Logging and chained methods
authorMyhailo Danylenko <isbear@ukrpost.net>
Fri, 20 Feb 2009 23:07:43 +0200
changeset 6 90073cbb535d
parent 5 e617c9cf6dd3
child 7 5db1448eb857
Logging and chained methods
--- a/CMakeLists.txt	Mon Feb 16 01:32:12 2009 +0200
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt	Fri Feb 20 23:07:43 2009 +0200
@@ -3,12 +3,11 @@
 project(lua-lm C)
 ## User options
-option(DEBUG "Enable debugging output" OFF)
+option(DEBUG "Enable debugging output" ON)
 ## Define targets
 add_library(loudmouth MODULE util.c lm_types.c lm_proxy.c lm_ssl.c lm_connection.c lm_message.c lm_message_node.c lm_message_handler.c lm.c)
 get_target_property(lua-lm_SOURCES loudmouth SOURCES)
-configure_file(config.h.in config.h)
 ## Packaging information
 set(CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME liblua5.1-loudmouth)
@@ -38,23 +37,34 @@
 find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
 pkg_check_modules(GLIB REQUIRED glib-2.0)
 pkg_check_modules(LM REQUIRED loudmouth-1.0)
+check_function_exists(lm_connection_get_keep_alive_rate HAVE_LM_CONNECTION_GET_KEEP_ALIVE_RATE)
 ## Set up compiler
+configure_file(config.h.in config.h)
 target_link_libraries(loudmouth ${LUA_LIBRARIES} ${GLIB_LIBRARIES} ${LM_LIBRARIES})
 include_directories(${lua-lm_SOURCE_DIR} ${lua-lm_BINARY_DIR})
 set_target_properties(loudmouth PROPERTIES PREFIX "")
 ## Extra targets
-add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${lua-lm_BINARY_DIR}/loudmouth.html COMMAND ${lua-lm_SOURCE_DIR}/docgen.pl ${lua-lm_SOURCES} > ${lua-lm_BINARY_DIR}/loudmouth.html DEPENDS ${lua-lm_SOURCE_DIR}/docgen.pl ${lua-lm_SOURCES} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${lua-lm_SOURCE_DIR})
-add_custom_target(doc ALL DEPENDS ${lua-lm_BINARY_DIR}/loudmouth.html)
+	add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${lua-lm_BINARY_DIR}/loudmouth.html COMMAND ${lua-lm_SOURCE_DIR}/docgen.pl ${lua-lm_SOURCES} > ${lua-lm_BINARY_DIR}/loudmouth.html DEPENDS ${lua-lm_SOURCE_DIR}/docgen.pl ${lua-lm_SOURCES} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${lua-lm_SOURCE_DIR})
+	add_custom_target(doc ALL DEPENDS ${lua-lm_BINARY_DIR}/loudmouth.html)
 add_custom_target(test COMMAND env "LUA_PATH=${lua-lm_SOURCE_DIR}/?.lua;${LUA_PATH}" "LUA_CPATH=${lua-lm_SOURCE_DIR}/?.so;${lua-lm_BINARY_DIR}/?.so;${LUA_CPATH}" lua ${lua-lm_SOURCE_DIR}/test.lua DEPENDS loudmouth VERBATIM)
+add_custom_target(test1 COMMAND env "LUA_PATH=${lua-lm_SOURCE_DIR}/?.lua;${LUA_PATH}" "LUA_CPATH=${lua-lm_SOURCE_DIR}/?.so;${lua-lm_BINARY_DIR}/?.so;${LUA_CPATH}" lua ${lua-lm_BINARY_DIR}/test.lua DEPENDS loudmouth VERBATIM)
 ## Set up installer
 install(TARGETS loudmouth DESTINATION lib/lua/5.1)
 install(FILES lm.lua DESTINATION share/lua/5.1)
 install(FILES test.lua DESTINATION share/doc/${CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME}/examples)
-install(FILES ${lua-lm_BINARY_DIR}/loudmouth.html DESTINATION share/doc/${CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME})
+	install(FILES ${lua-lm_BINARY_DIR}/loudmouth.html DESTINATION share/doc/${CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME})
--- a/README	Mon Feb 16 01:32:12 2009 +0200
+++ b/README	Fri Feb 20 23:07:43 2009 +0200
@@ -1,18 +1,22 @@
 This is a lua 5.1 interface for loudmouth jabber client library.
-To install it, you need glib and loudmouth headers and libraries.
-Edit Makefile, set PREFIX, SOLIBDIR, LUALIBDIR, then run
-make install
+To install it, you need lua, glib and loudmouth headers and libraries,
+cmake and perl (optional, for documentation). Then do
+$ cd build
+$ cmake ..
+$ make
+# make install
-Optionally you can generate and install api documentation (for now
-there are no lua convenience interface documentation, only for low-level
-interface, implemented in c, see example in test.lua). You will need a
-perl interpreter for that. Edit Makefile, set DOCDIR, then run
-make doc
-make doc-install
+Debian users can instead of make install do
+$ make package
+# dpkg -i liblua5.1-*.deb
-This code underlies terms of GNU GPL v3 or later.
+Also you can be interested in running
+$ make edit_cache
+before doing make to configure some project settings.
+This code underlies terms of GNU GPL v2 or later.
 I will be happy to get feedback, patches, suggestions, etc.
--- a/TODO	Mon Feb 16 01:32:12 2009 +0200
+++ b/TODO	Fri Feb 20 23:07:43 2009 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-* Add debugging output and verify refcounts of lm objects. Need a decent test script for that...
-* How to report errors in callbacks? We cannot use lua_error, it can be even outside of any lua pcalled environment.
-* Some additional lua functions?
+Verify refcounts of lm objects. Need a decent test script for that.
+Some additional lua functions?
--- a/config.h.in	Mon Feb 16 01:32:12 2009 +0200
+++ b/config.h.in	Fri Feb 20 23:07:43 2009 +0200
@@ -5,11 +5,25 @@
 // define this to enable debugging output
 #cmakedefine DEBUG
+// define this, if your loudmouth have lm_connection_get_keep_alive_rate ()
 #ifdef DEBUG
-#include <stdio.h>
-#define D(FORMAT...) { fprintf ( stderr, FORMAT ); }
+#  include <stdio.h>
+#  ifndef LLM_LOG_PREFIX
+#    define LLM_LOG_PREFIX ( "lua-lm" )
+#  endif
+#  define D(FORMAT...) { g_log (LLM_LOG_PREFIX, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, FORMAT); }
+#  define I(FORMAT...) { g_log (LLM_LOG_PREFIX, G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, FORMAT); }
+#  define E(FORMAT...) { g_log (LLM_LOG_PREFIX, G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, FORMAT); }
-#define D(FORMAT...) { /* FORMAT */ }
+#  define D(FORMAT...) { /* FORMAT */ }
+#  define I(FORMAT...) { /* FORMAT */ }
+#  define W(FORMAT...) { /* FORMAT */ }
+#  define E(FORMAT...) { /* FORMAT */ }
--- a/lm.c	Mon Feb 16 01:32:12 2009 +0200
+++ b/lm.c	Fri Feb 20 23:07:43 2009 +0200
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
 	lua_rawset (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);   // 0
 	lua_createtable (L, 6, 0);
-	lua_pushvalue (L, -1);
-	lua_setglobal (L, "lm");
+//	lua_pushvalue (L, -1);
+//	lua_setglobal (L, "lm");
 	luaopen_lm_message_node (L);
 	luaopen_lm_message (L);
--- a/lm.lua	Mon Feb 16 01:32:12 2009 +0200
+++ b/lm.lua	Fri Feb 20 23:07:43 2009 +0200
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-require ( 'loudmouth' )
+lm = require 'loudmouth'
 -- argument is a table with keys,
 -- corresponding to method names.
 function lm.proxy.create ( a )
 	if type ( a ) ~= "table" then
-		error ( "arguments should be in a table" )
+		error "arguments should be in a table"
 	local p = lm.proxy.new ()
 	if a.server then
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 function lm.ssl.create ( a )
 	if not lm.ssl.supported () then
 		-- XXX
-		-- error ( "ssl is not supported by your loudmouth library" )
+		-- error "ssl is not supported by your loudmouth library"
 		return nil
 	local fp, cb
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 	elseif st == "string" then
 		fp = a
 	elseif st ~= "nil" then
-		error ( "unexpected type of argument" )
+		error "unexpected type of argument"
 	if fp then
 		if cb then
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
 	elseif at == "table" then
 		local server = a.server
 		if not server then
-			error ( "server name parameter required" )
+			error "server name parameter required"
 		-- create connection object
@@ -208,10 +208,10 @@
 function lm.message.create ( a )
 	if type ( a ) ~= "table" then
-		error ( "table expected as argument" )
+		error "table expected as argument"
 	if not a.mtype or not a.to then
-		error ( "you must specify message type and destination" )
+		error "you must specify message type and destination"
 	local mtype, subtype = a.mtype:match ( "(.-)%-(.+)" )
 	local m
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
 -- resource
 function lm.connect ( a )
 	if type ( a ) ~= "table" then
-		error ( "table expected as argument" )
+		error "table expected as argument"
 	if a.ssl then
 		if a.ssl.validate and not a.ssl.callback then
--- a/lm_connection.c	Mon Feb 16 01:32:12 2009 +0200
+++ b/lm_connection.c	Fri Feb 20 23:07:43 2009 +0200
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 #include <glib.h>			// GDestroyNotify, GMainContext
 #include <loudmouth/loudmouth.h>
+#include "config.h"
 #include "util.h"
 #include "lm_types.h"
 #include "lm_message.h"
@@ -62,16 +63,15 @@
 	const char *server = luaL_checkstring (L, 1);
 	LmConnection *connection;
-	if (lua_gettop (L) < 2) {
+	if (lua_gettop (L) < 2)
 		connection = lm_connection_new (server);
-		lua_pop (L, 1);
-	} else {
+	else {
 		luaL_argcheck (L, lua_islightuserdata (L, 2), 2, "glib main context lightuserdata expected");
 		connection = lm_connection_new_with_context (server, (GMainContext *) lua_touserdata (L, 2));
-		lua_pop (L, 2);
 	llm_connection_bless (L, connection);
 	lm_connection_unref (connection);
+	D ("Connection %X created", (int) connection);
 	return 1;
@@ -84,7 +84,6 @@
 	luaL_argcheck (L, lua_islightuserdata (L, 1), 1, "loudmouth connection lightuserdata expected");
 	llm_connection_bless (L, (LmConnection *) lua_touserdata (L, 1));
-	lua_remove (L, -2);
 	return 1;
@@ -99,37 +98,41 @@
 	// XXX lm_connection_unref (connection);
 	lua_pushboolean (cb->L, success);
 	if (lua_pcall (cb->L, 2, 0, 0)) {
-		// XXX lua_error (cb->L);
+		E ("Connection callback error: %s", lua_tostring (cb->L, -1));
 		lua_pop (cb->L, 1);
-		return;
 /// connection:open
 /// Opens connection to the server and then calls callback function.
 /// A: connection callback function
-/// R: boolean (success)
+/// R: lm connection object or nil, string (error message)
 static int llm_connection_open (lua_State *L)
 	llm_connection_t *object = luaL_checklm_connection (L, 1);
 	llm_callback_t *cb;
 	luaL_argcheck (L, lua_isfunction (L, 2), 2, "function expected");
+	GError *err;
 	cb = luaL_malloc (L, sizeof (llm_callback_t));
 	cb->reference = luaL_ref (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
 	cb->L         = L;
-	lua_pushboolean (L, lm_connection_open (object->connection,
-						(LmResultFunction)llm_connection_callback, cb,
-						(GDestroyNotify)llm_callback_destroy, NULL));
-	lua_remove (L, -2);
-	return 1;
+	if (lm_connection_open (object->connection, (LmResultFunction) llm_connection_callback,
+				 cb, (GDestroyNotify) llm_callback_destroy, &err))
+		return 1;
+	else {
+		lua_pushnil (L);
+		lua_pushstring (L, err->message);
+		W ("Connection opening failed");
+		return 2;
+	}
 /// connection:authenticate
 /// Tries to authenticate against opened connection, then calls callback function.
 /// A: string (username), string (password), string (resource), connection callback function
-/// R: boolean (success)
+/// R: lm connection object or nil, string (error message)
 static int llm_connection_authenticate (lua_State *L)
 	llm_connection_t *object = luaL_checklm_connection (L, 1);
@@ -138,72 +141,72 @@
 	const char *resource = luaL_checkstring (L, 4);
 	llm_callback_t *cb;
 	int status;
+	GError *err = NULL;
 	luaL_argcheck (L, lua_isfunction (L, 5), 5, "function expected");
 	cb = luaL_malloc (L, sizeof (llm_callback_t));
 	cb->reference = luaL_ref (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
 	cb->L         = L;
-	status = lm_connection_authenticate (object->connection, username, password, resource,
-						(LmResultFunction)llm_connection_callback, cb,
-						(GDestroyNotify)llm_callback_destroy, NULL);
-	lua_pop (L, 4);
-	lua_pushboolean (L, status);
-	return 1;
+	if (lm_connection_authenticate (object->connection, username, password, resource,
+						(LmResultFunction) llm_connection_callback, cb,
+						(GDestroyNotify) llm_callback_destroy, &err)) {
+		lua_pop (L, 3);
+		return 1;
+	} else {
+		lua_pushnil (L);
+		lua_pushstring (L, err->message);
+		W ("Connection authentication failed: %s", err->message);
+		return 2;
+	}
 /// connection:port
 /// Gets or sets server port to connect.
 /// A: integer (optional)
-/// R: integer (when called with no args)
+/// R: integer (when called with no args) or lm connection object
 static int llm_connection_port (lua_State *L)
 	llm_connection_t *object = luaL_checklm_connection (L, 1);
 	if (lua_gettop (L) > 1) { // Set
 		lm_connection_set_port (object->connection, luaL_checkint (L, 2));
-		lua_pop (L, 2);
-		return 0;
+		lua_pop (L, 1);
 	} else { // Get
 		lua_pushnumber (L, lm_connection_get_port (object->connection));
-		lua_remove (L, -2);
-		return 1;
+	return 1;
 /// connection:server
 /// Gets or sets server to connect to.
 /// A: string (optional, server name)
-/// R: string (when called with no args)
+/// R: string (when called with no args) or lm connection object
 static int llm_connection_server (lua_State *L)
 	llm_connection_t *object = luaL_checklm_connection (L, 1);
 	if (lua_gettop (L) > 1) { // Set
 		lm_connection_set_server (object->connection, luaL_checkstring (L, 2));
-		lua_pop (L, 2);
-		return 0;
+		lua_pop (L, 1);
 	} else { // Get
 		lua_pushstring (L, lm_connection_get_server (object->connection));
-		lua_remove (L, -2);
-		return 1;
+	return 1;
 /// connection:jid
 /// Gets or sets jid for connection.
 /// A: string (optional)
-/// R: string (when called with no args)
+/// R: string (when called with no args) or lm connection object
 static int llm_connection_jid (lua_State *L)
 	llm_connection_t *object = luaL_checklm_connection (L, 1);
 	if (lua_gettop (L) > 1) { // Set
 		lm_connection_set_jid (object->connection, luaL_checkstring (L, 2));
-		lua_pop (L, 2);
-		return 0;
+		lua_pop (L, 1);
 	} else { // Get
 		lua_pushstring (L, lm_connection_get_jid (object->connection));
-		lua_remove (L, -2);
-		return 1;
+	return 1;
 /// connection:keep_alive_rate
@@ -211,39 +214,38 @@
 /// Note, that on some platforms there is no get function even in
 /// loudmouth versions, that should have it according to documentation.
 /// integer (optional, seconds)
-/// integer (when called with no args)
+/// integer (when called with no args) or lm connection object or nil, string (error message, when get function is not available in loudmouth)
 static int llm_connection_keep_alive_rate (lua_State *L)
 	llm_connection_t *object = luaL_checklm_connection (L, 1);
 	if (lua_gettop (L) > 1) { // Set
 		lm_connection_set_keep_alive_rate (object->connection, luaL_checkint (L, 2));
-		lua_pop (L, 2);
-		return 0;
+		lua_pop (L, 1);
+		return 1;
 	} else { // Get
 		lua_pushnumber (L, lm_connection_get_keep_alive_rate (object->connection));
-		lua_remove (L, -2);
+		return 1;
-		lua_pop (L, 1);
-		lua_pushstring (L, "Sorry, your loudmouth have no get_keep_alive_rate");
-		lua_error (L);
+		E ("Sorry, your loudmouth have no get_keep_alive_rate ()");
+		lua_pushnil (L);
+		lua_pushstring (L, "Sorry, your loudmouth have no get_keep_alive_rate ()");
+		return 2;
-		return 1;
 /// connection:proxy
 /// Gets or sets proxy server for connection.
 /// A: lm proxy object (optional)
-/// R: lm proxy object or nil (when called with no args)
+/// R: lm proxy object or nil (when called with no args) or lm connection object
 static int llm_connection_proxy (lua_State *L)
 	llm_connection_t *object = luaL_checklm_connection (L, 1);
 	if (lua_gettop (L) > 1) { // Set
 		llm_proxy_t *proxy = luaL_checklm_proxy (L, 2);
 		lm_connection_set_proxy (object->connection, proxy->proxy);
-		lua_pop (L, 2);
-		return 0;
+		lua_pop (L, 1);
 	} else { // Get
 		LmProxy *proxy = lm_connection_get_proxy (object->connection);
 		lua_pop (L, 1);
@@ -252,22 +254,21 @@
 			// XXX lm_proxy_unref (proxy);
 		} else
 			lua_pushnil (L);
-		return 1;
+	return 1;
 /// connection:ssl
 /// Gets or sets ssl object for connection.
 /// A: lm ssl object (optional)
-/// R: lm ssl object or nil (when called with no args)
+/// R: lm ssl object or nil (when called with no args) or lm connection object
 static int llm_connection_ssl (lua_State *L)
 	llm_connection_t *object = luaL_checklm_connection (L, 1);
 	if (lua_gettop (L) > 1) { // Set
 		llm_ssl_t *ssl = luaL_checklm_ssl (L, 2);
 		lm_connection_set_ssl (object->connection, ssl->ssl);
-		lua_pop (L, 2);
-		return 0;
+		lua_pop (L, 1);
 	} else { // Get
 		LmSSL *ssl = lm_connection_get_ssl (object->connection);
 		lua_pop (L, 1);
@@ -276,19 +277,25 @@
 			// XXX lm_ssl_unref (ssl);
 		} else
 			lua_pushnil (L);
-		return 1;
+	return 1;
 /// connection:close
 /// Close connection.
-/// R: boolean (success)
+/// R: lm connection object or nil, string (error message)
 static int llm_connection_close (lua_State *L)
 	llm_connection_t *object = luaL_checklm_connection (L, 1);
-	lua_pushboolean (L, lm_connection_close (object->connection, NULL));
-	lua_remove (L, -2);
-	return 1;
+	GError *err = NULL;
+	if (lm_connection_close (object->connection, &err))
+		return 1;
+	else {
+		W ("Connection close failed: %s", err->message);
+		lua_pushnil (L);
+		lua_pushstring (L, err->message);
+		return 2;
+	}
 /// connection:status
@@ -298,7 +305,6 @@
 	llm_connection_t *connection = luaL_checklm_connection (L, 1);
 	luaL_pushenum (L, lm_connection_get_state (connection->connection), llm_connection_state);
-	lua_remove (L, -2);
 	return 1;
@@ -307,14 +313,15 @@
 /// receiving of response to that message.
 /// Handler function can be either message handler object or just a function.
 /// A: lm message object, message handler callback function or lm message handler object (optional)
-/// R: boolean (success)
+/// R: lm connection object or nil, string (error message)
 static int llm_connection_send (lua_State *L)
 	llm_connection_t *object = luaL_checklm_connection (L, 1);
 	llm_message_t *message = luaL_checklm_message (L, 2);
 	int status;
+	GError *err = NULL;
 	if (lua_gettop (L) < 3) // Send
-		status = lm_connection_send (object->connection, message->message, NULL);
+		status = lm_connection_send (object->connection, message->message, &err);
 	else if (lua_isfunction (L, 3)) { // Send w/reply, func
 		llm_callback_t *cb = luaL_malloc (L, sizeof (llm_callback_t));
 		LmMessageHandler *handler;
@@ -325,31 +332,43 @@
 					cb, (GDestroyNotify)llm_callback_destroy);
 		status = lm_connection_send_with_reply (object->connection,
-							message->message, handler, NULL);
+							message->message, handler, &err);
 		lm_message_handler_unref (handler);
 	} else { // Send w/reply, handler
 		llm_message_handler_t *handler = luaL_checklm_message_handler (L, 3);
 		status = lm_connection_send_with_reply (object->connection, message->message,
-							handler->message_handler, NULL);
+							handler->message_handler, &err);
 		lua_pop (L, 1);
-	lua_pop (L, 2);
-	lua_pushboolean (L, status);
-	return 1;
+	lua_pop (L, 1);
+	if (status)
+		return 1;
+	else {
+		W ("Message sending failed: %s", err->message);
+		lua_pushnil (L);
+		lua_pushstring (L, err->message);
+		return 2;
+	}
 /// connection:send_raw
 /// Sends arbitrary string to opened connection.
 /// A: string
-/// R: boolean (status)
+/// R: lm connection object or nil, string (error message)
 static int llm_connection_send_raw (lua_State *L)
 	llm_connection_t *object = luaL_checklm_connection (L, 1);
 	const char *string = luaL_checkstring (L, 2);
-	int status = lm_connection_send_raw (object->connection, string, NULL);
-	lua_pop (L, 2);
-	lua_pushboolean (L, status);
-	return 1;
+	GError *err = NULL;
+	if (lm_connection_send_raw (object->connection, string, NULL)) {
+		lua_pop (L, 1);
+		return 1;
+	} else {
+		W ("Raw message sending failed: %s", err->message);
+		lua_pushnil (L);
+		lua_pushstring (L, err->message);
+		return 2;
+	}
 /// connection:handler
@@ -358,6 +377,7 @@
 /// Handler function can be specified as plain function or message handler object.
 /// Though, you can unregister only a message handler object.
 /// A: message handler callback function or lm message handler object, message type, handler priority (optional)
+/// R: lm connection object
 static int llm_connection_handler (lua_State *L)
 	llm_connection_t *object = luaL_checklm_connection (L, 1);
@@ -393,7 +413,7 @@
 	lua_pop (L, 2);
-	return 0;
+	return 1;
 /// disconnect callback function
@@ -406,15 +426,15 @@
 	// XXX lm_connection_unref (connection);
 	luaL_pushenum (cb->L, reason, llm_disconnect_reason);
 	if (lua_pcall (cb->L, 2, 0, 0)) {
-		// XXX lua_error (cb->L);
+		E ("Disconnect callback error: %s", lua_tostring (cb->L, -1));
 		lua_pop (cb->L, 1);
-		return;
 /// connection:ondisconnect
 /// Sets callback, that will be called on connection disconnect.
 /// A: disconnect callback function
+/// R: lm connection object
 static int llm_connection_ondisconnect (lua_State *L)
 	llm_connection_t *object = luaL_checklm_connection (L, 1);
@@ -428,56 +448,69 @@
 	lm_connection_set_disconnect_function (object->connection,
 					       cb, (GDestroyNotify)llm_callback_destroy);
-	lua_pop (L, 1);
-	return 0;
+	return 1;
 /// connection:open_wait
 /// Synchronous open call, that will block until connection will be opened.
-/// R: boolean (success)
+/// R: lm connection object or nil, string (error message)
 static int llm_connection_open_wait (lua_State *L)
 	llm_connection_t *object = luaL_checklm_connection (L, 1);
-	lua_pushboolean (L, lm_connection_open_and_block (object->connection, NULL));
-	lua_remove (L, -2);
-	return 1;
+	GError *err = NULL;
+	if (lm_connection_open_and_block (object->connection, &err))
+		return 1;
+	else {
+		W ("Synchronous connection opening failed: %s", err->message);
+		lua_pushnil (L);
+		lua_pushstring (L, err->message);
+		return 2;
+	}
 /// connection:authenticate_wait
 /// Synchronous authentication call, that will wait until the end of authentication.
 /// A: string (username), string (password), string (resource)
-/// R: boolean (success)
+/// R: lm connection object or nil, string (error message)
 static int llm_connection_authenticate_wait (lua_State *L)
 	llm_connection_t *object = luaL_checklm_connection (L, 1);
 	const char *username = luaL_checkstring (L, 2);
 	const char *password = luaL_checkstring (L, 3);
 	const char *resource = luaL_checkstring (L, 4);
-	int status = lm_connection_authenticate_and_block (object->connection, username,
-								password, resource, NULL);
-	lua_pop (L, 4);
-	lua_pushboolean (L, status);
-	return 1;
+	GError *err = NULL;
+	if (lm_connection_authenticate_and_block (object->connection, username,
+								password, resource, &err))
+		return 1;
+	else {
+		W ("Synchronous authentication failed: %s", err->message);
+		lua_pushnil (L);
+		lua_pushstring (L, err->message);
+		return 2;
+	}
 /// connection:send_wait
 /// Synchronous call, that will send message and wait for reply to it.
 /// A: lm message object
-/// R: lm message object or nil
+/// R: lm message object or nil, string (error message)
 static int llm_connection_send_wait (lua_State *L)
 	llm_connection_t *object = luaL_checklm_connection (L, 1);
 	llm_message_t *message = luaL_checklm_message (L, 2);
+	GError *err = NULL;
 	LmMessage *new = lm_connection_send_with_reply_and_block (object->connection,
-									message->message, NULL);
-	lua_pop (L, 2);
-	if (!new)
+									message->message, &err);
+	if (!new) {
+		W ("Synchronous message sending failed: %s", err->message);
 		lua_pushnil (L);
-	else {
+		lua_pushstring (L, err->message);
+		return 2;
+	} else {
 		llm_message_bless (L, new);
 		lm_message_unref (new); // XXX
+		return 1;
-	return 1;
 /// connection:pointer
@@ -494,8 +527,8 @@
 static int llm_connection_gc (lua_State *L)
 	llm_connection_t *object = luaL_checklm_connection (L, 1);
+	D ("Connection %X gc called", (int) object);
 	lm_connection_unref (object->connection);
-	lua_pop (L, 1);
 	return 0;
--- a/lm_message.c	Mon Feb 16 01:32:12 2009 +0200
+++ b/lm_message.c	Fri Feb 20 23:07:43 2009 +0200
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 #include <lauxlib.h>
 #include <loudmouth/loudmouth.h>
+#include "config.h"
 #include "util.h"
 #include "lm_types.h"
@@ -31,6 +32,8 @@
 	{ "stream:stream",   LM_MESSAGE_TYPE_STREAM          },
 	{ "stream:error",    LM_MESSAGE_TYPE_STREAM_ERROR    },
 	{ "stream:features", LM_MESSAGE_TYPE_STREAM_FEATURES },
+	{ "stream_error",    LM_MESSAGE_TYPE_STREAM_ERROR    },
+	{ "stream_features", LM_MESSAGE_TYPE_STREAM_FEATURES },
 	{ NULL,              0                               },
@@ -67,15 +70,14 @@
 	const char *to   = luaL_checkstring (L, 1);
 	int         type = luaL_checkenum (L, 2, llm_message_type);
 	LmMessage *message;
-	if (lua_gettop (L) > 2) {
+	if (lua_gettop (L) > 2)
 		message = lm_message_new_with_sub_type (to, type,
 						luaL_checkenum (L, 3, llm_message_sub_type));
-		lua_pop (L, 1);
-	} else
+	else
 		message = lm_message_new (to, type);
-	lua_pop (L, 2);
 	llm_message_bless (L, message);
 	lm_message_unref (message);
+	D ("Message %X created", (int) message);
 	return 1;
@@ -87,7 +89,6 @@
 	luaL_argcheck (L, lua_islightuserdata (L, 1), 1, "lm message lightuserdata expected");
 	llm_message_bless (L, lua_touserdata (L, 1));
-	lua_remove (L, -2);
 	return 1;
@@ -100,10 +101,12 @@
 	LmMessageNode *node = lm_message_get_node (object->message);
 	llm_message_node_bless (L, node);
 	// XXX lm_message_node_unref (node);
-	lua_remove (L, -2);
 	return 1;
+// XXX: add node methods here to allow omitting of :node(): element
+// BTW, we can jus adapt node methods to work on messages too and register them here also
 /// message:type
 /// Returns two strings: message type and message sub type.
 /// R: message type, message sub type
@@ -112,7 +115,6 @@
 	llm_message_t *object = luaL_checklm_message (L, 1);
 	luaL_pushenum (L, lm_message_get_type (object->message), llm_message_type);
 	luaL_pushenum (L, lm_message_get_sub_type (object->message), llm_message_sub_type);
-	lua_remove (L, -3);
 	return 2;
@@ -123,15 +125,14 @@
 	llm_message_t *object = luaL_checklm_message (L, 1);
 	lua_pushlightuserdata (L, object->message);
-	lua_remove (L, -2);
 	return 1;
 static int llm_message_gc (lua_State *L)
-	llm_message_t *object = luaL_checklm_message (L, 1);
-	lm_message_unref (object->message);
-	lua_pop (L, 1);
+	llm_message_t *message = luaL_checklm_message (L, 1);
+	D ("Message %X gc called", (int) message);
+	lm_message_unref (message->message);
 	return 0;
--- a/lm_message_handler.c	Mon Feb 16 01:32:12 2009 +0200
+++ b/lm_message_handler.c	Fri Feb 20 23:07:43 2009 +0200
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 #include <glib.h>
 #include <loudmouth/loudmouth.h>
+#include "config.h"
 #include "lm_types.h"
 #include "util.h"
@@ -25,7 +26,7 @@
 	llm_message_bless (cb->L, message);
 	// XXX lm_message_unref (message);
 	if (lua_pcall (cb->L, 2, 1, 0)) {
-		// XXX lua_error (cb->L);
+		E ("Message handler callback error: %s", lua_tostring (cb->L, -1));
 		lua_pop (cb->L, 1);
@@ -55,6 +56,7 @@
 					cb, (GDestroyNotify)llm_callback_destroy);
 	llm_message_handler_bless (L, handler);
 	lm_message_handler_unref (handler); // XXX
+	D ("Message handler %X created", (int) handler);
 	return 1;
@@ -66,18 +68,18 @@
 	luaL_argcheck (L, lua_islightuserdata (L, 1), 1, "loudmouth message handler pointer expected");
 	llm_message_handler_bless (L, lua_touserdata (L, 1));
-	lua_remove (L, -2);
 	return 1;
+// XXX: merge with next?
 /// message_handler:invalidate
 /// Invalidates handler.
+/// R: lm message handler object
 static int llm_message_handler_invalidate (lua_State *L)
 	llm_message_handler_t *object = luaL_checklm_message_handler (L, 1);
 	lm_message_handler_invalidate (object->message_handler);
-	lua_pop (L, 1);
-	return 0;
+	return 1;
 /// message_handler:valid
@@ -87,7 +89,6 @@
 	llm_message_handler_t *object = luaL_checklm_message_handler (L, 1);
 	lua_pushboolean (L, lm_message_handler_is_valid (object->message_handler));
-	lua_remove (L, -2);
 	return 1;
@@ -98,15 +99,14 @@
 	llm_message_handler_t *object = luaL_checklm_message_handler (L, 1);
 	lua_pushlightuserdata (L, object->message_handler);
-	lua_remove (L, -2);
 	return 1;
 static int llm_message_handler_gc (lua_State *L)
 	llm_message_handler_t *object = luaL_checklm_message_handler (L, 1);
+	D ("Message handler %X gc called", (int) object);
 	lm_message_handler_unref (object->message_handler);
-	lua_pop (L, 1);
 	return 0;
--- a/lm_message_node.c	Mon Feb 16 01:32:12 2009 +0200
+++ b/lm_message_node.c	Fri Feb 20 23:07:43 2009 +0200
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 #include <lauxlib.h>
 #include <loudmouth/loudmouth.h>
+#include "config.h"
 #include "lm_types.h"
 /// lm.message_node
@@ -17,7 +18,6 @@
 	luaL_argcheck (L, lua_islightuserdata (L, 1), 1, "loudmouth message node lightuserdata expected");
 	llm_message_node_bless (L, lua_touserdata (L, 1));
-	lua_remove (L, -2);
 	return 1;
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
 	llm_message_node_t *object = luaL_checklm_message_node (L, 1);
 	lua_pushstring (L, object->message_node->name);
-	lua_remove (L, -2);
 	return 1;
@@ -43,7 +42,6 @@
 		llm_message_node_bless (L, node);
 		lua_pushnil (L);
-	lua_remove (L, -2);
 	return 1;
@@ -58,7 +56,6 @@
 		llm_message_node_bless (L, node);
 		lua_pushnil (L);
-	lua_remove (L, -2);
 	return 1;
@@ -73,7 +70,6 @@
 		llm_message_node_bless (L, node);
 		lua_pushnil (L);
-	lua_remove (L, -2);
 	return 1;
@@ -88,27 +84,23 @@
 		llm_message_node_bless (L, node);
 		lua_pushnil (L);
-	lua_remove (L, -2);
 	return 1;
 /// message_node:value
 /// Gets or sets a value of message node.
 /// A: string (optional value)
-/// R: string (if called without arguments)
+/// R: string (if called without arguments) or lm message node object
 static int llm_message_node_value (lua_State *L)
 	llm_message_node_t *object = luaL_checklm_message_node (L, 1);
 	if (lua_gettop (L) > 1) { // Set
 		const char *value = luaL_checkstring (L, 2);
 		lm_message_node_set_value (object->message_node, value);
-		lua_pop (L, 2);
-		return 0;
-	} else { // Get
+		lua_pop (L, 1);
+	} else // Get
 		lua_pushstring (L, lm_message_node_get_value (object->message_node));
-		lua_remove (L, -2);
-		return 1;
-	}
+	return 1;
 /// message_node:child
@@ -121,11 +113,10 @@
 	const char *name = luaL_checkstring (L, 2);
 	LmMessageNode *child;
-	if (lua_gettop (L) > 2) { // Add
+	if (lua_gettop (L) > 2) // Add
 		child = lm_message_node_add_child (object->message_node, name,
 						   luaL_checkstring (L, 3));
-		lua_pop (L, 1);
-	} else { // Get
+	else { // Get
 		child = lm_message_node_get_child (object->message_node, name);
 		if (!child) {
 			lua_pushnil (L);
@@ -134,8 +125,6 @@
 	llm_message_node_bless (L, child);
 	// XXX lm_message_node_unref (child);
-	lua_remove (L, -2);
-	lua_remove (L, -2);
 	return 1;
@@ -156,8 +145,6 @@
 		llm_message_node_bless (L, child);
 		// XXX lm_message_node_unref (child);
-	lua_remove (L, -2);
-	lua_remove (L, -2);
 	return 1;
@@ -165,40 +152,33 @@
 /// Gets or sets raw mode flag for node.
 /// When set, value of node will not be escaped.
 /// A: boolean (optional)
-/// V: boolean (if called with no apguments)
+/// V: boolean (if called with no apguments) or lm message node object
 static int llm_message_node_raw (lua_State *L)
 	llm_message_node_t *object = luaL_checklm_message_node (L, 1);
 	if (lua_gettop (L) > 1) { // Set
 		luaL_checktype (L, 2, LUA_TBOOLEAN);
 		lm_message_node_set_raw_mode (object->message_node, lua_toboolean (L, 2));
-		lua_pop (L, 2);
-		return 0;
-	} else { // Get
+		lua_pop (L, 1);
+	} else // Get
 		lua_pushboolean (L, lm_message_node_get_raw_mode (object->message_node));
-		lua_remove (L, -2);
-		return 1;
-	}
+	return 1;
 /// message_node:attribute
 /// Gets or sets value of node attribute with a given name.
 /// A: string (name), string (optional value)
-/// R: string (when called with one aprgument)
+/// R: string (when called with one aprgument) or lm message node object
 static int llm_message_node_attribute (lua_State *L)
 	llm_message_node_t *object = luaL_checklm_message_node (L, 1);
 	const char *name = luaL_checkstring (L, 2);
 	if (lua_gettop (L) > 2) { // Set
 		lm_message_node_set_attribute (object->message_node, name, luaL_checkstring (L, 3));
-		lua_pop (L, 3);
-		return 0;
-	} else { // Get
+		lua_pop (L, 2);
+	} else // Get
 		lua_pushstring (L, lm_message_node_get_attribute (object->message_node, name));
-		lua_remove (L, -2);
-		lua_remove (L, -2);
-		return 1;
-	}
+	return 1;
 /// message_node:xml
@@ -208,7 +188,6 @@
 	llm_message_node_t *object = luaL_checklm_message_node (L, 1);
 	lua_pushstring (L, lm_message_node_to_string (object->message_node));
-	lua_remove (L, -2);
 	return 1;
@@ -219,15 +198,14 @@
 	llm_message_node_t *object = luaL_checklm_message_node (L, 1);
 	lua_pushlightuserdata (L, object->message_node);
-	lua_remove (L, -2);
 	return 1;
 static int llm_message_node_gc (lua_State *L)
 	llm_message_node_t *object = luaL_checklm_message_node (L, 1);
+	D ("Message node %X gc called", (int) object);
 	lm_message_node_unref (object->message_node);
-	lua_pop (L, 1);
 	return 0;
--- a/lm_proxy.c	Mon Feb 16 01:32:12 2009 +0200
+++ b/lm_proxy.c	Fri Feb 20 23:07:43 2009 +0200
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 #include <glib.h>
 #include <loudmouth/loudmouth.h>
+#include "config.h"
 #include "util.h"
 #include "lm_types.h"
@@ -30,15 +31,13 @@
 	int type = luaL_checkenum (L, 1, llm_proxy_type);
 	LmProxy *proxy;
-	if (lua_gettop (L) > 0) {
+	if (lua_gettop (L) > 0)
 		proxy = lm_proxy_new_with_server (type, luaL_checkstring (L, 2), luaL_checkint (L, 3));
-		lua_pop (L, 3);
-	} else {
+	else
 		proxy = lm_proxy_new (type);
-		lua_pop (L, 1);
-	}
 	llm_proxy_bless (L, proxy);
 	lm_proxy_unref (proxy); // XXX
+	D ("Proxy %X created", (int) proxy);
 	return 1;
@@ -50,98 +49,82 @@
 	luaL_argcheck (L, lua_islightuserdata (L, 1), 1, "lm proxy lightuserdata expected");
 	llm_proxy_bless (L, lua_touserdata (L, 1));
-	lua_remove (L, -2);
 	return 1;
 /// proxy:type
 /// Gets or sets proxy server type.
 /// A: proxy type (optional)
-/// R: proxy type (when called with no args)
+/// R: proxy type (when called with no args) or lm proxy object
 static int llm_proxy_kind (lua_State *L)
 	llm_proxy_t *proxy = luaL_checklm_proxy (L, 1);
 	if (lua_gettop (L) > 1) { // Set
 		lm_proxy_set_type (proxy->proxy, luaL_checkenum (L, 2, llm_proxy_type));
-		lua_pop (L, 2);
-		return 0;
-	} else { // Get
+		lua_pop (L, 1);
+	} else // Get
 		luaL_pushenum (L, lm_proxy_get_type (proxy->proxy), llm_proxy_type);
-		lua_remove (L, -2);
-		return 1;
-	}
+	return 1;
 /// proxy:server
 /// Gets or sets proxy server name.
 /// A: string (optional)
-/// R: string (when called with no args)
+/// R: string (when called with no args) or lm proxy object
 static int llm_proxy_server (lua_State *L)
 	llm_proxy_t *object = luaL_checklm_proxy (L, 1);
 	if (lua_gettop (L) > 1) { // Set
 		lm_proxy_set_server (object->proxy, luaL_checkstring (L, 2));
-		lua_pop (L, 2);
-		return 0;
-	} else { // Get
+		lua_pop (L, 1);
+	} else // Get
 		lua_pushstring (L, lm_proxy_get_server (object->proxy));
-		lua_remove (L, -2);
-		return 1;
-	}
+	return 1;
 /// proxy:port
 /// Gets or sets proxy server port.
 /// A: integer (optional)
-/// R: integer (when called with no args)
+/// R: integer (when called with no args) or lm proxy object
 static int llm_proxy_port (lua_State *L)
 	llm_proxy_t *object = luaL_checklm_proxy (L, 1);
 	if (lua_gettop (L) > 1) { // Set
 		lm_proxy_set_port (object->proxy, luaL_checkint (L, 2));
-		lua_pop (L, 2);
-		return 0;
-	} else { // Get
+		lua_pop (L, 1);
+	} else // Get
 		lua_pushnumber (L, lm_proxy_get_port (object->proxy));
-		lua_remove (L, -2);
-		return 1;
-	}
+	return 1;
 /// proxy:username
 /// Gets or sets username to authenticate to proxy server with.
 /// A: string (optional)
-/// R: string (when called with no args)
+/// R: string (when called with no args) or lm proxy object
 static int llm_proxy_username (lua_State *L)
 	llm_proxy_t *object = luaL_checklm_proxy (L, 1);
 	if (lua_gettop (L) > 1) { // Set
 		lm_proxy_set_username (object->proxy, luaL_checkstring (L, 2));
-		lua_pop (L, 2);
-		return 0;
-	} else { // Get
+		lua_pop (L, 1);
+	} else // Get
 		lua_pushstring (L, lm_proxy_get_username (object->proxy));
-		lua_remove (L, -2);
-		return 1;
-	}
+	return 1;
 /// proxy:password
 /// Gets or sets password to authenticate to proxy server with.
 /// A: string (optional)
-/// R: string (when called with no args)
+/// R: string (when called with no args) or lm proxy object
 static int llm_proxy_password (lua_State *L)
 	llm_proxy_t *object = luaL_checklm_proxy (L, 1);
 	if (lua_gettop (L) > 1) { // Set
 		lm_proxy_set_password (object->proxy, luaL_checkstring (L, 2));
-		lua_pop (L, 2);
-		return 0;
-	} else { // Get
+		lua_pop (L, 1);
+	} else // Get
 		lua_pushstring (L, lm_proxy_get_password (object->proxy));
-		lua_remove (L, -2);
-		return 1;
-	}
+	return 1;
 /// proxy:pointer
@@ -151,15 +134,14 @@
 	llm_proxy_t *object = luaL_checklm_proxy (L, 1);
 	lua_pushlightuserdata (L, object->proxy);
-	lua_remove (L, -2);
 	return 1;
 static int llm_proxy_gc (lua_State *L)
 	llm_proxy_t *object = luaL_checklm_proxy (L, 1);
+	D ("Proxy %X gc called", (int) object);
 	lm_proxy_unref (object->proxy);
-	lua_pop (L, 1);
 	return 0;
--- a/lm_ssl.c	Mon Feb 16 01:32:12 2009 +0200
+++ b/lm_ssl.c	Fri Feb 20 23:07:43 2009 +0200
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 #include <loudmouth/loudmouth.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
+#include "config.h"
 #include "util.h"
 #include "lm_types.h"
@@ -40,7 +41,7 @@
 	// XXX lm_ssl_unref (ssl);
 	luaL_pushenum (cb->L, status, llm_ssl_status);
 	if (lua_pcall (cb->L, 2, 0, 0)) {
-		// XXX lua_error (cb->L);
+		E ("SSL callback error: %s", lua_tostring (cb->L, -1));
 		lua_pop (cb->L, 1);
@@ -82,7 +83,6 @@
 		if (lua_objlen (L, 1) > 46)
 			string2fingerprint (fingerprint, buffer);
 		ssl = lm_ssl_new (buffer, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-		lua_pop (L, 1);
 	} else {
 		llm_callback_t *cb;
 		gchar buffer[16] = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
@@ -101,10 +101,10 @@
 		ssl = lm_ssl_new ((args > 1) ? buffer : NULL, (LmSSLFunction)llm_ssl_callback,
 							cb, (GDestroyNotify)llm_callback_destroy);
-		lua_pop (L, 1);
 	llm_ssl_bless (L, ssl);
 	lm_ssl_unref (ssl); // XXX
+	D ("SSL %X created", (int) ssl);
 	return 1;
@@ -116,7 +116,6 @@
 	luaL_argcheck (L, lua_islightuserdata (L, 1), 1, "lm ssl lightuserdata expected");
 	llm_ssl_bless (L, lua_touserdata (L, 1));
-	lua_remove (L, -2);
 	return 1;
@@ -149,7 +148,6 @@
 			  fingerprint[12], fingerprint[13], fingerprint[14], fingerprint[15]);
 		lua_pushlstring (L, buffer, 47);
-	lua_remove (L, -2);
 	return 1;
@@ -160,15 +158,14 @@
 	llm_ssl_t *object = luaL_checklm_ssl (L, 1);
 	lua_pushlightuserdata (L, object->ssl);
-	lua_remove (L, -2);
 	return 1;
 static int llm_ssl_gc (lua_State *L)
 	llm_ssl_t *object = luaL_checklm_ssl (L, 1);
+	D ("SSL %X gc called", (int) object);
 	lm_ssl_unref (object->ssl);
-	lua_pop (L, 1);
 	return 0;
--- a/lm_types.c	Mon Feb 16 01:32:12 2009 +0200
+++ b/lm_types.c	Fri Feb 20 23:07:43 2009 +0200
@@ -3,11 +3,13 @@
 #include <lauxlib.h>
 #include <loudmouth/loudmouth.h>  // lm_*ref
+#include "config.h"
 #include "lm_types.h"
 #include "util.h"
 void llm_callback_destroy (llm_callback_t *cb)
+	D ("Destroying callback %X", (int) cb);
 	luaL_unref (cb->L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, cb->reference);
 	luaL_free (cb->L, cb);
@@ -31,6 +33,7 @@
 	if (!lua_isnil (L, -1)) {                                /* 2 object */ \
 		lua_remove (L, -2);                              /* 1 object */ \
 		object = lua_touserdata (L, -1);                                \
+		D ("Existing " #WHAT " object %X requested", (int) object);     \
 		return object;                                                  \
 	}                                                                       \
 	                                                            /* 2 nil */ \
@@ -44,6 +47,7 @@
 	lua_remove (L, -2);                                      /* 1 object */ \
 	object->WHAT = WHAT;                                                    \
 	lm_##WHAT##_ref (WHAT);                                                 \
+	D ("New " #WHAT " object %X blessed", (int) object);                    \
 	return object;                                                          \
--- a/util.h	Mon Feb 16 01:32:12 2009 +0200
+++ b/util.h	Fri Feb 20 23:07:43 2009 +0200
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
 #define enum_value_t int
+#define lua_pushconststring(L, STRING) { lua_pushlstring (L, STRING, sizeof(STRING)); }
 // Array of string2eunm_t's must be ended with pair { NULL, fallback_value }
 typedef struct {
 	const char   *string;