)
-                            base[i] = 1
-                        else:
-                            self.ui.debug("narrowed branch search to %s:%s\n"
-                                          % (short(p), short(i)))
-                            newsearch.append((p, i))
-                        break
-                    p, f = i, f * 2
-                search = newsearch
-        # sanity check our fetch list
-        for f in fetch:
-            if f in m:
-                raise error.RepoError(_("already have changeset ")
-                                      + short(f[:4]))
-        if base.keys() == [nullid]:
-            if force:
-                self.ui.warn(_("warning: repository is unrelated\n"))
-            else:
-                raise util.Abort(_("repository is unrelated"))
-        self.ui.debug("found new changesets starting at " +
-                     " ".join([short(f) for f in fetch]) + "\n")
-        self.ui.progress(_('searching'), None)
-        self.ui.debug("%d total queries\n" % reqcnt)
-        return base.keys(), list(fetch), heads
-    def findoutgoing(self, remote, base=None, heads=None, force=False):
-        """Return list of nodes that are roots of subsets not in remote
-        If base dict is specified, assume that these nodes and their parents
-        exist on the remote side.
-        If a list of heads is specified, return only nodes which are heads
-        or ancestors of these heads, and return a second element which
-        contains all remote heads which get new children.
-        """
-        if base is None:
-            base = {}
-            self.findincoming(remote, base, heads, force=force)
-        self.ui.debug("common changesets up to "
-                      + " ".join(map(short, base.keys())) + "\n")
-        remain = set(self.changelog.nodemap)
-        # prune everything remote has from the tree
-        remain.remove(nullid)
-        remove = base.keys()
-        while remove:
-            n = remove.pop(0)
-            if n in remain:
-                remain.remove(n)
-                for p in self.changelog.parents(n):
-                    remove.append(p)
-        # find every node whose parents have been pruned
-        subset = []
-        # find every remote head that will get new children
-        updated_heads = set()
-        for n in remain:
-            p1, p2 = self.changelog.parents(n)
-            if p1 not in remain and p2 not in remain:
-                subset.append(n)
-            if heads:
-                if p1 in heads:
-                    updated_heads.add(p1)
-                if p2 in heads:
-                    updated_heads.add(p2)
-        # this is the set of all roots we have to push
-        if heads:
-            return subset, list(updated_heads)
-        else:
-            return subset
     def pull(self, remote, heads=None, force=False):
         lock = self.lock()
-            common, fetch, rheads = self.findcommonincoming(remote, heads=heads,
-                                                            force=force)
+            tmp = discovery.findcommonincoming(self, remote, heads=heads,
+                                               force=force)
+            common, fetch, rheads = tmp
             if not fetch:
                 self.ui.status(_("no changes found\n"))
                 return 0
@@ -1530,135 +1320,6 @@
             return self.push_unbundle(remote, force, revs, newbranch)
         return self.push_addchangegroup(remote, force, revs, newbranch)
-    def prepush(self, remote, force, revs, newbranch):
-        '''Analyze the local and remote repositories and determine which
-        changesets need to be pushed to the remote. Return value depends
-        on circumstances:
-        If we are not going to push anything, return a tuple (None,
-        outgoing) where outgoing is 0 if there are no outgoing
-        changesets and 1 if there are, but we refuse to push them
-        (e.g. would create new remote heads).
-        Otherwise, return a tuple (changegroup, remoteheads), where
-        changegroup is a readable file-like object whose read() returns
-        successive changegroup chunks ready to be sent over the wire and
-        remoteheads is the list of remote heads.'''
-        common = {}
-        remote_heads = remote.heads()
-        inc = self.findincoming(remote, common, remote_heads, force=force)
-        cl = self.changelog
-        update, updated_heads = self.findoutgoing(remote, common, remote_heads)
-        outg, bases, heads = cl.nodesbetween(update, revs)
-        if not bases:
-            self.ui.status(_("no changes found\n"))
-            return None, 1
-        if not force and remote_heads != [nullid]:
-            def fail_multiple_heads(unsynced, branch=None):
-                if branch:
-                    msg = _("abort: push creates new remote heads"
-                            " on branch '%s'!\n") % branch
-                else:
-                    msg = _("abort: push creates new remote heads!\n")
-                self.ui.warn(msg)
-                if unsynced:
-                    self.ui.status(_("(you should pull and merge or"
-                                     " use push -f to force)\n"))
-                else:
-                    self.ui.status(_("(did you forget to merge?"
-                                     " use push -f to force)\n"))
-                return None, 0
-            if remote.capable('branchmap'):
-                # Check for each named branch if we're creating new remote heads.
-                # To be a remote head after push, node must be either:
-                # - unknown locally
-                # - a local outgoing head descended from update
-                # - a remote head that's known locally and not
-                #   ancestral to an outgoing head
-                #
-                # New named branches cannot be created without --force.
-                # 1. Create set of branches involved in the push.
-                branches = set(self[n].branch() for n in outg)
-                # 2. Check for new branches on the remote.
-                remotemap = remote.branchmap()
-                newbranches = branches - set(remotemap)
-                if newbranches and not newbranch: # new branch requires --new-branch
-                    branchnames = ', '.join("%s" % b for b in newbranches)
-                    self.ui.warn(_("abort: push creates "
-                                   "new remote branches: %s!\n")
-                                 % branchnames)
-                    self.ui.status(_("(use 'hg push --new-branch' to create new "
-                                     "remote branches)\n"))
-                    return None, 0
-                branches.difference_update(newbranches)
-                # 3. Construct the initial oldmap and newmap dicts.
-                # They contain information about the remote heads before and
-                # after the push, respectively.
-                # Heads not found locally are not included in either dict,
-                # since they won't be affected by the push.
-                # unsynced contains all branches with incoming changesets.
-                oldmap = {}
-                newmap = {}
-                unsynced = set()
-                for branch in branches:
-                    remoteheads = remotemap[branch]
-                    prunedheads = [h for h in remoteheads if h in cl.nodemap]
-                    oldmap[branch] = prunedheads
-                    newmap[branch] = list(prunedheads)
-                    if len(remoteheads) > len(prunedheads):
-                        unsynced.add(branch)
-                # 4. Update newmap with outgoing changes.
-                # This will possibly add new heads and remove existing ones.
-                ctxgen = (self[n] for n in outg)
-                self._updatebranchcache(newmap, ctxgen)
-                # 5. Check for new heads.
-                # If there are more heads after the push than before, a suitable
-                # warning, depending on unsynced status, is displayed.
-                for branch in branches:
-                    if len(newmap[branch]) > len(oldmap[branch]):
-                        return fail_multiple_heads(branch in unsynced, branch)
-                # 6. Check for unsynced changes on involved branches.
-                if unsynced:
-                    self.ui.warn(_("note: unsynced remote changes!\n"))
-            else:
-                # Old servers: Check for new topological heads.
-                # Code based on _updatebranchcache.
-                newheads = set(h for h in remote_heads if h in cl.nodemap)
-                oldheadcnt = len(newheads)
-                newheads.update(outg)
-                if len(newheads) > 1:
-                    for latest in reversed(outg):
-                        if latest not in newheads:
-                            continue
-                        minhrev = min(cl.rev(h) for h in newheads)
-                        reachable = cl.reachable(latest, cl.node(minhrev))
-                        reachable.remove(latest)
-                        newheads.difference_update(reachable)
-                if len(newheads) > oldheadcnt:
-                    return fail_multiple_heads(inc)
-                if inc:
-                    self.ui.warn(_("note: unsynced remote changes!\n"))
-        if revs is None:
-            # use the fast path, no race possible on push
-            nodes = self.changelog.findmissing(common.keys())
-            cg = self._changegroup(nodes, 'push')
-        else:
-            cg = self.changegroupsubset(update, revs, 'push')
-        return cg, remote_heads
     def push_addchangegroup(self, remote, force, revs, newbranch):
         '''Push a changegroup by locking the remote and sending the
         addchangegroup command to it. Used for local and old SSH repos.
@@ -1666,7 +1327,7 @@
         lock = remote.lock()
-            ret = self.prepush(remote, force, revs, newbranch)
+            ret = discovery.prepush(self, remote, force, revs, newbranch)
             if ret[0] is not None:
                 cg, remote_heads = ret
                 # here, we return an integer indicating remote head count change
@@ -1685,7 +1346,7 @@
         # different heads (someone else won commit/push race), server
         # aborts.
-        ret = self.prepush(remote, force, revs, newbranch)
+        ret = discovery.prepush(self, remote, force, revs, newbranch)
         if ret[0] is not None:
             cg, remote_heads = ret
             if force: