changeset 45181 28163c5de797
parent 45171 5322e738be0f
child 45826 21733e8c924f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/test-state-extension.t	Mon Jul 20 21:56:27 2020 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+Test extension of unfinished states support.
+  $ mkdir chainify
+  $ cd chainify
+  $ cat >> chainify.py <<EOF
+  > from mercurial import cmdutil, error, extensions, exthelper, node, scmutil, state
+  > from hgext import rebase
+  > 
+  > eh = exthelper.exthelper()
+  > 
+  > extsetup = eh.finalextsetup
+  > cmdtable = eh.cmdtable
+  > 
+  > # Rebase calls addunfinished in uisetup, so we have to call it in extsetup.
+  > # Ideally there'd by an 'extensions.afteruisetup()' just like
+  > # 'extensions.afterloaded()' to allow nesting multiple commands.
+  > @eh.extsetup
+  > def _extsetup(ui):
+  >     state.addunfinished(
+  >         b'chainify',
+  >         b'chainify.state',
+  >         continueflag=True,
+  >         childopnames=[b'rebase'])
+  > 
+  > def _node(repo, arg):
+  >     return node.hex(scmutil.revsingle(repo, arg).node())
+  > 
+  > @eh.command(
+  >     b'chainify',
+  >     [(b'r', b'revs', [], b'revs to chain', b'REV'),
+  >      (b'', b'continue', False, b'continue op')],
+  >     b'chainify [-r REV] +',
+  >     inferrepo=True)
+  > def chainify(ui, repo, **opts):
+  >     """Rebases r1, r2, r3, etc. into a chain."""
+  >     with repo.wlock(), repo.lock():
+  >         cmdstate = state.cmdstate(repo, b'chainify.state')
+  >         if opts['continue']:
+  >             if not cmdstate.exists():
+  >                 raise error.Abort(b'no chainify in progress')
+  >         else:
+  >             cmdutil.checkunfinished(repo)
+  >             data = {
+  >                 b'tip': _node(repo, opts['revs'][0]),
+  >                 b'revs': b','.join(_node(repo, r) for r in opts['revs'][1:]),
+  >             }
+  >             cmdstate.save(1, data)
+  > 
+  >         data = cmdstate.read()
+  >         while data[b'revs']:
+  >             tip = data[b'tip']
+  >             revs = data[b'revs'].split(b',')
+  >             with state.delegating(repo, b'chainify', b'rebase'):
+  >                 ui.status(b'rebasing %s onto %s\n' % (revs[0][:12], tip[:12]))
+  >                 if state.ischildunfinished(repo, b'chainify', b'rebase'):
+  >                     rc = state.continuechild(ui, repo, b'chainify', b'rebase')
+  >                 else:
+  >                     rc = rebase.rebase(ui, repo, rev=[revs[0]], dest=tip)
+  >                 if rc and rc != 0:
+  >                     raise error.Abort(b'rebase failed (rc: %d)' % rc)
+  >             data[b'tip'] = _node(repo, b'tip')
+  >             data[b'revs'] = b','.join(revs[1:])
+  >             cmdstate.save(1, data)
+  >         cmdstate.delete()
+  >         ui.status(b'done chainifying\n')
+  > EOF
+  $ chainifypath=`pwd`/chainify.py
+  $ echo '[extensions]' >> $HGRCPATH
+  $ echo "chainify = $chainifypath" >> $HGRCPATH
+  $ echo "rebase =" >> $HGRCPATH
+  $ cd $TESTTMP
+  $ hg init a
+  $ cd a
+  $ echo base > base.txt
+  $ hg commit -Aqm 'base commit'
+  $ echo foo > file1
+  $ hg commit -Aqm 'add file'
+  $ hg co -q ".^"
+  $ echo bar > file2
+  $ hg commit -Aqm 'add other file'
+  $ hg co -q ".^"
+  $ echo foo2 > file1
+  $ hg commit -Aqm 'add conflicting file'
+  $ hg co -q ".^"
+  $ hg log --graph --template '{rev} {files}'
+  o  3 file1
+  |
+  | o  2 file2
+  |/
+  | o  1 file1
+  |/
+  @  0 base.txt
+  $ hg chainify -r 8430cfdf77c2 -r f8596309dff8 -r a858b338b3e9
+  rebasing f8596309dff8 onto 8430cfdf77c2
+  rebasing 2:f8596309dff8 "add other file"
+  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/* (glob)
+  rebasing a858b338b3e9 onto 83c722183a8e
+  rebasing 2:a858b338b3e9 "add conflicting file"
+  merging file1
+  warning: conflicts while merging file1! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
+  unresolved conflicts (see 'hg resolve', then 'hg chainify --continue')
+  [1]
+  $ hg status --config commands.status.verbose=True
+  M file1
+  ? file1.orig
+  # The repository is in an unfinished *chainify* state.
+  # Unresolved merge conflicts:
+  # 
+  #     file1
+  # 
+  # To mark files as resolved:  hg resolve --mark FILE
+  # To continue:    hg chainify --continue
+  # To abort:       hg chainify --abort
+  $ echo foo3 > file1
+  $ hg resolve --mark file1
+  (no more unresolved files)
+  continue: hg chainify --continue
+  $ hg chainify --continue
+  rebasing a858b338b3e9 onto 83c722183a8e
+  rebasing 2:a858b338b3e9 "add conflicting file"
+  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/* (glob)
+  done chainifying
+  $ hg log --graph --template '{rev} {files}'
+  o  3 file1
+  |
+  o  2 file2
+  |
+  o  1 file1
+  |
+  @  0 base.txt