changeset 47283 2a9ddc8094c7
parent 47280 1766130fe9ba
child 47330 73f23e7610f8
--- a/rust/hg-core/src/dirstate_tree/	Wed May 19 13:15:00 2021 +0200
+++ b/rust/hg-core/src/dirstate_tree/	Wed May 19 13:15:00 2021 +0200
@@ -1,4 +1,335 @@
+//! The "version 2" disk representation of the dirstate
+//! # File format
+//! The file starts with a fixed-sized header, whose layout is defined by the
+//! `Header` struct. Its `root` field contains the slice (offset and length) to
+//! the nodes representing the files and directories at the root of the
+//! repository. Each node is also fixed-size, defined by the `Node` struct.
+//! Nodes in turn contain slices to variable-size paths, and to their own child
+//! nodes (if any) for nested files and directories.
+use crate::dirstate::parsers::clear_ambiguous_mtime;
+use crate::dirstate::parsers::Timestamp;
+use crate::dirstate_tree::dirstate_map::{self, DirstateMap};
+use crate::dirstate_tree::path_with_basename::WithBasename;
+use crate::errors::HgError;
+use crate::utils::hg_path::HgPath;
+use crate::DirstateEntry;
+use crate::DirstateError;
+use crate::DirstateParents;
+use bytes_cast::unaligned::{I32Be, U32Be, U64Be};
+use bytes_cast::BytesCast;
+use std::borrow::Cow;
+use std::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto};
 /// Added at the start of `.hg/dirstate` when the "v2" format is used.
-/// Acts like a "magic number". This is a sanity check, not strictly necessary
-/// since `.hg/requires` already governs which format should be used.
+/// This a redundant sanity check more than an actual "magic number" since
+/// `.hg/requires` already governs which format should be used.
 pub const V2_FORMAT_MARKER: &[u8; 12] = b"dirstate-v2\n";
+struct Header {
+    marker: [u8; V2_FORMAT_MARKER.len()],
+    /// `dirstatemap.parents()` in `mercurial/` relies on this
+    /// `parents` field being at this offset, immediately after `marker`.
+    parents: DirstateParents,
+    root: ChildNodes,
+    nodes_with_entry_count: Size,
+    nodes_with_copy_source_count: Size,
+struct Node {
+    full_path: PathSlice,
+    /// In bytes from `self.full_path.start`
+    base_name_start: Size,
+    copy_source: OptPathSlice,
+    entry: OptEntry,
+    children: ChildNodes,
+    tracked_descendants_count: Size,
+/// Either nothing if `state == b'\0'`, or a dirstate entry like in the v1
+/// format
+struct OptEntry {
+    state: u8,
+    mode: I32Be,
+    mtime: I32Be,
+    size: I32Be,
+/// Counted in bytes from the start of the file
+/// NOTE: If we decide to never support `.hg/dirstate` files larger than 4 GiB
+/// we could save space by using `U32Be` instead.
+type Offset = U64Be;
+/// Counted in number of items
+/// NOTE: not supporting directories with more than 4 billion direct children,
+/// or filenames more than 4 GiB.
+type Size = U32Be;
+/// Location of consecutive, fixed-size items.
+/// An item can be a single byte for paths, or a struct with
+/// `derive(BytesCast)`.
+#[derive(BytesCast, Copy, Clone)]
+struct Slice {
+    start: Offset,
+    len: Size,
+/// A contiguous sequence of `len` times `Node`, representing the child nodes
+/// of either some other node or of the repository root.
+/// Always sorted by ascending `full_path`, to allow binary search.
+/// Since nodes with the same parent nodes also have the same parent path,
+/// only the `base_name`s need to be compared during binary search.
+type ChildNodes = Slice;
+/// A `HgPath` of `len` bytes
+type PathSlice = Slice;
+/// Either nothing if `start == 0`, or a `HgPath` of `len` bytes
+type OptPathSlice = Slice;
+/// Make sure that size-affecting changes are made knowingly
+fn _static_assert_size_of() {
+    let _ = std::mem::transmute::<Header, [u8; 72]>;
+    let _ = std::mem::transmute::<Node, [u8; 57]>;
+pub(super) fn read<'on_disk>(
+    on_disk: &'on_disk [u8],
+) -> Result<(DirstateMap<'on_disk>, Option<DirstateParents>), DirstateError> {
+    if on_disk.is_empty() {
+        return Ok((DirstateMap::empty(on_disk), None));
+    }
+    let (header, _) = Header::from_bytes(on_disk)
+        .map_err(|_| HgError::corrupted("truncated dirstate-v2"))?;
+    let Header {
+        marker,
+        parents,
+        root,
+        nodes_with_entry_count,
+        nodes_with_copy_source_count,
+    } = header;
+    if marker != V2_FORMAT_MARKER {
+        return Err(HgError::corrupted("missing dirstated-v2 marker").into());
+    }
+    let dirstate_map = DirstateMap {
+        on_disk,
+        root: read_nodes(on_disk, *root)?,
+        nodes_with_entry_count: nodes_with_entry_count.get(),
+        nodes_with_copy_source_count: nodes_with_copy_source_count.get(),
+    };
+    let parents = Some(parents.clone());
+    Ok((dirstate_map, parents))
+impl Node {
+    pub(super) fn path<'on_disk>(
+        &self,
+        on_disk: &'on_disk [u8],
+    ) -> Result<dirstate_map::NodeKey<'on_disk>, HgError> {
+        let full_path = read_hg_path(on_disk, self.full_path)?;
+        let base_name_start = usize::try_from(self.base_name_start.get())
+            // u32 -> usize, could only panic on a 16-bit CPU
+            .expect("dirstate-v2 base_name_start out of bounds");
+        if base_name_start < full_path.len() {
+            Ok(WithBasename::from_raw_parts(full_path, base_name_start))
+        } else {
+            Err(HgError::corrupted(
+                "dirstate-v2 base_name_start out of bounds",
+            ))
+        }
+    }
+    pub(super) fn copy_source<'on_disk>(
+        &self,
+        on_disk: &'on_disk [u8],
+    ) -> Result<Option<Cow<'on_disk, HgPath>>, HgError> {
+        Ok(if self.copy_source.start.get() != 0 {
+            Some(read_hg_path(on_disk, self.copy_source)?)
+        } else {
+            None
+        })
+    }
+    pub(super) fn entry(&self) -> Result<Option<DirstateEntry>, HgError> {
+        Ok(if self.entry.state != b'\0' {
+            Some(DirstateEntry {
+                state: self.entry.state.try_into()?,
+                mode: self.entry.mode.get(),
+                mtime: self.entry.mtime.get(),
+                size: self.entry.size.get(),
+            })
+        } else {
+            None
+        })
+    }
+    pub(super) fn to_in_memory_node<'on_disk>(
+        &self,
+        on_disk: &'on_disk [u8],
+    ) -> Result<dirstate_map::Node<'on_disk>, HgError> {
+        Ok(dirstate_map::Node {
+            children: read_nodes(on_disk, self.children)?,
+            copy_source: self.copy_source(on_disk)?,
+            entry: self.entry()?,
+            tracked_descendants_count: self.tracked_descendants_count.get(),
+        })
+    }
+fn read_nodes(
+    on_disk: &[u8],
+    slice: ChildNodes,
+) -> Result<dirstate_map::ChildNodes, HgError> {
+    read_slice::<Node>(on_disk, slice)?
+        .iter()
+        .map(|node| {
+            Ok((node.path(on_disk)?, node.to_in_memory_node(on_disk)?))
+        })
+        .collect()
+fn read_hg_path(on_disk: &[u8], slice: Slice) -> Result<Cow<HgPath>, HgError> {
+    let bytes = read_slice::<u8>(on_disk, slice)?;
+    Ok(Cow::Borrowed(HgPath::new(bytes)))
+fn read_slice<T>(on_disk: &[u8], slice: Slice) -> Result<&[T], HgError>
+    T: BytesCast,
+    // Either `usize::MAX` would result in "out of bounds" error since a single
+    // `&[u8]` cannot occupy the entire addess space.
+    let start = usize::try_from(slice.start.get()).unwrap_or(std::usize::MAX);
+    let len = usize::try_from(slice.len.get()).unwrap_or(std::usize::MAX);
+    on_disk
+        .get(start..)
+        .and_then(|bytes| T::slice_from_bytes(bytes, len).ok())
+        .map(|(slice, _rest)| slice)
+        .ok_or_else(|| {
+            HgError::corrupted("dirstate v2 slice is out of bounds")
+        })
+pub(super) fn write(
+    dirstate_map: &mut DirstateMap,
+    parents: DirstateParents,
+    now: Timestamp,
+) -> Result<Vec<u8>, DirstateError> {
+    // TODO: how do we want to handle this in 2038?
+    let now: i32 = now.0.try_into().expect("time overflow");
+    let header_len = std::mem::size_of::<Header>();
+    // This ignores the space for paths, and for nodes without an entry.
+    // TODO: better estimate? Skip the `Vec` and write to a file directly?
+    let size_guess = header_len
+        + std::mem::size_of::<Node>()
+            * dirstate_map.nodes_with_entry_count as usize;
+    let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(size_guess);
+    // Keep space for the header. We’ll fill it out at the end when we know the
+    // actual offset for the root nodes.
+    out.resize(header_len, 0_u8);
+    let root = write_nodes(&mut dirstate_map.root, now, &mut out)?;
+    let header = Header {
+        marker: *V2_FORMAT_MARKER,
+        parents: parents,
+        root,
+        nodes_with_entry_count: dirstate_map.nodes_with_entry_count.into(),
+        nodes_with_copy_source_count: dirstate_map
+            .nodes_with_copy_source_count
+            .into(),
+    };
+    out[..header_len].copy_from_slice(header.as_bytes());
+    Ok(out)
+/// Serialize the dirstate to the `v2` format after clearing ambigous `mtime`s.
+fn write_nodes(
+    nodes: &mut dirstate_map::ChildNodes,
+    now: i32,
+    out: &mut Vec<u8>,
+) -> Result<ChildNodes, DirstateError> {
+    // `dirstate_map::ChildNodes` is a `HashMap` with undefined iteration
+    // order. Sort to enable binary search in the written file.
+    let nodes = dirstate_map::Node::sorted(nodes);
+    // First accumulate serialized nodes in a `Vec`
+    let mut on_disk_nodes = Vec::with_capacity(nodes.len());
+    for (full_path, node) in nodes {
+        on_disk_nodes.push(Node {
+            children: write_nodes(&mut node.children, now, out)?,
+            tracked_descendants_count: node.tracked_descendants_count.into(),
+            full_path: write_slice::<u8>(
+                full_path.full_path().as_bytes(),
+                out,
+            ),
+            base_name_start: u32::try_from(full_path.base_name_start())
+                // Could only panic for paths over 4 GiB
+                .expect("dirstate-v2 offset overflow")
+                .into(),
+            copy_source: if let Some(source) = &node.copy_source {
+                write_slice::<u8>(source.as_bytes(), out)
+            } else {
+                Slice {
+                    start: 0.into(),
+                    len: 0.into(),
+                }
+            },
+            entry: if let Some(entry) = &mut node.entry {
+                clear_ambiguous_mtime(entry, now);
+                OptEntry {
+                    state: entry.state.into(),
+                    mode: entry.mode.into(),
+                    mtime: entry.mtime.into(),
+                    size: entry.size.into(),
+                }
+            } else {
+                OptEntry {
+                    state: b'\0',
+                    mode: 0.into(),
+                    mtime: 0.into(),
+                    size: 0.into(),
+                }
+            },
+        })
+    }
+    // … so we can write them contiguously
+    Ok(write_slice::<Node>(&on_disk_nodes, out))
+fn write_slice<T>(slice: &[T], out: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Slice
+    T: BytesCast,
+    let start = u64::try_from(out.len())
+        // Could only panic on a 128-bit CPU with a dirstate over 16 EiB
+        .expect("dirstate-v2 offset overflow")
+        .into();
+    let len = u32::try_from(slice.len())
+        // Could only panic for paths over 4 GiB or nodes with over 4 billions
+        // child nodes
+        .expect("dirstate-v2 offset overflow")
+        .into();
+    out.extend(slice.as_bytes());
+    Slice { start, len }