changeset 0 00371339bbcc
child 2 d41c4f8fe066
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:00371339bbcc
     1 package takuzu
     3 import (
     4 	"bytes"
     5 	"fmt"
     6 	"log"
     7 	"math"
     8 	"runtime"
     9 	"sync"
    10 	"time"
    12 	"github.com/pkg/errors"
    13 )
    15 var verbosity int
    16 var schrodLvl uint
    18 // Cell is a single cell of a Takuzu game board
    19 type Cell struct {
    20 	Defined bool
    21 	Value   int
    22 }
    24 // Takuzu is a Takuzu game board (Size x Size)
    25 type Takuzu struct {
    26 	Size  int
    27 	Board [][]Cell
    28 }
    30 // New creates a new Takuzu board
    31 func New(size int) Takuzu {
    32 	t := Takuzu{Size: size}
    33 	t.Board = make([][]Cell, size)
    34 	for l := range t.Board {
    35 		t.Board[l] = make([]Cell, size)
    36 	}
    37 	return t
    38 }
    40 // NewFromString creates a new Takuzu board from a string definition
    41 func NewFromString(s string) (*Takuzu, error) {
    42 	l := len(s)
    43 	// TODO: validate chars ([.01OI])
    44 	size := int(math.Sqrt(float64(l)))
    45 	if size*size != l {
    46 		return nil, errors.New("bad string length")
    47 	}
    49 	i := 0
    50 	t := New(size)
    52 	for line := 0; line < size; line++ {
    53 		for col := 0; col < size; col++ {
    54 			switch s[i] {
    55 			case '0', 'O':
    56 				t.Board[line][col].Defined = true
    57 				t.Board[line][col].Value = 0
    58 			case '1', 'I':
    59 				t.Board[line][col].Defined = true
    60 				t.Board[line][col].Value = 1
    61 			case '.':
    62 			default:
    63 				return nil, errors.New("invalid char in string")
    64 			}
    65 			i++
    66 		}
    67 	}
    68 	return &t, nil
    69 }
    71 // ToString converts a takuzu board to its string representation
    72 func (b Takuzu) ToString() string {
    73 	var sbuf bytes.Buffer
    74 	for line := 0; line < b.Size; line++ {
    75 		for col := 0; col < b.Size; col++ {
    76 			if b.Board[line][col].Defined {
    77 				sbuf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%d", b.Board[line][col].Value))
    78 				continue
    79 			}
    80 			sbuf.WriteByte('.')
    81 		}
    82 	}
    83 	return sbuf.String()
    84 }
    86 // DumpString writes the content of the board as a stream
    87 func (b Takuzu) DumpString() {
    88 	fmt.Println(b.ToString())
    89 }
    91 // Clone returns a copy of the Takuzu board
    92 func (b Takuzu) Clone() Takuzu {
    93 	c := New(b.Size)
    94 	for line := range b.Board {
    95 		for col := range b.Board[line] {
    96 			c.Board[line][col] = b.Board[line][col]
    97 		}
    98 	}
    99 	return c
   100 }
   102 // Copy copies a Takuzu board to another existing board
   103 func Copy(src, dst *Takuzu) error {
   104 	if src.Size != dst.Size {
   105 		return errors.New("sizes do not match")
   106 	}
   107 	for line := range src.Board {
   108 		for col := range src.Board[line] {
   109 			dst.Board[line][col] = src.Board[line][col]
   110 		}
   111 	}
   112 	return nil
   113 }
   115 // BoardsMatch compares a Takuzu board to another, optionally ignoring
   116 // empty cells.  Returns true if the two boards match.
   117 func BoardsMatch(t1, t2 *Takuzu, ignoreUndefined bool) (match bool, line, col int) {
   118 	match = true
   120 	if t1.Size != t2.Size {
   121 		line, col = -1, -1
   122 		match = false
   123 		return
   124 	}
   125 	for line = range t1.Board {
   126 		for col = range t1.Board[line] {
   127 			if !t1.Board[line][col].Defined || !t2.Board[line][col].Defined {
   128 				// At least one of the cells is empty
   129 				if ignoreUndefined ||
   130 					!(t1.Board[line][col].Defined || t2.Board[line][col].Defined) {
   131 					// Both cells are empty or we ignore empty cells
   132 					continue
   133 				}
   134 				match = false
   135 				return
   136 			}
   137 			// Both cells are defined
   138 			if t1.Board[line][col].Value != t2.Board[line][col].Value {
   139 				match = false
   140 				return
   141 			}
   142 		}
   143 	}
   145 	line, col = -1, -1
   146 	return
   147 }
   149 // Set sets the value of the cell; a value -1 will set the cell as undefined
   150 func (c *Cell) Set(value int) {
   151 	if value != 0 && value != 1 {
   152 		c.Defined = false
   153 		return
   154 	}
   155 	c.Defined = true
   156 	c.Value = value
   157 }
   159 // Set sets the value of a specific cell
   160 // A value -1 will undefine the cell
   161 func (b Takuzu) Set(l, c, value int) {
   162 	if value != 0 && value != 1 {
   163 		b.Board[l][c].Defined = false
   164 		return
   165 	}
   166 	b.Board[l][c].Defined = true
   167 	b.Board[l][c].Value = value
   168 }
   170 // GetLine returns a slice of cells containing the ith line of the board
   171 func (b Takuzu) GetLine(i int) []Cell {
   172 	return b.Board[i]
   173 }
   175 // GetColumn returns a slice of cells containing the ith column of the board
   176 func (b Takuzu) GetColumn(i int) []Cell {
   177 	c := make([]Cell, b.Size)
   178 	for l := range b.Board {
   179 		c[l] = b.Board[l][i]
   180 	}
   181 	return c
   182 }
   184 // GetLinePointers returns a slice of pointers to the cells of the ith line of the board
   185 func (b Takuzu) GetLinePointers(i int) []*Cell {
   186 	r := make([]*Cell, b.Size)
   187 	for l := range b.Board[i] {
   188 		r[l] = &b.Board[i][l]
   189 	}
   190 	return r
   191 }
   193 // GetColumnPointers returns a slice of pointers to the cells of the ith column of the board
   194 func (b Takuzu) GetColumnPointers(i int) []*Cell {
   195 	r := make([]*Cell, b.Size)
   196 	for l := range b.Board {
   197 		r[l] = &b.Board[l][i]
   198 	}
   199 	return r
   200 }
   202 // FillLineColumn add missing 0s or 1s if all 1s or 0s are there.
   203 // Note: This method can update b.
   204 func (b Takuzu) FillLineColumn(l, c int) {
   205 	fillRange := func(r []*Cell) {
   206 		size := len(r)
   207 		var notFull bool
   208 		var n [2]int
   209 		for x := 0; x < size; x++ {
   210 			if r[x].Defined {
   211 				n[r[x].Value]++
   212 			} else {
   213 				notFull = true
   214 			}
   215 		}
   216 		if !notFull {
   217 			return
   218 		}
   219 		if n[0] == size/2 {
   220 			// Let's fill the 1s
   221 			for _, x := range r {
   222 				if !x.Defined {
   223 					x.Defined = true
   224 					x.Value = 1
   225 				}
   226 			}
   227 		} else if n[1] == size/2 {
   228 			// Let's fill the 0s
   229 			for _, x := range r {
   230 				if !x.Defined {
   231 					x.Defined = true
   232 					x.Value = 0
   233 				}
   234 			}
   235 		}
   236 	}
   238 	var cells []*Cell
   240 	// Fill line
   241 	cells = b.GetLinePointers(l)
   242 	fillRange(cells)
   243 	// Fill column
   244 	cells = b.GetColumnPointers(c)
   245 	fillRange(cells)
   246 }
   248 // DumpBoard displays the Takuzu board
   249 func (b Takuzu) DumpBoard() {
   250 	fmt.Println()
   251 	for i := range b.Board {
   252 		dumpRange(b.Board[i])
   253 	}
   254 }
   256 // CheckLine returns an error if the line i fails validation
   257 func (b Takuzu) CheckLine(i int) error {
   258 	_, err := checkRange(b.GetLine(i))
   259 	return err
   260 }
   262 // CheckColumn returns an error if the column i fails validation
   263 func (b Takuzu) CheckColumn(i int) error {
   264 	_, err := checkRange(b.GetColumn(i))
   265 	return err
   266 }
   268 // Validate checks a whole board for errors (not completeness)
   269 // Returns true if all cells are defined.
   270 func (b Takuzu) Validate() (bool, error) {
   271 	finished := true
   273 	computeVal := func(cells []Cell) (val int) {
   274 		for i := 0; i < len(cells); i++ {
   275 			val += cells[i].Value * 1 << uint(i)
   276 		}
   277 		return
   278 	}
   280 	lineVals := make(map[int]bool)
   281 	colVals := make(map[int]bool)
   283 	for i := 0; i < b.Size; i++ {
   284 		var d []Cell
   285 		var full bool
   286 		var err error
   288 		// Let's check line i
   289 		d = b.GetLine(i)
   290 		full, err = checkRange(d)
   291 		if err != nil {
   292 			return false, errors.Wrapf(err, "line %d", i)
   293 		}
   294 		if full {
   295 			hv := computeVal(d)
   296 			if lineVals[hv] {
   297 				return false, fmt.Errorf("duplicate lines (%d)", i)
   298 			}
   299 			lineVals[hv] = true
   300 		} else {
   301 			finished = false
   302 		}
   304 		// Let's check column i
   305 		d = b.GetColumn(i)
   306 		full, err = checkRange(d)
   307 		if err != nil {
   308 			return false, errors.Wrapf(err, "column %d", i)
   309 		}
   310 		if full {
   311 			hv := computeVal(d)
   312 			if colVals[hv] {
   313 				return false, fmt.Errorf("duplicate colums (%d)", i)
   314 			}
   315 			colVals[hv] = true
   316 		} else {
   317 			finished = false
   318 		}
   319 	}
   320 	return finished, nil
   321 }
   323 func dumpRange(cells []Cell) {
   324 	for _, c := range cells {
   325 		if !c.Defined {
   326 			fmt.Printf(". ")
   327 			continue
   328 		}
   329 		fmt.Printf("%d ", c.Value)
   330 	}
   331 	fmt.Println()
   332 }
   334 // checkRange returns true if the range is completely defined, and an error
   335 // if it doesn't follow the rules for a takuzu line or column
   336 // Note that the boolean might be invalid if the error is not nil.
   337 func checkRange(cells []Cell) (bool, error) {
   338 	full := true
   339 	size := len(cells)
   340 	counters := []int{0, 0}
   342 	var prevCell Cell
   343 	var prevCellCount int
   345 	for _, c := range cells {
   346 		if !c.Defined {
   347 			full = false
   348 			prevCell.Defined = false
   349 			prevCellCount = 0
   350 			continue
   351 		}
   352 		counters[c.Value]++
   353 		if prevCellCount == 0 {
   354 			prevCellCount = 1
   355 		} else {
   356 			if c.Value == prevCell.Value {
   357 				prevCellCount++
   358 				if prevCellCount > 2 {
   359 					return full, errors.Errorf("3+ same values %d", c.Value)
   360 				}
   361 			} else {
   362 				prevCellCount = 1
   363 			}
   365 		}
   366 		prevCell = c
   367 	}
   368 	if counters[0] > size/2 {
   369 		return full, errors.Errorf("too many zeroes")
   370 	}
   371 	if counters[1] > size/2 {
   372 		return full, errors.Errorf("too many ones")
   373 	}
   374 	return full, nil
   375 }
   377 func checkRangeCounts(cells []Cell) (full bool, n0, n1 int) {
   378 	counters := []int{0, 0}
   379 	full = true
   381 	for _, c := range cells {
   382 		if c.Defined {
   383 			counters[c.Value]++
   384 		} else {
   385 			full = false
   386 		}
   387 	}
   388 	return full, counters[0], counters[1]
   389 }
   391 func (b Takuzu) guessPos(l, c int) int {
   392 	if b.Board[l][c].Defined {
   393 		return b.Board[l][c].Value
   394 	}
   396 	bx := b.Clone()
   397 	bx.Set(l, c, 0)
   398 	bx.FillLineColumn(l, c)
   399 	if bx.CheckLine(l) != nil || bx.CheckColumn(c) != nil {
   400 		return 1
   401 	}
   402 	Copy(&b, &bx)
   403 	bx.Set(l, c, 1)
   404 	bx.FillLineColumn(l, c)
   405 	if bx.CheckLine(l) != nil || bx.CheckColumn(c) != nil {
   406 		return 0
   407 	}
   409 	return -1 // dunno
   410 }
   412 // trySolveTrivialPass does 1 pass over the takuzu board and tries to find
   413 // values using simple guesses.
   414 func (b Takuzu) trySolveTrivialPass() (changed bool) {
   415 	for line := 0; line < b.Size; line++ {
   416 		for col := 0; col < b.Size; col++ {
   417 			if b.Board[line][col].Defined {
   418 				continue
   419 			}
   420 			if guess := b.guessPos(line, col); guess != -1 {
   421 				b.Set(line, col, guess)
   422 				if verbosity > 3 {
   423 					log.Printf("Trivial: Setting [%d,%d] to %d", line, col, guess)
   424 				}
   425 				changed = true // Ideally remember l,c
   426 			}
   427 		}
   428 	}
   429 	return changed
   430 }
   432 // TrySolveTrivial tries to solve the takuzu using a loop over simple methods
   433 // It returns true if all cells are defined, and an error if the grid breaks the rules.
   434 func (b Takuzu) TrySolveTrivial() (bool, error) {
   435 	for {
   436 		changed := b.trySolveTrivialPass()
   437 		if verbosity > 3 {
   438 			var status string
   439 			if changed {
   440 				status = "ongoing"
   441 			} else {
   442 				status = "stuck"
   443 			}
   444 			log.Println("Trivial resolution -", status)
   445 		}
   446 		if !changed {
   447 			break
   448 		}
   450 		if verbosity > 3 {
   451 			b.DumpBoard()
   452 			fmt.Println()
   453 		}
   454 	}
   455 	full, err := b.Validate()
   456 	if err != nil {
   457 		return full, errors.Wrap(err, "the takuzu looks wrong")
   458 	}
   459 	return full, nil
   460 }
   462 // TrySolveRecurse tries to solve the takuzu recursively, using trivial
   463 // method first and using guesses if it fails.
   464 func (b Takuzu) TrySolveRecurse(allSolutions *[]Takuzu, timeout time.Duration) (*Takuzu, error) {
   466 	var solutionsMux sync.Mutex
   467 	var singleSolution *Takuzu
   468 	var solutionMap map[string]*Takuzu
   470 	var globalSearch bool
   471 	// globalSearch doesn't need to use a mutex and is more convenient
   472 	// to use than allSolutions.
   473 	if allSolutions != nil {
   474 		globalSearch = true
   475 		solutionMap = make(map[string]*Takuzu)
   476 	}
   478 	startTime := time.Now()
   480 	var recurseSolve func(level int, t Takuzu, errStatus chan<- error) error
   482 	recurseSolve = func(level int, t Takuzu, errStatus chan<- error) error {
   484 		reportStatus := func(failure error) {
   485 			// Report status to the caller's channel
   486 			if errStatus != nil {
   487 				errStatus <- failure
   488 			}
   489 		}
   491 		// In Schröndinger mode we check concurrently both values for a cell
   492 		var schrodinger bool
   493 		concurrentRoutines := 1
   494 		if level < int(schrodLvl) {
   495 			schrodinger = true
   496 			concurrentRoutines = 2
   497 		}
   499 		var status [2]chan error
   500 		status[0] = make(chan error)
   501 		status[1] = make(chan error)
   503 		for {
   504 			// Try simple resolution first
   505 			full, err := t.TrySolveTrivial()
   506 			if err != nil {
   507 				reportStatus(err)
   508 				return err
   509 			}
   511 			if full { // We're done
   512 				if verbosity > 1 {
   513 					log.Printf("{%d} The takuzu is correct and complete.", level)
   514 				}
   515 				solutionsMux.Lock()
   516 				singleSolution = &t
   517 				if globalSearch {
   518 					solutionMap[t.ToString()] = &t
   519 				}
   520 				solutionsMux.Unlock()
   522 				reportStatus(nil)
   523 				return nil
   524 			}
   526 			if verbosity > 2 {
   527 				log.Printf("{%d} Trivial resolution did not complete.", level)
   528 			}
   530 			// Trivial method is stuck, let's use recursion
   532 			changed := false
   534 			// Looking for first empty cell
   535 			var line, col int
   536 		firstClear:
   537 			for line = 0; line < t.Size; line++ {
   538 				for col = 0; col < t.Size; col++ {
   539 					if !t.Board[line][col].Defined {
   540 						break firstClear
   541 					}
   542 				}
   543 			}
   545 			if line == t.Size || col == t.Size {
   546 				break
   547 			}
   549 			if verbosity > 2 {
   550 				log.Printf("{%d} GUESS - Trying values for [%d,%d]", level, line, col)
   551 			}
   553 			var val int
   554 			err = nil
   555 			errCount := 0
   557 			for testval := 0; testval < 2; testval++ {
   558 				if !globalSearch && t.Board[line][col].Defined {
   559 					// No need to "guess" here anymore
   560 					break
   561 				}
   563 				// Launch goroutines for cell values of 0 and/or 1
   564 				for testCase := 0; testCase < 2; testCase++ {
   565 					if schrodinger || testval == testCase {
   566 						tx := t.Clone()
   567 						tx.Set(line, col, testCase)
   568 						go recurseSolve(level+1, tx, status[testCase])
   569 					}
   570 				}
   572 				// Let's collect the goroutines' results
   573 				for i := 0; i < concurrentRoutines; i++ {
   574 					if schrodinger && verbosity > 1 { // XXX
   575 						log.Printf("{%d} Schrodinger waiting for result #%d for cell [%d,%d]", level, i, line, col)
   576 					}
   577 					select {
   578 					case e := <-status[0]:
   579 						err = e
   580 						val = 0
   581 					case e := <-status[1]:
   582 						err = e
   583 						val = 1
   584 					}
   586 					if schrodinger && verbosity > 1 { // XXX
   587 						log.Printf("{%d} Schrodinger result #%d/2 for cell [%d,%d]=%d - err=%v", level, i+1, line, col, val, err)
   588 					}
   590 					if err == nil {
   591 						if !globalSearch {
   592 							reportStatus(nil)
   593 							if i+1 < concurrentRoutines {
   594 								// Schröndinger mode and we still have one status to fetch
   595 								<-status[1-val]
   596 							}
   597 							return nil
   598 						}
   599 						continue
   600 					}
   601 					if timeout > 0 && level > 2 && time.Since(startTime) > timeout {
   602 						if errors.Cause(err).Error() != "timeout" {
   603 							if verbosity > 0 {
   604 								log.Printf("{%d} Timeout, giving up", level)
   605 							}
   606 							err := errors.New("timeout")
   607 							reportStatus(err)
   608 							if i+1 < concurrentRoutines {
   609 								// Schröndinger mode and we still have one status to fetch
   610 								<-status[1-val]
   611 							}
   612 							// XXX actually can't close the channel and leave, can I?
   613 							return err
   614 						}
   615 					}
   617 					// err != nil: we can set a value --  unless this was a timeout
   618 					if errors.Cause(err).Error() == "timeout" {
   619 						if verbosity > 1 {
   620 							log.Printf("{%d} Timeout propagation", level)
   621 						}
   622 						reportStatus(err)
   623 						if i+1 < concurrentRoutines {
   624 							// Schröndinger mode and we still have one status to fetch
   625 							<-status[1-val]
   626 						}
   627 						// XXX actually can't close the channel and leave, can I?
   628 						return err
   629 					}
   631 					errCount++
   632 					if verbosity > 2 {
   633 						log.Printf("{%d} Bad outcome (%v)", level, err)
   634 						log.Printf("{%d} GUESS was wrong - Setting [%d,%d] to %d",
   635 							level, line, col, 1-val)
   636 					}
   638 					t.Set(line, col, 1-val)
   639 					changed = true
   641 				} // concurrentRoutines
   643 				if (changed && !globalSearch) || schrodinger {
   644 					// Let's loop again with the new board
   645 					break
   646 				}
   647 			}
   649 			if verbosity > 2 {
   650 				log.Printf("{%d} End of cycle.\n\n", level)
   651 			}
   653 			if errCount == 2 {
   654 				// Both values failed
   655 				err := errors.New("dead end")
   656 				reportStatus(err)
   657 				return err
   658 			}
   660 			// If we cannot fill more cells (!changed) or if we've made a global search with
   661 			// both values, the search is complete.
   662 			if schrodinger || globalSearch || !changed {
   663 				break
   664 			}
   666 			if verbosity > 2 {
   667 				t.DumpBoard()
   668 				fmt.Println()
   669 			}
   670 		}
   672 		// Try to force garbage collection
   673 		runtime.GC()
   675 		full, err := t.Validate()
   676 		if err != nil {
   677 			if verbosity > 1 {
   678 				log.Println("The takuzu looks wrong - ", err)
   679 			}
   680 			err := errors.Wrap(err, "the takuzu looks wrong")
   681 			reportStatus(err)
   682 			return err
   683 		}
   684 		if full {
   685 			if verbosity > 1 {
   686 				log.Println("The takuzu is correct and complete")
   687 			}
   688 			solutionsMux.Lock()
   689 			singleSolution = &t
   690 			if globalSearch {
   691 				solutionMap[t.ToString()] = &t
   692 			}
   693 			solutionsMux.Unlock()
   694 		}
   696 		reportStatus(nil)
   697 		return nil
   698 	}
   700 	status := make(chan error)
   701 	go recurseSolve(0, b, status)
   703 	err := <-status // Wait for it...
   705 	firstSol := singleSolution
   706 	if globalSearch {
   707 		for _, tp := range solutionMap {
   708 			*allSolutions = append(*allSolutions, *tp)
   709 		}
   710 	}
   712 	if err != nil {
   713 		return firstSol, err
   714 	}
   716 	if globalSearch && len(*allSolutions) > 0 {
   717 		firstSol = &(*allSolutions)[0]
   718 	}
   719 	return firstSol, nil
   720 }
   722 // SetSchrodingerLevel initializes the "Schrödinger" level (0 means disabled)
   723 // It must be called before any board generation or reduction.
   724 func SetSchrodingerLevel(level uint) {
   725 	schrodLvl = level
   726 }
   728 // SetVerbosityLevel initializes the verbosity level
   729 func SetVerbosityLevel(level int) {
   730 	verbosity = level
   731 }