changeset 44280 93a05cb223da
child 44690 44aff45b556d
equal deleted inserted replaced
44279:e48a996d12bc 44280:93a05cb223da
     1 # Copyright 2020 Joerg Sonnenberger <joerg@bec.de>
     2 #
     3 # This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
     4 # GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
     5 """export repositories as git fast-import stream"""
     7 # The format specification for fast-import streams can be found at
     8 # https://git-scm.com/docs/git-fast-import#_input_format
    10 from __future__ import absolute_import
    11 import re
    13 from mercurial.i18n import _
    14 from mercurial.node import hex, nullrev
    15 from mercurial.utils import stringutil
    16 from mercurial import (
    17     error,
    18     pycompat,
    19     registrar,
    20     scmutil,
    21 )
    22 from .convert import convcmd
    24 # Note for extension authors: ONLY specify testedwith = 'ships-with-hg-core' for
    25 # extensions which SHIP WITH MERCURIAL. Non-mainline extensions should
    26 # be specifying the version(s) of Mercurial they are tested with, or
    27 # leave the attribute unspecified.
    28 testedwith = b"ships-with-hg-core"
    30 cmdtable = {}
    31 command = registrar.command(cmdtable)
    33 GIT_PERSON_PROHIBITED = re.compile(b'[<>\n"]')
    34 GIT_EMAIL_PROHIBITED = re.compile(b"[<> \n]")
    37 def convert_to_git_user(authormap, user, rev):
    38     mapped_user = authormap.get(user, user)
    39     user_person = stringutil.person(mapped_user)
    40     user_email = stringutil.email(mapped_user)
    41     if GIT_EMAIL_PROHIBITED.match(user_email) or GIT_PERSON_PROHIBITED.match(
    42         user_person
    43     ):
    44         raise error.Abort(
    45             _(b"Unable to parse user into person and email for revision " + rev)
    46         )
    47     if user_person:
    48         return b'"' + user_person + b'" <' + user_email + b'>'
    49     else:
    50         return b"<" + user_email + b">"
    53 def convert_to_git_date(date):
    54     timestamp, utcoff = date
    55     tzsign = b"+" if utcoff < 0 else b"-"
    56     if utcoff % 60 != 0:
    57         raise error.Abort(
    58             _(b"UTC offset in %b is not an integer number of seconds") % (date,)
    59         )
    60     utcoff = abs(utcoff) // 60
    61     tzh = utcoff // 60
    62     tzmin = utcoff % 60
    63     return b"%d " % int(timestamp) + tzsign + b"%02d%02d" % (tzh, tzmin)
    66 def convert_to_git_ref(branch):
    67     # XXX filter/map depending on git restrictions
    68     return b"refs/heads/" + branch
    71 def write_data(buf, data, skip_newline):
    72     buf.append(b"data %d\n" % len(data))
    73     buf.append(data)
    74     if not skip_newline or data[-1:] != b"\n":
    75         buf.append(b"\n")
    78 def export_commit(ui, repo, rev, marks, authormap):
    79     ctx = repo[rev]
    80     revid = ctx.hex()
    81     if revid in marks:
    82         ui.warn(_(b"warning: revision %s already exported, skipped\n") % revid)
    83         return
    84     parents = [p for p in ctx.parents() if p.rev() != nullrev]
    85     for p in parents:
    86         if p.hex() not in marks:
    87             ui.warn(
    88                 _(b"warning: parent %s of %s has not been exported, skipped\n")
    89                 % (p, revid)
    90             )
    91             return
    93     # For all files modified by the commit, check if they have already
    94     # been exported and otherwise dump the blob with the new mark.
    95     for fname in ctx.files():
    96         if fname not in ctx:
    97             continue
    98         filectx = ctx.filectx(fname)
    99         filerev = hex(filectx.filenode())
   100         if filerev not in marks:
   101             mark = len(marks) + 1
   102             marks[filerev] = mark
   103             data = filectx.data()
   104             buf = [b"blob\n", b"mark :%d\n" % mark]
   105             write_data(buf, data, False)
   106             ui.write(*buf, keepprogressbar=True)
   107             del buf
   109     # Assign a mark for the current revision for references by
   110     # latter merge commits.
   111     mark = len(marks) + 1
   112     marks[revid] = mark
   114     ref = convert_to_git_ref(ctx.branch())
   115     buf = [
   116         b"commit %s\n" % ref,
   117         b"mark :%d\n" % mark,
   118         b"committer %s %s\n"
   119         % (
   120             convert_to_git_user(authormap, ctx.user(), revid),
   121             convert_to_git_date(ctx.date()),
   122         ),
   123     ]
   124     write_data(buf, ctx.description(), True)
   125     if parents:
   126         buf.append(b"from :%d\n" % marks[parents[0].hex()])
   127     if len(parents) == 2:
   128         buf.append(b"merge :%d\n" % marks[parents[1].hex()])
   129         p0ctx = repo[parents[0]]
   130         files = ctx.manifest().diff(p0ctx.manifest())
   131     else:
   132         files = ctx.files()
   133     filebuf = []
   134     for fname in files:
   135         if fname not in ctx:
   136             filebuf.append((fname, b"D %s\n" % fname))
   137         else:
   138             filectx = ctx.filectx(fname)
   139             filerev = filectx.filenode()
   140             fileperm = b"755" if filectx.isexec() else b"644"
   141             changed = b"M %s :%d %s\n" % (fileperm, marks[hex(filerev)], fname)
   142             filebuf.append((fname, changed))
   143     filebuf.sort()
   144     buf.extend(changed for (fname, changed) in filebuf)
   145     del filebuf
   146     buf.append(b"\n")
   147     ui.write(*buf, keepprogressbar=True)
   148     del buf
   151 isrev = re.compile(b"^[0-9a-f]{40}$")
   154 @command(
   155     b"fastexport",
   156     [
   157         (b"r", b"rev", [], _(b"revisions to export"), _(b"REV")),
   158         (b"i", b"import-marks", b"", _(b"old marks file to read"), _(b"FILE")),
   159         (b"e", b"export-marks", b"", _(b"new marks file to write"), _(b"FILE")),
   160         (
   161             b"A",
   162             b"authormap",
   163             b"",
   164             _(b"remap usernames using this file"),
   165             _(b"FILE"),
   166         ),
   167     ],
   168     _(b"[OPTION]... [REV]..."),
   169     helpcategory=command.CATEGORY_IMPORT_EXPORT,
   170 )
   171 def fastexport(ui, repo, *revs, **opts):
   172     """export repository as git fast-import stream
   174     This command lets you dump a repository as a human-readable text stream.
   175     It can be piped into corresponding import routines like "git fast-import".
   176     Incremental dumps can be created by using marks files.
   177     """
   178     opts = pycompat.byteskwargs(opts)
   180     revs += tuple(opts.get(b"rev", []))
   181     if not revs:
   182         revs = scmutil.revrange(repo, [b":"])
   183     else:
   184         revs = scmutil.revrange(repo, revs)
   185     if not revs:
   186         raise error.Abort(_(b"no revisions matched"))
   187     authorfile = opts.get(b"authormap")
   188     if authorfile:
   189         authormap = convcmd.readauthormap(ui, authorfile)
   190     else:
   191         authormap = {}
   193     import_marks = opts.get(b"import_marks")
   194     marks = {}
   195     if import_marks:
   196         with open(import_marks, "rb") as import_marks_file:
   197             for line in import_marks_file:
   198                 line = line.strip()
   199                 if not isrev.match(line) or line in marks:
   200                     raise error.Abort(_(b"Corrupted marks file"))
   201                 marks[line] = len(marks) + 1
   203     revs.sort()
   204     with ui.makeprogress(
   205         _(b"exporting"), unit=_(b"revisions"), total=len(revs)
   206     ) as progress:
   207         for rev in revs:
   208             export_commit(ui, repo, rev, marks, authormap)
   209             progress.increment()
   211     export_marks = opts.get(b"export_marks")
   212     if export_marks:
   213         with open(export_marks, "wb") as export_marks_file:
   214             output_marks = [None] * len(marks)
   215             for k, v in marks.items():
   216                 output_marks[v - 1] = k
   217             for k in output_marks:
   218                 export_marks_file.write(k + b"\n")