author Mikael Berthe <>
Fri, 28 Apr 2017 15:39:32 +0200
changeset 20 b0ccc09f07a2
parent 15 8ac069eaa817
child 22 5778b09bc6fe
permissions -rw-r--r--
Sync with Madon library update; use limit API parameter The --limit argument will be used in the API query. Note that the Mastodon server does not have the same maximum "limit" value for for the different end points. (We do not check the user value in madonctl.)

// Copyright © 2017 Mikael Berthe <>
// Licensed under the MIT license.
// Please see the LICENSE file is this directory.

package cmd

import (



var statusOpts struct {
	statusID int
	unset    bool

	// The following fields are used for the post/toot command
	visibility    string
	sensitive     bool
	spoiler       string
	inReplyToID   int
	mediaIDs      string
	mediaFilePath string
	textFilePath  string

	// Used for several subcommands to limit the number of results
	limit uint

func init() {

	// Subcommands

	// Global flags
	statusCmd.PersistentFlags().IntVarP(&statusOpts.statusID, "status-id", "s", 0, "Status ID number")
	statusCmd.PersistentFlags().UintVarP(&statusOpts.limit, "limit", "l", 0, "Limit number of results")


	// Subcommand flags
	statusReblogSubcommand.Flags().BoolVar(&statusOpts.unset, "unset", false, "Unreblog the status")
	statusFavouriteSubcommand.Flags().BoolVar(&statusOpts.unset, "unset", false, "Remove the status from the favourites")
	statusPostSubcommand.Flags().BoolVar(&statusOpts.sensitive, "sensitive", false, "Mark post as sensitive (NSFW)")
	statusPostSubcommand.Flags().StringVar(&statusOpts.visibility, "visibility", "", "Visibility (direct|private|unlisted|public)")
	statusPostSubcommand.Flags().StringVar(&statusOpts.spoiler, "spoiler", "", "Spoiler warning (CW)")
	statusPostSubcommand.Flags().StringVar(&statusOpts.mediaIDs, "media-ids", "", "Comma-separated list of media IDs")
	statusPostSubcommand.Flags().StringVarP(&statusOpts.mediaFilePath, "file", "f", "", "Media file name")
	statusPostSubcommand.Flags().StringVar(&statusOpts.textFilePath, "text-file", "", "Text file name (message content)")
	statusPostSubcommand.Flags().IntVarP(&statusOpts.inReplyToID, "in-reply-to", "r", 0, "Status ID to reply to")

// statusCmd represents the status command
// This command does nothing without a subcommand
var statusCmd = &cobra.Command{
	Use:     "status --status-id ID subcommand",
	Aliases: []string{"st"},
	Short:   "Get status details",
	//Long:    `TBW...`, // TODO
	PersistentPreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
		// This is common to status and all status subcommands but "post"
		if statusOpts.statusID < 1 && cmd.Name() != "post" {
			return errors.New("missing status ID")
		if err := madonInit(true); err != nil {
			return err
		return nil

var statusSubcommands = []*cobra.Command{
		Use:     "show",
		Aliases: []string{"display"},
		Short:   "Get the status",
		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			return statusSubcommandRunE(cmd.Name(), args)
		Use:   "context",
		Short: "Get the status context",
		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			return statusSubcommandRunE(cmd.Name(), args)
		Use:   "card",
		Short: "Get the status card",
		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			return statusSubcommandRunE(cmd.Name(), args)
		Use:   "reblogged-by",
		Short: "Display accounts which reblogged the status",
		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			return statusSubcommandRunE(cmd.Name(), args)
		Use:     "favourited-by",
		Aliases: []string{"favorited-by"},
		Short:   "Display accounts which favourited the status",
		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			return statusSubcommandRunE(cmd.Name(), args)
		Use:     "delete",
		Aliases: []string{"rm"},
		Short:   "Delete the status",
		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			return statusSubcommandRunE(cmd.Name(), args)

var statusReblogSubcommand = &cobra.Command{
	Use:     "boost",
	Aliases: []string{"reblog"},
	Short:   "Boost (reblog) or unreblog the status",
	RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
		return statusSubcommandRunE(cmd.Name(), args)

var statusFavouriteSubcommand = &cobra.Command{
	Use:     "favourite",
	Aliases: []string{"favorite", "fave"},
	Short:   "Mark/unmark the status as favourite",
	RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
		return statusSubcommandRunE(cmd.Name(), args)

var statusPostSubcommand = &cobra.Command{
	Use:     "post",
	Aliases: []string{"toot", "pouet"},
	Short:   "Post a message (same as 'madonctl toot')",
	Example: `  madonctl status post --spoiler Warning "Hello, World"
  madonctl status toot --sensitive --file image.jpg Image
  madonctl status post --media-ids ID1,ID2,ID3 Image
  madonctl status toot --text-file message.txt`,
	RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
		return statusSubcommandRunE(cmd.Name(), args)

func statusSubcommandRunE(subcmd string, args []string) error {
	opt := statusOpts

	var obj interface{}
	var err error

	var limOpts *madon.LimitParams
	if opt.limit > 0 {
		if limOpts == nil {
			limOpts = new(madon.LimitParams)
		limOpts.Limit = int(opt.limit)

	switch subcmd {
	case "show":
		var status *madon.Status
		status, err = gClient.GetStatus(opt.statusID)
		obj = status
	case "context":
		var context *madon.Context
		context, err = gClient.GetStatusContext(opt.statusID)
		obj = context
	case "card":
		var context *madon.Card
		context, err = gClient.GetStatusCard(opt.statusID)
		obj = context
	case "reblogged-by":
		var accountList []madon.Account
		accountList, err = gClient.GetStatusRebloggedBy(opt.statusID, limOpts)
		if opt.limit > 0 && len(accountList) > int(opt.limit) {
			accountList = accountList[:opt.limit]
		obj = accountList
	case "favourited-by":
		var accountList []madon.Account
		accountList, err = gClient.GetStatusFavouritedBy(opt.statusID, limOpts)
		if opt.limit > 0 && len(accountList) > int(opt.limit) {
			accountList = accountList[:opt.limit]
		obj = accountList
	case "delete":
		err = gClient.DeleteStatus(opt.statusID)
	case "boost":
		if opt.unset {
			err = gClient.UnreblogStatus(opt.statusID)
		} else {
			err = gClient.ReblogStatus(opt.statusID)
	case "favourite":
		if opt.unset {
			err = gClient.UnfavouriteStatus(opt.statusID)
		} else {
			err = gClient.FavouriteStatus(opt.statusID)
	case "post": // toot
		var s *madon.Status
		text := strings.Join(args, " ")
		if opt.textFilePath != "" {
			var b []byte
			if b, err = ioutil.ReadFile(opt.textFilePath); err != nil {
			text = string(b)
		s, err = toot(text)
		obj = s
		return errors.New("statusSubcommand: internal error")

	if err != nil {
		errPrint("Error: %s", err.Error())
		return nil
	if obj == nil {
		return nil

	p, err := getPrinter()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return p.PrintObj(obj, nil, "")