changeset 49485 ffd4b1f1c9cb
child 49488 7c93e38a0bbd
equal deleted inserted replaced
49484:85f5d11c77dd 49485:ffd4b1f1c9cb
     1 use std::{collections::HashSet, path::Path};
     3 use format_bytes::{write_bytes, DisplayBytes};
     5 use crate::{
     6     errors::HgError,
     7     filepatterns::parse_pattern_file_contents,
     8     matchers::{
     9         AlwaysMatcher, DifferenceMatcher, IncludeMatcher, Matcher,
    10         UnionMatcher,
    11     },
    12     operations::cat,
    13     repo::Repo,
    14     requirements::SPARSE_REQUIREMENT,
    15     utils::{hg_path::HgPath, SliceExt},
    16     IgnorePattern, PatternError, PatternFileWarning, PatternSyntax, Revision,
    17     NULL_REVISION,
    18 };
    20 /// Command which is triggering the config read
    21 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
    22 pub enum SparseConfigContext {
    23     Sparse,
    24     Narrow,
    25 }
    27 impl DisplayBytes for SparseConfigContext {
    28     fn display_bytes(
    29         &self,
    30         output: &mut dyn std::io::Write,
    31     ) -> std::io::Result<()> {
    32         match self {
    33             SparseConfigContext::Sparse => write_bytes!(output, b"sparse"),
    34             SparseConfigContext::Narrow => write_bytes!(output, b"narrow"),
    35         }
    36     }
    37 }
    39 /// Possible warnings when reading sparse configuration
    40 #[derive(Debug, derive_more::From)]
    41 pub enum SparseWarning {
    42     /// Warns about improper paths that start with "/"
    43     RootWarning {
    44         context: SparseConfigContext,
    45         line: Vec<u8>,
    46     },
    47     /// Warns about a profile missing from the given changelog revision
    48     ProfileNotFound { profile: Vec<u8>, rev: Revision },
    49     #[from]
    50     Pattern(PatternFileWarning),
    51 }
    53 /// Parsed sparse config
    54 #[derive(Debug, Default)]
    55 pub struct SparseConfig {
    56     // Line-separated
    57     includes: Vec<u8>,
    58     // Line-separated
    59     excludes: Vec<u8>,
    60     profiles: HashSet<Vec<u8>>,
    61     warnings: Vec<SparseWarning>,
    62 }
    64 /// All possible errors when reading sparse config
    65 #[derive(Debug, derive_more::From)]
    66 pub enum SparseConfigError {
    67     IncludesAfterExcludes {
    68         context: SparseConfigContext,
    69     },
    70     EntryOutsideSection {
    71         context: SparseConfigContext,
    72         line: Vec<u8>,
    73     },
    74     #[from]
    75     HgError(HgError),
    76     #[from]
    77     PatternError(PatternError),
    78 }
    80 /// Parse sparse config file content.
    81 fn parse_config(
    82     raw: &[u8],
    83     context: SparseConfigContext,
    84 ) -> Result<SparseConfig, SparseConfigError> {
    85     let mut includes = vec![];
    86     let mut excludes = vec![];
    87     let mut profiles = HashSet::new();
    88     let mut warnings = vec![];
    90     #[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
    91     enum Current {
    92         Includes,
    93         Excludes,
    94         None,
    95     };
    97     let mut current = Current::None;
    98     let mut in_section = false;
   100     for line in raw.split(|c| *c == b'\n') {
   101         let line = line.trim();
   102         if line.is_empty() || line[0] == b'#' {
   103             // empty or comment line, skip
   104             continue;
   105         }
   106         if line.starts_with(b"%include ") {
   107             let profile = line[b"%include ".len()..].trim();
   108             if !profile.is_empty() {
   109                 profiles.insert(profile.into());
   110             }
   111         } else if line == b"[include]" {
   112             if in_section && current == Current::Includes {
   113                 return Err(SparseConfigError::IncludesAfterExcludes {
   114                     context,
   115                 });
   116             }
   117             in_section = true;
   118             current = Current::Includes;
   119             continue;
   120         } else if line == b"[exclude]" {
   121             in_section = true;
   122             current = Current::Excludes;
   123         } else {
   124             if current == Current::None {
   125                 return Err(SparseConfigError::EntryOutsideSection {
   126                     context,
   127                     line: line.into(),
   128                 });
   129             }
   130             if line.trim().starts_with(b"/") {
   131                 warnings.push(SparseWarning::RootWarning {
   132                     context,
   133                     line: line.into(),
   134                 });
   135                 continue;
   136             }
   137             match current {
   138                 Current::Includes => {
   139                     includes.push(b'\n');
   140                     includes.extend(line.iter());
   141                 }
   142                 Current::Excludes => {
   143                     excludes.push(b'\n');
   144                     excludes.extend(line.iter());
   145                 }
   146                 Current::None => unreachable!(),
   147             }
   148         }
   149     }
   151     Ok(SparseConfig {
   152         includes,
   153         excludes,
   154         profiles,
   155         warnings,
   156     })
   157 }
   159 fn read_temporary_includes(
   160     repo: &Repo,
   161 ) -> Result<Vec<Vec<u8>>, SparseConfigError> {
   162     let raw = repo.hg_vfs().try_read("tempsparse")?.unwrap_or(vec![]);
   163     if raw.is_empty() {
   164         return Ok(vec![]);
   165     }
   166     Ok(raw.split(|c| *c == b'\n').map(ToOwned::to_owned).collect())
   167 }
   169 /// Obtain sparse checkout patterns for the given revision
   170 fn patterns_for_rev(
   171     repo: &Repo,
   172     rev: Revision,
   173 ) -> Result<Option<SparseConfig>, SparseConfigError> {
   174     if !repo.has_sparse() {
   175         return Ok(None);
   176     }
   177     let raw = repo.hg_vfs().try_read("sparse")?.unwrap_or(vec![]);
   179     if raw.is_empty() {
   180         return Ok(None);
   181     }
   183     let mut config = parse_config(&raw, SparseConfigContext::Sparse)?;
   185     if !config.profiles.is_empty() {
   186         let mut profiles: Vec<Vec<u8>> = config.profiles.into_iter().collect();
   187         let mut visited = HashSet::new();
   189         while let Some(profile) = profiles.pop() {
   190             if visited.contains(&profile) {
   191                 continue;
   192             }
   193             visited.insert(profile.to_owned());
   195             let output =
   196                 cat(repo, &rev.to_string(), vec![HgPath::new(&profile)])
   197                     .map_err(|_| {
   198                         HgError::corrupted(format!(
   199                             "dirstate points to non-existent parent node"
   200                         ))
   201                     })?;
   202             if output.results.is_empty() {
   203                 config.warnings.push(SparseWarning::ProfileNotFound {
   204                     profile: profile.to_owned(),
   205                     rev,
   206                 })
   207             }
   209             let subconfig = parse_config(
   210                 &output.results[0].1,
   211                 SparseConfigContext::Sparse,
   212             )?;
   213             if !subconfig.includes.is_empty() {
   214                 config.includes.push(b'\n');
   215                 config.includes.extend(&subconfig.includes);
   216             }
   217             if !subconfig.includes.is_empty() {
   218                 config.includes.push(b'\n');
   219                 config.excludes.extend(&subconfig.excludes);
   220             }
   221             config.warnings.extend(subconfig.warnings.into_iter());
   222             profiles.extend(subconfig.profiles.into_iter());
   223         }
   225         config.profiles = visited;
   226     }
   228     if !config.includes.is_empty() {
   229         config.includes.extend(b"\n.hg*");
   230     }
   232     Ok(Some(config))
   233 }
   235 /// Obtain a matcher for sparse working directories.
   236 pub fn matcher(
   237     repo: &Repo,
   238 ) -> Result<(Box<dyn Matcher + Sync>, Vec<SparseWarning>), SparseConfigError> {
   239     let mut warnings = vec![];
   240     if !repo.requirements().contains(SPARSE_REQUIREMENT) {
   241         return Ok((Box::new(AlwaysMatcher), warnings));
   242     }
   244     let parents = repo.dirstate_parents()?;
   245     let mut revs = vec![];
   246     let p1_rev =
   247         repo.changelog()?
   248             .rev_from_node(parents.p1.into())
   249             .map_err(|_| {
   250                 HgError::corrupted(format!(
   251                     "dirstate points to non-existent parent node"
   252                 ))
   253             })?;
   254     if p1_rev != NULL_REVISION {
   255         revs.push(p1_rev)
   256     }
   257     let p2_rev =
   258         repo.changelog()?
   259             .rev_from_node(parents.p2.into())
   260             .map_err(|_| {
   261                 HgError::corrupted(format!(
   262                     "dirstate points to non-existent parent node"
   263                 ))
   264             })?;
   265     if p2_rev != NULL_REVISION {
   266         revs.push(p2_rev)
   267     }
   268     let mut matchers = vec![];
   270     for rev in revs.iter() {
   271         let config = patterns_for_rev(repo, *rev);
   272         if let Ok(Some(config)) = config {
   273             warnings.extend(config.warnings);
   274             let mut m: Box<dyn Matcher + Sync> = Box::new(AlwaysMatcher);
   275             if !config.includes.is_empty() {
   276                 let (patterns, subwarnings) = parse_pattern_file_contents(
   277                     &config.includes,
   278                     Path::new(""),
   279                     Some(b"relglob:".as_ref()),
   280                     false,
   281                 )?;
   282                 warnings.extend(subwarnings.into_iter().map(From::from));
   283                 m = Box::new(IncludeMatcher::new(patterns)?);
   284             }
   285             if !config.excludes.is_empty() {
   286                 let (patterns, subwarnings) = parse_pattern_file_contents(
   287                     &config.excludes,
   288                     Path::new(""),
   289                     Some(b"relglob:".as_ref()),
   290                     false,
   291                 )?;
   292                 warnings.extend(subwarnings.into_iter().map(From::from));
   293                 m = Box::new(DifferenceMatcher::new(
   294                     m,
   295                     Box::new(IncludeMatcher::new(patterns)?),
   296                 ));
   297             }
   298             matchers.push(m);
   299         }
   300     }
   301     let result: Box<dyn Matcher + Sync> = match matchers.len() {
   302         0 => Box::new(AlwaysMatcher),
   303         1 => matchers.pop().expect("1 is equal to 0"),
   304         _ => Box::new(UnionMatcher::new(matchers)),
   305     };
   307     let matcher =
   308         force_include_matcher(result, &read_temporary_includes(repo)?)?;
   309     Ok((matcher, warnings))
   310 }
   312 /// Returns a matcher that returns true for any of the forced includes before
   313 /// testing against the actual matcher
   314 fn force_include_matcher(
   315     result: Box<dyn Matcher + Sync>,
   316     temp_includes: &[Vec<u8>],
   317 ) -> Result<Box<dyn Matcher + Sync>, PatternError> {
   318     if temp_includes.is_empty() {
   319         return Ok(result);
   320     }
   321     let forced_include_matcher = IncludeMatcher::new(
   322         temp_includes
   323             .into_iter()
   324             .map(|include| {
   325                 IgnorePattern::new(PatternSyntax::Path, include, Path::new(""))
   326             })
   327             .collect(),
   328     )?;
   329     Ok(Box::new(UnionMatcher::new(vec![
   330         Box::new(forced_include_matcher),
   331         result,
   332     ])))
   333 }