changeset 40495 3a333a582d7b
child 40502 6d64e2abe8d3
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hgext/remotefilelog/fileserverclient.py	Thu Sep 27 13:03:19 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,648 @@
+# fileserverclient.py - client for communicating with the cache process
+# Copyright 2013 Facebook, Inc.
+# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
+# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import hashlib
+import io
+import os
+import struct
+import threading
+import time
+from mercurial.i18n import _
+from mercurial.node import bin, hex, nullid
+from mercurial import (
+    error,
+    revlog,
+    sshpeer,
+    util,
+    wireprotov1peer,
+from mercurial.utils import procutil
+from . import (
+    constants,
+    contentstore,
+    lz4wrapper,
+    metadatastore,
+    shallowutil,
+    wirepack,
+_sshv1peer = sshpeer.sshv1peer
+# Statistics for debugging
+fetchcost = 0
+fetches = 0
+fetched = 0
+fetchmisses = 0
+_lfsmod = None
+_downloading = _('downloading')
+def getcachekey(reponame, file, id):
+    pathhash = hashlib.sha1(file).hexdigest()
+    return os.path.join(reponame, pathhash[:2], pathhash[2:], id)
+def getlocalkey(file, id):
+    pathhash = hashlib.sha1(file).hexdigest()
+    return os.path.join(pathhash, id)
+def peersetup(ui, peer):
+    class remotefilepeer(peer.__class__):
+        @wireprotov1peer.batchable
+        def getfile(self, file, node):
+            if not self.capable('getfile'):
+                raise error.Abort(
+                    'configured remotefile server does not support getfile')
+            f = wireprotov1peer.future()
+            yield {'file': file, 'node': node}, f
+            code, data = f.value.split('\0', 1)
+            if int(code):
+                raise error.LookupError(file, node, data)
+            yield data
+        @wireprotov1peer.batchable
+        def getflogheads(self, path):
+            if not self.capable('getflogheads'):
+                raise error.Abort('configured remotefile server does not '
+                                  'support getflogheads')
+            f = wireprotov1peer.future()
+            yield {'path': path}, f
+            heads = f.value.split('\n') if f.value else []
+            yield heads
+        def _updatecallstreamopts(self, command, opts):
+            if command != 'getbundle':
+                return
+            if 'remotefilelog' not in self.capabilities():
+                return
+            if not util.safehasattr(self, '_localrepo'):
+                return
+            if constants.REQUIREMENT not in self._localrepo.requirements:
+                return
+            bundlecaps = opts.get('bundlecaps')
+            if bundlecaps:
+                bundlecaps = [bundlecaps]
+            else:
+                bundlecaps = []
+            # shallow, includepattern, and excludepattern are a hacky way of
+            # carrying over data from the local repo to this getbundle
+            # command. We need to do it this way because bundle1 getbundle
+            # doesn't provide any other place we can hook in to manipulate
+            # getbundle args before it goes across the wire. Once we get rid
+            # of bundle1, we can use bundle2's _pullbundle2extraprepare to
+            # do this more cleanly.
+            bundlecaps.append('remotefilelog')
+            if self._localrepo.includepattern:
+                patterns = '\0'.join(self._localrepo.includepattern)
+                includecap = "includepattern=" + patterns
+                bundlecaps.append(includecap)
+            if self._localrepo.excludepattern:
+                patterns = '\0'.join(self._localrepo.excludepattern)
+                excludecap = "excludepattern=" + patterns
+                bundlecaps.append(excludecap)
+            opts['bundlecaps'] = ','.join(bundlecaps)
+        def _sendrequest(self, command, args, **opts):
+            self._updatecallstreamopts(command, args)
+            return super(remotefilepeer, self)._sendrequest(command, args,
+                                                            **opts)
+        def _callstream(self, command, **opts):
+            supertype = super(remotefilepeer, self)
+            if not util.safehasattr(supertype, '_sendrequest'):
+                self._updatecallstreamopts(command, opts)
+            return super(remotefilepeer, self)._callstream(command, **opts)
+    peer.__class__ = remotefilepeer
+class cacheconnection(object):
+    """The connection for communicating with the remote cache. Performs
+    gets and sets by communicating with an external process that has the
+    cache-specific implementation.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.pipeo = self.pipei = self.pipee = None
+        self.subprocess = None
+        self.connected = False
+    def connect(self, cachecommand):
+        if self.pipeo:
+            raise error.Abort(_("cache connection already open"))
+        self.pipei, self.pipeo, self.pipee, self.subprocess = \
+            procutil.popen4(cachecommand)
+        self.connected = True
+    def close(self):
+        def tryclose(pipe):
+            try:
+                pipe.close()
+            except Exception:
+                pass
+        if self.connected:
+            try:
+                self.pipei.write("exit\n")
+            except Exception:
+                pass
+            tryclose(self.pipei)
+            self.pipei = None
+            tryclose(self.pipeo)
+            self.pipeo = None
+            tryclose(self.pipee)
+            self.pipee = None
+            try:
+                # Wait for process to terminate, making sure to avoid deadlock.
+                # See https://docs.python.org/2/library/subprocess.html for
+                # warnings about wait() and deadlocking.
+                self.subprocess.communicate()
+            except Exception:
+                pass
+            self.subprocess = None
+        self.connected = False
+    def request(self, request, flush=True):
+        if self.connected:
+            try:
+                self.pipei.write(request)
+                if flush:
+                    self.pipei.flush()
+            except IOError:
+                self.close()
+    def receiveline(self):
+        if not self.connected:
+            return None
+        try:
+            result = self.pipeo.readline()[:-1]
+            if not result:
+                self.close()
+        except IOError:
+            self.close()
+        return result
+def _getfilesbatch(
+        remote, receivemissing, progresstick, missed, idmap, batchsize):
+    # Over http(s), iterbatch is a streamy method and we can start
+    # looking at results early. This means we send one (potentially
+    # large) request, but then we show nice progress as we process
+    # file results, rather than showing chunks of $batchsize in
+    # progress.
+    #
+    # Over ssh, iterbatch isn't streamy because batch() wasn't
+    # explicitly designed as a streaming method. In the future we
+    # should probably introduce a streambatch() method upstream and
+    # use that for this.
+    with remote.commandexecutor() as e:
+        futures = []
+        for m in missed:
+            futures.append(e.callcommand('getfile', {
+                'file': idmap[m],
+                'node': m[-40:]
+            }))
+        for i, m in enumerate(missed):
+            r = futures[i].result()
+            futures[i] = None  # release memory
+            file_ = idmap[m]
+            node = m[-40:]
+            receivemissing(io.BytesIO('%d\n%s' % (len(r), r)), file_, node)
+            progresstick()
+def _getfiles_optimistic(
+    remote, receivemissing, progresstick, missed, idmap, step):
+    remote._callstream("getfiles")
+    i = 0
+    pipeo = remote._pipeo
+    pipei = remote._pipei
+    while i < len(missed):
+        # issue a batch of requests
+        start = i
+        end = min(len(missed), start + step)
+        i = end
+        for missingid in missed[start:end]:
+            # issue new request
+            versionid = missingid[-40:]
+            file = idmap[missingid]
+            sshrequest = "%s%s\n" % (versionid, file)
+            pipeo.write(sshrequest)
+        pipeo.flush()
+        # receive batch results
+        for missingid in missed[start:end]:
+            versionid = missingid[-40:]
+            file = idmap[missingid]
+            receivemissing(pipei, file, versionid)
+            progresstick()
+    # End the command
+    pipeo.write('\n')
+    pipeo.flush()
+def _getfiles_threaded(
+    remote, receivemissing, progresstick, missed, idmap, step):
+    remote._callstream("getfiles")
+    pipeo = remote._pipeo
+    pipei = remote._pipei
+    def writer():
+        for missingid in missed:
+            versionid = missingid[-40:]
+            file = idmap[missingid]
+            sshrequest = "%s%s\n" % (versionid, file)
+            pipeo.write(sshrequest)
+        pipeo.flush()
+    writerthread = threading.Thread(target=writer)
+    writerthread.daemon = True
+    writerthread.start()
+    for missingid in missed:
+        versionid = missingid[-40:]
+        file = idmap[missingid]
+        receivemissing(pipei, file, versionid)
+        progresstick()
+    writerthread.join()
+    # End the command
+    pipeo.write('\n')
+    pipeo.flush()
+class fileserverclient(object):
+    """A client for requesting files from the remote file server.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, repo):
+        ui = repo.ui
+        self.repo = repo
+        self.ui = ui
+        self.cacheprocess = ui.config("remotefilelog", "cacheprocess")
+        if self.cacheprocess:
+            self.cacheprocess = util.expandpath(self.cacheprocess)
+        # This option causes remotefilelog to pass the full file path to the
+        # cacheprocess instead of a hashed key.
+        self.cacheprocesspasspath = ui.configbool(
+            "remotefilelog", "cacheprocess.includepath")
+        self.debugoutput = ui.configbool("remotefilelog", "debug")
+        self.remotecache = cacheconnection()
+    def setstore(self, datastore, historystore, writedata, writehistory):
+        self.datastore = datastore
+        self.historystore = historystore
+        self.writedata = writedata
+        self.writehistory = writehistory
+    def _connect(self):
+        return self.repo.connectionpool.get(self.repo.fallbackpath)
+    def request(self, fileids):
+        """Takes a list of filename/node pairs and fetches them from the
+        server. Files are stored in the local cache.
+        A list of nodes that the server couldn't find is returned.
+        If the connection fails, an exception is raised.
+        """
+        if not self.remotecache.connected:
+            self.connect()
+        cache = self.remotecache
+        writedata = self.writedata
+        if self.ui.configbool('remotefilelog', 'fetchpacks'):
+            self.requestpack(fileids)
+            return
+        repo = self.repo
+        count = len(fileids)
+        request = "get\n%d\n" % count
+        idmap = {}
+        reponame = repo.name
+        for file, id in fileids:
+            fullid = getcachekey(reponame, file, id)
+            if self.cacheprocesspasspath:
+                request += file + '\0'
+            request += fullid + "\n"
+            idmap[fullid] = file
+        cache.request(request)
+        total = count
+        self.ui.progress(_downloading, 0, total=count)
+        missed = []
+        count = 0
+        while True:
+            missingid = cache.receiveline()
+            if not missingid:
+                missedset = set(missed)
+                for missingid in idmap.iterkeys():
+                    if not missingid in missedset:
+                        missed.append(missingid)
+                self.ui.warn(_("warning: cache connection closed early - " +
+                    "falling back to server\n"))
+                break
+            if missingid == "0":
+                break
+            if missingid.startswith("_hits_"):
+                # receive progress reports
+                parts = missingid.split("_")
+                count += int(parts[2])
+                self.ui.progress(_downloading, count, total=total)
+                continue
+            missed.append(missingid)
+        global fetchmisses
+        fetchmisses += len(missed)
+        count = [total - len(missed)]
+        fromcache = count[0]
+        self.ui.progress(_downloading, count[0], total=total)
+        self.ui.log("remotefilelog", "remote cache hit rate is %r of %r\n",
+                    count[0], total, hit=count[0], total=total)
+        oldumask = os.umask(0o002)
+        try:
+            # receive cache misses from master
+            if missed:
+                def progresstick():
+                    count[0] += 1
+                    self.ui.progress(_downloading, count[0], total=total)
+                # When verbose is true, sshpeer prints 'running ssh...'
+                # to stdout, which can interfere with some command
+                # outputs
+                verbose = self.ui.verbose
+                self.ui.verbose = False
+                try:
+                    with self._connect() as conn:
+                        remote = conn.peer
+                        # TODO: deduplicate this with the constant in
+                        #       shallowrepo
+                        if remote.capable("remotefilelog"):
+                            if not isinstance(remote, _sshv1peer):
+                                raise error.Abort('remotefilelog requires ssh '
+                                                  'servers')
+                            step = self.ui.configint('remotefilelog',
+                                                     'getfilesstep')
+                            getfilestype = self.ui.config('remotefilelog',
+                                                          'getfilestype')
+                            if getfilestype == 'threaded':
+                                _getfiles = _getfiles_threaded
+                            else:
+                                _getfiles = _getfiles_optimistic
+                            _getfiles(remote, self.receivemissing, progresstick,
+                                      missed, idmap, step)
+                        elif remote.capable("getfile"):
+                            if remote.capable('batch'):
+                                batchdefault = 100
+                            else:
+                                batchdefault = 10
+                            batchsize = self.ui.configint(
+                                'remotefilelog', 'batchsize', batchdefault)
+                            _getfilesbatch(
+                                remote, self.receivemissing, progresstick,
+                                missed, idmap, batchsize)
+                        else:
+                            raise error.Abort("configured remotefilelog server"
+                                             " does not support remotefilelog")
+                    self.ui.log("remotefilefetchlog",
+                                "Success\n",
+                                fetched_files = count[0] - fromcache,
+                                total_to_fetch = total - fromcache)
+                except Exception:
+                    self.ui.log("remotefilefetchlog",
+                                "Fail\n",
+                                fetched_files = count[0] - fromcache,
+                                total_to_fetch = total - fromcache)
+                    raise
+                finally:
+                    self.ui.verbose = verbose
+                # send to memcache
+                count[0] = len(missed)
+                request = "set\n%d\n%s\n" % (count[0], "\n".join(missed))
+                cache.request(request)
+            self.ui.progress(_downloading, None)
+            # mark ourselves as a user of this cache
+            writedata.markrepo(self.repo.path)
+        finally:
+            os.umask(oldumask)
+    def receivemissing(self, pipe, filename, node):
+        line = pipe.readline()[:-1]
+        if not line:
+            raise error.ResponseError(_("error downloading file contents:"),
+                                      _("connection closed early"))
+        size = int(line)
+        data = pipe.read(size)
+        if len(data) != size:
+            raise error.ResponseError(_("error downloading file contents:"),
+                                      _("only received %s of %s bytes")
+                                      % (len(data), size))
+        self.writedata.addremotefilelognode(filename, bin(node),
+                                             lz4wrapper.lz4decompress(data))
+    def requestpack(self, fileids):
+        """Requests the given file revisions from the server in a pack format.
+        See `remotefilelogserver.getpack` for the file format.
+        """
+        try:
+            with self._connect() as conn:
+                total = len(fileids)
+                rcvd = 0
+                remote = conn.peer
+                remote._callstream("getpackv1")
+                self._sendpackrequest(remote, fileids)
+                packpath = shallowutil.getcachepackpath(
+                    self.repo, constants.FILEPACK_CATEGORY)
+                pipei = remote._pipei
+                receiveddata, receivedhistory = wirepack.receivepack(
+                    self.repo.ui, pipei, packpath)
+                rcvd = len(receiveddata)
+            self.ui.log("remotefilefetchlog",
+                        "Success(pack)\n" if (rcvd==total) else "Fail(pack)\n",
+                        fetched_files = rcvd,
+                        total_to_fetch = total)
+        except Exception:
+            self.ui.log("remotefilefetchlog",
+                        "Fail(pack)\n",
+                        fetched_files = rcvd,
+                        total_to_fetch = total)
+            raise
+    def _sendpackrequest(self, remote, fileids):
+        """Formats and writes the given fileids to the remote as part of a
+        getpackv1 call.
+        """
+        # Sort the requests by name, so we receive requests in batches by name
+        grouped = {}
+        for filename, node in fileids:
+            grouped.setdefault(filename, set()).add(node)
+        # Issue request
+        pipeo = remote._pipeo
+        for filename, nodes in grouped.iteritems():
+            filenamelen = struct.pack(constants.FILENAMESTRUCT, len(filename))
+            countlen = struct.pack(constants.PACKREQUESTCOUNTSTRUCT, len(nodes))
+            rawnodes = ''.join(bin(n) for n in nodes)
+            pipeo.write('%s%s%s%s' % (filenamelen, filename, countlen,
+                                      rawnodes))
+            pipeo.flush()
+        pipeo.write(struct.pack(constants.FILENAMESTRUCT, 0))
+        pipeo.flush()
+    def connect(self):
+        if self.cacheprocess:
+            cmd = "%s %s" % (self.cacheprocess, self.writedata._path)
+            self.remotecache.connect(cmd)
+        else:
+            # If no cache process is specified, we fake one that always
+            # returns cache misses.  This enables tests to run easily
+            # and may eventually allow us to be a drop in replacement
+            # for the largefiles extension.
+            class simplecache(object):
+                def __init__(self):
+                    self.missingids = []
+                    self.connected = True
+                def close(self):
+                    pass
+                def request(self, value, flush=True):
+                    lines = value.split("\n")
+                    if lines[0] != "get":
+                        return
+                    self.missingids = lines[2:-1]
+                    self.missingids.append('0')
+                def receiveline(self):
+                    if len(self.missingids) > 0:
+                        return self.missingids.pop(0)
+                    return None
+            self.remotecache = simplecache()
+    def close(self):
+        if fetches:
+            msg = ("%s files fetched over %d fetches - " +
+                   "(%d misses, %0.2f%% hit ratio) over %0.2fs\n") % (
+                       fetched,
+                       fetches,
+                       fetchmisses,
+                       float(fetched - fetchmisses) / float(fetched) * 100.0,
+                       fetchcost)
+            if self.debugoutput:
+                self.ui.warn(msg)
+            self.ui.log("remotefilelog.prefetch", msg.replace("%", "%%"),
+                remotefilelogfetched=fetched,
+                remotefilelogfetches=fetches,
+                remotefilelogfetchmisses=fetchmisses,
+                remotefilelogfetchtime=fetchcost * 1000)
+        if self.remotecache.connected:
+            self.remotecache.close()
+    def prefetch(self, fileids, force=False, fetchdata=True,
+                 fetchhistory=False):
+        """downloads the given file versions to the cache
+        """
+        repo = self.repo
+        idstocheck = []
+        for file, id in fileids:
+            # hack
+            # - we don't use .hgtags
+            # - workingctx produces ids with length 42,
+            #   which we skip since they aren't in any cache
+            if (file == '.hgtags' or len(id) == 42
+                or not repo.shallowmatch(file)):
+                continue
+            idstocheck.append((file, bin(id)))
+        datastore = self.datastore
+        historystore = self.historystore
+        if force:
+            datastore = contentstore.unioncontentstore(*repo.shareddatastores)
+            historystore = metadatastore.unionmetadatastore(
+                *repo.sharedhistorystores)
+        missingids = set()
+        if fetchdata:
+            missingids.update(datastore.getmissing(idstocheck))
+        if fetchhistory:
+            missingids.update(historystore.getmissing(idstocheck))
+        # partition missing nodes into nullid and not-nullid so we can
+        # warn about this filtering potentially shadowing bugs.
+        nullids = len([None for unused, id in missingids if id == nullid])
+        if nullids:
+            missingids = [(f, id) for f, id in missingids if id != nullid]
+            repo.ui.develwarn(
+                ('remotefilelog not fetching %d null revs'
+                 ' - this is likely hiding bugs' % nullids),
+                config='remotefilelog-ext')
+        if missingids:
+            global fetches, fetched, fetchcost
+            fetches += 1
+            # We want to be able to detect excess individual file downloads, so
+            # let's log that information for debugging.
+            if fetches >= 15 and fetches < 18:
+                if fetches == 15:
+                    fetchwarning = self.ui.config('remotefilelog',
+                                                  'fetchwarning')
+                    if fetchwarning:
+                        self.ui.warn(fetchwarning + '\n')
+                self.logstacktrace()
+            missingids = [(file, hex(id)) for file, id in missingids]
+            fetched += len(missingids)
+            start = time.time()
+            missingids = self.request(missingids)
+            if missingids:
+                raise error.Abort(_("unable to download %d files") %
+                                  len(missingids))
+            fetchcost += time.time() - start
+            self._lfsprefetch(fileids)
+    def _lfsprefetch(self, fileids):
+        if not _lfsmod or not util.safehasattr(
+                self.repo.svfs, 'lfslocalblobstore'):
+            return
+        if not _lfsmod.wrapper.candownload(self.repo):
+            return
+        pointers = []
+        store = self.repo.svfs.lfslocalblobstore
+        for file, id in fileids:
+            node = bin(id)
+            rlog = self.repo.file(file)
+            if rlog.flags(node) & revlog.REVIDX_EXTSTORED:
+                text = rlog.revision(node, raw=True)
+                p = _lfsmod.pointer.deserialize(text)
+                oid = p.oid()
+                if not store.has(oid):
+                    pointers.append(p)
+        if len(pointers) > 0:
+            self.repo.svfs.lfsremoteblobstore.readbatch(pointers, store)
+            assert all(store.has(p.oid()) for p in pointers)
+    def logstacktrace(self):
+        import traceback
+        self.ui.log('remotefilelog', 'excess remotefilelog fetching:\n%s\n',
+                    ''.join(traceback.format_stack()))