author Mikael Berthe <>
Sun, 28 May 2017 10:36:07 +0200
changeset 157 908a433f02c0
parent 156 bafe489779e5
child 173 1812a794b759
permissions -rw-r--r--
Version 1.2.0

# madonctl

Golang command line interface for the Mastodon API

[![Build Status](](

`madonctl` is a [Go]( CLI tool to use the Mastondon REST API.

It is built on top of [madon](, my Golang implementation of the API.

## Installation

### From source

To install the application from source (you need to have Go >= 1.7), just type:

    go get -u

and you should be able to run `madonctl`.

For upgrades, don't forget the `-u` option to ensure the dependencies
(especially [madon]( are updated as well.

Travis automated testing is run for Go versions 1.7 and 1.8.

### Download

Check the [Release page]( for some
pre-built binaries.

More pre-built binaries might be available from the [Homepage](
(development version and builds for a few other platforms).

## Usage

### Configuration

In order to use madonctl, you need to specify the instance name or URL, and
usually provide an account login/password (or a token).

These settings can be passed as command line arguments or environment variables,
but the easiest way is to use a configuration file.

Note that you can **generate a configuration file** for your settings with

`madonctl config dump -i -L username@domain -P password`

(You can redirect the output to a configuration file.)

If you don't want to use the password or if you have enabled *Two-factor
authentication*, you can also use **OAuth2** with the `oauth2` command:

`madonctl -i oauth2 > madonctl.yaml`

For details on the configuration, please check the [configuration]( page.

### Usage

The complete list of commands is available in the online help (`madonctl help`,
`madonctl command --help`...) or in the

### Examples

This is a non-exhaustive list of commands, showing how madonctl works.

To post a simple "toot":
``` sh
% madonctl toot "Hello, World"

You can change the toot visibility, add a Content Warning (a.k.a. spoiler)
or send a media file:
``` sh
% madonctl toot --visibility direct "@McKael Hello, you"
% madonctl toot --visibility private --spoiler CW "The answer was 42"
% madonctl post --file image.jpg Selfie # Send a media file
Note: The default toot visibility can be set in the configuration file with
the `default_visibility` setting or with the environment variable (example

Send (text) file content as new message:
% madonctl toot --text-file message.txt

... or read message from standard input:
% echo "Hello from #madonctl" | madonctl toot --stdin

Reply to a message:
``` sh
% madonctl toot --in-reply-to 1234 --visibility direct "@user1 @user2 response"
% madonctl toot --in-reply-to 1234 --add-mentions "response"
The flag `--add-mentions` automatically adds mentions based on the toot you're
replying to.

Some **account-related commands**:
``` sh
% madonctl accounts blocked                       # List blocked accounts
% madonctl accounts muted                         # List muted accounts
% madonctl accounts notifications --list --all    # List really all notifications
% madonctl accounts notifications --list --clear  # List and clear notifications
% madonctl accounts notifications --notification-id 1234 # Display notification
% madonctl accounts notifications --dismiss --notification-id 1234

Note: By default, madonctl will send a single query.  If you want all available
results you should use the `--all` flag.  If you use a `--limit` value,
madonctl might send several queries until the number of results reaches this

**Update** your account information:
``` sh
% madonctl accounts update --display-name "John"  # Update display name
% madonctl accounts update --note "Newcomer"      # Update user note (bio)
% madonctl accounts update --note ""              # Clear note
% madonctl accounts update --avatar me.png        # Update avatar

See your own **posts**:
``` sh
% madonctl accounts statuses                      # See last posts
% madonctl accounts statuses --all                # See all statuses

Display accounts you're **following** or your **followers**:
``` sh
% madonctl accounts following                     # See last following
% madonctl accounts following --all               # See all followed accounts
% madonctl accounts followers --limit 30          # Last 30 followers

Add/remove a **favourite**, **boost** a status...
``` sh
% madonctl status --status-id 416671 favourite    # Fave a status
% madonctl status --status-id 416671 boost        # Boost a status

Search for an account (only accounts known to your instance):
``` sh
% madonctl accounts search gargron

**Follow** an account with known ID:
``` sh
% madonctl accounts follow --account-id 1234

Follow a remote account:
``` sh
% madonctl accounts follow --remote

**Search** for accounts, statuses or hashtags:
``` sh
% madonctl search gargron
% madonctl search mastodon

When the account ID is unknown, --user-id can be useful.\
You can specify the (instance-specific) account ID number (--account-id) or
the user ID (--user-id).  In the later case, madonctl will search for the
user so it must match exactly the ID known to your instance (without the
@domain suffix if the user is on the same instance).  The --user-id flag can
also contain an HTTP account URL.
``` sh
% madonctl accounts --user-id -l5 statuses # Last 5 statuses
% madonctl accounts --user-id -l5 statuses # Same
Please note that the form "" will only work if this
account is known by the instance.  If it is unknown, the https link should work
(and the Mastodon server will learn about the account).

Read **timelines**:
``` sh
% madonctl timeline                 # Display home timeline
% madonctl timeline public          # Display federated timeline
% madonctl timeline public --local  # Display public local timeline

% madonctl timeline --limit 3       # Display 3 latest home timeline messages

Use the **streaming API** and fetch timelines and notifications:
``` sh
% madonctl stream                   # Stream home timeline and notifications
% madonctl stream local             # Stream local timeline
% madonctl stream public            # Stream federated timeline

You can also use **hashtag streams**:
``` sh
% madonctl stream :mastodon         # Stream for hastag 'mastodon'
% madonctl stream :madonctl,golang  # Stream for several hashtags

Please note that madonctl will use one socket per stream, so the number of
concurrent hashtags is currently limited to 4 for "politeness".

It is also possible to send every stream event (notification or status) to
an **external command**.  You can can even combine it with a customized theme.
The contents will be sent to the standard input of this command:
``` sh
madonctl stream --command --theme gateway

(Almost) All commands have a **customizable output**:
``` sh
% madonctl accounts show            # Display an account
% madonctl accounts show -o yaml    # Display an account, in yaml
% madonctl accounts show -o json    # Display an account, in json
% madonctl stream local -o json     # Stream local timeline and output to JSON

You can also use Go (Golang) **templates**:
``` sh
% madonctl accounts --account-id 1 followers --template '{{.acct}}{{"\n"}}'

Number of users on current instance (statistics from API):
madonctl instance --stats --template '{{printf "%v\n" .users}}'

You can write and use [themes](templates) as well:
madonctl --theme=ansi timeline

There are many more commands, you can find them in the online help or the manpage.

### Shell completion

If you want **shell completion**, you can generate scripts with the following command: \
`madonctl completion bash` (or zsh)

Then, just source the script in your shell.

For example, I have this line in my .zshrc:

`source <(madonctl completion zsh)`

### Commands output

The output can be set to **json**, **yaml** or to a **Go template** for all commands.\
If you are familiar with Kubernetes' kubectl, it is very similar.

For example, you can display your user token with:\
`madonctl config whoami --template '{{.access_token}}'`\
or the application ID with:\
`madonctl config dump --template '{{.ID}}'`

All the users that have favorited a given status:\
`madonctl status --status-id 101194 favourited-by --template '{{.username}}{{"\n"}}'`

Sets of templates can be grouped as **themes**.

For more complex templates, one can use the `--template-file` option.\
See the [themes & templates](templates) folder.

## References

- [madonctl manpages](
- [madon](, the Go library for Mastodon API
- [Mastodon API documentation](
- [Mastodon repository](