changeset 0 84fdfb0344c9
child 4 5770be2d5f3f
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:84fdfb0344c9
     2 #include <lua.h>
     3 #include <lauxlib.h>
     4 #include <glib.h>
     5 #include <loudmouth/loudmouth.h>
     7 #include "util.h"
     8 #include "lm_types.h"
    10 /// lm.proxy
    11 /// Object, containing information about proxy-server for connection.
    12 /// Create object, set it's parameters, and then attach to connection
    13 /// with 'proxy' method.
    15 /// proxy type
    16 /// Stirng, specifying proxy-server type. The only type supported for now is http.
    17 /// V: http, none
    18 const string2enum_t llm_proxy_type[] = {
    19 	{ "http", LM_PROXY_TYPE_HTTP },
    20 	{ "none", LM_PROXY_TYPE_NONE },
    21 	{ NULL,   LM_PROXY_TYPE_HTTP },
    22 };
    24 /// lm.proxy.new
    25 /// Creates new proxy object.
    26 /// Note, you should specify either none of args or both.
    27 /// A: proxy type, string (optional proxy server name), integer (optional server port)
    28 /// R: lm proxy object
    29 static int llm_proxy_new (lua_State *L)
    30 {
    31 	int type = luaL_checkenum (L, 1, llm_proxy_type);
    32 	LmProxy *proxy;
    33 	if (lua_gettop (L) > 0) {
    34 		proxy = lm_proxy_new_with_server (type, luaL_checkstring (L, 2), luaL_checkint (L, 3));
    35 		lua_pop (L, 3);
    36 	} else {
    37 		proxy = lm_proxy_new (type);
    38 		lua_pop (L, 1);
    39 	}
    40 	llm_proxy_bless (L, proxy);
    41 	lm_proxy_unref (proxy); // XXX
    42 	return 1;
    43 }
    45 /// lm.proxy.bless
    46 /// Blesses given pointer to lm proxy object.
    47 /// A: lightuserdata (C lm proxy object)
    48 /// R: lm proxy object
    49 static int llm_proxy_bless_lua (lua_State *L)
    50 {
    51 	luaL_argcheck (L, lua_islightuserdata (L, 1), 1, "lm proxy lightuserdata expected");
    52 	llm_proxy_bless (L, lua_touserdata (L, 1));
    53 	lua_remove (L, -2);
    54 	return 1;
    55 }
    57 /// proxy:type
    58 /// Gets or sets proxy server type.
    59 /// A: proxy type (optional)
    60 /// R: proxy type (when called with no args)
    61 static int llm_proxy_kind (lua_State *L)
    62 {
    63 	llm_proxy_t *proxy = luaL_checklm_proxy (L, 1);
    64 	if (lua_gettop (L) > 1) { // Set
    65 		lm_proxy_set_type (proxy->proxy, luaL_checkenum (L, 2, llm_proxy_type));
    66 		lua_pop (L, 2);
    67 		return 0;
    68 	} else { // Get
    69 		luaL_pushenum (L, lm_proxy_get_type (proxy->proxy), llm_proxy_type);
    70 		lua_remove (L, -2);
    71 		return 1;
    72 	}
    73 }
    75 /// proxy:server
    76 /// Gets or sets proxy server name.
    77 /// A: string (optional)
    78 /// R: string (when called with no args)
    79 static int llm_proxy_server (lua_State *L)
    80 {
    81 	llm_proxy_t *object = luaL_checklm_proxy (L, 1);
    82 	if (lua_gettop (L) > 1) { // Set
    83 		lm_proxy_set_server (object->proxy, luaL_checkstring (L, 2));
    84 		lua_pop (L, 2);
    85 		return 0;
    86 	} else { // Get
    87 		lua_pushstring (L, lm_proxy_get_server (object->proxy));
    88 		lua_remove (L, -2);
    89 		return 1;
    90 	}
    91 }
    93 /// proxy:port
    94 /// Gets or sets proxy server port.
    95 /// A: integer (optional)
    96 /// R: integer (when called with no args)
    97 static int llm_proxy_port (lua_State *L)
    98 {
    99 	llm_proxy_t *object = luaL_checklm_proxy (L, 1);
   100 	if (lua_gettop (L) > 1) { // Set
   101 		lm_proxy_set_port (object->proxy, luaL_checkint (L, 2));
   102 		lua_pop (L, 2);
   103 		return 0;
   104 	} else { // Get
   105 		lua_pushnumber (L, lm_proxy_get_port (object->proxy));
   106 		lua_remove (L, -2);
   107 		return 1;
   108 	}
   109 }
   111 /// proxy:username
   112 /// Gets or sets username to authenticate to proxy server with.
   113 /// A: string (optional)
   114 /// R: string (when called with no args)
   115 static int llm_proxy_username (lua_State *L)
   116 {
   117 	llm_proxy_t *object = luaL_checklm_proxy (L, 1);
   118 	if (lua_gettop (L) > 1) { // Set
   119 		lm_proxy_set_username (object->proxy, luaL_checkstring (L, 2));
   120 		lua_pop (L, 2);
   121 		return 0;
   122 	} else { // Get
   123 		lua_pushstring (L, lm_proxy_get_username (object->proxy));
   124 		lua_remove (L, -2);
   125 		return 1;
   126 	}
   127 }
   129 /// proxy:password
   130 /// Gets or sets password to authenticate to proxy server with.
   131 /// A: string (optional)
   132 /// R: string (when called with no args)
   133 static int llm_proxy_password (lua_State *L)
   134 {
   135 	llm_proxy_t *object = luaL_checklm_proxy (L, 1);
   136 	if (lua_gettop (L) > 1) { // Set
   137 		lm_proxy_set_password (object->proxy, luaL_checkstring (L, 2));
   138 		lua_pop (L, 2);
   139 		return 0;
   140 	} else { // Get
   141 		lua_pushstring (L, lm_proxy_get_password (object->proxy));
   142 		lua_remove (L, -2);
   143 		return 1;
   144 	}
   145 }
   147 /// proxy:pointer
   148 /// Returns pointer to underlying C structure.
   149 /// R: lightuserdata
   150 static int llm_proxy_pointer (lua_State *L)
   151 {
   152 	llm_proxy_t *object = luaL_checklm_proxy (L, 1);
   153 	lua_pushlightuserdata (L, object->proxy);
   154 	lua_remove (L, -2);
   155 	return 1;
   156 }
   158 static int llm_proxy_gc (lua_State *L)
   159 {
   160 	llm_proxy_t *object = luaL_checklm_proxy (L, 1);
   161 	lm_proxy_unref (object->proxy);
   162 	lua_pop (L, 1);
   163 	return 0;
   164 }
   166 static const luaL_Reg llm_proxy_reg_f[] = {
   167 	{ "new",   llm_proxy_new       },
   168 	{ "bless", llm_proxy_bless_lua },
   169 	{ NULL,    NULL                },
   170 };
   172 static const luaL_Reg llm_proxy_reg_m[] = {
   173 	{ "port",     llm_proxy_port     },
   174 	{ "server",   llm_proxy_server   },
   175 	{ "type",     llm_proxy_kind     },
   176 	{ "username", llm_proxy_username },
   177 	{ "password", llm_proxy_password },
   178 	{ "pointer",  llm_proxy_pointer  },
   179 	{ "__gc",     llm_proxy_gc       },
   180 	{ NULL,       NULL               },
   181 };
   183 int luaopen_lm_proxy (lua_State *L)
   184 {
   185 	luaL_newmetatable (L, "loudmouth.proxy");
   186 	lua_pushstring (L, "__index");
   187 	lua_pushvalue (L, -2);
   188 	lua_settable (L, -3);
   189 	luaL_register (L, NULL, llm_proxy_reg_m);
   190 	lua_pop (L, 1);
   191 	luaL_register (L, "lm.proxy", llm_proxy_reg_f);
   192 	return 1;
   193 }