changeset 18 6effa1929af7
parent 17 ab4470465a0c
child 23 13f03e604c8a
--- a/lm.lua	Sun Apr 05 14:55:51 2009 +0300
+++ b/lm.lua	Sun Apr 05 16:55:48 2009 +0300
@@ -153,83 +153,9 @@
--- recursively fills a node, see lm.message.create
-function lm.message_node.fill ( n, a )
-	for name, value in pairs ( a ) do
-		if type ( value ) == "table" then
-			if type ( value[1] ) == "table" then
-				for index, instance in ipairs ( value ) do
-					lm.message_node.fill ( n:child ( name, "" ), instance )
-				end
-			else
-				lm.message_node.fill ( n:child ( name, "" ), value )
-			end
-		elseif name == 1 then
-			n:value ( value )
-		else
-			n:attribute ( name, value )
-		end
-	end
--- recursively fills a message
-lm.message.create { mtype = 'iq-result', to = 'foo@bar.xyz',
-	command = { xmlns = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/commands', node = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/rc#set-status', status = 'executing', sessionid = 'set-status:aaa3',
-		x = { xmlns = 'jabber:x:data', type = 'form',
-			title = { "Change Status" },
-			instructions = { "Choose the status and status message" },
-			field = {{ type = 'hidden', var = 'FORM_TYPE',
-				value = { "http://jabber.org/protocol/rc" },
-			},{ type = 'list-single', label = 'Status', var = 'status',
-				required = { },
-				value = { "online" },
-				option = {{ label = 'Chat',
-					value = { "chat" },
-				},{ label = 'Online',
-					value = { "online" },
-				},{ label = 'Away',
-					value = { "away" },
-				},{ label = 'Extended Away',
-					value = { "xa" },
-				},{ label = 'Do Not Disturb',
-					value = { "dnd" },
-				},{ label = 'Invisible',
-					value = { "invisible" },
-				},{ label = 'Offline',
-					value = { "offline" },
-				}},
-			},{ type = 'text-single', label = 'Priority', var = 'status-priority',
-				value = { "5" },
-			},{ type = 'text-multi', label = 'Message', var = 'status-message' }},
-		},
-	},
-function lm.message.create ( a )
-	if type ( a ) ~= "table" then
-		error "table expected as argument"
-	end
-	if not a.mtype then
-		error "you must specify message type"
-	end
-	local mtype, subtype = a.mtype:match ( "(.-)%-(.+)" )
-	local m
-	if not mtype then
-		m = lm.message.new ( a.to, a.mtype )
-	else
-		m = lm.message.new ( a.to, mtype, subtype )
-	end
-	a.to = nil
-	a.mtype = nil
-	lm.message_node.fill ( m, a )
-	return m
 -- TODO: multiple nodes with same name
 function lm.message_node.parse ( node, r )
-	local n = node:children ()
+	local n = node:child ()
 	while n do
 		local name = n:name ()
 		r[name] = { }