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+++ b/mcabber/doc/guide/guide.tex	Sat Oct 11 10:56:30 2008 +0200
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+\title{Mcabber User Guide}
+This guide was written for users who are new to mcabber\cite{mcabber} which is a small
+command line client for the Jabber protocol\cite{jabber} as an introduction. This introduction may
+become a comprehensive guide to every aspect of mcabber later, but the first versions should only be
+regarded as an overview of all features. Feel free to bug me with corrections of spelling errors or
+with contributions to the content.
+\paragraph{Conventions used in this guide:\\}
+\begin{tabular}{ c p{10cm} }
+	\verb+/command+ & This is a command for mcabber which can only be executed during runtime.\\
+	\verb+command+ & A command for mcabber which can be given in the configuration file, too.\\
+	\verb+$command+ & The \$-sign precedes shell commands.\\
+	\textit{variable} & This is a variable which can be set in the configuration file or during runtime. \\
+\chapter{Basic Usage}
+After installing mcabber, you should create a configuration file first. The easiest way of doing this
+is to copy the sample configuration file\cite{samplerc} to \~{}/.mcabber/mcabberrc. Then, you only have to change the variables
+\textit{username} and \textit{server} before you can, finally, start mcabber. When the Login was successful,
+mcabber might look similar to the following screenshot:\\
+	\centering
+	\includegraphics[scale=0.8]{guide}
+	\caption{screenshot of mcabber}
+	\label{fig:screenshot}
+The screen is divided into 4 regions: The roster(sometimes called buddy list) in the upper left,
+the chat window/buffer in the upper right, the input line at the bottom and the log window above the
+input line. Those two blue lines which are below and above the log window are status lines. The lower one
+displays the general mcabber status and the upper line the status of the selected contact.
+The screenshot shows mcabber in "chat mode" which can be entered by pressing enter or sending a message
+when a contact is selected. Leaving chatmode is done by pressing Esc. To move between your contacts, you
+can use the buttons Pg Up/Pg Down. If you look at the roster of the screenshot, you will notice that the
+contact "loic" is marked red. That's the default for the "unread" color, so "loic" sent a message to
+you, but you have not read it, yet. Moving by pressing Pg Down would need 6 key presses, so it might be faster to use
+\verb+/roster unread_next+ to quickly jump to the next unread buffer. Which brings us to the interface of mcabber.
+Since mcabber has only one input line, there has to be some way of distinguishing mcabber commands from normal text
+messages. As you might have guessed already, all mcabber commands start with a slash, while any other line which you
+have entered will be sent as a message to the selected buddy. You won't find a complete list of all commands here,
+since mcabber has already got a great help system. It's at your fingertips when you enter \verb+/help+.
+Furthermore, you can choose the language of the help system by setting \textit{lang} to de, en, fr, it, nl, pl, ru or uk.
+\section{Multi-user Chat}
+Jabber offers more than other one-on-one chats. There is an extension\cite{xep45} which adds many-to-many chat,
+very similar to systems like IRC. Mcabber can participate through the command \verb+/room+. If you happen to
+find big rooms, you should play a bit with \verb+/color muc+  to make the conversation more readable.
+Last but not least, you might be interested in the channel as a new mcabber user.
+Feel free to drop by and tell us about your experiences with mcabber or this guide!
+Transports, also known as Gateways, are Jabber server components which are used for translating your Jabber messages
+for proprietary networks like ICQ, AIM or MSN. At the time of writing, mcabber can't register transports, but,
+if you've registered a transport with another client, you'll be able to use them within mcabber.
+Transports are, basically, just another contact on your roster. Thus, using transports is done by sending your status,
+maybe explicitly with \verb+/status_to+.
+Most users may be puzzled when they see all those different characters in the roster, the status bar and
+in the chat window for the first time. Some of those symbols might be obvious, but others aren't descriptive at all.
+So, here is a list of all characters and their meanings, structured per window where they were taken from. \\
+\begin{tabular}{c  c}
+	\begin{tabular}{|c | l|}
+		\hline
+		\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Roster}\\
+		\hline
+		Symbols & Rosteritem \\ \hline
+		\verb+---+	& unfolded Group \\
+		\verb-+++- & folded Group \\ \hline
+		\verb+[ ]+ & buddy or chat room(MUC) \\
+		\verb+{ }+ & buddy who can't see your status \\
+		\verb- + - & buddy is typing \\
+		\verb+ . + & buddy stopped typing \\
+		\verb+ _ +  & buddy status: offline \\
+		\verb+ o + & buddy status: online \\
+		\verb+ a + & buddy status: away \\
+		\verb+ d + & buddy status: do not disturb \\
+		\verb+ n + & buddy status: not available\\
+		\verb+ f + & buddy status: free for chat \\
+		\verb+ ? + & buddy status unknown \\
+		\verb+ x + & muc status: not connected \\
+		\verb+ C +  & muc status: connected \\
+		\hline
+	\end{tabular}
+	&
+	\begin{tabular}{|c | l|}
+		\hline
+		\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Chat Window} \\ \hline
+		Symbols & Meaning \\ \hline
+		\verb+-->+ & sent message \\
+		\verb+<==+ & received message \\
+		\verb+~+	& message was encrypted with GPG\\
+		\verb+O+	& message was encrypted with OTR\\
+		\verb+***+ & info message \\
+		\verb+#<#+ & error message \\
+		\hline
+	%\end{tabular}
+	%\begin{tabular}{|c | l|}
+	%	\hline
+		\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Upper Status Line} \\ \hline
+		Symbols & Meaning \\ \hline
+		\verb+~+ & chat mode enabled \\
+		\verb+*+ & buffer is scroll-locked \\
+		\verb+[C]+ & chatstate: composing \\
+		\verb+[A]+ & chatstate: active \\
+		\verb+[I]+ & chatstate: inactive \\
+		\verb+[P]+ & chatstate: paused \\
+		\verb+[G]+ & chatstate: gone \\
+		\hline
+	\end{tabular}
+Some people write their diaries to remember special moments. Others merely save their chat logs,
+which are often full of personal details, too. Of course, mcabber can keep your chat history
+and fortunately, the format of these logs is easy enough to read with your
+favourite text editor. Moreover, searching is possible with standard unix tools like \verb+$grep+.
+\section{Enable Logging}
+To enable logging, you'll have to add some lines to your configuration file:
+set logging = 1
+set load_logs = 1
+Those variables tell mcabber to log the chat history and to load old logs when you restart it.
+Please note that there are a lot of other variables affecting logging. You can e.g. choose whether
+you want to log Multi-user Chats(\textit{log\_muc\_conf}) or whether you want to log status changes(\textit{logging\_ignore\_status}).
+You'll find them all in the sample configuration file\cite{samplerc} if you search for "History Logging".
+\section{Grouping logs}
+If you know other instant messengers, you might be used to a concept called "metacontacts".
+They can be used to group users, which have multiple representations in your
+roster (e.g. because they have work and home accounts). Unfortunately, mcabber doesn't support
+metacontacts yet, but at least you can group the history of different contacts together.
+This basically works by merging those histories and then creating a symlink frome one to the other.
+Here's an example with the histories of foo\ ond foo\
+$ cd ~/.mcabber/histo/
+$ > foo
+$ mv foo
+$ rm
+$ ln -sf
+The script merge\ is included in the mcabber tarball.
+\section{Converting centerim logs}
+You've got old centericq\cite{centericq} or centerim\cite{centerim} logs and want to keep
+them in mcabber? There's a script called in the contrib directory of the mcabber
+tarball which can be used to do that. Now you only have to figure out where exactly
+centerim saves the history of a particular contact(somewhere under \~{}/.centerim/),
+convert this file to the mcabber history format and save it to \~{}/.mcabber/histo/ with the
+Jabber ID as the filename.
+This chapter will introduce you to the scripting facilities of mcabber.
+Aliases are used to map complex commands to a word. \verb+/roster search+ is one of the commands worth remapping
+because it will be used every day. If you want to remap it to \verb+/rs+,
+issue the command \verb+alias rs = roster search+.
+\section{Internal Hooks}
+Internal Hooks can be used to let mcabber execute commands when a special event occurs.
+At the time of this writing, only 2 hooks were defined:
+	\item \textit{hook-post-connect}
+	\item \textit{hook-pre-disconnect}
+The time of the execution is self-explaining, just set those variables to the command you want
+to execute.
+\section{External scripts}
+Mcabber will execute the external script specified in the variable \textit{events\_command} whenever a new
+message is received. It will be called at least with 3 parameters:
+	\item MSG or STATUS
+	\item	IN, OUT or MUC if the first argument was MSG or one character of "\_OFDNAI" if the first argument was STATUS
+	\item The JID which triggered the event
+	\item (optional) filename of the file which contains the message body
+If you need the message body for your event script, you'll have to set the option \textit{event\_log\_files} to 1.
+The script has to delete that file after it processed it. To execute mcabber commands,
+you'll have to compile mcabber with FIFO support(\verb+$./configure --enable-fifo+). Then activate it by setting the
+variable \textit{fifo\_name} to the filename of the fifo in your config file. There will be some verbose debug
+output in the logging window if you don't set the variable \textit{fifo\_hide\_output} to 1.\\
+There is another variable which might be interesting for the developer of external scripts.
+If \textit{statefile} is set to a filename, mcabber saves the JIDs of all unread buffers to that file, one per line.
+Encryption is one of the greatest advantages of Jabber compared to similar
+"legacy" networks like ICQ, MSN, AIM, etc. With encryption, you'll be able
+to communicate in hostile network environments with a clear conscience,
+because almost nobody will be able to spy on you. Practically, every connection
+which is established when using the Jabber protocol could be encrypted.
+First of all, you can connect to your Jabber server via ssl, which will
+prevent anyone between you and the server from sniffing your plaintext
+messages or your password. In mcabber you could enable this feature by adding
+set ssl = 1
+set ssl_verify = -1
+to your configuration file.
+The next step is server to server encryption, which you can't control,
+unless you're the admin of your server. So, theoretically it would be possible
+to spy between Jabber servers, or maybe your buddy doesn't use an ssl
+connection. Of course, if you are truly paranoid, you won't trust the
+server admins but only your buddy. So, to encrypt messages between you and your
+buddy, end-to-end encryption can be used. There are two protocols for
+accomplishing this: The first one is OpenPGP/GnuPG, which is a semi standard\cite{xep27}
+in the Jabber world. The other protocol is Off-the-Record(OTR) Messaging, which was
+designed by cryptographers Ian Goldberg and Nikita Borisov\cite{otr}. Although OTR
+isn't a standard, a lot of developers have implemented it for their instant
+messaging clients. The main reason might be the availability of libotr\cite{libotr},
+an open-source library from the authors of OTR which does all the hard work.
+GnuPG is considered to be more mature, but it also has a major drawback:
+You can't encrypt messages between Jabber and legacy networks. Because
+naturally, the clients of other networks won't support Jabber extensions.
+OTR can fill that gap, because it only uses the message body as an envelope
+for the whole protocol.
+I will now describe in detail how to use both protocols with mcabber.
+First of all, I'm assuming that you've already generated a gnupg key
+which you want to use to encrypt Jabber messages. If you haven't done
+this before, go to \url{} first.
+Using PGP encryption with mcabber should be straight-forward, but you have to
+restart mcabber for configuring it. To enable PGP for mcabber, you must
+add two lines to your configuration file:
+set pgp = 1
+set pgp_private_key = 23DEADBEEFDEAD42
+The first one enables OpenPGP and the second line tells mcabber which PGP key it
+should use. If you didn't notice: This hexadecimal number is the last
+characters of your PGP key fingerprint, get it with
+\verb+gpg --fingerprint+\verb+ --list-secret-keys+.
+If you have no problems writing your passphrase to your hard disk, you could
+also set the variable \textit{pgp\_passphrase} in your config file. Otherwise mcabber will
+ask you for your passphrase at every start-up.
+From now on, mcabber will magically use PGP encryption whenever it can.
+Basically this works because presence messages of users using PGP are signed
+with their key. If you happen to have a contact whose Jabber client doesn't
+conform to that part of the standard, you can manually give mcabber their key
+pgp setkey D9940C9BB1B92310
+Enabling OTR in mcabber works in almost the same manner as PGP. But instead of
+generating your encryption key by hand, mcabber will create one for you when
+it starts. This might take some time and you can speed it up by generating
+randomness by typing, moving the mouse, writing to hard disk etc.
+But first of all, you must add the following lines to your configuration file
+and restart mcabber:
+set otr = 1
+otrpolicy default manual
+The first line is analogous to PGP. The second one gives the OTR subsystem
+the hint that you want to be able to start encrypted OTR channels
+manually(by issuing \verb+/otr start+). If you want that they are also "magically" started, you should
+change \verb+manual+ to \verb+opportunistic+. The opportunistic mode adds some whitespace
+characters to the first message sent to a buddy. So, his client can find those
+characters and establish an OTR channel. Please note that "establishing" the
+channel could take some time, depending on the delay of exchanging messages
+between both ends. (For the technically inclined: Four messages have to be sent
+before the channel is fully established. The whole protocol is described in
+detail at \url{})
+Keep in mind that an established channel with a buddy isn't per se secure. It
+could be possible that you become a victim of a Man-in-the-middle attack. To
+make it secure, you'll have to exchange the fingerprints of the keys through
+a trusted medium (telephone, in person, etc). You can see your own fingerprint
+by using the command \verb+/otr key+ and the fingerprint of your chat buddy by
+\verb+/otr fingerprint+. Check \verb+/help otr+ to find out how to trust the fingerprint now.
+There is even another way for exchanging fingerprints: The Socialist Millionaires'
+Protocol\cite{smp}. It's basically a cryptographic secure way for two parties with the
+secret information x and y to check whether x==y without revealing any
+information about the secrets. Unfortunately there aren't many clients
+supporting that feature yet. In mcabber it is mapped to the commands
+\verb+/otr smpq your_secret+ for the initiating party and
+\verb+/otr smpr your_secret+ for the answering party. If both parties supply
+the same secret, the fingerprints can be marked trusted.